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  • Personal Statement , Autobiographical Statement

  • Application Fee

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language

  • Paperwork

  • Задание 32. Выпишите подчёркнутые слова и сочетания с русскими эквивалентами.

  • Задание 34. Просмотрите все тексты и диалоги о высшем образовании. На основе их содержания и с использованием активной лексики подготовьте в парах диалог об особенностях высшего образовании в России.

  • Методичка по английскому. Двух семестров (одного учебного года)

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    1. Learn, the, community, the students, skills, different, colleges, technical, at.

    2. September, usually, at, begin, studies, American universities, in.

    3. Satisfy, colleges, the needs, in, of the local community, different professions.

    4. Tuition fees, high, are, community colleges, not, in.

    5. Himself, may choose, some subjects, the student.

    6. Does, the academic, how long, year, last.

    7. Universities, how, there, many, are, the USA, in.

    8. American, do, study, not, students, August, in.

    Задание 30 . Какие из следующих названий в большей степени отражают основную тему каждого абзаца текста.

    Абзац 1. 1. Universities’ curricula.

    1. Students’ duties.

    2. Types of colleges in the USA.

    3. Types of higher educational establishments in the USA.

    Абзац 2. 1. Different types of scientific degrees in American Universities.

    2. Organization of studies in American Colleges and universities.

    3. Main types of subjects.

    4. Colleges’ administration.

    Задание 31. Прочитайте текст. Передайте письменно его краткое содержание на русском языке. Особоевниманиеобратитенаподчёркнутыесловаисочетания.

    Many of us dream of studying at an Ivy League college. But being accepted is not so easy, especially if English is not your first language. Here is some advice to ease you through the application procedure.

    Ivy League

    This is an association of eight universities and colleges in the United States, made up of Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale. They are among the best colleges in the world, and probably the most difficult to get into.

    Application procedure

    This is the process of applying to study at a particular college, from writing to the institution to request information, to receiving a final letter of acceptance or rejection. The process varies among colleges, departments, and types of institution (e.g. law school, business school, medical school, graduate or undergraduate school), so don't assume all applications will be the same.


    This is the final date for applications to be submitted. Meeting the school's deadline is one of the most simple yet vital parts of the application process, so make sure you check dates carefully and mail your application package well in advance.

    Application Essay

    This is an essay written by the applicants to describe themselves: their motivations, goals, greatest achievements, personality, and so on. It is also called a Personal Statement, Autobiographical Statement or a Letter of Intent. Whatever the name, if you are required to write one, do it well!

    Academic transcript

    This is an official copy of your permanent academic record (grades and academic performance), and is required by most schools as part of the application process. Foreign students need a certified translation of this document.

    Application Fee

    This is a payment that covers the cost of processing to your application. Application fees range from around $30 to over $75, and are generally not refunded, whether you are accepted or rejected.

    Test scores

    These are your results on standardized tests like the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) or SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test). Foreign students usually also have to submit scores for TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).

    Recommendation letter

    This is a letter of support written by someone who knows you, like a former teacher. These letters can seriously influence your application and set you apart from other applicants.


    This is where the applicant meets representatives from the school face to face, to answer questions about themselves. You can improve your chances of making a good impression by practicing the interview with a friend beforehand.


    Foreign students also have to submit other paperwork (documentation) when applying to study in the US, for example proof of immunization, health certificates, evidence of financial support, copies of passports, study visas and so on. The process may be time consuming and troublesome, but a qualification from a top international university could be your first step to a successful career!
    Задание 32. Выпишите подчёркнутые слова и сочетания с русскими эквивалентами.
    Задание 33. Ещё раз просмотрите текст. Будьте готовы обсудить его содержание по-английски на занятии.

    Задание 34. Просмотрите все тексты и диалоги о высшем образовании. На основе их содержания и с использованием активной лексики подготовьте в парах диалог об особенностях высшего образовании в России.


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