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  • 3. Выберите один текст и напишите его аннотацию.

  • 2. Oswald, Lee Harvey, 1940 -1963

  • 3. Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, 1902 -1974

  • 4. Kidd, Captain William , 1645 – 1701

  • 6. Fawkes, Guy, 1570 – 1606

  • 7. Crippen, Dr. Hawley Harvey, 1882 -1910

  • 8. Capone, Alphonse, 1899 – 1947

  • 9. Cagliostro, Alessandro, 1743 – 1795

  • 11. Bonnie and Clyde (Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow), d.1934

  • 12. Barker, Arizona Clare "Ma", d. 1935

  • 13. Butch Cassidy, 1866 - 1910 and the Sundance Kid, d.1910

  • Приложение 1.

  • CONSTRUCTIONS 1. be of interest – представлять интерес2. be of importance – представлять важностьWORD COMBINATIONS

  • Приложение 2

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    Задание 7. Заполните анкету Should you go to law school? на стр. http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=should-you-go-to-law-school

    Задания для зачёта.
    1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите тексты.

    2. Выберите один текст для чтения вслух.

    3. Выберите один текст и напишите его аннотацию.
    1. Mata Hari (born Gerda Zelle), 1876-1917

     Mata Hari, who was executed (a) by a firing squad in France in October 1917, is probably the most famous spy of all time. She is renown for her beauty, her numerous military lovers, her provocative Oriental dancing, and, above all, her espionage. Yet in fact, she was not Oriental, or even a spy (b). Mata Hari was a stage name adopted by a plump middle-aged Dutch divorcee, named Mrs. Margaretha MacLeod, who had left her alcoholic Scottish husband in the Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia) and opted to become a dancer in Europe.
     The evidence of her alleged espionage on behalf of the German Kaiser is based merely on her being mistaken for a well-known German agent Clara Benedix, by the British in November 1916. In that month Mrs. MacLeod was arrested in Falmouth, Cornwall, on board of the ship Hollandia
     while she was on her way to Holland. The police released her when they realized the mistake. Later she was arrested in France and charged with having been in contact with German intelligence officers in Madrid (though she had never even been there.
     At her trial in Paris her lurid life-style was used to damning effect. It was only in 1963, when the secret files relating to her case were released, that the legend was reassessed. Most historians now think that, far from being a spy, Mata Hari was simply an innocent scapegoat - shot because the French government wanted to cover up its military ineptitude by fabricating an all-powerful ring of German agents.
    2. Oswald, Lee Harvey, 1940 -1963
      In 1963 the world was shaken by the news that President Kennedy had been in Dallas, Texas, while driving from airport. The man arrested for this terrible (b) was Lee Harvey Oswald. After service in the US Marine Corps, Oswald went to the Soviet Union for a time and married a Russian girl. On returning to the United States he was for a time involved with Cuban revolutionary elements. On 22nd November 1963 he is said to have taken a rifle into the Texas Book Depository in Dallas, where he worked, and shot President Kennedy and Governor Conally of Texas as they drove past. Conally survived, but the President died soon afterwards. Oswald tried to escape, shooting a policeman who tried to stop him. He was caught, but was later shot dead before he could be brought to by the night-club owner Jack Ruby, who had got into the police station. The Warren Commission, which (d) the assassination, stated that Oswald had acted alone, but many people do not agree, and there are still a great many questions concerning the killing left unanswered.

     3. Lindbergh, Charles Augustus, 1902 -1974

      Kidnapping, which means the taking of a person - sometimes a child - by force and asking the family, friends or even employers of the person for ransom money in return for his or her release, has always been regarded as a serious crime. One of the best known kidnappings of modern times took place in America in March 1932, when the nineteen-months old son of American aviator Colonel Charles Lindbergh was taken from his New Jersey home while he was asleep in the nursery. Charles Lindbergh was the first man to fly the Atlantic non-stop singlehanded in 1927 and a great American hero. A large sum of money - $50,000 - was demanded by the kidnapper and this was eventually paid over by Lindbergh in April. However, the boy had already been murdered and his body buried under leaves and twigs in a wood only four miles from the Lindbergh home. As a result of the Lindbergh case the crime of kidnapping was made a Federal instead of just a State offence with the passing of the "Lindbergh Act" (federal Kidnapping Act) in 1933. This allowed the FBI to become involved in the search for kidnappers and their victims making аn arrest so much more likely. The kidnapper of Lindbergh's child, Bruno Hauptmann, a carpenter from New York, was finally arrested in September 1934 after a massive search, and executed in 1936. The publicity which followed the kidnapping was so great that the Lindberghs eventually left America to live in England and continued to do so until 1939.
    4. Kidd, Captain William , 1645 – 1701

