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  • Possessive Case of Nouns (Appendix №10) Exercise 43.

  • Noun-Substitutes (Appendix №11) Exercise 45.

  • Order of Words (Appendix №12) Exercise 46.

  • Prepositions (Appendix №13) Exercise 47.

  • Types of Questions (Appendix №14) Exercise 49.

  • Where )Where

  • I have to

  • АЛИМАН. Алиманова Р.Т. - СОШ №12 (1). Областной учебнометодический кабинет организаций дошкольного, общеобразовательного, технического и профессионального образования Управления образования ЗападноКазахстанской области

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    Plural of nouns (Appendix 9)

    Exercise 41. Practice reading aloud the plural form of the following nouns. Mind the pronunciation of the suffix - (e) s.

    1. a book, a clock, a cup, a map, a coat, a hat, a jacket, a cat, an envelope;

    2. an apple, a table, a door, a picture, a chair, a poem, a boy, a girl;

    3. a box, a watch, a dress, a glass, an actress;

    4. an exercise-book, a divan-bed, a cupboard, a radio set, a writing-desk, an armchair, a sideboard, a bookcase, a blackboard;

    5. a sister-in-law, a son-in-law, a passer-by;

    6. a man, a woman, a child, a tooth, a foot;

    7. a wife, a shelf, a handkerchief, a leaf, a roof, a knife.

    Exercise 42. Answer the following questions according to the word-prompt in the frame.

    1. Are these pictures? (pictures)

    • Yes, they are.

    1. Are those chairs? (tables)

    • No, they aren’t

    1. Are these envelopes? (envelopes)

    2. Are these cups? (plates)

    3. Are those desks? (chairs)

    4. Are those clocks? (clocks)

    5. Are these watches? (watches)

    6. Are these photos? (maps)

    7. Are those armchairs? (desks)

    8. Are these tables? (tables)

    Possessive Case of Nouns (Appendix №10)

    Exercise 43. Join the two sentences. Show possessive with ‘s or s’ or of. Add the if necessary.

    1. Our car has a boot. All our suit-cases are there. All our suit-cases are in the boot of our car.

    2. Mary has a new coat. It is certainly very beautiful. Mary’s new coat is certainly very beautiful.

    1. The boys have an aunt. She is arriving tomorrow.

    2. The book has a cover. It is yellow and green.

    3. The table has carved legs.

    4. Doctor Johnson has an office. It is on the ground floor.

    5. The children have a dog. It is in the garden.

    6. My brother-in-law has a car. It is black.

    7. This will is high. Nobody knows its height.

    8. James has a brother. He is an architect.

    Exercise 44. Answer the following questions. Use the nouns suggested in the possessive case.

    Whose sister is she? (Mary)

    • She is Mary’s sister.

    1. Whose desk is that? (father)

    2. Whose books are those? (my brothers)

    3. Whose daughter is Kitty? (Mr.Brown)

    4. Whose keys are these? (the doctor)

    5. Whose address is that? (the Clarks)

    6. Whose photo is this? (our friend)

    7. Whose bicycle is that? (my room-mate)

    8. Whose bags are those? (our students)

    9. Whose garden is this? (my aunt)

    10. Whose dog is that? (Bill)

    Noun-Substitutes (Appendix №11)

    Exercise 45. Answer the following questions according to the pattern. Use the words one instead of the nouns to avoid repetition.

    1. Have you got a handbag? (black)

    • Yes, I’ve got a black one.

    1. Has Nelly got winter gloves? (red)

    -Yes, she’s got red ones.

    1. Have you got a raincoat? (brown)

    2. Has she got a bathing-suit? (yellow)

    3. Have they got a car? (blue)

    4. Has she got a new suit? (grey)

    5. Has she got a watch? (gold)

    6. Has Peggy got a summer hat? (white)

    7. Have the boys got a boat? (green)

    8. Has Kate got a new dress? (pink)

    9. Has Jim got new shoes? (brown)

    10. Has Jane got a new pair of stockings? (black)

    Order of Words (Appendix №12)

    Exercise 46. Answer the following questions according to the patterns.

