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  • Adverbs (Appendix №16) Exercise 78.

  • sometimes do. Is Bob busy (Yes/often) Yes, he often

  • So, neither, nor (Appendix №17) Exercise 80.

  • Modal verbs and Their Equivalents (Appendix №18) Exercise 81.

  • Exercise 82.

  • Exercise 86.

  • Do you have to

  • I can’t

  • I can

  • Exercise 92.

  • Exercise 93.

  • АЛИМАН. Алиманова Р.Т. - СОШ №12 (1). Областной учебнометодический кабинет организаций дошкольного, общеобразовательного, технического и профессионального образования Управления образования ЗападноКазахстанской области

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    Exercise 76. Answer the following questions. Give full answers.

    Which is the largest port in Great Britain?

    • The largest port in Great Britain is London?

    1. Which is the shortest month of the year?

    2. Which is the biggest port on the Black Sea?

    3. Which is the most famous ballet in Kazakhstan?

    4. Which is the coldest place in Russia?

    5. Which is the longest river in Europe?

    6. Which is the longest day of the year?

    7. Which is the warmest season of the year?

    8. Which is the highest mountain in Kazakhstan?

    Exercise 77. Answer the following questions according to the pattern. Use the superlative degree of adjectives and the given suggested.

    She is a bright girl, isn’t she? (in her form)

    • Yes, she is the brightest girl in her form.

    1. Helen is a fast runner, isn’t she? (in our team)

    2. It’s a funny story, isn’t it? (in the book)

    3. Jack is a clever boy, isn’t he? (in their family)

    4. He’s a good athlete, isn’t he? (in the University)

    5. It’s a bad park, isn’t it? (in our town)

    6. It’s a difficult exercise, isn’t it? (of the lesson)

    7. He’s a popular singer, isn’t she? (in the country)

    8. Mary is a talented dancer, isn’t she? (in the company)

    Adverbs (Appendix №16)

    Exercise 78. Answer the following questions according to the patterns.

    1. How are you? (very well)

    • I’m very well, thank you.

    1. How is your son? (not very well)

    • He’s not very well, I’m afraid.

    1. 1. How is Fred? (all right)

    2. How are the Browns? (quite well)

    3. How is your mother? (much better)

    4. How is your baby? (fine)

    5. How are your grandparents? (very well)

    b) 1. How is your old teacher? (rather ill)

    2. How are your neighbours? (not well)

    3. How is Tom? (much worse)

    4. How is your friend John today? (not much better)
    Exercise 79. Give short answers using the adverbs of frequency suggested.

    1. Do you ever forget to do your homework? (Yes/sometimes)

    Yes, I sometimes do.

    1. Is Bob busy? (Yes/often)

    • Yes, he often is.

    1. Are cartoon films interesting? (Yes/usually)

    2. Does Nina help you with mathematics? (Yes/often)

    3. Are your pupils lazy? (Yes/sometimes)

    4. Do they go to the country for week-ends? (Yes/usually)

    5. Does your bicycle often need mending? (No/seldom)

    6. Do you lend money to your friends? (Yes/often)

    7. Does he ring you up every day? (No/rarely)

    8. Do you understand English speakers? (Yes/usually)

    So, neither, nor (Appendix №17)

    Exercise 80. Respond to the statements in the negative according to the pattern. Use the given suggested.

    He can’t come today. (She)

    - She can’t come either.

    1. Helen can’t row. (my sister)

    2. They needn’t start so early. (we)

    3. I can’t afford a new suit. (Fred)

    4. Bobby doesn’t like bananas. (my daughter)

    5. They don’t know your address (I)

    6. She didn’t invite me. (he)

    7. I don’t smoke. (my father)

    Modal verbs and Their Equivalents (Appendix №18)
    Exercise 81. Reword the sentences according to the pattern stressing obligation. Remember that there is no particle to after the modal verb must.

    It’s necessary for you to hurry home now.

    You must hurry home now.

    1. It’s necessary for Jim to ring her up.

    2. It’s necessary for Mary to leave at once.

    3. It’s necessary for the secretary to type the letter.

    4. It’s necessary for you to buy some bread.

    5. It’s necessary for the patient to see the doctor.

    6. It’s necessary for us to leave the house early.

    7. It’s necessary for the boys to be there at eight.

    8. It’s necessary for the monitor to tell them the news.

    Exercise 82. Extend the statements. Add a sentence using must and the given suggestion.

    Fred is going to the theatre. (put on a white shirt)

    He must put on a white shirt.

    1. I need a haircut. (go to the barber)

    2. It is time for the boys to have dinner. (wash their hands)

    3. Peter’s hat is very old. (buy a new hat)

    4. You want to borrow Mary’s dictionary. (call on her tonight)

    5. David is ill. (take this medicine)

    6. They know this story very well. (tell the story to the boys)

    7. Don’t cross the street now. (cross it when the light is green)

    8. Don’t come home late tonight. (do your homework well)

    Exercise 83. Answer the following questions according to the pattern. Express the absence of obligation or necessary to do something in your answer.

    Must I change my clothes?

    • No, you needn’t.

    1. Must I be present?

    2. Must you get up early tomorrow?

    3. Must he show the letter to her?

    4. Must she ring you up before seven?

    5. Must I give the textbook back to you?

    6. Must we take a tent with us?

    7. Must she prepare sandwiches for the picnic?

    8. Must I put all the eggs in the basket?

    Exercise 84. Answer the questions according to the pattern. Express obligation in your answer.

