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ьнонгл. общенаучн. тексты. Допущено Редакционноиздательским советом угату в качестве учебного пособия для бакалавров очной формы обучения экономических специальностей по дисциплине Иностранный язык Уфа 2018

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Task VI. Translate the following word combinations:

Homeland security, to leverage collaboration, innovative industry, to capture the wide array of data, to be eager to do something, to enable winning strategies, to be competitive in the global aerospace market, to meet local industrial requirements, to have strong backing, to find growth opportunities, creating new products, to offer adjacent services, expanding into the homeland and cybersecurity business, traditional threats, transforming the enterprise from being a supplier to becoming a co-innovation partner.
Task VII. Compose 5 your own sentences using topical vocabulary.
Task VIII. Discussion. Organize the round table and discuss the facts from the text with your groupmates. Use the following expressions:

  • The fact that … was unknown to me.

  • I didn’t know that …

  • I know that …, and you?

  • Was the fact that … known to you?

  • Have you ever heard about the fact that …?

  • It was interesting to learn that…

Task IX. Grammar focus. Revision of the non-finite forms of the verb. Find examples of these forms of the verb in the text.
Task X. Translate the following sentences. Note the words which help you to define whether the word with the suffix -ing is a Verbal Noun, a Gerund or a Participle:

1. Our aim is solving this complex problem.

2. They succeeded in obtaining good results working with this metal.

3. The building of the house will be finished next month.

4. In testing the devices they found some serious faults.

5. The growing importance of automatic equipment in industry attracts world-wide attention.

6. Russian scientists played a great role in the spreading of the metric system in Russia.

7. After graduating from Petersburg University A.S.Popov remained there as a post-graduate at the Physics Department.

8. After Hertz had published his experiments proving the existence of electromagnetic waves, A.S.Popov thought of a possibility of using Hertz waves for transmitting signals over a distance.

9. On March 24, 1896 he demonstrated the transmission and reception of a radiogram consisting of two words: Heinrich Hertz.

10. Using the new method it is possible to increase accuracy and speed of spectral analysis.

11. Thousands of scientists, using the most modern equipment, are studying the atmosphere.

Task XI. Home reading. Read and translate the given text. Write down unknown words and learn them.

Aerospace Industry and Defense Trends in 2016 (Part I)

The aerospace industry and defense sector are part of the same group but they seem to be moving in the opposite direction these days. While the commercial aerospace business is developing rapidly, the defense companies are coming face to face with customers who are fiscally under pressure. This is due to the bouncing back act of the global economies and the growth of regions which were invisible in the past. It was expected that the global aerospace and defense industry would make its mark once again in 2016 with an estimation of the total gross revenue at 3.0 percent.

In the last three years, shrinking profits in the United States (US) defense subsector largely influenced the global A&D industry profit. The return on investment in 2016 was expected to take place because of the rise in the US defense budget, a revival of worldwide security threats, and expansion of defense budgets of important nations all around the world. Additionally, solid and stable growth in global gross domestic product (GDP), prices of crude oil and other products, and constant rise in the demand of passenger travel were causing the growth for future commercial aircrafts.

In both West and East (Middle Eastern countries), the defense budgets were growing at a time when national security was under immense threat. It was predicted that worldwide return on investment would take place in 2016, as soon as the governments of different nations provided their armed unit with present-day defense weapons and technologies which were modern and up to date with intelligence gathering, cyber, defense electronics, etc.

The A&D industry is well known for its capability to achieve remarkable technical accomplishments and also permitting distinct companies to indulge in a cut-throat competition in a quickly advancing market. Innovations like Global Positioning System (GPS) and Space X’s Falcon 1 changed the entire industry function wise. Several developing trends have the similar potential to achieve that kind of effect once again.

