Н. Г. Веселовская английский язык для специальностей землеустройство Иземельный кадастр
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Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: estimation, used, administrative, conducts, responsible'. 1. Land use planning is financed by ... bodies. 2. A land use planner ... topographical and geodetic works. 3. Maps and atlases are ... by specialists. 4. A land use planner is ... for revealing unused lands. 5. ... of resources is the main task of a land use planner.
1. Bodies of the government are the customers of land use planning work. 2. The state guarantees equal rights and protection for citizens.
То be, to have, to go, to begin, to increase, to direct, to provide, to change, to own, to till, to depend, to define, to arrange.
1. How many kinds of land use planning do you know? 2. What are they? 3. What is the purpose of land use planning? 4. Are there the basic directions of land use planning activity? 5. Land use planning activity is carried out in all areas, is not it? 6. What tasks does local land use planning solve? 7. What laws does land use planning study? 8. Who can participate in land use planning work?
Text ЗВ Two Types of Land Use Planning Land use planning is based on understanding of land as the main means of production, the object of social and economic communications and as part of a natural complex. It can be considered in 2 ways: as a science and as a system of special activities (land use planning). Land use planning as a science studies laws of functioning and management of land use as an object of using nature, as a general means and industrial basis of manufacture, as an object relation between land-legal and nature protective problems. Land use planning as a system of activities can be defined as a complex of state and individual actions for realization of the land legislation, regulation of land relations, creation of social and economic, territorial and organizational conditions for economically and ecologically utilizing the land areas and other objects of the real estate. It must be implemented in according to the common economic mechanism. The purpose of land usr planning, is auai^UKlii and exploitation of land resources of the regions, separate fended properties and land uses. Therefore it is based on theoretical and methodologies positions of adjacent fields of knowledge, such, as land law, land cadastre, land relations, agriculture, land improvement, ecology, coirtPuter science, etc. Two basic kinds of land use planning are known: local and inter- farm, each of which solves the tasks by their own specific ways (except for topographical, cartographical and other researches and tests). Local land use planning is one of the definite Site- it allows to receive operation designs with estimation of site devel£Pment on the basis of detailed topographical, geobotanical and other researches. The purpose of local land use planning is to increase efficiency of farming sites as well as their arrangement and protection. It introduces resource conservation technologies of crops cultivation, establishes obligatory soil- protective actions, etc. Interfarm land use planning differs from the local one- The object of interfarm land use planning is using of land or land property as a whole. For each kind of land use planning there is a certain set of the components. They include the decisions which are made out as concrete projects. These components may consist of a number of interconnected elements. 16. Прочитайте текст ЗС и раскройте содержа!"1® рассматриваемых в нем проблем* Text ЗС Documentation of Land Use Planning Land use planning is carried out according to decisions of government bodies, local self-management; administrative areas and cities; under the petition of the interested proprietors and land users as well as citizens and legal persons applying for reception of a land site. The use of lands strictly to their assignment, the organization of territory of landed properties and land uses, measures for maintenance of steady landscapes and protection of lands are obligatory for all proprietors and land users as well as for bodies of government- Land use planning is carried out and financed with participation of the parties concerned or their authorized representatives- In land use planning may participate:
The customers of land use planning work may be the government bodies, institutions of local government, citizens, state and public enterprises, organizations, establishments and other legal persons. According to the Russian Federation legislation the state guarantees to all participants of land use planning activity irrespective of ownership forms on land and citizenship maintenance of equal rights and interests protected by the law, and the right of the appeal in juridical order of any illegal actions. 17. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст 3D. Text 3D Land Suitability Mapping Land suitability mapping is a method to identify the most suitable land units for a range of land use systems. A step-wise procedure is used to survey existing resources, identify constraints and opportunities for change. The first step normally includes land cover mapping. Land cover mapping produces maps of vegetation patterns, soil and land use types. The mapping scale corresponds to the level of details from the use of aerial photographs and satellite images. Normally there is no distinction made between natural and human induces land cover. Land cover mapping is usually performed in the early stages of land use planning, where baseline information about natural resources and constraints are collected. Map units refer to very broad categories of land cover, such as "coniferous forest" or "urban areas". Land capability classification identifies those areas with the highest potential for a large number of land uses on the basis of their production potential. The method is similar to land suitability mapping but operates at a more general level. Land suitability mapping is a kind of detailed land assessment, i.e. the fitness of land use for a specific use, e.g. "partly suitable farming with wheat as the best yielding crop". Normally a soil map serves as a base map to indicate homogenous land areas with similar properties (soil type, climate, vegetation). The units identified are called land units. It is an area of land which possesses specific land characteristics and land qualities and which can be mapped. The starting point for suitability mapping is a mapping of the most relevant factors for a given land use. These factors also called land attributes, are divided into (1) land qualities and (2) land characteristics. The following "rules of thumb" can be used to identify the land qualities which should be part of a land suitability mapping: t > . ' Л
Integrated, dialogue, initiating, conceivable, iterative, appropriate, impose, groundwater, support, pollution, traffic, addition, society, superfluous, view, expense, core, designed.
Exact role, environmental context, lack of planning, the consequences of land use activities, new findings, implementation and monitoring, forming a consensus, cooperation relations, long-term sustain- ability, local knowledge, living conditions, kind of benefits, existing environmental damage, direct and indirect land users.
