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  • Задание 22. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

  • Задайте друг другу вопросы об обществах и клубах Кембриджа

  • Задание 26. Подберите к словам и сочетаниям из текста в левой колонке соответствующие по смыслу слова и сочетания из правой. Произнесите английские слова и сочетания.

  • Задание 27. Напишите по-русски 5-6 предложений со словами и сочетаниями из упр.3. Попросите друг друга перевести их на английский язык.

  • Методичка по английскому. Двух семестров (одного учебного года)

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    Cambridge is one of the UK’s best universities for student media. The three student newspapers –The Cambridge Student, Varsity (Универ) , and The Tab (выпускник Кембриджа) – are always on the look-out (в поиске) for more writers and editors. Even if you have no desire to be a journalist, it’s a great way to meet people and get the inside track (кухня) on how newspapers are put together. As if that isn’t enough we also have CamFM, the Cambridge University Radio station, winner of numerous national awards and a great experience if you’re interested in radio and broadcasting generally.

    Want to see your name in print? We do. The Cambridge Student is Cambridge’s official student newspaper, reaching 10,000 readers a week in print and many more online – and we want you to be part of it. Whether you want to review plays and gigs (концерт), report on Cambridge news and sport or share your photography, there is sure to be something for you.

    We welcome all levels of commitment: you can just write an article when you feel like it, or get fully stuck in (увлечёшься) with the day-to-day running of the paper. Just email editor@tcs.cam.ac.uk. It really is never too early in your Cambridge career to get involved - whether you’re interested in journalism as a career (recent students have had work experience with The Times, The Observer, The Independent on Sunday and The Economist), or if you’re just keen to discover a new interest or to meet new people.

    No prior experience in journalism is required - just come along to our stall (киоск) at the Freshers’ Fair to sign up to our mailing list. You can always come to our weekly News meetings in The Cow at 4pm every Sunday - anyone is welcome! Be sure to pick up a copy of TCS in your college or faculty, or visit our website: www.tcs.cam.ac.uk.

    Charities (благотворительные общества)

    If you feel like something a little more light-hearted, or a little more charitable (сердобольный), there’s a huge range of charitable and community groups in the University. RAG (Raise (проникнись) And Give) is one of the largest charitable organisations in the University and members have recently blagged their way to Buenos Aires, organised blind dates across the university and walked over burning coals.


    Like many other universities, the main political parties all have active societies within both the University and the City, so you can get involved with local council and student issues. But, if you want to get involved in campaigning to improve the student experience – CUSU is the place for you. We can also offer support and guidance if you want to start a campaign on something outside Cambridge that we might not be able to campaign on directly.

    Performing Arts

    There is a huge drama, comedy and music scene in Cambridge. Sign up to the ADC (Cambridge University Amateur (любительский) Dramatics Club) actors’, techies’ or production list and see how many auditions and plays you can get involved with each week. The standard of theatre in Cambridge is generally high, but there are less serious enadeavours you can get involved with, and have a laugh rather than learn about acting. You may have heard of the Footlights (огни рампы), a group of comedians who have produced names such as John Cleese, Alan Bennett and Sacha Baron Cohen. If debating is your thing, check out The Cambridge Union (дискуссионное общество), one of Cambridge’s oldest student institutions.

    Emilia Melville – The Cafe Project

    The Cafe Project is a volunteer-run community cafe, open in the evenings and serving hot drinks and snacks. It’s open to all, and provides a bridge between ‘town and gown’ and between students of all colleges. It’s a place where the diverse cultures present in Cambridge can rub shoulders (водить компанию) and get to know each other better. The idea of the Cafe was inspired by a small volunteer-run cafe in Edinburgh called Harlequin, which a friend of mine was involved with. I went to visit during my 1st year in Cambridge, and felt that it was something really lacking here. The Cafe is now open most evenings, serving hot drinks, cakes and biscuits. It is also available to be booked by groups for discussions, meetings, film screenings, art exhibitions, and more. The Cafe is run non-hierarchically, with all decisions being made at weekly general meetings. Anyone who wants can get involved - whether volunteering for a shift or two, organizing events, or doing the accounts – we always need new people and ideas!
    Задание 22. Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту.

    1. Where can a Cambridge fresher get information about students’ societies?

    2. How many societies are there in Cambridge?

    3. Who is responsible for students’ social life in Cambridge?
    Задание 23. Задайте друг другу вопросы об обществах и клубах Кембриджа.

    Задание 24. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. Обратите особое внимание на подчёркнутые слова и сочетания.

