Методичка по английскому. Двух семестров (одного учебного года)
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Программа по английскому языку для студентов бакалавров юридического факультета Ивановского госуниверситета предполагает изучение английского языка в течение двух семестров (одного учебного года). В первом семестре предполагается проведение 14-16 аудиторных занятий, во втором – около 22-24 занятий, на которых вы обязаны присутствовать и активно работать. В конце года программой предусмотрен официальный зачёт. В течение этого года Вы должны будете выполнить на занятии и дома следующие виды заданий: I) задания, связанные с чтением и обработкой текстов, представленные в данном пособии – «методичке», а также дополнительные задания из электронных и бумажных источников; II) задания, которые помогут Вам лучше разобраться в особенностях грамматической структуры английского языка и, в конечном счёте, сделают процесс чтения текстов менее сложным и трудоёмким. Эти задания и упражнения представлены в учебном пособии и учебнике: 1)Ионина, Саакян: Английская грамматика в схемах и таблицах: учебное пособие ; 2) Ионина, Саакян: Английская грамматика : Теория и практика : учебник), а также в дополнительных материалах ; III) задания по разговорной практике из «методички» Куликовой И.В. Методические указания по развитию навыков речевого общения на английском языке (часть 1). В конце первого и второго семестра Вы должны будете «отчитаться» перед преподавателем о выполнении всех заданий за каждый семестр и выполнить в конце каждого семестра на занятии письменную зачётную работу, в которую будут включены задания по чтению и грамматическому материалу. (Демо-версия зачётной работы представлена в Приложении 2). Оценка о зачёте за весь курс английского языка заносится в зачётную книжку в конце второго семестра. Прежде, чем вы начнёте работать с текстами, прочитайте рекомендации о том, как правильно пользоваться англо-русским словарём. Они помогут вам сэкономить время и сделать наиболее адекватный перевод, т.е. перевод, соответствующий литературной норме русского языка. I. Каждый словарь имеет свой порядок построения, свою систему условных обозначений в предисловии к словарю. Прочитайте предисловие в вашем словаре и ответьте на некоторые вопросы:
II. Как выписывать новые слова и определять их значения?
А. Если перед этими грамматическими окончаниями (суффиксами) стоят буквы g, c, v или согласная с предшествующей гласной, то отбрасываются лишь согласные элементы суффикса: -s, -st, –r, -d, -ng. Например: pages – page; largest – large; reducing – reduce; produced – produce; stranger – strange. При восстановлении исходной формы слова с окончанием –ing, буква –i- заменяется буквой – e- (amusing – amuse; reducing – reduce). Если перед окончаниями -(e)s –(e)r, -(e)st, -(e)d, -ing стоит сочетание ng , обозначающее звук [ŋ], окончание отбрасывается полностью: longer – long; the strongest – strong; belonged – belong; ringing – ring.