Text 4А Land Use Planning as an Instrument of the Technical Cooperation The basic understanding or model drawn up by the "Working Group on Integrated Land Use Planning" is stated as follows: Land use planning is an iterative process based on the dialogue amongst all stockholders aiming at the negotiation and decision for a sustainable form of land use in rural areas as well as initiating and monitoring its implementation. Land use planning provides the prerequisites for achieving a sustainable form of land use. This text gives the presentation of the basic principles of land use planning, such as the principle of the iterative nature of the process or the guidance for implementation. It also gives a sound and integrated picture of the land use planning process. Wherever groups of people use land and its resources, land use is planned, being aware of it or not. Land use does not consider production only, but also land functions, such as protected areas, land recreation, road building, waste disposal sides and use-restricted areas, such aS buffer zones for regeneration groundwater, buffer zones for traffic n0ise, pollution, etc. Land use planning is not only practiced when national authorities intervene or as a result of development cooperation projects. Land use planning happens in every society, even if the term is not used. Land use planning deals with cases in which an intervention occurs in order to improve land use and to sustain natural resources. In the past, decisions made on land use have resulted in the degradation of land resources, or an imbalance between supply and demand of those resources. Here, land use planning is understood as an instrument of the technical cooperation used in the following types of projects:
These land use planning-guidelines are not intended to standardize and impose compulsory procedures for all conceivable variants. They appear more appropriate to offer support for different situations, taking into consideration the specific conditions of the technical cooperation. In addition, the exact role and scope of land use planning within the technical cooperation has still to be determined according to the context and local conditions by those responsible for planning and implementation of projects.
Do, negotiation, organization, attain, principle, achieve, enterprise, new, talk, core, make, modern.
Direct, regard, wide, unsuitable, narrow, rural, indirect, balance, suitable, disregard, imbalance, urban.
Скрытые недостатки планирования, ориентированное на диалог обучение, подготовка плановых документов, относительно низкая значимость, повторяющееся планирование, существенный элемент, выполнение плана, экологическое планирование площади, восприниматься по-разному, обязательные процедуры, шум дорожного движения, научно обоснованный экономический смысл, развитие деревни, техническое сотрудничество.
1- Я не хочу получать лишнюю базу данных. 2. Землеустройство — это повторяющийся процесс. 3. Повторяющийся процесс требует гибкости в землеустройстве. 4. Сельские районы характеризуются сельскохозяйственным производством. 5. Решение конфликтов — важный политический фактор. 6. Землеустройство — инструмент технического сотрудничества. 7. Землеустроительный процесс включает оценку земли. 8. Землеустроители должны уделять внимание распространению сельскохозяйственной продукции.
1. Land use planning is an iterative process. 2. The land use planning process includes land assessment. 3. The most important taiget group in land use planning is made up of the direct users. 4. Rural areas are characterized by agricultural and forestry production. 5. A land use planner carries out different projects. 6. Great attention is paid to the distribution of the production. 7. This applies particularly to major in- frastructural measures.
То apply, to arrange, to organize, to invest, to contribute, to secure, to justify, to define, to determine, to protect, to limit, to provide, to develop, to implement, to present.
1. People often have economic or political ... 2. Measures should be ... justified. 3. The government tries to ... living conditions of people. 4. The presentation of the basic ... is given. 5. Land use planning is used in ... regional development.
Responsibility, define, political, development, invest, implement, measures, conditions, try, particularly, responsibly, conciliation, rural, support, exact, implementation.
1. How is land use planning stated? 2. What is land use planning based on? 3. Does land use consider only production? 4. What cases does land use planning deal with? 5. Do national authorities intervene in land use planning? 6. Is land use planning used in rural regional development? 7. Is land use planned in all cases or not? 8. What functions does land use planning have?
Text 4В Different Views Land use planning in the technical cooperation is an iterative process based on the dialogue amongst all participants. It is aimed at the definition of decisions on a sustainable form of land use in rural areas and the initiation of the appropriate measures for implementation and m0nitoring. Even fundamental concepts of land use planning are perceived differently within each project. Whereas some of them consider an approach which gives these directives on how land related subjects should be organized in a definite region, others will promote a process of organization and learning. The first model of land use planning follows the sense of a rational model of planning. It is assumed that the optimization of the set of planning tools in connection with rationalization of the planning organization will result in the best possible solution to the problem to be solved. Any social conflicts are disregarded in this process (technical planning approach). The objective of the latter concept is to create a social platform for solving problems and settling conflicts. Land use planning is thereby described as a political process in which the constellation of forces is crucial to the result. In this type of planning process the stockholders of different groups with different power potential and different influence meet one another. In this process the mechanisms of conflict resolution and forming a consensus are the major political factors (participatory planning approach). The dialogue-oriented learning and negotiation process amongst the participants leads to the development of their planning capacities and to sustaining cooperative relations at local level. Participants in land use planning are direct and indirect land users, as well as those affected by the consequences of land use activities. Another group is formed by people who often have political or economic influence; this includes authorities, organizations, middlemen and women, processing industries for agricultural products, etc. However, the most important target group in land use planning is made up of the direct land users. Rural areas, in contrast to urban areas are characterized by agricultural and forestry production having relatively low population and building densities. Infrastructure, facilities or services have a relatively low importance. Land use planning is a flexible and open reaction based on new findings and changing conditions. Land use planning is more than preparation of a planning document; it is an iterative process. Iteration is both the principle and the method simultaneously. New developments and findings are specifically observed and incorporated into the planning process. It may lead to the revision of decision and the repetition of steps already taken. This can render superfluous both analyses and data Bases which would have been set up at some expense. Iterative planning requires flexibility in planning, but in no way constitutes a "concealed lack of planning". "Iteration" means putting the result of the decision-making process into practice and converting it into a situation specific step-by-step planning. It is repeated or recurring process that seeks to reach an optimal solution. |