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  • Unit 5. GLOBALIZATION. THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE EEFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION Task I. Before reading the texts try to answer the following questions

  • Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations

  • Task III. Read and translate the given text

  • Task IV. Define if the statement is true or false. If it is false, please, correct it

  • Task V. Complete the table describing the positive and negative effects of globalization

  • Task VI. Complete the words or phrases below using words from the box

  • Task VII. Complete these word-building tables. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you

  • Task VII. Match verbs from the left with words from the right to form phrases

  • Task VIII. Match the word from the box with its definition

  • Task IX. Write down at least five words beginning with “financial” and “economic”. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you.

  • Task X. Discussion. Choose one of the listed positive and negative effects of globalization and prepare a presentation using additional material.

  • What is the relationship between globalization and economic development

  • Task XIII. Translate the following text from Russian into English. Глобализация

  • ьнонгл. общенаучн. тексты. Допущено Редакционноиздательским советом угату в качестве учебного пособия для бакалавров очной формы обучения экономических специальностей по дисциплине Иностранный язык Уфа 2018

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    Task XIII. Home reading. Read and translate the following text.


    In 1971, motivated by their vision of a green and peaceful world, a small team of activists set sail from Vancouver, Canada, in an old fishing boat. These activists, the founders of Greenpeace, believed a few individuals could make a difference. Their mission was to "bear witness" to US underground nuclear testing at Amchitka, a tiny island off the West Coast of Alaska, which is one of the world's most earthquake-prone regions. Amchitka was the last refuge for 3000 endangered sea otters, and home to bald eagles, peregrine falcons and other wildlife. Even though their old boat, was intercepted before it got to Amchitka, the journey sparked a flurry of public interest. The US still detonated the bomb, but the voice of reason had been heard. Nuclear testing on Amchitka ended that same year, and the island was later declared a bird sanctuary.

    Today, Greenpeace is an international ecological organization that has 2.8 million supporters worldwide, and national as well as regional offices in 41 countries. Its headquarters are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Greenpeace is a non-profit organization and nongovernmental. It unites people of different colours living in different continents and speaking different languages. The common mission of this organization is preserving life on the earth in its full variety. Greenpeace does not accept donations from governments, corporations or political parties but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants. Greenpeace does not support any political party. Nevertheless, its members carry on a dialogue with all political forces and struggle for approving and passing laws for the welfare of our environment.

    As a global organization, Greenpeace focuses on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet's biodiversity and environment. It campaigns to stop climate change, save the oceans, stop whaling, say no to genetic engineering, stop the nuclear threat, eliminate toxic chemicals. The goal of Greenpeace is to expose environmental criminals, and to challenge government and corporations when they fail to live up to their mandate to safeguard our environment and our future.



    Task I. Before reading the texts try to answer the following questions:

    1. What does the term «globalization» mean?

    2. Who are globalists and anti-globalists?

    3. Can global trade increase worldwide financial instability?

    Task II. Study and remember the following words and word combinations:
    Useful vocabulary:

    • free trade – свободная торговля

    • to engage – вступать

    • development – развитие, событие, улучшение,

    усовершенствование, проявление

    • economic growth – экономический рост

    • undetermined – неопределенный

    • benefit – польза, прибыль, выгода

    • to increase – увеличивать

    • to compete/competition – конкурировать/конкуренция

    • to sell/seller – продавать/продавец

    • manufacturer – производитель

    • benefit – корпоративная ответственность

    • to offer products at a lower price – предлагать продукт по низкой


    • sale – продажа

    • to cause – вызывать, быть причиной

    • store – магазин

    • cost overhead – накладные расходы

    • to suffer – страдать

    • to survive – выживать

    • income – доход

    Task III. Read and translate the given text:

    Globalization means that countries can engage in free trade with one another. Globalization is a fairly recent development, so the effects of globalization are still somewhat undetermined. People who are in favor of globalization are often called globalists, and people who are against globalization are often called anti-globalists. Globalists believe globalization has positive effects on economic growth and the quality of life of citizenry in the countries that engage in free global trade. Anti-globalists believe globalization can cause economic and environmental damage to a country and may have the more benefits for those who are already wealthy than anyone else.

