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  • Task X. Discussion. Choose one of the listed environmental problems and prepare a presentation using additional material.

  • Task XIII. Translate the following text from Russian into English. Изменение климата

  • Task XIV. Home reading. Read and translate the following text. Protection of Environment in the UK

  • Unit 4. INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY. Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions

  • Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations

  • Task III. Read and translate the given text

  • Task IV. Answer the following questions

  • Task V. Complete these word-building tables. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you

  • Task VI. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations in the text

  • Task VIII. Complete the following dialogue using the terms from the box

  • Make up the dialogue about consequences of people’s irresponsible actions, tasks of industrial ecology and methods of environmental protection using the beginning of the conversation above.

  • Task XI. Find comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in the text about industrial ecology and in the dialogue about global warming. Translate them into Russian.

  • ьнонгл. общенаучн. тексты. Допущено Редакционноиздательским советом угату в качестве учебного пособия для бакалавров очной формы обучения экономических специальностей по дисциплине Иностранный язык Уфа 2018

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    Task IX. If we want to look after the environment, there are certain things we should and shouldn’t do. Complete these lists in suitable ways:
    WE SHOULD (plant, save, recycle, protect)

    ____________paper, bottles, and clothes

    ____________tropical rainforests

    ____________more trees

    ____________water and energy

    WE SHOULDN’T (cut down, destroy, waste, throw away)

    ____________paper, bottles and clothes

    ____________the ozone layer

    ____________water and energy

    ____________tropical rainforests
    Task X. Discussion. Choose one of the listed environmental problems and prepare a presentation using additional material.
    Task XI. Grammar focus. Find different modal verbs in the text and compare their meanings.
    Task XII. Grammar focus. Complete the following sentences using the modal verbs from the box:
    should can may must is able

    cannot mustn’t aren’t allowed

    1. People ______________do their best to stop the destroying of the ozone layer and protect rainforests from deforestation.

    2. In order to protect the environment people ______ start recycling paper, glass and plastics.

    3. Fish _______ survive or breed in water with a pH value below 5, which means that the polluted water in sees and lakes can kill off an entire population of fish.

    4. Environmental problems ______ be found in all areas of the world, and they affect land, water and air.

    5. I think everyone can take care about our planet. First of all we ______ litter.

    6. Factories ________to throw away industrial wastes without using special filter facilities.

    7. Everyone _________ to make the own contributions; for example, cutting down on car journeys helps reduce levels of carbon dioxide.

    8. A variety of toxic metals can affect aquatic and marine life and ________ accumulate in the food chain, posing a threat to humans.

    Task XIII. Translate the following text from Russian into English.

    Изменение климата
    Образ жизни людей изменил климат на нашей планете. Изменение климата происходит в результате загрязнения окружающей среды и вырубки лесов. Заводы и фабрики сжигают нефть, уголь и древесину и вырабатывают углекислый газ. Большая часть отходов, производимая людьми, также вызывает загрязнение воздуха. Аэрозоли и другие химические вещества разрушают озоновый слой, защищающий Землю от ультрафиолетового излучения, которое идёт от солнца. Они повлияли на образование огромной дыры в озоновом слое. Сейчас слишком много ультрафиолетового излучения проникает в атмосферу Земли через эту дыру. И нам нужно помнить, что ультрафиолетовое излучение может вызвать рак кожи. Тропические леса помогают снизить уровень загрязнения в атмосфере и влияют на погоду во всем мире. Но люди разрушают тропические леса каждый день. Все эти факторы сформировали “покрывало” вокруг Земли. Это “покрывало” задерживает солнечное тепло. Это называется “парниковый эффект”. Это означает, что климат на Земле меняется. Земля становится все теплее и теплее. В настоящее время температура повышается. У нас теперь уже нет “настоящей зимы”. На севере Европы климат также стал мягче и теплее. Ученые говорят, что если температура вырастет ещё на 3-4 градуса, будет невозможно жить на планете. Поэтому люди должны сделать все возможное, чтобы остановить разрушение озонового слоя и защитить тропические леса от их вырубки.

    Task XIV. Home reading. Read and translate the following text.

    Protection of Environment in the UK

    Protection of environment is a major issue in Great Britain. Global warming, ozone layer problem, air and water pollution, industrial wastes are in the centre of different state and public actions. Great Britain maintains careful checks on use of dangerous chemicals and collects information about new ones. Acid rains that kill enormous amounts of fish in Great Britain are also in the centre of attention. They are caused by smoke from factories and power stations and exhaust fumes from transport. It is produced when coal and oil are burnt. The government provides smoke control programs. New power plants will have to meet very tight limits on emission of chemical gases. Britain works with Scandinavian countries in a project on the problem of acid rains. Over the last years local authorities are carrying on tests of drinking water in England and Wales. Nuclear waste from nuclear plants is discharged into the Irish Sea, making it one of the most radioactive seas in the world. There also have been numerous leaks of radioactive matter to the atmosphere. Water pollution from shipping and oil platforms, mostly in the North Atlantic, is great.

