MУк ПЗ офо срв баклавр иност проф 2018. Методические указания по выполнению практических работ по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
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a new method, process, or device putting in a specific order a stage in a processЦель: Формирование коммуникативных компетенций, овладение лексикой и грамматикой Знать: - основные способы работы над языковым и речевым материалом; - лексико-грамматический минимум в объеме, необходимом для работы с иноязычными текстами в процессе профессиональной деятельности; - лексику профессиональной направленности; - нормы употребления лексики английского языка в профессиональной сфере Уметь: - осуществлять профессиональную коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на английском языке; - читать и переводить специальную литературу для пополнения профессиональных знаний; - изъясняться на бытовые и профессиональные темы; выступать публично (с предварительной подготовкой) с сообщениями и докладами; - аннотировать, реферировать, переводить литературу по специальности на иностранном языке Актуальность темы: обусловлена необходимостью овладением ОК-3,ПК-11 Теоретическая часть: Vocabulary: 1. replacement, n – [rI'pleismqnt] замена 2. pillar, n – ['pIlq] столб, колонна, опора 3. carpentry плотничное дело 4. order ордер 5. entablature антаблемент 6. Doric order дорический ордер 7. Ionic order ионический ордер 8. Corinthian order коринфский ордер 9. Tuscan order тосканский ордер 10. Composite order композитный, сложный ордер 11. eventually, adv – [I'ventjuqlI] в конце концов 12. arrangement, n –[q'reInGmqnt] расположение 13. to define, v – [dI'faIn] определять 14.pattern, n – ['pxtqn] модель, образец 15. capital капитель 16. frieze фриз 17. shell, n – [Sel] оболочка, каркас 18. spreading – [spredIN] распространяющийся 19. to evolve, v – [I'vOlv] развиваться 20. intimation, n – ["Inti'meIS(q)n] указание, сообщение, намек 21. elaborately – [I'lxb(q)rItlI] тщательно (разрабатывать) 22. to carve, v – ['kRv] резать, вырезать 23. hoop, n – [hHp] обруч 24. volute волюта; завиток (архитектурная особенность ионического стиля ) 25. fussy, a – ['fAsI] вычурный 26. to exceed, v – [Ik'sJd] превышать, превосходить 27. successive последующий, следующий 28. acanthus акант ( орнамент ) 29. corner, n – ['kLnq] угол 30. cornice карниз; свес 31. mutules мутулы, модильоны дорического ордена The first step in architecture was simply the replacement of wooden pillars with stone ones, and the translation of the carpentry and brick structural forms into stone equivalents. This provided an opportunity for the expression of proportion and pattern. This expression eventually took the form of the invention or evolution of the stone “orders” of architecture. These orders, or arrangements of specific types of columns supporting an upper section called an entablature, defined the pattern of the columnar facades and upper works that formed the basic decorative shell of building. The Greeks invented the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders. The Romans added the Tuscan and the Composite. The oldest order, the Doric, is subdivided into Greek Doric and Roman Doric. The first is the simplest and has baseless columns as those of the Parthenon. Roman Doric has a base and is less massive. The parts of Greek Doric – the simplest, baseless columns, the spreading capitals, and frieze above the columns – constitute an aesthetic development in stone incorporating variants on themes used functionally in earlier wood and brick construction. Doric long remained the favourite order of the Greek mainland and western colonies, and it changed little throughout its history. The Ionic order evolved later, in eastern Greece. About 600 BC, in Asia Minor, the first intimation of the style appeared in stone columns with capitals elaborately carved in floral hoops – an Orientalizing pattern familiar mainly on smaller objects and furniture and enlarged for architecture. It developed throughout so called Aeolic capital with vertically springing volutes or spiral ornaments to the familiar ionic capital, the volutes of which spread horizontally from the centre and curl downward. The order was always fussier and more ornate, less stereotyped than Doric. The Ionic temples of the 6th century exceed in size and decoration even the most ambitious of their Classical successors. Such were the temples of Artemis at Ephesus in Asia Minor and the successive temples of Hera on the island of Samos. The Corinthian order originated in the 5th century BC in Athens. It had Ionic capital elaborated with acanthus leaves. In its general proportions it is very like the Ionic. For the first time the Corinthian order was used for temple exteriors. Because of its advantage of facing equally in four directions it was more adaptable than Ionic for corners. There are not many Greek examples of the Corinthian order. The Romans widely used it for its showiness. The earliest known instance of the Corinthian order used on the exterior is the choragic monument of Lysicrates in Athens, 335/334 BC. A simplified version of the Roman Doric is the Tuscan order. It has a less decorated frieze and no mutules in the cornice. The Composite order is also a late Roman invention. It combines the elements from all the Greek orders. Вопросы и задания: Exercise 1. Form the comparative and superlative degrees from the following adjectives and adverbs: Large, big, far, early, new, much, simple, good, small, little, easy, high, many, low, well, wide, badly, durable, massive, old, elegant, notable, outstanding. Exercise 2. Choose the correct word from the two words given in brackets. 1. The Greeks … (invented; placed) the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders. 2. The … (oldest; youngest) order, the Doric, is subdivided into Greek Doric and Roman Doric. 3. Roman Doric … (have; has) a base and is less massive. 4. For the first time the Corinthian order was used for … (theatres; temples). 5. The Ionic was always fussier than … (the Doric; the Tuscan). Exercise 3. Choose the right term. 1. The upper section of a classical order is a/an a) volute b) entablature c) base 2. Spiral ornaments are called … a) capitals b) mutules c) volutes 3) The part of the column is a) frieze b) capital c) cornice 4) A particular style of column with its entablature having standardized details is a) façade b) colonnade c) order Exercise 4. Match the words and their definitions. 1. Step |
3. Arrangement
5. Invention