  1. Globalization: With a fixed multinational customer support, the sector is well equipped to conquer deep-rooted globalization issues and obtain benefits from the flourishing profit-oriented markets of the Asia Pacific and defense markets in Asia and Middle East. Moreover, A&D markets are unfolding themselves in India, Brazil, Turkey, Mexico and China too for commercial aerospace. The production, research, development and customer base in many companies have reached a global scale; and now we see that their MROs are also becoming international in nature. Apart from the US, some nations which are appealing for MRO allied investments are China, UAE and Brazil. These investments are shaping the general environment of the aerospace maintenance infrastructure and one can be hopeful that it will keep on altering the dynamics in the future.

We’ll discuss more trends in the next unit.


Task I. Before reading the text name once again top trends in aerospace which were discussed in the previous text.
Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations:
Useful vocabulary:

  • launch delay ­ задержка старта

  • cost overrun ­ перерасход средств

  • supply chain execution ­ исполнение цепочки поставок

  • enabler ­ инструмент реализации

  • drive innovation ­ внедрение инноваций

  • collaboration ­ сотрудничество, взаимодействие

  • shared services ­ коллективное обслуживание

  • to boost productivity ­ повысить производительность

  • a value chain ­ цепочка начисления стоимости

  • to cater ­ обслуживать, обеспечивать

  • to adjust ­ регулировать

  • to drive innovation ­ стимулировать процесс инноваций

  • value chain integration ­ интеграция смежных производств (производственных процессов)

  • to encompass ­ охватывать

  • supply chain ­ цепочка поставок

Task III. Read and translate the given text:

Trend 3. Overcoming innovation complexities.

Aerospace has always been a complex environment, with some 60,000 to 70,000 parts in a typical aircraft. And it is becoming even more complex as OEMs bring on more partners for development work. This more open and dynamic business ecosystem makes bringing new products to market more difficult than ever and increases the risks of launch delays and cost overruns. Therefore, companies must continuously improve their design and supply chain execution. Getting your arms around your supply chain can help drive innovation in every aspect of aerospace. Increasing collaboration with partners and commercial carriers helps tackle soaring complexity. And IT is the key enabler.

Trend 4. Leveraging shared services to boost core productivity

Seizing new opportunities in aerospace requires preparation. As value chains globalize and increase in complexity, aerospace manufacturers must establish more standardized and leveraged operational modes. This can help them drive down costs, strengthen collaboration, and improve organizational elasticity.

Going global with manufacturing, product development, sourcing, and IT to meet government requirements presents certain risks. But establishing local partnerships can give the organization a greater ability to cater and adjust to local needs. This is important for local participation and co-innovation. But bear in mind that in a complex aerospace environment, even a minor local partner can delay a project if they fail to perform or if the company fails to make sure a partner is fully integrated into its operations.

Trend 5. Driving innovation and differentiation

To respond to these four key trends in the industry, aerospace companies know they need to drive hard on innovation and differentiation. These initiatives can be grouped into four broad categories where HP is already helping leading enterprises achieve results:

    • Product innovation — including product development, digital prototyping, and engineering collaboration.

  • Value chain integration — encompassing manufacturing and supply chain effectiveness, organizational responsiveness, manufacturing efficiency, and decision-making.

  • Global growth and differentiation — spanning the client’s downstream business development, geographical expansion, and full participation in industry initiatives and standards setting.

  • IT becoming a larger part of the final deliverable—bringing IT innovations (features, tools, capabilities) into the conversation earlier to play a bigger role in what aerospace companies offer.

Task IV. Define if the statement is true or false. If it is false, please, correct it:

  1. Aerospace has always been a simple environment, with some 60,000 to 70,000 parts in a typical aircraft.

  2. This more open and dynamic business ecosystem makes bringing new products to market more difficult than ever and decreases the risks of launch delays and cost overruns.

  3. Seizing new opportunities in aerospace doesn’t require preparation.

  4. As value chains globalize and increase in complexity, aerospace manufacturers must establish more standardized and leveraged operational modes.

  5. Going global with manufacturing, product development, sourcing, and IT to meet government requirements presents certain risks.

  6. In a complex aerospace environment, even a minor local partner can’t delay a project if they fail to perform or if the company fails to make sure a partner is fully integrated into its operations.

