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Методичка по теории перевода. Краснодарский государственный университет культуры и искусств кафедра методики и практики преподавания иностранных языков и культур Л.

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НазваниеКраснодарский государственный университет культуры и искусств кафедра методики и практики преподавания иностранных языков и культур Л.
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Упражнение 1. Закончите предложения, используя идиомы.

watch your step

give someone the cold shoulder

take the biscuit

have a bone to pick with someone

give someone the slip

take someone/something for granted

on the tip of your tongue

tongue in cheek

make a mountain out of a molehill

pull someone's leg

out of the question

get your own back

down in the mouth

play second fiddle

1. Look, the party's going to be quite easy to arrange. Don't _______________________.

2. You live next door to Stiven Spielberg? No! You must be ______________________.

3. We can't possibly stop for a snack on the way home. Sorry, it's _________________.

4. Send Max into my office when he arrives, will you? I've got ____________with him.

5. Sally, you're looking rather____________________. Has anything happened?

6. You know Stuart borrowed my stapler yesterday and didn't return it? Well, I've just seen my calculator on his desk! That really ___________________________________.

7. Although police were watching all the ports, the escaped convict managed to _______

and stow away on a cross-channel ferry to France.

8. I don't think Nigel meant what he said. His remark was rather __________________.

9. The smoke from Mr. Reeve's bonfire dirtied Mrs. Ward's washing, she ________ by throwing the contents of her dustbin over the fence into his garden.

10. I'll remember his name in a moment. It's_________________________.

11. If you're going to see the Headmaster today, __________. He's in a really foul mood, for some reason.

12. I'm afraid Derek doesn’t really appreciate all his sister does for him. He just _______.

Упражнение 2. Сравните английские и русские идиомы, подберите среди них парные.

1 get (hold) the wrong end of the stick A specify exactly

2 put your finger on B make an embarrassing mistake

3 go like a bomb C go out of control, work erratically

4 come to terms with D look serious, avoid smiling

5 put your foot in it E terrify you

6 keep a straight face F eventually accept

7 go haywire G boast about yourself

8 keep your head H misunderstand

9 make your hair stand on end I have a very good relationship

10 blow your own trumpet J be nervous

11 have butterflies in your stomach K not panic

12 get on like a house on fire L be very successful, sell well

Упражнение 3. Идиомы часто включают образы животных. Закончите предложения, используя приведённые ниже идиомы.

red herring

bee in his bonnet

dark horse

lame duck

barking up the wrong tree

whale of a time

get the lion's share

sort out the sheep from the goats

flogging a dead horse

let the cat out of the bag


putting the cart before the horse

1. That's the third time Trevor's put forward that suggestion. He's got a ______

about it.

2. There are lots of good candidates, but the three-day selection process is bound to _________.

3. You'll never persuade Simon to change his views on smoking. You're _______,

I'm afraid.

4. Areas with high unemployment often __________ of EU subsidies.

5. Don't, for heaven's sake, ___________! Elise mustn't even guess at the truth!

6. Strangely enough, the boss had organized the new training programme before he even interviewed the first applicant, rather____________, if you ask me.

7. Nobody knows anything about Gerry's past. He's a bit of a __________.

8. I'm afraid we've got a _____________ for a leader. She's lost three elections so far, and looks like losing the next.

9. The class spent twenty minutes discussing school lunches before the teacher realized it was a ____________, and insisted they return to the main topic.

10. It certainly wasn't my sister you saw in the cafe. You're ______________ there!

11. "Did you enjoy the party?" "Oh, I had a ___________! I didn't want to leave!"

12. Here's my copy of Pride and Prejudice. I've read it so often I'm afraid it's rather ___________.

Упражнение 4. Сравните английские и русские идиомы, подберите среди них парные.

1 a red-letter day A owing money

2 black and blue all over B jealously

3 out of the blue C non-manual, clerical

4 white-collar (worker) D an important day

5 in the red E signal to go ahead

6 green-eyed monster F badly bruised

7 white elephant G cowardly characteristic

8 the green light H become very angry

9 see red I unwanted, useless possession

10 yellow streak J unexpectedly

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки и переведите на русский язык.