UNIT I (ТЕМА 1): HIGHER EDUCATIONЗадание 1. Прочитайте текст (прочитать текст означает «прочитать и понять»). Пользуясь данными выше рекомендациями, выпишите подчёркнутые слова и словосочетания и определите их контекстуальные значения. Произнесите их. Помните об ударении и о том, что между словами в словосочетаниях не должно быть пауз.Задание 2. Запишите перевод абзацев 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9.Ivanovo State University1. Ivanovo State University was organized on the basis of the Teachers Training Institute in 1973. Now it has 9 faculties. Three of them are natural sciences faculties. They are: the faculties of mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry. The rest six are humanities. They are: the faculty of law, history, philology, economics, the faculty of Romance and Germanic philology and the faculty of socio-psychology. The buildings are in different parts of the town. 2. To enter the University applicants must have Centralized Testing in particular subjects. A student can pay for his studies or get free of charge education. 3. There are daytime and extramural courses of studies at the University. Besides there is a postgraduate course. 4. There is a two level system at Russian higher educational establishments. It includes bachelor and master courses of studies. The bachelor complete day course at Ivanovo State University lasts for four years. On its completion graduates get bachelor degree. The master course lasts for two years. On its completion graduates get master degree. The complete extramural course of studies lasts for six years. 5. On the completion of a master course of studies a University graduate may take a postgraduate course. In three years he must present his research work (dissertation) and get the first scientific degree – a candidate degree. After some further years of research he can get the second scientific degree – a doctor degree. 6. An academic year consists of two terms. At the end of each term students take tests and exams. The students who pass their tests and exams successfully get stipends (or grants). 7. The main forms of studies are lectures and seminars (or practical classes). The subjects are compulsory in general. But students can attend some courses of their free will. 8. The head of the University is the Principal (or the Rector). He has several Vice principals. They are responsible for different spheres of University activities. The Dean is at the head of each faculty. There are several special departments at each faculty. For example, there are the departments of civil law, criminal law, labour law at the law faculty. 9. At their disposal students have well equipped laboratories, computerized classes, modernized classrooms, libraries and gyms. The University trains specialists in different fields: researchers, school teachers, instructors for higher educational establishments, lawyers, book-keepers, journalists, psychologists and many others. 10.The University has several halls of residence (or dormitories). The students who come to Ivanovo from other towns and cities or different countries live there. Some students takelodgings Задание 3. Подберите к словам и сочетаниям в левой колонке соответствующие по смыслу слова и сочетания из правой. Произнесите английские слова и сочетания.
Задание 4. Напишите по-русски 5-6 предложений со словами и сочетаниями из упр.3. Попросите друг друга перевести их на английский язык. Задание 5. Закончите следующие предложения, используя слова и сочетания из текста “Ivanovo State University”.
Задание 6. Переведите русские части предложений на английский язык. 1. Ivanovo State University was organized on the basis of педагогического института. 2. There are 9 факультетов at Ивановском госуниверситете. 3. Among them there are: филологический, биолого-химический, экономический, социолого-психологический and the others. 4. The students who come from other towns, cities and countries live in общежитиях or снимают жильё. 5. At the University there are дневное and заочное отделения. 6. At the end of each семестра students must сдавать зачёты и экзамены. 7. At each faculty there are several кафедр (отделений). 8. At the head of each faculty is декан. 9. Most subjects at the University are обязательны. 10. Students may (посещать) some courses по собственному желанию. 11. At the University there is аспирантура. 12. The University готовит юристов, журналистов, психологов and other specialists. Задание 7. Определите правильность или ложность следующих утверждений. Например: Students don’t take exams. The statement is wrong. Students take exams at the end of each term. 1. There are 12 faculties in Ivanovo University. 2. All students get free education at Ivanovo University. 3. There is no postgraduate course at Ivanovo University. 4. The head of the University is the Principal. 5. Ivanovo University was founded on the basis of the Teachers training Institute. 6. At the law faculty there are no special departments. 7. The first scientific degree is a candidate degree. 8. The University trains lawyers. Задание 8. Составьте вопросы, ответами на которые могут быть следующие предложения. Следующая таблица поможет вам вспомнить как по-английски задать вопрос.Памятка 1
1. It is 40 years old. 2. The head of the University is the Principal. 3. The University trains specialists in different fields. 4. The University has several halls of residence. 5. The complete daycourse at each faculty lasts for four years. 6. Now it has 9 faculties. 8. He can take it on the completion of a four – year course of studies. Задание 9. Определите к какому типу относятся следующие предложения (утвердительные / отрицательные, вопросительные, повелительные, восклицательные). Поставьте в конце каждого соответствующий знак пунктуации (.), (?), (!).Например: Do you know who is the dean of your faculty ? вопросит.
Задание 10. Подготовьте в парах и воспроизведите диалог об ИвГУ на английском языке.