    Water pollution programs are being worked out in Great Britain nowadays. Ten National parks have been established in England and Wales, four — in Scotland. Their aims are to conserve the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage. Each park is administered by an independent National Park Authority. Trees Preservation Orders enable local authorities to protect trees and woodlands. Once a tree is protected it is, in general, an offence to cut it down without permission. Responsibility for pollution control is divided between local authorities and central government. Local authorities are responsible for collection and disposal of wastes, keeping the streets clear of litter, control of air pollution. It is a criminal offence to leave litter in any public place in the open air except in designated places. The fines for it vary from 25 up to 2500 pounds.


    Task I. Before reading the text try to answer the following questions:

    1. What is industrial ecology?

    2. What are the tasks of industrial ecology?

    3. What is one of the main focuses of industrial ecology?

    Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations:
    Useful vocabulary:

    • to relate to – взаимодействовать с ч-л, соотноситься с ч-л

    • environmental policies – экологическая стратегия, природоохранные стратегии

    • biodegradable products – биоразлагаемая продукция

    • environmental stewardship – охрана окружающей среды

    • to emerge – появляться, возникать

    • to impact – оказывать влияние

    • manufacturing – производство

    • industrial production methods – способы промышленного производства

    • to seek (sought, sought) – ставить целью, пытаться, прилагать усилия

    • to conduct research – проводить исследование

    • global warming – глобальное потепление

    • prominent scientist – выдающийся ученый

    • natural occurrence – естественное возникновение

    • to abate – уменьшаться

    • to eliminate – устранять

    • to tackle – решить, решать

    • sustainability – устойчивость, жизнеспособность, стабильность, состоятельность; экологически безопасное, рациональное и рассчитанное на долгосрочную перспективу природопользование

    • deteriorating – ухудшающийся

    Task III. Read and translate the given text:
    Industrial ecology is a fairly new discipline in the scientific world. It focuses on environment, technology, and the economy and how these three areas relate to each other. Unfortunately, much of the research that goes into industrial ecology focuses on environmental policies, biodegradable products, extending the life cycle of products, environmental stewardship and in general making the world a safer and more eco-friendly place.

    Industrial ecology began to emerge as people realized that the industrial world was having an impact on the environment. This field was created to ensure that the impact that the industrialized world had on the environment would not be a negative one but rather a positive one. It seeks to discover how the industrialized world can live in unity with the environment. Industrial ecology studies the flow of resources - materials, energy, water, and products. The field studies how these resources flow through the world and how that flow is structured.

    Since 1989, the Scientific American Magazine has published a yearly article on industrial ecology. The focus of the article is usually on how manufacturing impacts the ecosystem. Every article examines how industrial production methods can have a significantly less impact on the environment.

    In the U.S., the Yale Center for Industrial Ecology has become a global leader in this field and has sought to develop industrial ecology programs in developing countries. Countries that are becoming more urban, populated, and modern all benefit from using industrial ecology to protect their environment. The Yale program has conducted research in places like India, China, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, East Africa.

    One of the focuses of ecology is global warming. Some researchers believe that global warming is cyclical and is the result of a natural occurrence that occurs every several thousand years. Other prominent scientists believe that global warming is a man-induced problem. These same researchers believe that by reducing man's carbon-footprint, global warming can be abated or reversed.

    Industrial ecology plays a huge role in solving the problem of global warming because it takes into account how materials are impacting the environment and how waste and byproducts can be eliminated in a way that doesn't have such a devastating impact. Industrial ecologists use technological resources to create environments that promote sustainability. Sometimes industrial ecology is referred to as the "science of sustainability." The goal of industrial ecologists is to tackle sustainability problems and create a system in the world that uses natural and technical scientific tools in order to be a solution to a deteriorating environment.

    Task IV. Answer the following questions:

    1. Is industrial ecology a fairly new discipline in the scientific world?

    2. What does industrial ecology focus on?

    3. What does much of the research go into?

    4. How was the field of industrial ecology created?

    5. Industrial ecology studies the flow of recourses – materials, energy, water, and products, doesn’t it?

    6. When and where was the first article about industrial ecology published?

    7. What center of Industrial Ecology has become a global leader in this field and what does this center work on?

    8. Some researches believe that global warming is cyclical and is the result of natural occurrence, don’t they?

    9. Why is industrial ecology referred sometimes to as the “science of sustainability”?

    Task V. Complete these word-building tables. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you:

















    Task VI. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations in the text:
    - научный мир;

    - продление жизненного цикла продукции;

    - промышленно-развитые страны;

