MУк ПЗ офо срв баклавр иност проф 2018. Методические указания по выполнению практических работ по дисциплине Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
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Тема 16 . The Choice of Materials / Выбор материалов. Цель: Формирование коммуникативных компетенций, овладение лексикой и грамматикой Знать: - основные способы работы над языковым и речевым материалом; - лексико-грамматический минимум в объеме, необходимом для работы с иноязычными текстами в процессе профессиональной деятельности; - лексику профессиональной направленности; - нормы употребления лексики английского языка в профессиональной сфере Уметь: - осуществлять профессиональную коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на английском языке; - читать и переводить специальную литературу для пополнения профессиональных знаний; - изъясняться на бытовые и профессиональные темы; выступать публично (с предварительной подготовкой) с сообщениями и докладами; - аннотировать, реферировать, переводить литературу по специальности на иностранном языке Актуальность темы: обусловлена необходимостью овладением ОК-3,ПК-11 Теоретическая часть: Vocabulary: 1. meet requirements отвечать требованиям 2. take into accountпринимать во внимание 3. advantage , n - преимущество 4. to be subjected on - подвергаться 5. reinforced concrete - железобетон 6. prestressed concrete - напряженный бетон 7. utilized ['jHtilaizd] - использованный 8. brittle, n ['britl] - хрупкий 9. load, n [lqud] - нагрузка 10. masonry units ['meisnri junit]- кирпичная кладка, каменная кладка 11. mortar, n - раствор 12. floor, n [flL] - перекрытие 13. spans, n [spxnz] - пролеты 14. beam construction -каркасная конструкция 15. homogeneous, adj - однородный 16. reinforcement, n ["rJin'fLsment] арматура 17. rust, n [rAst] - коррозия, ржавчина 18. rubber, n - резина, каучук 19. handle, n - ручка 20. pliers, n ['plaiqz] - клещи 21. spanner, n - гаечный ключ 22. lightweight bricks ['laitweit brik] - легковесные кирпичи 23. compressive strength - прочность на сжатие 24. plaster ['plRstq] - штукатурка 25. capacity of hardening - способность к твердению 26. precast prestressed concrete - сборный предварительно напряженный бетон 27. slip, v [slip]- скользить, проскальзывать 28. wire mesh - проволочная сетка 29. distribution, n - распределение 30. storage tank резервуар, цистерна 31.method of reinforcement -метод армирования 32. gain strength наращивать прочность Task “The Choice of Material”. There is a great number of building materials now – ancient and new ones. Materials that are used for structural purposes should meet several requirements. They should be hard, durable, fire-resistant. In this choice of materials forconstruction, the engineer must take into account many factors – availability, cost, properties and others. Which material can be used to best advantage for a particular part of the building, depends as well on the kind of load to which it is subjected and on the shape of the part. That the development of the metallurgical and machine-building industry made possible mass production of the prefabricated large-size concrete and reinforced-concrete structural elements is a well-known factor to influence the choice of materials. It is advantageous to employ reinforced concrete in such structural elements. Reinforced concrete is a building material in which the compressive strength of concrete and good elastic properties of steel are effectively utilized; so the resulting material has the advantages of both. Being brittle, concrete cannot withstand tensile stresses, and it can’t therefore be used in structures subjected to tensile stresses under loads. But if steel is introduced into concrete it changes the property of material. To introduce steel into concrete the method of reinforcement is generally used. It consists in putting a wire mesh or a system of rods into the concrete in definite proportions. Concrete and steel form such a strong bond – the force that units them – that the steel cannot slip within the concrete. Specialists have to calculate the quantity and the distribution of the reinforcement in concrete mix. Thanks to the continuity of steel reinforcement separate elements of a building become homogeneous and monolithic. All elements act together and a reinforced concrete beam-and-slab system is structurally more efficient than a wooden floor composed of separate joints. Reinforced concrete offers technical advance over traditional post-and-beam construction. Supports are smaller, spans are wider and there is almost no upward limit to height. Besides reinforced concrete walls can also be thinner and it will not need further fireproofing, it withstands a temperature of 2300 F for eight hours. It has the wearing properties of stone and acts as a heat insulator. Another advantage is that steel does not rust in concrete. There are two kinds of reinforced concrete: with ordinary reinforcement and concrete with prestressed reinforcement. Reinforced-concrete structures and elements are widely used both for residential house and industrial buildings. Pressressed concrete is traditionally used for beams but now employed extensively for columns, pipes, storage tanks, etc. Prestressed concrete uses less steel and less concrete. Because it is so economical, it is a highly desirable material. It is also widely used in building bridges and arches. It is difficult to imagine modern building without reinforced concrete. One of the most significant facts about both industry and