    Anti-globalists believe multinational corporations largely benefit from globalization, while small businesses may suffer from the increased competition from the global market. A corner liquor store may have a difficult time competing with a chain market location opened by a corporation that hails from overseas. The local computer hardware seller may have a difficult time selling his computer parts to the office in town when they can order cheaper parts distributed directly from a manufacturer in another country. These overseas companies can compete within higher price markets without bearing the cost overhead of having a storefront or business within that higher price market. This allows them to offer products at a lower price, but impacts small local businesses that survive on the sales.

    Globalists believe the economic growth that occurs as one of the effects of globalization outweighs its disadvantages. They expect that enough money and economic progress will be made to pay for any damage to environment or small-scale economy that might happen. It can also help improve the economies of nations with high levels of poverty, giving their citizens access to the technology, clean water and city infrastructure that comes with economic business development.

    One theory of the effects of globalization suggests that global trade can increase worldwide financial instability. Because the globalization system means one country's economy can directly affect another country's economy through their mutual trade, financial crises that start in one country can become a worldwide problem for all countries connected to it. The economic effects of globalization are generally positive for countries engaging in global trade, raising the per capita income of the citizens of those countries. In some countries, the rich gain more money, while the poor lose access to financial and natural resources taken by global companies.

    Globalization can help mega-corporations that may create environmental disturbances and pollution. Many believe the economic growth that occurs as one of the effects of globalization will create enough revenue to clean up any environmental disasters that occur as a casualty of business. Still others believe corporations do not take responsibility for cleanup. In the past, legal limits on corporate liability for environmental damage caused by disasters like oil spills have kept large corporations from bearing the full financial responsibility for cleanup of the environmental problems caused by their company operations.

    Task IV. Define if the statement is true or false. If it is false, please, correct it:

    1. Globalization means that countries can’t engage in free trade with one another.

    2. People who are in favor of globalization are often called globalists.

    3. Anti-globalists don’t believe multinational corporations largely benefit from globalization, while small businesses may suffer from the increased competition from the global market.

    4. One theory of the effects of globalization suggests that global trade can increase worldwide financial stability.

    5. The economic effects of globalization are generally positive for countries engaging in global trade.

    Task V. Complete the table describing the positive and negative effects of globalization:

    Positive effects of globalization

    Negative effects of globalization

    - economic growth and the quality of life of citizenry in the countries that engage in free global trade

    - economic and environmental damage to a country

    Task VI. Complete the words or phrases below using words from the box:

    corporation business growth market trade crises effect

    1. economic ……………

    2. multinational………...

    3. free…………………..

    4. global………………..

    5. financial……………..

    6. positive……………....

    7. small…………………

    Task VII. Complete these word-building tables. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you:

















    Task VII. Match verbs from the left with words from the right to form phrases:

    1. to cause

    a) access to financial and natural recourses

    2. to suffer

    b) small local business

    3. to offer

    c) economic and environmental damage

    4. to impact

    d) from increased competition

    5. to lose

    e) the economies of nations

    6. to gain

    f) products at a lower price

    7. to improve

    g) more money

    Task VIII. Match the word from the box with its definition:

    Free trade global market economic growth

    multinational corporation globalization

    1. The term refers to the trend toward countries joining together economically, through education, society and politics, and viewing themselves not only through their national identity but also as part of the world as a whole.

    2. Business entities that operate in more than one country. A typically one normally functions with a headquarter that is based in one country, while other facilities are based in locations in other countries

    3. It is a system in which goods, capital, and labor flow freely between nations, without barriers which could hinder the trade process.

    4. This process is characterized by an increase in an economy’s ability to provide for the wants and needs of those who belong to a given society. 

    5. The term refers to an exchange for goods or services that spans national boundaries to encompass the entire world or nearly the entire world. It may be used to refer to the sum total of all of the market activity that takes place in the world.