    1. Where is the time-table? (here)

    • Here it is. Here is the time-table.

    1. Where are the children? (there)

    • There they are. There are the children.

    1. Where is the chalk? (here)

    2. Where is the teacher? (here)

    3. Where are the records? (here)

    4. Where are the tape-recorders? (there)

    5. Where is the library? (here)

    6. Where are the students? (there)

    7. Where is the register? (here)

    8. Where are the exercise books? (here)

    Prepositions (Appendix №13)

    Exercise 47. Answer the questions according to the pattern. Use the following words prompted in the frame.

    Is this a photo? (a drawing

    on the floor)

    – No, It isn’t a photo.

    What is it? – It’s a drawing.

    Where is it? – It’s on the floor.

    1. Is this a pencil?

    What is it? (a pen

    Where is it? on the desk)

    1. Is that a desk?

    What is it? (a table

    Where is it? in the corner)

    1. Is this a cup?

    What is it? (a plate

    Where is it? on the table)

    1. Is that a map?

    What is it? (a picture

    Where is it? on the wall)

    1. Is this a book?

    What is it? (a note-book

    Where is it? in the bag)

    1. Is this a clock?

    What is it? (a box

    Where is it? on the table)

    1. Is this an apple?

    What is it? (a pear

    Where is it? on the plate)

    1. Is that a box?

    What is it? (a bag

    Where is it? on the chair)

    Exercise 48. Look at the picture below and answer the following questions.

    1. 1. Are the pictures on the wall?

    2. Is the reading-lamp on the chair?

    3. Is the ball in the middle of the room?

    4. Are the apples on the table?

    5. Are the lights on the ceiling?

    6. Are the notebooks in the drawing?

    7. Are the books on the desk?

    8. Is the telephone on the floor?

    9. Is the umbrella in the corner?

    10. Are envelopes on the picture?

    11. Are the pens and pencils on the desk?

    12. Is the rug under the desk?

    13. Is the table near the wall?

    14. Are the chairs behind the desk?

    b) 1. Where is the bed?

    2. Where is the picture?

    3. Where is the cat?

    4. Where is the carpet?

    5. Where are the toys?

    6. Where is the window?

    7. Where are the socks?

    8. Where is the radio?

    9. Where is the pillow?

    10. Where are the cars?

    11. Where are the chairs?

    12. Where is the wardrobe?

    13. Where is the hat?

    14. Where are the curtains?

    Types of Questions (Appendix №14)

    Exercise 49. Ask questions according to the pattern and give short answers

    1. There’s a lake not far from the town. (rivers)

    • Are there any rivers there?

    • Yes, there are some. (No, there aren’t any.)

    1. There’s a dictionary in my bag. (a textbook)

    • Is there a textbook there?

    • Yes, there is one. (No, there isn’t any)

    1. There are plenty of apples on the trees this year. (plums and pears)

    2. There are some long stories in the book. (fairy tales)

    3. There’s a good watchmaker in our street. (a shoe - maker)

    4. There’s some chalk here. (a duster)

    5. There are some nice hats in the shop. (gloves)

    6. There are some clean shirts in the drawer. (handker-chiefs)

    7. There are pleasant curtains in the room. (a carpet)

    Exercise 50. Ask questions according to the pattern. Use the words suggested.

    1. Helen’s daughter is pretty. (your daughter)

    Is Helen’s daughter as pretty as yours?

    1. This street is noisy. (that street)

    Is this street as noisy as that one?

    1. Our family is large. (their family)

    2. Their house is big. (our house)

    3. Lyrical songs are popular now. (folk songs)

    4. Water –skiing is exciting. (surfing)

    5. Your students are bright. (the students group of 3)

    6. His car is old. (his brother’s car)

    7. Her sister is tactful. (your sister)

    8. Mary’s room is small. (Bob’s room)

    Exercise 51. Ask questions about the subject or its attribute.

    1. My sister often goes to the pictures. (Who?)

    Who often goes to the pictures?

    1. Their friends speak three foreign languages. (Whose?)

    Whose friends speak three foreign languages?