building has been research on synthetics and plastics. Plastics have appeared comparatively recently, owing to their inherent valuable and diverse properties, have found a wide application in many industrial fields. In respect to physical and mechanical properties at a normal temperature of 200C all plastics are divided into rigid, semi rigid, soft and plastic. In respect to the number of constituents plastics may be classified as simple and complex. Plastics consisting of one polymer are referred toas simple. Thus, organic glass (plexiglass) consists of one synthetic resin. But in building field we usually deal with complex plastics. Because many resourse materials are available and many different combinations are possible, the plastics family is very large and is constantly growing larger. In many cases bricks too are very satisfactory for use in the construction. A brick is best described as “a building unit”. It may be made of burnt clay, of concrete, of mortar or of a composition of sawdust and other materials. The shape and convenient size of a brick makes it easy to work. Bricks generally present a pleasing appearance and can be obtained with various qualities, colours and textures. Being of a high volume weight and high thermal conductivity, ordinary brick is not always satisfactory in building practice. There are other kinds of bricks which are more effective, they are light-weight building bricks, hollow or porous bricks. Light-weight building bricks differ from ordinary clay bricks in a lower volume weight and lower thermal conductivity, and are therefore more economical than ordinary bricks. Rubber is an elastic substance which is made naturally or artificially. In the beginning of the 20th, the technologists started an extended research into the chemistry of synthetic rubber. In fact, the synthetic product is not rubber at all. It is an assembly of molecules derived from such products as coal, petroleum and limestone. Synthetic rubbers are better for many purposes than the natural products. Chemists know at least 3000 formulas for making rubber-like substances. A further step in rubber technology was the combining of rubber with metals, wood and asbestos so as to obtain a product having the elasticity of rubber and the strength or special properties of the other components. This phase of research greatly increased the potential uses of rubber. Synthetic rubber is widely used in construction and road building. It is used for coatings: roofs (ruberoid), walls, floors and tubes, wires, for handles of engineering tools: hammer, pliers, screwdriver, spanner, etc. Lime, gypsum and cement are the three materials most widely used in building construction for the purpose of binding together masonry units, such as stone, brick and as constituents of wall plaster. Cement is furthermore the most important component of concrete. The most important building materials may now be considered to be structural steel and concrete. Concrete is an artificial conglomerate of crushed stone, gravel or similar inert material with a mortar. There are three stages in producing concrete: mixing, setting and hardening a mixture of sand, screenings or similar inert particles with cement and water which has the capacity of hardening into a rockline mass is called mortar. The fundamental object in proportioning concrete or mortar mixes is the production of a durable material of required strength, watertightness and other essential properties at minimum cost. To obtain this effect careful attention must be given to the selection of cement, aggregate, and water. Construction is growing from year to year in our great country. This equires the use of new building methods and new building materials which play a ery important role in the work of architects and builders. They help to develop modern architecture, speed up construction work and decrease its cost. Вопросы и задания. Exercise 1. Choose the correct word from the two words given in brackets. 1. The material doesn’t … high temperature (stand, withstand). 2. When a series of beams and columns are rigidly … (connected, continued) together they form a frame which distributes the loads and stresses of one part to all the others. 3. The idea of applying steel and concrete together is to use … of concrete and … of steel (high compressive strength, good elastic properties). 4. Building mortars are classified according to their applications and kind of … (building, binding) materials, which is used to produce them. 5. Another advantage of reinforced concrete is that steel does not … (rust, expand, contract) in concrete. 6. Reinforced concrete acts as a heat … (insulator, conductor). Exercise 2. Match the words and their definitions. 1. method of reinforcement a)it is a mixture of water , cement, aggregates (usually gravel, sand, crushed stone) 2. concrete b)unified whole 3. building mortars c)it is a mixture of binding material (lime, gypsum, cement) fine aggregates and water 4. advantage d)prepared right at the building site 5. homogeneous (element) e)preferable properties of material 6. precast concrete f)putting a wire mesh into the concrete 7. monolithic (in-situ) g)prepared at a factory ask II. Find the comparative and superlative degrees of the adjectives in the ext and give special attention to their forms and using. Learn the information bout the formation of degrees of adjectives. You add –er for the comparative and –est for the superlative of one syllable adjectives. Example: cheap – cheaper – the cheapest. You add more for the comparative and most for the superlative of two syllable adjectives, and longer. Example: beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful. A few common adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms. Example: good – better – the best bad – worse – the worst far – farther/further – the farthest/furthest little – less – the least Exercise 3. Give the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. 