    Task IX. Write down at least five words beginning with “financial” and “economic”. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you.

    financial crises

    economic growth









    Task X. Discussion. Choose one of the listed positive and negative effects of globalization and prepare a presentation using additional material.
    Task XI. Grammar focus. Find different prepositions in the text and compare their meanings.
    Task XII. Grammar focus. Complete the following text using the prepositions from the box:
    What is the relationship between globalization

    and economic development?

    from with of for to in from through between

    Globalization and economic development are related 1)____ several ways. Globalization may be said to be a catalyst 2)____ the growth of the economies of several nations. Increased movement of people across territorial borders means that there is a cross transfer 3)____ knowledge, expertise and labor. Cross-border trade means that there are more opportunities for the sale of various goods and services. Globalization has also led to the accessibility of various technologies 4)_____ various countries of origin by other countries to their benefit.

    One of the links 5)______ globalization and economic development is the fact that people from different nationalities now find it easier to go 6)_____ other countries in pursuit of livelihoods, careers, trade and other purposes. These people bring 7)_____ them much-needed expertise, knowledge or labor, which the host country can use to its own benefit and economic development. For example, some countries that need skilled engineers, nurses, doctors and architects may benefit 8)______ immigrants of other countries who possess these skills. There is usually a shortage of skilled health care professionals in most countries and such people are often given more consideration in terms of immigration policies. These people help develop the economies of their host countries 9)______ the use of their various gifts and expertise.

    Task XIII. Translate the following text from Russian into English.

    Сегодня нет ни одной страны в мире, которая бы не состояла в каких-либо политических/экономических отношениях с другими. Все государства находятся в определенной зависимости от других. Международная торговля приносит выгоду всем участвующим в ней сторонам. Процесс глобализации необратим. Сегодня возникает все большая необходимость в объединении стран в единое целое. В экономической сфере процессы глобализации выражаются в свободной торговле, движении капитала, снижении налогов. Финансовая информация, благодаря интернету, распространяется неимоверно быстро. В условиях глобализации активное развитие получила рекламная деятельность. Изо дня в день растет объем экспортируемых/импортируемых товаров, международных транзакций. Транснациональные компании получают широкое распространение. Фондовые биржи и их инструменты набирают обороты. Происходит слияние нескольких предприятий, являющихся представителями разных стран.

    Task XIII. Home reading. Read and translate the following text.

    What are the benefits of globalization?

    Globalization occurs when various countries in the world become more connected through trade and business. The benefits of globalization are often debated but have been proved in certain areas. Globalization provides competition and ensures a greater availability of products and services to consumers. Another one of the benefits of globalization is that it helps to provide economic stability in countries that have low economic status. It also provides a comparative advantage, which means that productivity is high because trade is open and resources are used more effectively.

    A healthy level of competition keeps prices lower for consumers and helps keep production high. This can be a threatening concept for an industry because it is forced to work harder to stay viable, maintain high production and keep consumers happy, but it is beneficial for those purchasing products and services. Another of the benefits of globalization is a greater availability of products and services, because a globalized market has more businesses offering products and services to consumers. This means that consumers have more choices when it comes to their purchases.

    Economic stability is one of the most important benefits of globalization. Poorer countries are able to sell products and services to those with more money, therefore creating economic gain. From a worldwide perspective, this is a good thing, because fewer nations are struggling with poverty. Countries that trade with one another have a vested interest in each other's well-being, which helps keep the political climate more stable as well. It is less likely for a country to wage war on another, for example, if it is reliant on the other for an important good or service. A comparative advantage occurs in the area of globalization when countries are able to trade freely with one another. This keeps production at an optimal level, because countries are able to produce goods and services in areas where they are most efficient. In theory, with a closed trade system, countries would be forced to produce all of the goods and services that they need. A country is able to produce a product or service where it is efficient, so overall global production can increase because resources are being used in a more effective manner. This also can help the environment because resources are not being wasted, and attention can be paid to greener business practices.
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