Задание 11. Ответьте на вопросыанкеты "QuestionnaireforLawstudents». Воспользуйтесь ответами-комментариями. Анкета и ответы-комментарии взяты со стр. http://forums.vogue.com.au/showthread.php?t=111517 Questionnaire for Law students Okay, I have a set of questions that I'd like all the law students to answer. I'm interested to know about your studies etc, to help me prepare for law at uni next year 1. Where do you study? What course are you doing? 2. What year are you in? 3. What made you decide to study law? 4. Are you enjoying it? 5. What are your favourite law subjects? 6. What are your least favourite law subjects? 7. What do you enjoy most about studying law? 8. What do you least enjoy about studying law? 10. What is your opinion of your fellow law students, any animosity? 11. How do you plan to use your law degree after you graduate? 12. Any advice for those planning to study law? 13. (anything else...) Пример ответов на вопросы анкеты. Обратите внимание на стиль английского интернет языка. 1. Im at QUT, doing B Laws/B Business 2. 2nd yr 3. i loved legal studies at school, and was really interested in law, so i did it... plus i thought it would be a good income if i could do well lol 4. kind of.... its hard work, but sometimes interesting, sometimes incredibly boring and tedious 5. criminal law is fun, i also like all the practical things like mooting, interviewing ... 6. i dont really like contracts, administrative or tax law lol or constitutional law for that matter 7. i like that you get to practice the practical aspects whilst learning the theory, and it is challenging 8. the horrendous amount of reading 9. .. you left out nine lol 10. i get along really well with my fellow law students, although there are a few who are very snobbish and think they are great because they study law... but most are really nice 11. i dont really know, i did want to go into private practice but i dont think so anymore, id maybe like to do some in house work, ask me in 2 years lol 12. dont leave the work till the last minute, and go to tutorials Задание 12. Прочитайте тексты о высшем образовании в Великобритании. Особое внимание обратите на подчёркнутые слова и сочетания. Задание13. Запишите перевод абзацев: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10.University Education in Great Britain1. The system of higher education in Great Britain is very complex. It includes Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Art and other institutions. The main centers of higher education are universities. There are 45 universities in Great Britain. They train doctors and lawyers, physicists and chemists, economists and linguists. They also give a first-class theoretical education on philosophy and logic, on medicine and literature, on economics and arts, on natural sciences and law. The oldest and most famous universities in Great Britain are Cambridge and Oxford. The largest university is the University of London. 2. The admission to universities is by selection and examination. Students usually pay for studies. But about 2/3 of university students get grants. The amount of the grants depends on the incomes of students and their parents. 3. University instruction is a combination of lectures, practical classes and tutorials. There are three terms in the academic year with the vacations on Christmas, Easter and in summer. A course of studies in universities lasts from three to four years. On the completion of such a course students sit for finals. On the successful completion of the course of studies graduates of British universities get the first scientific degree of Bachelor of Science. After a further year of studies and research postgraduates get the second degree - the Master’s Degree. The highest degree is the Doctor’s Degree. 4. Oxford and Cambridge are the two most famous British universities. They are also well-known as Oxbridge: Ox(ford) + (Cam)bridge. It is a synonym of everything best in university life. 5. Oxford and Cambridge are almost identical institutions. First of all, both of them date back to the ancient times. In both of them there is a system of residential colleges. Students study and live here. The colleges are self-governing and independent. “The University” is merely an administrative body. It arranges examinations, gives degrees, organizes lectures, etc. Women didn’t study in Oxford and Cambridge almost till the 20th century. 6. An Oxbridge degree gives a person a lot of privileges. A great number of political leaders and businessmen are Oxbridge graduates. But the doors of Oxbridge are not open to all. The majority of the students are graduates of private schools. The students pay all kinds of fees. Especially they pay very much money for tuition, lodgings, etc. Oxford7. The beginning of Oxford dates back to the 12th century. By 1185 a corporation of students was formed there. The students were coming there at the age of 13 or 14 and stayed for 7 years. Studies were in the form of a discussion between a master and several students. The language of instruction was Latin. The students studied theology, logic, mathematics, natural sciences, Latin and Greek. 