1. In comparison with steel timber is … (light, cheap, easy) to work. 2. … (more, the most) important building materials may now be considered to be structural steel and concrete. 3. There are other kinds of bricks which are (more, the most) effective than common ones. 4. Synthetic rubbers are … (good) for many purposes than the natural products. 5. Supports are … (small), spans are … (wide) and there is almost no upward limit to height. 6. Reinforced concrete is a combination of two … (strong) structural materials concrete and steel. 7. The … (new) building materials created nowadays comprise film products, alloys plastics, glues and others. 8. Besides, reinforced concrete walls can also be … (thin). 9. The … (more, most) important mortars for industrial building are those, which gain necessary strength in short time. 10. Prestressed concrete uses … (little) steel and … (little) concrete. Exercise 4. Translate sentences, paying special attention to modal verbs and their equivalents. a) 1. We must use new methods in our research work. 2. Due to the energy of the atom man can produce electric energy at atomic power stations. 3. Mortars may be applied for jointing panels, for brickwork or for plastering. 4. They ought to help their friend to solve this important problem. 5. She could not complete her research in time as she worked very slowly. 6. You should turn off the light before you leave the room. b) 1. The atom is to serve mankind. 2. He had to work hard before he was able to complete his research. 3. Nobody was able to understand this mysterious phenomenon. 4. Are students allowed to use this device for calculations? 5. The students were unable (were not able) to the work without their teacher’s help. He had to help them. Exercise 5. Put the modal verbs into the Past and Future Indefinite. 1. Every engineer must know at least one foreign language. 2. Who can prepare cement mortars? 2. Are students allowed to use this device for calculations. 3. You may use this instrument in your experiments. 4. They can’t understand the essence of this phenomenon. Exercise 6. Put the sentences in negative and interrogative forms. Translate them. 1. We must use the new tools to cut and form this metal parts. 2. This equipment can produce parts with very high accuracy. 3. They could easily define the properties of this material. 4. He may complete all necessary measurements himself. 5. With the help of a new device the scientists design new building materials. Exercise 7. Choose the correct modal verbs and their equivalents. 1. If you want to know English you … to work hard (may, can, have to). 2. He … go to the Far East on business (to be, may, can). 3. He … to use the mobile equipment (to be allowed, to be able, ought to, to be). 4. We … walk home because the last bus had gone (had to, might, could). 5. She … translate this text without a dictionary (can’t, mustn’t, may not). 6. … I take this book? (Can, May, Must) – No, you … .I need it myself. Exercise 8. True or false? 1. Natural rubbers are better for many purposes than synthetic products. 2. Both materials steel and concrete are very strong and are widely used in building separately. 3. Brick was the first artificial building material made by man of clay and sand. 4. Air, water, sand, salt, coal, petroleum are familiar elements in the everyday life, but they form the basic sources of the world’s fastest growing industry – plastic. 5. Another advantage of reinforced concrete is that steel does not rust in concrete. Task III. Using the information of the text, characterize: - the problem of the choice of material - the main properties and advantages of reinforced concrete. Практическое занятие №17. Тема 17. Classification of Building Materials / Классификация строительных материалов. Concrete /Бетон,Plastics /Пластик в строительстве,Metals / Металлы, Timber / Лесоматериалы. Цель: Формирование коммуникативных компетенций, овладение лексикой и грамматикой Знать: - основные способы работы над языковым и речевым материалом; - лексико-грамматический минимум в объеме, необходимом для работы с иноязычными текстами в процессе профессиональной деятельности; - лексику профессиональной направленности; - нормы употребления лексики английского языка в профессиональной сфере Уметь: - осуществлять профессиональную коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на английском языке; - читать и переводить специальную литературу для пополнения профессиональных знаний; - изъясняться на бытовые и профессиональные темы; выступать публично (с предварительной подготовкой) с сообщениями и докладами; - аннотировать, реферировать, переводить литературу по специальности на иностранном языке Актуальность темы: обусловлена необходимостью овладением ОК-3,ПК-11 Теоретическая часть: Vocabulary 1. enormous, adj огромный 2. оutput, n выпуск 3. cost price себестоимость 4. bearing, a несущий 5. plane, n [плоскость 6. auxiliary, a вспомогательный 7.precast prestressed concrete сборный предварительно напряженный бетон 8. permeability проницаемость 9. liquid, n жидкость 10. evaluate, v] оценивать 11. ability, n способность 12. impact, n удар 13. involve, включать 14. penetration, n проникание 15. as yet пока, всё еще 16. сhallenge, n . задача Text “Classification of Building Materials”. 