1. She smokes continuously. She's a real _______________ smoker. (chain/ring)

2. We'll go__________, shall we, and each pay for our own drinks? (French/Dutch)

3. You can't see a thing in the attic. It's ___________ dark up there. (pitch/coal)

4. The window cleaner lost his balance and nearly fell off his ladder. he was a

___________shave. (narrow/close)

5. You'll never persuade Sam to help you decorate the house - he's _______ idle.


6. You like that china cabinet? I was so lucky, I bought it for a __________at

a jumble sale. (tune/song)

7. I'm sorry, I can't understand this leaflet at all. I can't make head _______of it.


8. Are you still talking _______? I know your work's fascinating but can't you find something more relaxing to talk about?! (job/shop)

9. Vincent Ryan? Do you know, that name rings a ________. I'm sure I've heard

of him before. (bell/buzzer)

10. I'd love to be a fly on the ______ when Wary hands in her resignation.


Упражнение 6. Подумайте о характеристике следующих животных и закончите предложения.











1. I called out to him but he ________ off in the opposite direction, at top speed.

2. Can't you stop _________ about and be serious for a minute. This is no time for playing the fool.

3. He must have been starving. He __________ a huge plate of stew and then asked

for a second helping.

4. You've been ________ that newspaper all morning. There are other people who'd like to read it, you know.

5. I've been _________ away at the typewriter all day and I've nearly finished Chapter 2.

6. Since he joined the company he seems to have ________ his way into the boss's favour by some very clever tactics.

7. Bad luck seems to have__________ me throughout my career.

8. She was _________ about doing the housework when I called in. Somehow she always seems so busy!

9. Wouldn't it be nice if we all had the time and money to ______ off to France for a weekend?

10. This last clue in the crossword completely _________ me. I can't imagine what the answer is.

Упражнение 7. Переведите следующие фразеологизмы, укажите и обоснуйте способ перевода.

  1. То assume an air of injured innocence.

  2. A little bird told me.

  3. In Rome, do as the Romans do.

  4. Peeping Tom.

  5. To throw sands in the wheels.

  6. To kill two birds with one stone.

  7. A drowning man will catch at a straw.

  8. Whom the gods love die young.

  9. A stitch in time saves nine.

  1. Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.

  2. A clever tongue will take you anywhere.

  3. To gild the pill.

  4. Caesar's wife is above suspicion.

  5. To be afraid of one's own shadow.

  6. To fish in troubled waters.

  7. To make the best of a bad bargain.

  8. Least said soonest mended.

  9. To bite the hand that feeds you.

19. To dance to somebody's pipe.
20. To add fuel to the fire.

Упражнение 8. Найдите английские соответствия крылатым словам в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения, поясняя значение фразеологизма там, где это требуется по контексту.

1. Выражение Иов многострадальный заимствовано из Библии и употребляется в значении: человек, безропотно переносящий бедствия

и испытания.

2.Последним из могикан называют последнего представителя общественной группы, поколения или типа людей.

3. Бог запретил Адаму вкушать плоды со всех деревьев, за исключением древа познания добра и зла, плоды которого объявил запретными.

4. Метафора почить на лаврах означает, что человек удовлетворен достигнутым и склонен отдохнуть от трудов и свершений.

5. Выражение львиная доля заимствовано из басни Эзопа о льве, который с помощью других зверей поймал оленя, а потом силой и угрозами заставил их отдать ему добычу целиком.

6. Сказано в Евангелии: не мечите бисер перед свиньями — зачем тратить время и красноречие на профанов, которые не способны этого оценить?

7. Незначительное, на первый взгляд, противоречие стало настоящим яблоком раздора, которое привело компанию к полному краху.

8. Вот уже много веков филологи всего мира пытаются разгадать тайну вавилонского столпотворения.

Упражнение 9. Сравните английские и русские фразеологизмы, подберите среди них парные и определите сходство и различие в свойствах и функциях.

Beat about the bush

great oaks grow from little acorns

Madam, I'm Adam

wear sackcloth and ashes

beat someone fair and square

early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,

wealthy and wise

be a big fish in a little pond

between the devil and the deep blue sea

breathe fire and brimstone

dog cat dog

in for a penny, in for a pound

trust the God and keep your powder dry

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed

land of milk and honey.

Первый парень на деревне

посыпать голову пеплом

вокруг да около

здравствуйте, я ваша тетя!

разбить наголову

кто рано встает, тому Бог дает

хрен редьки не слаще

из ушей дым идет, из ноздрей пламя пышет

где наша не пропадала

человек человеку волк

на Бога надейся, а сам не плошай

молочные реки, кисельные берега

мал золотник да дорог

мягко стелет, да жестко спать.

Упражнение 10. Соедините начало и конец следующих пословиц и скажите, что они означают.

1 Too many cooks A is another man's poison

2 One man's meat B keeps the doctor away

3 The early bird C calls the tune

4 Don't count your chickens D while the sun shines

5 An apple a day E is worth two in the bush

6 Marry in haste, F before they're hatched

7 He who pays the piper G catches the worm

8 A bird in the hand H saves nine

9 Make hay I repent at leisure

10 A stitch in time J spoil the broth

Упражнение 11. Решите, какая из пословиц подходит в данных ситуациях.