  7. Product innovation includes product development, digital prototyping, and engineering collaboration.

  8. Global growth and differentiation encompass manufacturing and supply chain effectiveness, organizational responsiveness, manufacturing efficiency, and decision-making.

  9. Value chain integration becomes a larger part of the final deliverable — bringing IT innovations (features, tools, capabilities) into the conversation earlier to play a bigger role in what aerospace companies offer.

  10. Companies must continuously improve their design and supply chain execution.

Task V. Try to remember the context in which the following words and word combinations were used in the text:

  • launch delay

  • supply chain execution

  • enabler

  • to boost productivity

  • a value chain

  • to cater

  • to drive innovation

  • value chain integration

Task VI. Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.

to improve, to encompass, drive innovation, value chains, collaboration

  1. Value chain integration … manufacturing and supply chain effectiveness, organizational responsiveness, manufacturing efficiency, and decision-making.

  2. Companies must continuously … their design and supply chain execution.

  3. As … globalize and increase in complexity, aerospace manufacturers must establish more standardized and leveraged operational modes.

  4. Getting your arms around your supply chain can help … in every aspect of aerospace.

  5. Increasing … with partners and commercial carriers helps tackle soaring complexity.

Task VII. Discussion. Prepare a 5-minutes’ presentation about the ideas given above in Units 9,10. Find additional facts about top trends in aerospace and give them in your presentation. Discuss obtained information with your groupmates.

Task VIII. Grammar focus. The Absolute Participle Conctruction revision. Explain to your groupmates the peculiarities of the Absolute Participle Construction.
Task IX. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the absolute participle construction.

  1. Weather permitting, we will go for a walk.

  2. Electric current is capable of carrying power over a great istance, the conversion of power being effected with almost 100 per cent efficiently.

3. Young Dickens noticed everything, his power of observation being phenominal.

4. The manuscript being written in pencil, I cannot read it without spectacles.

6. The text did not seem difficult, many words having been learned before.

7. Chemistry and physics are interrelated sciences, any chemical change involving a physical change.

8. Of seven Ranger spacecraft aimed at the moon, five reached the lunar surface, with the last three providing 17,000 photographs.

9. Objects reflect only a certain part of the light, the remainder being absorbed.

10. Almost three-quarters of the earth is covered with water, the most extensive areas of water being the great oceans.
Task X. The Complex Gerundial Constructions revision. Explain to your groupmates how the gerundial constructions are formed and peculiarities of their translation.
Task XI. Find among the given sentences ones with the complex gerundial construction and translate them into Russian.

1. I am obliged to you for helping me.

2. Excuse my interrupting you.

3. I wonder at your overcoming difficulties so easily.

4. He proposed our immediately telling the whole story.

5. The rule against visitors entering the lab at the time of the experiment is strict.

6. His having carried out the measurements so easily doesn’t surprise us.

7. There’s no point in running away.

8. We insisted on their delivering the goods immediately.

9. Now childbearing is less risky.

10. He objected to the ships leaving port in such stormy weather.
Task XII. Home reading. Read and translate the given text. Write down unknown words and learn them.

Aerospace Industry and Defense Trends (Part II)

Except globalization one differentiate the following aerospace industry and defense trends:

  1. Alternate Fuels: The industry is looking into the probability of alternative fuels to diminish the revelation of variations in oil price and lowering the dependence on crude oil. Lufthansa, Ryanair and easy Jet are all airline companies who have made a deal with Solena; an American group which manufactures aviation bio fuels, thus taking a step forward to carry on with this trend. The reason for the sudden demand of bio fuels is the modern technological progress of acquiring biofuels from waste. Tests have already been carried out by airlines like Qatar Airways, Japan Airlines, Air New Zealand, Continental and United with immediate success.

  2. Optimized Usage of Turboprops and Jets: The design of an aircraft and its engine plays a vital role in calculating the size of the airline fleet for making the best and effective use of networks and at the same time lessening the fuel bills. Airlines have started reusing turboprops as a means to save cost; these not only diminish the fuel burning but also play a physical role in reducing emissions. Airlie and passenger choices are proportional to environmental considerations and thus the benefits of turboprops are many.

