Англ.ВСЕ МЕТОД ПОСОБИЕ ПО ГРАММАТИКЕ. Инфинитив и инфинитивные конструкции
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Употребление сослагательного наклонения Сослагательное наклонение употребляется в основном в следующих случаях: 1 В придаточных предложениях после безличных оборотов (типа it is necessary), выражающих вероятность, необходимость или желательность выполнения данного действия. Полезно запомнить некоторые обороты, являющиеся своеобразными ориентирами, помогающие отличить формы глагола в сослагательном наклонении от совпадающих с ними других форм глагола: It is necessary that …Необходимо, чтобы… It is essential that… Важно(существенно), чтобы… It is desirable that…Желательно, чтобы… It is important that… Важно, чтобы… It is improbable that…Маловероятно, чтобы It is required that …Требуется, чтобы…
Ex.1 1 It is necessary that an aircraft engine should combine efficiency and lightness. 2 It is highly desirable that physicists should solve the problem of control of dangerous radiations before we can widely use atomic energy. 3It is essential in the application of the turbojet engine to the propulsion of missiles that the thrust per unit of frontal area be as large as possible. 4 It is important that the propellant remain liquid at the lowest temperature. 5 It is required that all research instruments be light and compact. 6 It is necessary that an aircraft engine function properly ta wide range of speeds, atmospheric conditions and altitudes. 7 It is highly desirable that a person operating an aircraft have a good knowledge of the function of engine controls and instruments. 8 To maintain an aircraft hydraulic system in good order it is essential that a means of operation on the ground be provided. 9 It is not essential that the stages in a step rocket be of increasing size. 10 It is desirable that such power sources should be ideally suited for a number of present-day applications that require power in remote places. 11 It is theoretically possible that a part of the nuclear energy might be liberated by transforming either the lightest or the heaviest of the elements into others of medium weight. 2 В придаточных предложениях, если в главном предложении стоят глаголы to require, to demand – требовать to propose, to suggest – предлагать to desire, to wish – хотеть, желать или отглагольное существительные requirement, demand - требование, proposal- предложение и т.п.
Ex 2 1 The demand is that all measurements should be made very accurately. 2 The scientific objectives may require that a space vehicle should maintain a fixed aspect with respect (положение) to the Earth, the Sun, the fixed stars or even to a particular star. 3 In the early twenties the suggestion that pictures could be transmitted even by wire, would have seemed fantastic to many people. 4 The fundamental principle of generator action requires that lines of force be cut by wires. 5 He suggested that the experiment with liquid fuel rockets should be continued. 6 We wish Tsiolkovsky’s ideas were put into practice. 7 Much of to-day’s scientific research requires the solving of difficult mathematical problems, some of which would require years to solve by the usual methods. 3 В предложениях с союзом if – если, as though и as if -как если бы, как будто, so that -так чтобы и lest - чтобы не, but for - если бы не:
Ex.3 1 If there were no friction we could not even walk. 2 The Earth behaves as if it were a large magnet. 3 Our understanding of the nature of airflow would be much easier if the flow could be seen. 4 If there were no frictional losses in a machine, we could get as much work out of it as we put into it. 5 It would be much easier to compute satellite orbits if the Earth were perfectly spherical and had no atmosphere. 6 In many cases air may be treated as if it were an ideal liquid. 7 If one burnt 1lb of fuel and all the heat produced were used in heating water, it would be possible to increase the temperature of about 81/2 tons of water by 1 Fahrenheit. 8 If the Earth’s axis were perpendicular to the plane of its orbit, all parts of the world would have about 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness every day of the year. 9 If one could gather all the parts of an exploding atom, their total weight would be slightly less than the weight of the original atom. 10 If the bar magnet were broken in two, it would still retain its magnetism. 11 In some calculations the air is treated as if it had no viscocity. 12 We have seen that electrons in crystals have wave properties as if they were in free space. 13 Life could not exist on the Earth but for the heat and light it receives from the Sun. 4 В главном или простом предложении, когда подразумевается, что действие могло бы произойти при определенных условиях. В этом случае обычно используется форма would (реже could и might).
Ex.4 1 Without the force of gravitation there would be no pressure in liquids. 2 The Sun radiates as much energy every second as would be released by the explosion of several billion atomic bombs. 3 A body leaving the Earth in the direction of the Moon would experience the gravitational field of both planets. 4 Uranium is a very rich power producer: the atomic power plant uses 30 grammes of uranium in 24 hours where a thermal power plant of the same capacity of 5.000 kwh would require as much as 100 tons of coal. 5 The transfer of liquid hydrogen from the earth’s surface to orbit would be rather more difficult. 6 Without the Sun there would be no light, no heat, no energy of any kind. 7 Without sunlight there would be no photosynthesis. 5 В оборотах «инфинитив как часть сказуемого» с глаголами типа expect, appear:
Ex.5 1 By reduction in jet velocity it would appear to be possible to increase the propulsive efficiency for a given rocket. 2 The problem of maintaining a store of liquid hydrogen in an orbiting satellite would appear to be relatively simple. Способы перевода сослагательного наклонения Все формы сослагательного наклонения имеют в английском языке в основном одинаковое значение и могут переводиться на русский язык следующими способами:
Ex.6 1 If the conductor had been moved slowly, the galvanometer deflection would have been smaller. 2 If the Earth neither rotated nor revolved, one side would always have day and the other side would always have night.
