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  • Read the text again and say whether the statements are “ true” or “wrong”.

  • II. Make the sentences of the story complete by changing the infinitives into adequate forms.

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  • Методичка по английскому. Двух семестров (одного учебного года)

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    I. Readthetextanddothetaskbelow.

    In 1169 Henry II of England started an invasion of Ireland. Although a large part of Ireland came under the control of the invaders, there was not much direct control from England during the Middle Ages. However, in the 16th century Henry VIII of England quarreled with Rome and declared himself head of the Anglican Church, which was a Protestant Church. Ireland remained Catholic, and did not accept the change. So Henry VIII tried to force Irish Catholics to become Anglicans. He also punished them by taking much of their land. His daughter Elizabeth I continued this policy. The northern province of Ireland (or Ulster) became the center of resistance, which was defeated by the English in 1607. After these events Ulster became an area of settlement by Protestants immigrants from Scotland and England. The “Plantation of Ulster” began. Plantation meant that 23 new towns were built in Ulster to protect the Protestant settlers. The Irish Catholics were driven from their lands. As a result of these actions the population in Ulster became Protestant in majority. But the Irish Catholics never gave up their struggle for independence and their rights. At the end of the 18th century there was a mass rising against the English colonizers, which was defeated by the English army, and in 1801 a forced union with Britain was made.

    quarreled - поссорился

    policy - политика

    Ulster - Ольстер (столица Ирландии)

    resistance - сопротивление

    area - область

    were driven - были изгнаны

    gave up - переставали

    rising - восстание

    forced – принудительный

    plantation – колонизация

    Read the text again and say whether the statements are “ true” or “wrong”.

    1.In the Middle Ages Ireland was an independent state._________

    2.The Irish in the 16th were all Protestants.__________

    3. Elizabeth I changed the policy of her farther with Ireland. __________

    4. Protestants in Ireland fought for their rights._____________

    5. As a result of the “Plantation of Ulster” most colonizers became Catholics.________
    II. Make the sentences of the story complete by changing the infinitives into adequate forms.

    Richard Barnes (6) (just come) home from work when he (7)…(find) a leak in the bathroom. Water (8)…(drip) from the ceiling for some time, and there (9)…(be) a large pool of water on the floor. As soon as he(10)…(see) the leak, he(11)…(call) the plumber. The plumber’s wife(12)…(answer): “I’m afraid he(13)…(go) out an hour ago and he(14)…(not come) back yet. I(15)(tell) him to phone you when he(16)…(come) in. I(17)…(not expect) he(18)…(be long)”.Richard(19)…(hang up) and(20)…(sit)down to wait. Two hours later the phone(21)…(ring). “This is the plumber. I (22)…(believe) you (23)…(call) earlier?” “Where on earth(24)…(you be)?” (25)…(demand) Richard angrily. “I(26)…(wait) for two hours. What (27)…(you do) all this time?”. “I’m terribly sorry? sir”, the plumber(28)…(answer) nervously. “I(29)…(have) a breakdown while I (30)…(drive) along the motorway. I (31)…(only just get in). I(32)…(not even have) my dinner yet. My wife(33)…(get) it now.”“Well, I’m sorry about your breakdown”,(34)…(say) Richard in a more friendly voice.” But(35)…(you repair)my leak tonight or not?”“(36)…(not worry), sir”, (37)…(reply) the plumber. “I(38)…(have) my dinner and then I(39)…(come) straight round.” Richard(40)…(put down) the receiver and(41)…(go back) into the bathroom. The water(42)…(still drip)slowly into the bowl he(43)…(put) under the leak. He (44)…(empty) the bowl again and then (45)… (sit down) to wait. Two hours later he(46)…(pick up) the receiver again. Just as he(47)…(dial) the number, the doorbell(48)…(ring).“I’m terribly sorry, sir”,(49)…(say) a small dark-haired man apologetically. “I(50)…(think) I (51)…(have) to get a new car!."

    leak(n) –, течь drip – капать breakdown- авария plumber- водопроводчик

    bowl - тазик, миска

      1. true

      2. wrong

      3. wrong

      4. true

      5. wrong

    1. came

    2. found

    3. had been dripping

    4. was

    5. saw

    6. called

    7. answered

    8. went

    9. has not come

    10. will tell

    11. comes

    12. don’t expect

    13. will be long

    14. hung up

    15. sat

    16. rang

    17. believe

    18. called

    19. have you been

    20. demanded

    21. have been waiting

    22. have you been doing

    23. answered

    24. had

    25. was driving

    26. have only just got

    27. haven’t had

    28. is getting

    29. said

    30. are you going to repair

    31. don’t worry

    32. replied

    33. will have

    34. will come

    35. put down

    36. went back

    37. was still dripping

    38. had put

    39. emptied

    40. sat down

    41. picked up

    42. was dialing

    43. rang

    44. said

    45. think

    46. will have



    51- 46

    45 - 30

    29- 24

    23 и меньше




    Общее число баллов - 51

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