    Higher Education in the USA

    1. The system of higher education in the USA includes 4 categories of institutions: 1) two-year, or community colleges. The local authorities finance them. The colleges’ aim is to satisfy the needs of the local community in different professions. Tuition fees are low in these colleges. That is why about 40 percent of all American students of higher education study at these colleges; 2) technical training institutions. High school graduates may take courses here. The courses range from six months to three-four years. The students here learn different technical skills. They include design, business, computer programming, accounting, etc.; 3) four- year colleges. They are not part of the university. The graduates receive the degree of bachelor of arts (BA) or bachelor of science (BS); 4) universities. They may contain (a) several colleges for students who want to receive a bachelor’s degree after four years of study; and (b) one or more graduate schools for those who want to continue their studies after college for about two years to receive a master’s degree (Master of Arts (MA) or of Science (MS) or a doctoral degree (Ph. D. – Doctor of Philosophy, in some science). There are 156 universities in the USA.

    2. The academic year is usually nine months, or two semesters of four and a half months each. Studies usually begin in September and end in July. Students can improve their grades or take up additional courses in summer classes. During one term or semester a student study four or five different subjects. The students’ progress is controlled through oral or written tests, term or course papers and a final examination in each course. For each part of his work in every course a student gets a mark. They help to determine his final grade. A student’s record consists of his grade in each course. College grades are usually on a five-point scale; A- is the highest mark and is equal to 5 points, B = 4, C=3, D=2, E or F means failure. Each college or university has its own curriculum. To receive a degree every student has to take a definite number of courses. These courses are major subjects (or “majors»). At the same time the student may choose himself some subjects. They are “electives”. A student must earn a certain number of “credits” (about 120). In this case they receive a degree at the end of four years of college. Students get credits by attending lectures or laboratory classes and completing assignments and examinations. One credit usually equals one hour of class per week in a single course during the semester.

    Задание 25. Произнесите следующие слова и словосочетания.

    1) authority, local authorities; 2) fees, tuition, tuition fees, low, tuition fees are low; 3) graduates, high school, high school graduates; 4) skills, technical skills, learn skills, learn different technical skills; 5) subjects, different subjects, to study different subjects; 6) a degree, a Master’s degree, to get a Master’s degree, 7) a mark, a good mark, to get a good mark; 8) courses, a number of courses,

    to take a number of courses, to take a number of different courses.
    Задание 26. Подберите к словам и сочетаниям из текста в левой колонке соответствующие по смыслу слова и сочетания из правой. Произнесите английские слова и сочетания.

    1 community college

    2 local authority

    3 tuition fees

    4 that is why

    5 technical training institution

    6 high school graduates

    7 to learn technical skills

    8 to receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA)

    9 Master of Arts (MA)

    10 to improve grades

    11 take up additional courses

    12 to control students’ progress

    13 to determine a final grade

    14 a student’s record

    15 five – point scale

    16 to be equal to…points

    17 curriculum

    18 majors

    19 electives

    20 to earn a certain number of credits

    21 to complete assignments

    22 per week

    23 a single course

    1 проверять успехи студентов

    2 выставить окончательную отметку

    3 муниципальный колледж

    4 табель успеваемости студента

    5 план, программа

    6 профилирующие (предметы)

    7 равняться …очкам

    8 специализированные профессиональные высшие учебные заведения

    9 улучшить успеваемость (оценки)

    10 приобрести профессиональные умения и навыки

    11 пятибалльная шкала

    12 плата за обучение

    1. один конкретный курс (предмет)

    2. заработать определённое число баллов

    3. местные власти

    4. выполнять задания

    5. получить степень бакалавра (по гуманитарным наукам)

    6. в неделю

    7. выпускники старших классов школы

    8. факультативные предметы (по выбору)

    9. заниматься дополнительно по определённым предметам

    10. вот почему

    11. магистр гуманитарных наук

    Задание 27. Напишите по-русски 5-6 предложений со словами и сочетаниями из упр.3. Попросите друг друга перевести их на английский язык.
    Задание 28. Ответьте письменно на вопросы.
    1. How many Universities are there in the USA?

    2. What are the main types of higher educational establishments in the USA?

    3.What is the main aim of American community colleges?

    4. Who may take courses at technical training institutions?

    5. What is a four year college?

    6. When do students at American universities get a Bachelor’s degree and when can they get a Master’s degree?

    7.How long does an academic year at American higher institutions last?

    8. How is the students’ progress controlled?

    9. What is a student’s record?

    10. Do universities and colleges have one curriculum?

    11. What are “majors” and “electives”?

    12. What is a credit?

    Задание 29. Составьте предложения из следующих слов. Следующая схема поможет вам вспомнить структуру английского повествовательного простого предложения. Для того, чтобы составить вопросительные предложения, воспользуйтесь памяткой 1.

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