      A privateer was a private person (a civilian not in the navy) who was given a commission to attack the King's enemies at sea and traditionally there was always a thin line dividing privateering from piracy . In 1695 William Kidd, a Scotsman who had emigrated to Boston, Massachusetts, was given a commission by William III to arrest all pirates and also a commission to act as a privateer against the French. He fitted out the brig Adventure and in 1697 sailed to Madagascar, the lair of many pirates at that time But instead of attacking the pirates, he joined forces with them and began capturing merchant ships and plundering local trade. He deserted his ship and went to New York, offering treasure to the governor and claiming to be able to explain his actions. However, he was arrested and sent to England for trial where he was hanged in 1701. About 14.000 pounds of treasure was recovered from his ship and from a hiding place near Long Island, though there is still supposed to be a lot of Captain Kidd's treasure waiting to be found.

    5. Jack the Ripper

      "Jack the Ripper" was a mysterious killer who terrorized the East End of London in the autumn of 1888. His victims, all women, were killed by having their throats cut, and in many cases the bodies were savagely mutilated as well. The number of victims is said to be between four and fourteen, though police authorities generally thought that only five murders were definitely the work of the Ripper. The Ripper was never caught, and his identity remains a mystery. All kinds of people have been suggested as possible Rippers, including the Duke of Clarence, a Russian barber, a society doctor and even a barrister.
    6. Fawkes, Guy, 1570 – 1606

     Guy Fawkes is the best known member of the gang which planned Gunpowder plot of 1605. The originators of the plot were Robert Catesby, Thomas Winter, Thomas Percy and John Wright. Fawkes was only brought in later by Catesby, who knew of his reputation for courage. All were Roman Catholics and their plan was to destroy James I and his Protestant parliament by blowing them up. Percy rented a house next to parliament and later the cellar below the House of Lords. There Fawkes hid thirty-six barrels of gunpowder, covering them with wood and coal. The plot was discovered when one of the conspirators sent a letter to Lord Monteagle in October 1605 asking him not to attend the opening of parliament on 5th November. Suspicions were aroused and on the night of 4th November Fawkes was arrested in the cellar. He had been given the task of lighting the fuse to set off the explosion. Tortured, he refused to give the names of his fellow conspirators until they had either been killed or captured. He was executed by hanging on 31st January 1606.
    7. Crippen, Dr. Hawley Harvey, 1882 -1910

      Crippen is famous as a murderer mainly because he was the first one to be caught by the use of wireless telegraphy. He was an American-born doctor who settled in London in 1900 with his wife Cora who had theatrical ambitions and used, the stage name Belle Elmore. In 1910 Crippen's wife vanished in suspicious circumstances and when the house was searched her dismembered body was discovered buried in a cellar. She had been poisoned. Meanwhile Crippen had fled with his girlfriend Ethel Le Neve, who was disguised as а boy. They thought that they were save once they boarded the liner Montrose for America, but the authorities used the newly invented wireless topass on a warning to the ship's captain. Shortly afterwards "Mr Robinson" and his "son" were recognised and Crippen and Le Neve were arrested in New York and  returned to Britain. Largely due to Crippen’ s insistence that she knew nothing of the crime, Ethel Le Neve was freed, but the mild, inoffensive looking little man was hanged at Pentonville prison on 23rd November 1910.
    8. Capone, Alphonse, 1899 – 1947

      "Al" Capone is possibly the best-known of all American gangsters, though by no means the most important. His home ground was Chicago. He was brought into the rackets by Johnny Torrio and Tome's uncle "Big Jim" Colosimo. Capone seized his chance when prohibition was declared in 1920, which made the manufacture and sale of alcohol illegal in America. He soon rose to control a large part of the illegal liquor market in Chicago and the Middle West. A fierce and vicious man, he was responsible for many gangland killings, including the 1929 St. Valentine's Day Massacre, in which seven rival "bootleggers" (men selling illicit liquor) were trapped by gunmen dressed as police and machine-gunned to death. He was imprisoned in 1931 on income tax charges, became a model prisoner and was released in 1939.
    9. Cagliostro, Alessandro, 1743 – 1795

      Count Cagliostro's real name was Guiseppe Balsamo, and he became famous as a charlatan or confidence trickster, as we would call him today. As a young man he learned a little about chemistry and medicine and then left Sicily in 1769. After getting some knowledge of the supernatural, he appeared in Malta as the great Count Cagliostro, specialist in medicine, magic and all kinds of strange arts. He was soon fleecing the rich of Europe, selling them an elixir of youth and love potions. Finally he was condemned to death in Rome for setting up a secret society and died in prison at San Leone.
    10. Cain