  3. Increasing Usage of Composites: The main reason for composite materials’ appeal to the aviation industry is their outstanding longevity and also their stiffness-to-density ratios; which are higher. Using composite materials is profitable in this business because composites are known to shrink the weight of the airframe as a result of which better fuel efficiency is activated. Composites can save the airlines 20 percent not only in terms of weight but also contributes to lower production time and better damage tolerance. The A380 has utilized 20-22 percent of composites by weight and they have also extensively used GLARE (glass-fiber-reinforced aluminum alloy). Other airlines need to exploit the advantage of using composites since traditional metallic materials and their descendants are being pursued still to increase performance.


В учебном пособии «General Science English (for Economists)» учебные материалы по общенаучной тематике такие, как: компьютерные технологии, проблемы окружающей среды, глобализация, нанотехнологии, современные тенденции авиакосмической промышленности рассматриваются сквозь призму экономики. В едином текстовом пространстве соединены научно-технические и экономические аспекты. Сложная природа подобных текстов обязывает к кропотливой работе, как преподавателя, так и студентов.

Учебное пособие разработано с учетом рабочей программы «Иностранный язык», направленной на формирование ОК – 5, а именно способности к коммуникации в устной и письменной формах на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач межличностного и межкультурного взаимодействия.

Тематика текстов соответствует существующим направлениям подготовки бакалавров экономических специальностей. Терминологический словарь к каждому уроку направлен на расширение словарного запаса обучающихся и усвоению новой лексики. Грамматические и лексические упражнения способствуют закреплению материала и использованию в различных видах речевой деятельности и успешному завершению изучения курса «Иностранный язык».


Appendix 1

Основные глагольные формы






Past Simple/

Past Indefinite

Past Participle/

Participle II

Present Participle/

Participle I

to write




to ask








Appendix 2

Времена английского глагола в действительном залоге

(The Active Voice)



Примеры (с комментариями)

Simple (Indefinite)

Present Simple






do / does

  • My mother waters plants every week – Моя мама поливает растения каждую неделю (постоянное действие – каждую неделю).

  • I don't let my friends be impolite – Я не позволяю своим друзьям быть невежливыми (действие, свойственное подлежащему).

Past Simple



did not (didn’t)



  • The doctor invited me yesterday – Доктор пригласил меня вчера (действие, которое произошло в истекшем периоде времени – вчера).

  • I came home, called Mary and went to bed – Я пришел домой, позвонил Марии и лег спать (последовательные действия в прошлом).

Future Simple



will not (won’t)



  • Tom will help you – Том поможет тебе (действие, которое совершится или будет совершаться в будущем).

  • My father and I will take French lessons twice a week – Мы с папой будем ходить на уроки французского два раза в неделю (действие, которое совершится или будет совершаться в будущем).


Present Continuous

to be (am/is/are)+ Ving


am not (I’m not), is not (isn’t), are not (aren’t)


am / is / are

  • Boris is looking for his bag now – Борис сейчас ищет свою сумку (действие, совершающееся в данный момент).

  • They are swimming in the river at the moment – В данный момент они купаются в реке (действие, совершающееся в данный момент).

Past Continuous 

to be (was/were)+ Ving


was not (wasn’t), were not (weren’t)


was / were

  • My mother was cooking at 3 o'clock – Моя мама готовила в 3 часа (длительное действие, совершавшееся в определенный момент в прошлом).

  • It was snowing when you called me – Шел снег, когда ты позвонил мне (длительное действие, совершавшееся в определенный момент в прошлом).

Future Continuous

will be + Ving


will not (won’t)



  • I will still be playing tennis at 4 o'clock – Я еще буду играть в теннис в 4 часа (длительное действие, которое будет совершаться в определенный момент в будущем).

  • They will be looking for a new office in September – Они будут искать новый офис в сентябре (длительное действие, которое будет совершаться в определенном отрезке времени).


Present Perfect



have not (haven’t)

has not (hasn’t)



  • I have found the key you lost; here it is – Я нашел ключ, который вы потеряли; вот он (действие, результат которого имеется налицо в настоящем).

