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  • Demonstrative Pronoun (Appendix 5) Exercise 30.

  • Possessive Pronouns (Appendix № 6) Exercise 33.

  • Some, any, no, every (Appendix №7) Exercise 36.

  • Much/many, little/few, a lot of, plenty of (Appendix 8) Exercise 39.

  • Exercise 40.

  • АЛИМАН. Алиманова Р.Т. - СОШ №12 (1). Областной учебнометодический кабинет организаций дошкольного, общеобразовательного, технического и профессионального образования Управления образования ЗападноКазахстанской области

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    1. There are some knives in the drawer. (spoons)

    2. There’s a water-colour over my desk. (a map)

    3. There are some magazines on the little table. (newspapers)

    4. There’s a park near the lake. (houses)

    5. There are two beds in our bedroom. (a divan)

    6. There’s an underground station near my house. (a bus stop)

    7. There’s some water in the jug. (milk)

    8. There are some interesting plays in the book. (poems)

    9. There’s some cheese in the refrigerator. (meat)

    10. There’s a lovely house on the hill. (trees)

    Exercise 26. Add question-tags to the following statements. Then answer the questions.

    1. There’s a good film on TV tonight.

    • There’s a good film on TV tonight, isn’t there?

    • Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t).

    1. There aren’t any museums in this street.

    • There aren’t any museums in this street, are there?

    • Yes, there are. (No, there aren’t)

    1. There are a lot of people at the stadium.

    2. There’s a bus at the bus stop.

    3. There are a few changes in the text.

    4. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard.

    5. There isn’t anything on the plate.

    6. There isn’t anybody in the room.

    7. There’s something on the shelf.

    8. There are difficult exercises in this book.

    9. There’s a very important letter for John.

    10. There are several empty seats in the room.

    11. There aren’t any dishes on the table.

    12. There isn’t any sugar in the sugar-basin.

    13. There aren’t any pears on the plate.

    14. There’s a pair of gloves on the counter.

    Exercise 27. Ask questions according to the pattern and give short answers

    1. There’s a lake not far from the town. (rivers)

    • Are there any rivers there?

    • Yes, there are some. (No, there aren’t any.)

    1. There’s a dictionary in my bag. (a textbook)

    • Is there a textbook there?

    • Yes, there is one. (No, there isn’t any)

    1. There are plenty of apples on the trees this year. (plums and pears)

    2. There are some long stories in the book. (fairy tales)

    3. There’s a good watchmaker in our street. (a shoe - maker)

    4. There’s some chalk here. (a duster)

    5. There are some nice hats in the shop. (gloves)

    6. There are some clean shirts in the drawer. (handker-chiefs)

    7. There are pleasant curtains in the room. (a carpet)

    Exercise 28. Follow each sentence (A) with a question, (B) with a statement according to the patterns. Use the words suggested.


    I’m hungry. (sausage in the fridge)

    Is there any sausage in the fridge?

    1. Bob is thirsty. (beer in the bottle)….

    2. We’re hungry. (cold meat at home)….

    3. The child is thirsty. (milk in the jug)….

    4. The boys are hungry. (sandwiches on the plate)….

    5. I’m thirsty. (tea in the tea-pot)….

    Father is hungry. (Soup and meat in the fridge)

    There’s some soup and meat in the fridge.

    1. Ann is thirsty. (soda – water in the bottle)

    2. We’re hungry. (cakes in the cupboard)

    3. They’re thirsty. (lemonade in the fridge)

    4. The men are hungry. (meat in the frying-pan)

    5. I’m thirsty. (Coffee in the pot)

    Exercise 29. Join each pair of sentences into one according to the pattern.

    There’s ink in the pen. You can write several letters.

    There’s enough ink in the pen to write several letters.

    1. There’s light in the room. I can read the book.

    2. There’s food in the kitchen. We can feed the whole family.

    3. There are shops in this street. You can buy everything you want.

    4. There’s fruit in the garden. We can share it with everybody.

    5. There’s ink in the bottle. You can fill you fountain-pen.

    6. There’s milk in the bottle. We can have coffee for breakfast.

    7. There are boats on the river. We can go boating.

    8. There are plums in the basket. We can make jam.

    Demonstrative Pronoun (Appendix 5)
    Exercise 30. Read the patterns and do the exercise according to them; use the words suggested.