1. Great possibilities are open to our architects and builders by using modern building materials, achievements in science and technology in building. The importance of the building industry in our national economy is enormous as its output governs both the rate and the quality of construction work. The main current tasks are to speed up the development of the building materials industry and to decrease steadily the cost price of manufacture and the special capital investments. 2. As to the application all building materials are divided into three groups: a) main building materials such as rocks and artificial stones, timber and metals, which are used for bearing structures. b) Binding materials such as lime, gypsum and cements, which are used for jointing different planes. c) Secondary or auxiliary materials, which are used for interior parts of the buildings, such as tiling, synthetic linoleum, coatings and other facing materials. 3. If the materials do not require any technological changes in their chemical structure they are called natural building materials. These are: stone, clay, sand, lime, timber. Many of these materials have been known from time immemorial. Thus, the ancient Pyramids were constructed of stone. Stones are strong, durable, weatherproof and some of them are so attractive that the walls constructed of them don’t need any special finish. Cement, concrete, reinforced concrete, plastics and others are examples of artificial building materials. The great discoveries of our time in physics, chemistry, and other sciences make it possible to create new building materials. 4. The properties of building materials are generally classified as physical, chemical and mechanical. Physical properties of materials include their characteristics relating to weight and density, their permeability to liquids, gases, heat and their resistance to aggressive environmental conditions. Chemical properties of materials are essentially evaluated by their resistance to acids, alkalis and salt solutions. The ability of materials to resist compression, tension, impact, penetration by a foreign body and other actions involving force, are generally known as mechanical properties. 5. Along with traditional building materials new ones have been created such as reinforced concrete, lightweight concrete, precast and restressed concrete,etc. The newest building materials created nowadays comprise film products, alloys, plastics, glues and others. 6. As to their qualities, building materials should be durable, strong, water resistant, acid-resistant heat resistant, etc. Some of them should also have a pleasant appearance. Materials with universal properties are as yet a challenge the future. Вопросы и задания. Exercise 1. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations in the text. Огромные возможности, текущая задача, специальные капиталовложения, искусственный камень, вспомогательные материалы, различные плоскости, универсальные свойства, внутренние части, химическая структура, технологические изменения, облицовочные материалы, синтетический линолеум, приятный внешний вид, устойчивость к кислотным воздействиям, сопротивляться удару, инородное тело, легковесный бетон, сплавы, предварительно. Exercise 2. Scan the text and write the number of the paragraph that deals with the following topics. a) the application of building materials b) the properties of building materials c) the importance of building materials industry d) the qualities of building materials e) the traditional and the newest building materials f) natural and artificial building materials Рекомендуемая литература. Перечень основной литературы 1. English for building engineers : учеб. пособие / А.В. Колистратова. – Братск : ГОУ ВПО «БрГУ», 2011. – 92 с. 2. Данчевская, О.Е. English for Cross-Cultural and Professional Communication=Английский язык для межкультурного и профессионального общения : учебное пособие / О.Е. Данчевская, А.В. Малёв. - 6-е изд., стер. - Москва : Флинта, 2017. - 192 с. 3. Английский язык для архитектора и градостроителя: учебное пособие по английскому языку/ Л.А.Зарицкая; Оренбургский гос. ун-т. – Оренбург: ОГУ, 2013. – 116 с. Перечень дополнительной литературы: 1. Беляева И.В. Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации. Комплексные учебные задания [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие/ И.В. Беляева, Е.Ю. Нестеренко, Т.И. Сорогина— Электрон. текстовые данные.— Екатеринбур: Уральский федеральный университет, 2015.— 132 c.— Режим доступа: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/65930.html.— ЭБС «IPRbooks» 2. Меркулова Н.В. Английский язык в сфере управления / English for Management [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие/ Н.В. Меркулова— Электрон. текстовые данные.— Воронеж: Воронежский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет, ЭБС АСВ, 2016. — 124 c. — Режим доступа: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/59141.html.— ЭБС «IPRbooks» 3. Мусихина О.Н., Гисина O.F., Яськова В.Л. Английский язык для строителей. Практикум / Серия «Высшее профессиональное образование».—Ростов н/Д:Феникс, 2004. — 352 с. Перечень ресурсов информационно-телекоммуникационной сети «Интернет», необходимых для освоения дисциплины - http://www.biblioclub.ru - http://www.iprbookshop.ru - http://www.catalog.ncstu.ru Практическое занятие №18. |