    Need I get up so soon?

    • Yes, I’m afraid you must.

    1. Need you leave the dog here?

    2. Need you bring the baby with you?

    3. Need we change our clothes for the excursion?

    4. Need we take sandwiches with us?

    5. Need we keep the door shut?

    6. Need she go to the doctor?

    7. Need he go there after all?

    8. Need they trouble you again?

    Exercise 85. Extend the statements expressing either prohibition or absence of obligation to do something.

    1. The children are asleep. (make a noise)

    You mustn’t make a noise.

    1. You have plenty of time. (drive so quickly)

    You needn’t drive so quickly.

    1. The soup is not good. (eat it)

    2. The train arrives in an hour. (hurry to the station)

    3. Your coat is quite new. (buy another coat)

    4. It’s very cold outside. (go out in a light dress)

    5. It’s too late. (ring up Mr.Brown)

    6. The speaker is still going on with his speech. (interrupt him)

    7. We have plenty of tomatoes at home. (buy tomatoes at the greengrocer’s)

    Exercise 86. Agree with the statement expressing probability. Use the verb must.

    The coat is presumably (or probably) very expensive.

    Yes, the coat must be very expensive.

    1. This is probably the book Charles wants.

    2. She’s presumably very tired after the journey.

    3. Ann is probably ready for the journey.

    4. It’s presumably very nice to be in the South now.

    5. That is probably the best theatre here.

    6. The children are presumably very happy now.

    7. Your friend is presumably over 20.

    8. This is probably Mary’s suit-case.

    Exercise 87. Answer the following questions according to the pattern. Use the words suggested.

    Do you have to read this lesson for today? (No/for tomorrow)

    • No, we have to read it for tomorrow.

    1. Do you have to go shopping in the afternoon? (No/right now)

    2. Do they have to work in the library now? (No/from one till two)

    3. Do you have to take this medicine once a day? (No, three times a day)

    4. Does she have to meet her little sister after school? (No/after the theatre)

    5. Does Peter have to ring you up in the morning? (No, in the evening)

    6. Do they have to write a dictation tomorrow? (No/today)

    7. Do we have to come here at seven? (No/at eight)

    8. Do they have to start the experiment now? (No/tomorrow morning)

    Exercise 88. Ask questions according to the pattern. Make the suggested words the subject of your questions.

    I can’t do it. (John)

    Can John do it?

    1. We can’t come early. (they)

    2. Tom can’t help us today. (Mary)

    3. The children can’t swim there. (we)

    4. The girls can’t make good cakes. (their sisters)

    5. I can’t walk with you to the station. (your elder brother)

    6. Charles can’t sing this song.

    7. They can’t buy a TV set now. (their parents)

    8. We can’t go to the concert. (John and Mary)

    Exercise 89. Extend the statements according to the pattern. Use the verbs suggested.

    My foot is aching. (walk)

    I can’t walk.

    1. I’m very busy now. (go)

    2. I must hurry. (stay)

    3. Are they reading the news on the radio? (hear)

    4. What language is he speaking? (understand)

    5. Who is over there? (see)

    6. My head is aching. (read)

    7. Don’t ask me to sing. (sing)

    8. They’re making so much noise. (sleep)

    Exercise 90. Ask questions about the statements beginning them with the question words suggested; then give full answer to these questions using the given words.

    I can take a bus.

    1. Where …?

    Where can I take a bus?

    1. … at the next corner.

    You can take a bus at the next corner.

    • We can’t cross the street now.

    1. Why …?

    2. …because there’s a red light.

    • I can buy some fruit.

    1. Where …?

    2. … at the greengrocer’s.

    • You can go swimming tomorrow.

    1. What time …?

    2. … at three o’clock.

    • Mr. Jones can’t leave now.

    1. Why …?

    2. … because he’s busy.

    • He can’t get ready soon.

    1. When …?

    2. … in half an hour.

    • The boys can’t wait for him.

    1. Why …?

    2. … because they’re late.

    • Ann can help us.

    1. When …?

    2. … on Saturday.

    • Mary can come here.

    1. What time …?

    2. … by three o’clock.

    Exercise 91. Answer the following questions according to the pattern. Express obligation in your answer.

    Why can’t you do it now? (go home at once)

    • I must go home at once.

    1. Why can’t you wash the dishes? (do my homework)

    2. Why can’t she do the shopping? (go to the office)

    3. Why can’t she go to the theatre? (stay with the baby)

    4. Why can’t you fly to Turkey today? (finish report)

    5. Why can’t they talk to him at once? (read his article first)

    6. Why can’t we leave for The USA today? (get the Dean’s permission)

    7. Why can’t your son help you? (go to the University)

    8. Why can’t they buy new furniture? (pay for the car)

    Exercise 92. Respond to the following statements giving permission to perform the action. Use the modal verb can in your responses.

    1. The boy wants to play in this room.

    – He can play here.

    1. Little Mary wants to invite her friends today.

    – She can invite them.

    1. The child wants to take some sweets.

    2. Your daughter wants to buy this dress.

    3. Mr. Smith wants to speak to the Director.

    4. The boy wants to have this toy.

    5. John wants to bring his friend to the party.

    6. Mary wants to stay with you in the hotel.

    7. The children wants to go to the cinema.

    8. Charles wants to sleep on the sofa.

    Exercise 93. Change the following sentences using can be + adjective; omit the adverbs sometimes, occasionally, frequently, often.

    Mary is sometimes very rude.

    Mary can be very rude.
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