    These aren’t clocks. (watches)
    They are watches.

    1. These aren’t tomatoes. (potatoes)

    2. These aren’t apples. (pears)

    3. These aren’t cucumbers. (carrots)

    4. These aren’t beans. (peas)

    5. These aren’t cherries. (plums)

    6. These aren’t lemons. (oranges)

    7. These aren’t bananas. (apples)

    8. These aren’t fruits. (vegetables)


    Those are dresses. (blouses)
    They aren’t blouses.

    1. Those are shoes. (boots)

    2. Those are coats. (suits)

    3. Those are shirts. (jackets)

    4. Those are socks. (stockings)

    5. Those are raincoats. (coats)

    6. Those are gloves. (mittens)

    7. Those are trousers. (skirts)

    8. Those are handkerchiefs. (ties)

    Exercise 31. Answer the following questions according to the patterns. Use the words prompted in the frame.

    Are these pens? (pencils

    - No, they aren’t. on the desk)

    What are they? - They’re pencils.

    Where are they? - They are on the desk.

    1. Are these portraits?

    What are they? (maps

    Where are they? on the wall)

    1. Are those tables?

    What are they? (writing-desk

    Where are they? in the corner)

    1. Are these books?

    What are they? (envelopes

    Where are they? in the box)

    1. Are those notebooks?

    What are they? (books

    Where are they? on the desk)

    1. Are these socks?

    What are they? (stocking

    Where are they? on the chair)

    1. Are those jackets?

    What are they? (coats

    Where are they? in the wardrobe)

    1. Are these potatoes?

    What are they? (carrots

    Where are they? in the bag)

    1. Are these pears?

    What are they? (apples

    Where are they? on the plate)

    Exercise 32. Give short answers to the following questions.

    1. Is this a Russian book?

    • Yes, it is. ?(No, it isn’t)

    1. Are these your gloves?

    • Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t)

    1. Is that a good radio set?

    2. Are those your old shoes?

    3. Is this your blue pen?

    4. Is that his new hat?

    5. Are these your exercise books?

    6. Are those your sisters?

    7. Is this a beautiful poem?

    8. Is that a big room?

    9. Are these black gloves?

    10. Is this your new red dress?

    Possessive Pronouns (Appendix 6)
    Exercise 33. Answer the questions according to the patterns. Use the absolute form of possessive pronouns in your answers.


    My sister is at home. – Where is your sister?

    (at the office)

    • Mine is at the office.

    1. Our house is in that street. Where is our house? (round the corner)

    2. Her handbag is on the chair. Where is my handbag? (on the sofa)

    3. Our teacher is in the classroom. Where is their teacher? (at the Dean’s office)

    4. His mother is in the country now. Where is her mother? (in town)

    5. My son is in the library. Where is your son? (at school)

    6. Your photo is here. Where is his photo? (in the album)


    The doctor’s daughter is at school now. – Is your daughter at school as well? (No/at home)

    • No, mine is at home.

    1. Mr. Brown’s car is in the garage. Is our car in the garage as well? (No/in front of the house)

    2. Your ticket in on the table. Is her ticket there too? (No/in the handbag)

    3. My passport is in the pocket. Is his passport in the pocket as well? (No/on the desk)

    4. Ted’s letters are in the drawer. Are his sister’s letters there too? (No/on the shelf)

    5. Your grandmother is in the garden. Is my grandmother there too? (No/in the kitchen)

    Exercise 34. Continue answering the questions according to the patterns. Use the absolute form of possessive pronouns.

    1. Whose bag is this? – It may be my bag…

    Oh, yes, it’s mine.

    1. Whose books are these? – They may be her books…

    Oh, yes, they are hers.

    1. Whose dictionary is that? – It may be his dictionary …

    2. Whose shoes are these? – They may be our shoes …

    3. Whose coat is this? – It may be Mary’s coat …

    4. Whose idea is this? – It may be their idea …

    5. Whose towel is this? – It may be your towel …

    6. Whose cigarettes are these? – They may be our cigarettes …

    7. Whose money is that? – It may be Nick’s money …

    8. Whose pens are those? – They may be our pens …

    9. Whose hat is that? – It may be her hat …

    10. Whose tie is this? – It may be Bob’s tie …

    Exercise 35. Agree with the statements; use the absolute form of possessive pronoun according to the patterns. Pay attention to the indefinite article before nouns in the singular.