Past Perfect



had not (hadn’t) “?”


  • She had called me by three o'clock – Она (уже) позвонила мне к трем часам (действие, совершившееся до определенного момента в прошлом).

  • My friends had sold all the flowers when I came – Мои друзья (уже) продали все цветы, когда я пришел (действие, совершившееся до другого прошедшего действия).

Future Perfect

will have+V3


will not (won’t)



  • We will have translated the article when your father comes – Мы уже переведем статью, когда придет твой отец (будущее действие, которое совершится до определенного момента в будущем).

Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous

have/has been + Ving


have not (haven’t)

has not (hasn’t)



  • They have been playing football since 8 o'clock – Они играют в футбол с 8 часов (действие, совершающееся в настоящем, с указанием как долго оно совершается).

  • Mary has been learning English since 2015 – Мария учит английский с 2015 года (действие, совершающееся в настоящем, с указанием как долго оно совершается).

Past Perfect Continuous

had been+Ving


had not (hadn’t) “?”


  • Tom had been looking for you for 3 hours, when you came – Том уже искал тебя 3 часа, когда ты пришел (длительное прошедшее действие, совершавшееся в момент наступления другого прошедшего действия с указанием, как долго оно совершалось).

Future Perfect Continuous 

will have been+Ving


will not (won’t)



  • By September, 2025, he will have been working at the office for 30 years – К сентябрю 2025 он будет работать в этом офисе уже 30 лет (это время употребляется крайне редко).

Appendix 3

Времена английского глагола в страдательном залоге

(The Passive Voice)






is + V3


Usually houses are built 8 months.

Обычно дома сторят 8 месяцев.


is + being + V3


This house is being built now.

Этот дом строят сейчас.


+ being + V3


This house has been already built.

Этот дом уже построен.



+ V3


This house was built last year.

Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.


+ being + V3


When I came last year this house was being built.

Когда я приехал в прошлом году, этот дом строился.

had + being + V3

This house had been built before I came.

Этот дом был построен до того, как я приехал.


will + be + V3

This house will be built next year.

Этот дом будет построен в следующем году.



This house will have been already built by January.

Этот дом уже будет построен к январю.

Appendix 4

Модальные глаголы

(The Modal verbs)









могу, умею

физическая или умственная способ-ность, возмож-ность



will be able to

He can swim well.

неужели, не может быть

Удивление, недоверие

Can he know it?

She can’t be 40 years old.

to be able to

смог, сумел

только на этот раз

am/is/are able to


were able to

will be able to

He was able to swim across the river.






will be allowed to

- May I come in?

- Yes, you may.

может быть, возмож-но

предполо-жение с малой долей уверен-ности

They may be playing in the yard now.

to be allowed to



am/is/are allowed to


were allowed to

will be allowed to

Parking isn’t allowed here.


должен, нужно

приказ, разреше-ние


had to

will have to

You must obey the rules.

должно быть, вероятно

предполо-жение с уверен-ностью

They must be at home.

to have to



have/has to

had to

will have to

He had to stay at home to do home-work.

to be to


план, расписа-ние, инструк-ция


are to


were to


are to

We are to take exams in June.



совет (мнение говоря-щего)




You should work hard.


критика, упрек (о прошлом)

You should have done it in time.

ought to


совет, правило, долг

ought to



Children ought to help their parents.




не нужно

вопрос о необходи-мости, отсутствие необходи-мости




You needn’t attend this meeting.