8. Today Oxford consists of 32 colleges – 27 for men and 5 – for women. The custom and methods of most colleges are similar. Within the first week the freshman meets the tutor to whom he is assigned and begins his work. At his first interview the tutor discovers how far advanced the pupil is already. He tells him about requirements for the examinations. He also speaks to him about the course of reading and tells him of the lectures. At the beginning or end of each term there are college examinations. The students sit in the hall and write their answers. The tutor then corrects the papers. He goes through each student’s work with him afterwards. 9. Great attention is paid to athletics and the development of “character”. Cambridge10. The foundation of Cambridge dates back to 1209. The founder of the first college in Cambridge was Sir Walter de Merton of Oxford. Now Cambridge has 18 colleges for men and 6 for women. The largest and most famous of them is King’s College. The academic year consists of three terms. The students must study 9 terms to obtain a Cambridge degree. Then they pass three series of exams, all in writing. 11. Cambridge is a great center of research. A number of Nobel Prize physicists and other scientists worked there. Among them were Thompson, Rutherford and a well-known Russian scientist Kapitza. Задание 14. Подберите к словам и сочетаниям из текста в левой колонке соответствующие по смыслу слова и сочетания из правой. Произнесите английские слова и сочетания.
Задание 15. Напишите по-русски 5-6 предложений со словами и сочетаниями из упр.3. Попросите друг друга перевести их на английский язык. Задание 16. Переведите русские части предложений на английский язык. 1. (Приём ) to British Universities is by selection and examination. 2. (Плата за обучение) at Oxbridge is high. 3. (Первокурсники) first meet the tutor . 4. (Формы обучения) at Oxbridge is a combination of lectures, practical classes and tutorials. 5. (Преподаватель-куратор) interview freshmen. 6. Oxford and Cambridge are administrative ( органы). 7. Oxford and Cambridge are famous centers of (научных исследований). 8. The most famous higher educational (заведения) are Oxford and Cambridge. 9. Oxford and Cambridge (выпускники) are well known politicians, scientists, writers. 10.In order to (получить) the Master’s Degree a postgraduate has to make a research. 11. Oxford anв Cambridge are (студенческие городки). Задание 17. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Воспользуйтесь словами и сочетаниями из текста.
Задание 18. Составьте по-английски и запишите вопросы о той информации, которую Вы не совсем хорошо поняли. Задайте эти вопросы студенту Вашей группы или преподавателю.Задание 19. Опровергните следующие утверждения.Например: The oldest University in Great Britain is London University. This statement is false. London University is not the oldest University of Great Britain. The oldest are Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
Задание 20. Подготовьте в парах воспроизведение диалога на английском языке. Воспользуйтесь лексикой из предыдущих текстов.
Задание 21. Прочитайте текст. Передайте письменно его краткое содержание на русском языке. CUSU ( Cambridge University Students Union) Freshers’ Guide 2011 Societies and Clubs in Cambridge The Cambridge experience isn’t just about essays and supervisions (контроль) , but also the people and opportunities while you’re here. The easiest to get involved with societies is at the CUSU Societies’ Fair at the Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre on 5th and 6th October. It’s well worth a visit, so leave plenty of time to see everything – we think it’s the largest in Europe! Most societies also have a ‘squash’(столпотворение) at the beginning of the year, a gathering where they tell you about what they do and you sign up to their email list so you stay informed. So what can you ‘get involved’ with? We could fill pages and pages with information about all the societies in Cambridge, so we’ve decided just to mention a few examples of what you can do. Also, don’t forget there will also be societies and groups to get involved with in your college. Then there’s the other 600 or so societies in Cambridge that cover every other possible interest – from the Acrobatic Martial Arts (боевые искусства) Society to the Zero-Carbon Society. If you can think of it, then there is probably a society of people doing it – or support available to start one yourself! It’s an understatement to say a lot goes on in Cambridge. If you have an interest, there will be a club or society that shares it; so get involved as much (or as little) as you want. |