    1. He is your cousin.

    Yes, he is a cousin of mine.

    1. They are our friends.

    Yes, they are friends of ours.

    1. She is their relative.

    2. He’s her friend.

    3. We are your former students.

    4. She is his niece.

    5. I am your colleague.

    6. They are her pupils.

    7. She is our neighbor.

    8. He is her former school friends.

    Some, any, no, every (Appendix №7)

    Exercise 36. Finish the sentences adding some or any.

    1. She has got some English stories, have you got …? She has got some English stories, have you got any?

    2. We haven’t got any matches left; we must buy … .

    We must buy some.

    1. I want some new potatoes, have you got?

    2. You have got a lot of ink? Please give me…

    3. He wants some tea. Do you want …?

    4. I have got no cigarettes. May I take …?

    5. My son doesn’t like pears, so I never buy …

    6. Nelly hasn’t got any money, but I have …

    7. I want some tulips, but the florist hasn’t got …

    8. We haven’t got any apples at home. Please buy …

    Exercise 37. Extend statements according to the pattern. Use the words suggested

    I haven’t got any cakes. (biscuit)

    I haven’t got any cakes, but I’ve got some biscuit.

    1. They haven’t got any bananas. (oranges)

    2. We haven’t got any tea. (coffee)

    3. The children haven’t got any balls. (dolls)

    4. Mrs. Wilson hasn’t got any drawing here. (photo)

    5. Mary hasn’t got any newspapers. (magazines)

    6. They haven’t got any sandwiches there. (cakes)

    7. The cook hasn’t got any cheese. (sausage)

    8. We haven’t got any rivers here. (lakes)

    9. I haven’t got any milk. (cream)

    10. Mother hasn’t got any brown bread. (white bread)

    Exercise 38. Follow each sentence (A) with a question, (B) with a statement according to the patterns. Use the words suggested.

    I’m hungry. (sausage in the fridge)

    Is there any sausage in the fridge?

    1. Bob is thirsty. (beer in the bottle)….

    2. We’re hungry. (cold meat at home)….

    3. The child is thirsty. (milk in the jug)….

    4. The boys are hungry. (sandwiches on the plate)….

      Father is hungry. (Soup and meat in the fridge)

      There’s some soup and meat in the fridge.

    5. I’m thirsty. (tea in the tea-pot)….


    1. Ann is thirsty. (soda – water in the bottle)

    2. We’re hungry. (cakes in the cupboard)

    3. They’re thirsty. (lemonade in the fridge)

    4. The men are hungry. (meat in the frying-pan)

    5. I’m thirsty. (Coffee in the pot)

    Much/many, little/few, a lot of, plenty of (Appendix 8)

    Exercise 39. Answer the following questions, beginning them with there is less or there are fewer. Don’t forget to change pronouns in examples 1, 3, 7.

    1. Is there as much tea in my cup as in yours?

    • No, there is less tea in your cup than in mine.

    1. Are there as many students in your group as in ours?

    • No, there are fewer students in your group than in ours.

    1. Are there as many benches in your park as in ours?

    2. Is there as much milk in the bottle as in the jug?

    3. Are there as many books in your bookcase as in mine?

    4. Is there as much sugar in his coffee as in hers?

    5. Are there as many pictures in the book as in the magazines?

    6. Are there as many stamps on this letter as on that one?

    7. Is there as much furniture in your room as in mine?

    8. Are there as many people in Room 5 as in Room 21?

    Exercise 40. Make sentences of comparison, using less or few with the words suggested.

    1. I have a lot of work. ?(John)

    John has less work.

    1. They have so many children. ? (The Petrovs)

    The Petrovs have fewer children.

    1. Bobby has too many toys. (Nelly)

    2. He has so much free time. (I)

    3. We have so many flowers in the garden. (they)

    4. He has a lot of money. (his brother)

    5. I have too many mistakes in my dictation. (Vera)

    6. We have a lot of rain in summer. (they)
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