3 Форму сослагательного наклонения с глаголом would в некоторых случаях лучше переводить не указанным выше способом, а глаголом в будущем времени в сочетании с модальным словом «вероятно», «по-видимому»:
Если в предложении уже содержатся слова со значением, близким к «вероятно», «по-видимому» (например, наречие probably или глаголы appear, seem), то добавлять модальное слово не надо.
Употребление модальных глаголов для выражения сослагательного наклонения. Модальные глаголы may, might и could в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола могут служить для выражения сослагательного наклонения. При этом они обычно сохраняют свое значение и переводятся словами «мог бы», «можно было бы».
Ex.7 1 A space platform might be useful as a navigational aid. 2 In order that we may be able to find out how efficient the engine is, we must measure the amount of energy that we put into it and compare this with the energy that is produces. 3 Studies of the atmosphere show that temperature does not decrease as might have been expected. 4 In order that the rocket may ascend upward against the attraction of gravity, the force of propulsion must exceed the weight of the rocket. 5 The space station might be a way-station on the road to the other planets, and a rocket reaching it could fuel up again and continue its flight. 6 No useful satellite could have been launched without the development of the modern science and technology of electronics, to provide the necessary guidance, control and communications. Заметьте, что глаголы must и may перед перфектным инфинитивом выражают предположение и переводятся словами «вероятно», «по-видимому», «должно быть». Перфектная форма инфинитива означает, что действие относится к прошедшему времени.
Ex.8 1 Originally the Earth’s temperature must have been extremely high. 2 The planetoids may have been formed by the disintegration of a planet. 3 Mercury must have lost most of its atmosphere while it was still hot. 4 Though, at the present time, Mercury could hold an atmosphere composed of the heavier gases, the atmosphere must have escaped entirely if Mercury had remained very hot for any length of time after its formation. 5 In the early stages of the Moon’s history the rate of escape of atmosphere must have been very rapid. Бессоюзное условное предложение Наряду с условными предложениями обычного типа, начинающихся с союзом –if «если», в английском языке употребляются бессоюзные условные предложения. Глагол-сказуемое в таких предложениях стоит обычно в форме сослагательного наклонения:
В бессоюзных условных предложениях (как показывает пример) вспомогательные глаголы should, were и had, входящие в состав сказуемого, ставятся на первое место в предложении (перед подлежащим). Таким образом, местоположение глаголов should, were, had в начале предложения является основным признаком условного бессоюзного предложения. Перевод такого предложения следует начинать словом «если» или «если бы». Запомните следующие застывшие обороты, которые часто используются в такого рода предложениях: Were it not for (= if it were not for)- если бы не Had it not been (= if it had not been for)- если бы не… 1 We all realize that if it were not for the friction between our shoes and the floor, we could not walk. 2 Should the falling body stop all friction would disappear. 3 Were friction removed walking would be impossible. 4 Had the first satellite been placed into a much higher orbit, it would have been of far less use, as the point of the greatest interest is the manner in which its movement is affected by drag. 5 The gondola of Explorer II stratospheric balloon was made of magnesium metal and it weighed 450lb; had it been made of steel, the weight would have been a ton. 6 Should an electrically neutral atom attain an additional electron, the negative charges would predominate, resulting in a negative ion. 7 Were test data available the calculation of the parameters for designing a rocket motor would be made from these data. Употребление и перевод глагола should 1 Глагол чаще всего выступает как модальный глагол и переводится словами «должен», «следует», «необходимо». В этом случае он употребляется в простом предложении или в главной части сложного предложения.
2 Глагол should может служить для образования сослагательного наклонения. В этом случае он употребляется в сложном предложении и его можно отличить от модального глагола по признакам, указанным в разделе «Употребление сослагательного наклонения п.п.1 и 2».
Ex.9 1 If the temperature of the liquid should be raised, a large supply of more swiftly moving molecules is provided. 2 It is necessary that fuel lines should be protected against heat. 3 A molecule of water is the smallest possible particle of water. If we should divide the molecule we no longer have water. 4 It is desired that an engine used in an airplane should have the least possible fuel and oil consumption. 5 It is required that an airplane engine should be well balanced dynamically and be as free from vibration as possible at all operating speeds. Употребление и перевод глагола would 1 Глагол would может служить для образования относительного будущего времени по правилу согласования времен и в этом случае в сочетании с инфинитивом переводится будущим временем.
2Глагол would чаще всего служит для образования сослагательного наклонения, см. раздел «Употребление сослагательного наклонения п.п.3 и 4».
Ex.10 1Heat would be absorbed until the temperature of the absorbing body attains that of the heat. 2It would be useful to remember that the greater the vacuum, the more efficient the rocket becomes. 3 If the Earth stayed in one place in its orbit, day and night would not change in length. 4 If a “short-circuit” occurs at any place in a circuit, a very large current is caused to flow, and this would heat up the connecting wires. 5 If our Sun were far enough from us, it would look like a star. On the other hand, if any of the stars were close enough to us, they would look like suns. 6 A brief list of some of the obvious diagnostic techniques would include measurements of electric currents and voltages induced in the plasma, the use of high-speed photographic equipment, optical spectroscopy, etc. |