A You can't judge a book by its cover. B The more the merrier.

C It never rains but it pours. D Every cloud has a silver lining.

E Waste not, want not. F There are plenty more fish in the sea.

1. You are trying to persuade your parents to invite a large number of friends to your 21st birthday party.

2. You broke your leg skiing, but in your three months' sick leave from work you had time to teach yourself conversational Italian.

3. You are encouraging a friend to save water and not leave taps running.

4. You are surprised to hear that Samantha at work, who looks so quiet and shy, drives a red Porsche and is often seen at night clubs.

5. You are discussing a neighbour's problems. Not only has the poor woman lost her job, but now her eldest son has been sent to prison.

Упражнении 12. Раскройте скобки и закончите пословицы.

1. Don't look a gift horse in the _______.(mouth/eyes/stable)

2. A rolling_______gathers no moss. (snowball/pin/stone)

3. Let sleeping_______lie. (cats/dogs/babies)

4. A little learning is a_________thing. (dangerous/wonderful/useful)

5. _______news is good news. (Some/Recent/No)

6. _______was not built in a day. (Paris/Rome/London)

7. One swallow does not make a_______. (summer/drink/nest)

8. The leopard cannot change his________. (skin/spots/hide)

9. You can't teach an old_______new tricks. (dog/peasant/monkey)

10. It's no use crying over spilt________. (blood/wine/milk)

Упражнение 13. Соедините начало и конец следующих пословиц и скажите, что они означают.

1 While the cat away, A shouldn't throw stones.

2 People who live in glasshouses B 'twixt cup and lip.

3 There's many a slip C that blows nobody any good.

4 It's an ill wind D less speed.

5 Nothing venture, E flock together.

6 More haste, F without fire.

7 There's no smoke G make light work.

8 It's the last straw H nothing gain.

9 Birds of a feather I the mice will play

10 Many hands J that breaks the camel's back

Упражнение 14. Скажите, что означают следующие сравнения.


short of money

very pale



hard of hearing

extremely short-sighted






1 as cool as a cucumber__________

2 as good as gold________________

3 as poor as a church mouse______

4 as white as a sheet____________

5 as hard as nails_______________

6 as dead as a doornail__________

7 as blind as a bat______________

8 as fit as a fiddle_____________

9 as deaf as a post______________

10 as mad as a hatter____________

11 as plain as the nose on your face__________

12 as old as the hills___________

Упражнение 15. Закончите предложения, используя as или like, слово данное в скобках, а также слова и фразы приведенные ниже.

two short planks

out of water








1. You won't need another check-up for a while, Mr. Ferguson. Your chest is_______. (sound)

2. She was so embarrassed! She went_________. (beetroot)

3. Do you know, Andy barged right in without a by-your-leave! He's just________. (china shop)

4. Mandy hasn't got used to being a student again. She misses her job, and hasn't made any new friends yet. At the moment she feels_________. (fish)

5. That lad doesn't understand a thing you say to him. He must be________. (thick)

6. At least you don't need to think about losing weight! You're________! (rake)

7. I didn't mind the police breathalysing me at all, because luckily I was_________. (sober)

8. You simply cannot make her change her mind. Once she's decided something, that's it. She's__________. (stubborn)

Упражнение 16. Соедините начало и конец следующих предложений, включающих сравнения и скажите, что они означают.

1 The photographers clustered round the actress A just like one of the family.

2 They treated me very kindly B like bees round a honeypot.

3 He avoids family holidays C like a ton of bricks.

4 In a very short time the rumour spread D like hot cakes.

5 Jeff's new board game is selling E like a drowned rat!

6 I've got absolutely soaked. I look F like the plague.

7 He can't put a foot wrong, or Janet comes down on him G like wildfire.

Упражнение 17. Решите, какое из сравнений подходит в данных ситуациях.

A as brown as a berry

B as pleased as Punch

C as safe as houses

D as large as life

E as thick as thieves

F as strong as an ox

G as quick as a flash

H as like two peas in a pod

I as light as a feather

J as right as rain

1 being completely out of danger_____

2 being big and strong______

3 feeling delighted_______

4 doing something extremely fast_____

5 being completely recovered after an illness______

6 seeing two very similar-looking people______

7 having a good suntan______

8 seeing someone you thought was dead or missing_____

9 picking something weighing very little_____

10 seeing two people co-operating closely_____
1   ...   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   ...   17

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