    - жить в единении с окружающей средой;

    - оказывать влияние на экосистему;

    - разрабатывать программы по промышленной экологии;

    - защищать окружающую среду;

    - быть цикличным;

    - проблема, вызванная человеком;

    - играть большую роль в решении проблемы глобального потепления;

    - разрушительное воздействие;

    - отходы;

    - обеспечивать экологически безопасное, рациональное и рассчитанное на долгосрочную перспективу природопользование;

    - развивающиеся страны.
    Task VII. Match verbs from the left with words from the right to form phrases:

    1. to publish

    a) the life cycle of products

    2. to focus

    b) an article on industrial ecology

    3. to extend

    c) industrial ecology programs

    4. to make

    d) technological recourses to create environments that promote sustainability

    5. to become

    e) on environment, technology, and the economy

    6. to develop

    f) the world a safer and more eco-friendly place

    7. to use

    g) a global leader in the field of industrial ecology

    Task VIII. Complete the following dialogue using the terms from the box:

    glaciers climatic system global warming

    technological progress

    carbon dioxide atmosphere greenhouse effect

    Ami: Daniel, what day is it today?

    Daniel: The 3rd of November.

    Ami: It’s unnaturally warm outside for this season, don’t you think?

    Daniel: It’s the result of _______ _________.

    Ami: What do you mean by global warming?

    Daniel: I mean climate is changing worldwide. Due to rapid _______ _________many things have changed. The world ________are gradually melting and the weather is getting warm even in winter.

    Ami: I see. So it’s the rise in temperature of Earth’s_______ _______. That’s not good at all.

    Daniel: Moreover, the weather in some parts of the world is becoming unnatural. For example, it has never snowed in Africa, today it occasionally does. Speaking about our country, each year I feel that it’s getting a bit warmer and less snowy.

    Ami: How terrible! I like snow. Winter is my fovourite season. How are we going to celebrate New Year in the future?

    Daniel: We’ll see. Perhaps, without any snow.

    Ami: Why is this global warming happening anyway?

    Daniel: It is primarily a problem of too much _______ ________in the atmosphere. It acts like a blanket, which traps the heat and warms the planet. It’s also called the ________ ________. As you can guess, it is happening because of irresponsible human action. As we burn fossil fuels or burn vast spaces of forest, carbon overloads our _________.

    Ami: What can we do to prevent global warming?

    Daniel: …

    Task IX. Discussion. Make up the dialogue about consequences of people’s irresponsible actions, tasks of industrial ecology and methods of environmental protection using the beginning of the conversation above.
    Task X. Grammar focus. Adjective revision: tell your groupmates how comparative and superlative forms of adjectives are formed and what the differences between them are.
    Task XI. Find comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in the text about industrial ecology and in the dialogue about global warming. Translate them into Russian.
    Task XII. Complete the following text using correct comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. Translate the text.
    The most polluted places in the world
    There is no correct answer to the question “What cities have the bad/worse/worst pollution?” The lists can be different based on what is considered a pollutant or which pollutants are considered to be bad/worse/worst. Water, ground, and air pollution are all bad/worse/worst, but depending on which ranking one looks at, some may be considered bad/worse/worst than others.

    The African city Kabwe (Zambia) is known for its large/larger/largest number of lead and copper mines and also for its pollution. As the mines ran without government environmental regulation for nearly a century, the toll on the local population began to show. Even with the mines no longer in operation, children in and around the city show lead levels that are much high/higher/highest than the amount considered acceptable by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

    Another town that is known for contamination is that of Sumgayit, Azerbaijan. It was one of the large/larger/largest centers for the production of pesticides and other chemicals during the height of the Soviet Union, but that came with a toll. Hundreds of thousands of tons of chemicals were released into the atmosphere as a result of the production process. Now, cancer rates in the town are one of the high/higher/highest in the world.

    While much of the world has heard about the pollution problem in Beijing, China, it is the Chinese city of Linfen that is on nearly every list of much/more/most polluted cities, often occupying the number one spot. Clouds of coal dust often settle over the city, making breathing difficult/more difficult/most difficult. That may be the little/less/least of the worries in Linfen, however, as arsenic in the drinking water may be the bad/worse/worst of the concerns.

    In addition to being one of the cold/colder/coldest major population centers in the world, Norilsk, Russia, located in Siberia, is also one of the dirty/dirtier/dirtiest. The city has been polluted with heavy metal smelting and mining. In fact, the city is so polluted, it is said there is not a single living tree within 30 miles (48 km). The life expectancy in the town is 10 years below the Russian average.

    In North America, two of the much/more/most polluted cities are Mexico City, Mexico, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. One of Mexico City's big/bigger/biggest problems is simply the amount of people living there. Pittsburgh's air, with the soot and heavy/heavier/heaviest metals, can make for a fair amount of smog.
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