      According to the Bible, he was the first murderer. The story is told in Genesis, Chapter Four. He was a tiller of the soil and his brother Abel was a shepherd. They were both sons of Adam and Eve. When the Lord accepted Abel's offerings and rejected those of his, he was very "wroth and his countenance fell". He fell upon his brother Abel and killed him. When the Lord asked him where his brother was, he asked the famous question "am I my brother's keeper?". For his crime, he was banished to be a wanderer over the earth, but to prevent him being killed, God put a mark upon him to protect him. According to the Bible, he went to live in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
    11. Bonnie and Clyde (Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow), d.1934

      In the days of the Depression in America after 1929, these two young people made a great name for themselves robbing stores and committing murders quite casually and often for the sheer fun of it. Bonnie Parker was a waitress when she met Clyde Barrow, and she ended up a legendary figure known for her love of red dresses, cigars and firearms. Working in the southern states of the USA they left behind a trail of destruction. On several occasions they were trapped by the police, but seemed to bear a charmed life and escaped even through a hail of bullets. On one occasion they held up a prison farm killing a guard and helping a friend to escape. Huge rewards were by then offered for their capture. Following a tip-off, the police finally ambushed Bonnie and Clyde at a crossroads and killed them in the gunfight that followed. In 1967 a film was made of their exploits, which resulted in the two becoming almost cult figures, and a pop song was written about them, which became a best-selling record.
    12. Barker, Arizona Clare "Ma", d. 1935

      "Ma" Barker's gang was mostly composed of her own four sons, and she led them to criminal fame. She was never arrested, but her sons often were. Ma would appear in court and protest their innocence or raise bail. By the time the gang was cleared up by the FBI it had been responsible for the deaths of four policemen, a civilian and one of their own number who talked too much. The Barkers hit the big time when they started kidnapping rich men for ransom, but this increased the pressure by police and the FBI on the gang and its members, had to split up. When Arthur Barker was captured, Ma's hideout in Florida was revealed. The FBI's G-men surrounded the house and called on Ma Barker and her son Fred to surrender. 'To hell with all of you", she replied and opened fire. The FBI used tear gas, but the gunfight continued until both Ma Barker and her son were dead.

    13. Butch Cassidy, 1866 - 1910 and the Sundance Kid, d.1910

     Butch Cassidy, whose real name was Robert Leroy Parker, was the leader of a gang of American outlaws called the Wild Bunch who operated mainly from a secure hideout in Wyoming Territory called Hole in the Wall. Other members of the gang were the Sundance Kid (real name Harry Longbaugh), Bill "News" Carver, Ben Kilpatrick and Harvey Logan. The Wild Bunch rustled cattle, held up banks and robbed trains, all with varied success. On one occasion they stole $40,000 in notes that were so new that they had not been signed, and their clumsy attempts to forge the signatures failed miserably. Having made things too hot for themselves by robbing the Union Pacific railway rather too frequently, in 1902 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid moved to South America accompanied by pretty schoolteacher Etta Place. This combination carried out a number of robberies, before the two outlaws were ambushed and killed in a gunfight with the Bolivian army in 1910. However, rumours persist that either one or both men returned to the USA and lived on peacefully to die of old age. The film of their life and death, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", starring Paul Newman and Robert Redford, managed to catch the flavour of criminal exploits almost perfectly.

    Приложение 1.
    Слова и сочетания для написания аннотаций


    1. contain – содержать

    2. discuss – обсуждать, разбирать(ся)

    3. deal with – касаться ч-л-, заниматься ч-л

    4. illuminate - освещать

    5. include - включать

    6. mention - упоминать

    7. present – давать, излагать

    8. refer to – упоминать, ссылаться на

    9. show - показывать

    10. illustrate – иллюстрировать, демонстрировать

    11. place emphasis on – особо выделять, подчёркивать

    12. describe - описывать

    13. explain - объяснять

    14. analyze - анализировать

    15. comment on - комментировать

    16. enumerate - перечислять

    17. generalize – делать вывод, обобщать


    1. be of interest – представлять интерес

    2. be of importance – представлять важность


    1. background material – основы (знаний, науки, проблемы)

    1. basic information – основные сведения

    2. basic problems – основные проблемы

    3. characteristic feature – характерная особенность

    4. complete review – полный обзор

    5. critical review – критический обзор

    6. data available – имеющиеся данные

    7. original approach – оригинальный, собственный подход

    8. overall view – общее представление

    9. principal concept(s) – основная концепция

    10. recent advances – последние достижения

    11. recent works on – последние работы по

    12. source(s) of information – источник(и) информации

    13. variety of problems – ряд вопросов

    Приложение 2
    Демонстрационная версия зачётной контрольной работы

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