Appendix 5

Степени сравнения прилагательных

(The adjective. The degrees of comparison)


Положи-тельная форма

Сравнительная форма

Превосходная форма

+ er

the …+ est

1. Прилага-тельные, которые состоят из одного слога и двусложные с окончаниями -y, -er, -ow, -le

large – большой

old – старый

clever – умный

big – большой

easy - легкий

larger – больше

older – старше

cleverer – умнее

bigger – больше

easier - легче

the largest –самый большой

the oldest – самый старый

the cleverest – самый умный

the biggest – самый большой

the easiest – самый легкий

more + …

the most + …

2. Прилага-тельные, которые состоят из двух и трех слогов

beautiful – красивый

interesting – интересный

more beautiful – более красивый

more interesting – более интересный

the most beautiful – самый красивый

the most interesting – самый интересный

3. Исключения

good – хороший

bad – плохой

little – маленький

far - далекий

better – лучше

worse – хуже

less – меньше

farther/further - дальше

the best – самый лучший

the worst – самый плохой

the least – самый маленький

the farthest/the furthest – самый далекий

Appendix 6

Предлоги (The Prepositions)

1)  Prepositions of Time

Предлоги, выражающие временные отношения




- точное время

at 6o'clock, at noon, 

at midnight

- небольшой период времени

at night, at dawn, 

at sunset, 

at the weekend, 

at Easter,  at Christmas, 

at the end of summer

- дни недели

on Monday, 

on Thursday

- даты

on the 2nd of


on the 25th 

of September

- части дня

in the morning, in the evening

- месяц, время года, год, век

in August, in 1972, 

in spring, 

in the 21st century, 

inthe past, 

in the present, 

in the future

Примечание 1 (Note 1).

При обозначении начала, длительности, окончания некоторого периода времени употребляются и следующие предлоги:

about (= around) – около, приблизительно

after – после, за, через, спустя

before – до, перед (They met the day before yesterday. - Они встретились позавчера.)

between – между

by – к

during, for – в течение

from...to – от...до (The meeting lasted from noon to dinner. - Заседание длилось с полудня до обеда.)

since – с

throughout – через, в продолжение

until/till (=up to) – до

within (= in) – в, внутри (The town is within two hours from here.)

2) Prepositions of Place and Location

3) Prepositions of Direction

предлоги, выражающие пространственные отношения




- точный адрес

at 19 Meads Road

at work, at class, 

at home, at the office, 

at the library, at school, 

at hospital, at the

airport, at the market

- названия улиц, площадей и т.д.

on Felton Street, 

on Red Square

on the field, on the train, 

on the floor, on the horse, 

on the plane, on the farm,

on the beach

- названия городов, областей, стран, континентов

in Liverpool, in the

Moscow region, 

in France, in Asia

in class, in the

office, in the library, 

in school, in hospital,

 in the field, in the

playground, in the car

Примечание 2 (Note 2).

Для обозначения предмета или лица в пространстве употребляются и другие предлоги:

above – над

across – через, поперёк

against – против (They sailed against the wind. - Они плыли против ветра.)

along – вдоль, по

among – посреди, среди, между

around – вокруг, по, за, около

at – в, на, у, при

behind – за, сзади, позади

below – ниже, под (There was a stain just below the pocket. - Чуть ниже кармана было пятно.)

beside – рядом с, около, близ

between – между

by – у, при, около

down – вниз

in front of – перед

inside – внутри

near – около, рядом (The lawn in front of the house was beautiful. - Перед домом был красивый газон.)

next to – рядом с

on – на

opposite – напротив

over – через

through – сквозь (They marched through the town. - Они шагали через город.)

under - под

Примечание 3 (Note 3)

Для обозначения направления движения (перемещения в пространстве) употребляются следующие предлоги:

across – сквозь, через

around – вокруг

at – в, к, на

down – вниз (They were going down the river. - Они плыли вниз по реке.)

from – от

into – внутрь

off – с

onto – на

over – через, поверх

past – мимо (He began to drive slowly past the house. - Он начал ехать медленно мимо дома.)

through – сквозь

to – к, в, на

towards – по направлению к

up – вверх по, по направлению к

Исключение: home (She was walking home. - Она шла домой.)

Appendix 7

The Infinitive

The forms of the Infinitive


denotes that the subject is the doer of the action


denotes that the subject is acted upon


(expresses an action simultaneous with that expressed by the finite verb)

to write

to be written


(denotes an action in progress simultaneous with that expressed by the finite verb)

to be writing



(denotes an action prior to that expressed by the finite verb)

to have written

to have been written


denotes an action which lasted a certain time before the action of the finite verb

to have been writing

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