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  • Тематическое предложение

  • Задание 8 . Выполните задания.

  • Transcript ( текст видео ) Narrator

  • Guide

  • 1. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a- h next to the number 1- 8.

  • 2. Choose the right variant to answer the questions.

  • 3. Circle the things that can be found in Windsor Castle.

  • 5. Write the word or words to fill the gaps. Use the passive or active verb forms.

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    Задание 6. Ещё раз просмотрите текст, чтобы разделить его на абзацы. Прочитайте памятку 4 . определите тему каждого абзаца. Укажите к какому типу относятся абзацы, исходя из расположения в них тематических предложений.

    Памятка 4

    Тематическое предложение - предложение, которое обобщает главную идею абзаца

    1). Очень часто тематическое предложение расположено в начале абзаца. Оно обозначает в общем виде основную идею абзаца. Последующие предложения раскрывают её.

    2). Иногда тематическое предложение находится в конце абзаца. В таком абзаце сначала даются детали, подробности, которые завершаются обобщением главной идеи абзаца в последнем предложении.

    3). Тематическое предложение может быть в начале и в конце абзаца. В таких абзацах последнее предложение повторяет идею, заключённую в первом предложении, но с учётом представленных деталей.

    4). Прямо выраженного тематического предложения может и не быть в абзаце. Тему абзаца в этом случае нужно сформулировать самостоятельно, основываясь на деталях.

    Задание 7. Теперь в каждом абзаце найдите и запишите предложения, которые раскрывают его тему (второстепенные детали опустите). Запишите их перевод.

    Задание 8 . Выполните задания.
    Windsor Castle
    Do you know who lives in Windsor Castle? Watch the video to find out and learn more about this fascinating and historic building! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fUDDsZ2I_gk или Windsor Castle | LearnEnglishTeens
    Transcript (текст видео)
    Narrator: Historic castle, royal palace, family home. Windsor Castle, the longest continually inhabited castle in the world, official residence of Her Majesty the Queen, and destination of a million visitors each year.

    Guide: Down this hill and it will be on your right-hand side, sir.

    Narrator: Just 23 miles west of London, the castle sits on its striking hilltop site, a potent symbol of the British monarchy. Built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century, Windsor has since been home to 39 monarchs, each shaped the building to their own tastes and needs, and their legacy can be seen throughout the castle.

    Perhaps most notable was George IV, who in the 1820s gave Windsor its famous skyline, almost doubling the height of the castle's iconic round tower. And as kings and queens had done before him, George IV created magnificent new rooms, but his remain the most dazzling of all.

    In 1848, Queen Victoria opened the state apartments to the public. They are Windsor's most impressive rooms. Furnishing the splendid interiors are some of the greatest treasures from the royal collection, assembled by kings and queens over the last 500 years. From Old Master paintings to tapestries, porcelain, furniture, even a royal doll's house and armour. As you can guess from the size of it, this suit belonged to the larger than life Henry VIII.

    Windsor Castle is home to the Order of the Garter, Britain's oldest Order of Chivalry, and its annual ceremony is held at St. George's Chapel. The Garter's star and the Order's motto can be seen all around the castle. Here in St. George's Hall, the shields and armour of over a thousand Garter Knights decorate the walls and ceilings.

    In 1992, a devastating fire swept through the building. It took 15 hours and 200 firefighters to bring the blaze under control, but some of Windsor's rooms were reduced to burnt-out shells. Five years later, a multi-million pound and award-winning restoration project returned the castle to its former splendour and even added completely new interiors.

    Today, Windsor is one of the world's few remaining working royal palaces, and the setting for grand ceremonial and state occasions. A national monument, Windsor Castle tells the story of a thousand years of British royal history like nowhere else, and is enjoyed by visitors from all over the world.
    1. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a- h next to the number 1- 8.

    1…….. a monument a. to live in a place

    2…….. a monarch b. a building where someone lives

    3…….. a occasion c. the place where someone is going

    4…….. a residence d. a king or queen

    5…….. a restoration e. metal clothing that soldiers wore in the past to protect their bodies

    6…….. a destination f. the process of returning something to its original condition by repairing and cleaning it

    7…….. to inhabit g. an important event or ceremony

    8…….. armour h. an old building or place that is important in history

    2. Choose the right variant to answer the questions.
    1. Which of the following is NOT a function of Windsor castle?

    The Queen’s home. / A restoration project. / A national monument.
    2. Who built Windsor Castle?

    William the Conqueror / Henry VIII / Queen Victoria

    3. What did George IV do at Windsor Castle?

    He opened the state apartments to the public. / He doubled the height of the castle’s round

    tower. / He paid for the restoration of the castle after the fire.

    4. What can you find at St. George's Chapel?

    Treasures collected by monarchs. / The shields and armour of over a thousand Garter Knights

    / The armour of Henry VIII

    5. What was the result of the restoration project?

    It put out the fire. / It returned the castle to exactly how it looked before the fire. / It repaired

    the damage and added new interiors.
    6. Is Windsor a working castle?

    Yes, it is the official residence of the Queen. / Yes, but only for state ceremonies. / No, it is

    only a museum.
    3. Circle the things that can be found in Windsor Castle.

    paintings shells armour a doll’s house a monument tapestries porcelain firefighters

    4. Match the numbers with the things they describe; write a – h next to the number 1 – 8.

    The approximate number of visitors to Windsor Castle each year. a. 39


    The distance the castle is from London in miles. b. 11 th

    The century the castle was built. c. IV


    The number of monarchs who have lived in Windsor Castle. d. 1848


    The monarch George who gave Windsor its famous skyline. e. 200


    The year that Queen Victoria opened the state apartments to the public. f. 1992


    The year a fire swept through the castle. g. a million


    The number of firefighters it took to put out the fire at the castle. h. 23

    5. Write the word or words to fill the gaps. Use the passive or active verb forms.


    The legacy of each monarch can ____________________ (see) in the castle.

    2. George IV ____________________ (doubled) the height of the castle’s round tower.


    Queen Victoria ____________________ (open) the state apartments to the public.


    The castle ____________________ (restore) after a huge fire in 1992.

    5. The order of the Garter’s annual ceremony ____________________ (hold) at St. George’s Chapel.


    Windsor Castle ____________________ (enjoy) by people from all over the world.

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