    1. Diligent students always work hard. (What sort of?)

    2. We listen to the news in the evening. (Who?)

    3. My parents nearly always spend their holidays at the seaside. (Whose?)

    4. Bobby washed his hands before every meal. (Who?)

    5. Mother generally cooks dinner in the morning? (Who?)

    6. John’s sister studied medicine. (Whose?)

    7. They watch television every evening? (Who?)

    8. Students of English frequently make mistakes in the use of tenses. (Who?)

    Exercise 52. Form special questions. Begin your questions with the question-words suggested.

    They prefer to go to the pictures. (Where?)

    Where do they prefer to go?

    1. The Scots live in that white house. (Who…?)

    2. These men go to town every day. (How often …?)

    3. Birds fly to the South in autumn. (When …?)

    4. Mary does her work quickly. (How …?)

    5. He usually spends his holidays on the Black Sea coats. (Where …?)

    6. She travels a lot in summer. (What …?)

    7. We want to catch the six o’clock train. (What train …?)

    8. Mother wakes you up at seven o’clock in the morning. (When …?

    Exercise 53. Add question-tags and give short answer.

    You’ve got a brother.

    You’ve got a brother, haven’t you?

    • Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.

    1. You’ve got little sugar in your tea.

    2. He’s got plenty of time to spare.

    3. You’ve got a kitten.

    4. She’s got a little baby.

    5. Your brother’s got a wife and two children.

    6. We’ve got a lot of cups here.

    7. Mary has got a sister in Moscow.

    8. Father has got a lot of technical books in his study.

    Exercise 54. Add question-tags to the following statements. Then answer the questions.

    1. There’s a good film on TV tonight.

    • There’s a good film on TV tonight, isn’t there?

    • Yes, there is. (No, there isn’t).

    1. There aren’t any museums in this street.

    • There aren’t any museums in this street, are there?

    • Yes, there are. (No, there aren’t)

    1. There are a lot of people at the stadium.

    2. There’s a bus at the bus stop.

    3. There are a few changes in the text.

    4. There are plenty of glasses in the cupboard.

    5. There isn’t anything on the plate.

    6. There isn’t anybody in the room.

    7. There’s something on the shelf.

    8. There are difficult exercises in this book.

    9. There’s a very important letter for John.

    10. There are several empty seats in the room.

    11. There aren’t any dishes on the table.

    12. There isn’t any sugar in the sugar-basin.

    13. There aren’t any pears on the plate.

    14. There’s a pair of gloves on the counter.

    Exercise 55. Add question-tags.

    1. I have to ask for permission to leave.

    I have to ask for permission to leave, don’t I?

    1. He mustn’t take the books in your absence.

    He mustn’t take the books in your absence, must he?

    1. We must write to her at once.

    2. The man has to return the documents.

    3. You don’t have to paint the doors green.

    4. I must help Mary to cook dinner.

    5. They must tell their friends about the plan.

    6. They have to prepare it for Sunday.

    7. We don’t have to take umbrella.

    8. Mary has to wait for the teacher.

    Exercise 56. Ask questions expressing doubt about the given statements. Follow the pattern.

    1. Handball is not as popular as volley-ball.

    Isn’t handball as popular as volley-ball?

    1. My armchair is not as cosy as your armchair.

    Isn’t your armchair as cosy as mine?

    1. Emily Bronte isn’t as popular with our readers as Charlotte Bronte.

    2. June isn’t as hot as July where we live.

    3. The Don isn’t as long as the Volga.

    4. This story isn’t as funny as the previous one.

    5. She isn’t as tell as her elder sister.

    6. Helen’s pronunciation isn’t as good as your pronunciation.

    Exercise 57. Give short affirmative or negative answer according to the word-prompt in the frame.

    Is this a book? (a book)

    – Yes, It is.

    Is that a table? (a clock)

    – No, It isn’t.

    1. Is this a cup? (a cup)

    2. Is this a box? (a picture)

    3. Is that a chair? (a chair)

    4. Is that a table? (a door)

    5. Is this an apple? (a pear)

    6. Is this a pen? (a pen)

    7. Is that a picture? (a picture)

    8. Is that a door? (a table)

    9. Is this a pencil? (a pen)

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