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  • Which of the following bronchogenic carcinomas is most frequently associated with production of parathormone-like substances

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    The patient on a face skin had a tumorous formation plaque-like form with an ulcer. What is the most likely diagnosis?

    @ Basal cell epithelioma







    A 56-year-old woman feels a lump in her right breast. Her physician palpates an irregular 3-cm mass that is not movable because it appears fixed to the overlying skin, which is retracted. A mastectomy is performed and the pathologist on sectioning the breast finds a 3 x 3.5-cm ovoid mass that does not have discrete borders, but appears to infiltrate into the surrounding fibrofatty breast stroma. The mass is firm, white, and has a fibrous consistency. Which of the following features is demonstrated by the gross appearance of this mass:








    Gradually, a patch with necrosis and ulcer in the middle has developed on the patient’s skin of the face. At the pathohistological examination of a biopsy material an overgrowth of atypical epithelial cells with great amount of pathological mitoses was detected. What is the most possible diagnosis?

    @Skin carcinoma



    Trophic ulcer




    A patient presented to her physician with gradually developed plaque on a skin of a cheek. The formation had necrosis and an ulcer in the center. A histological investigation of a skin biopsy revealed a growth of atypical epithelial cells with a lot of pathological mitoses. What is the most likely diagnosis?

    @Carcinoma of skin



    Trophic ulcer




    A 15-year-old boy has had lumps in the right neck for the past 5 months. On physical examination there is painless lymphadenopathy in the right cervical region. One of the lymph nodes is biopsied and on microscopic examination shows many lymphocytes that are large, with clumped chromatin and occasional mitoses. Define the changes of this population of lymphocytes:?

    @A neoplasm

    Reactive hyperplasia


    Activating of immune response




    A 29-year-old woman with a history of multiple sexual partners over the last 15 years has a routine physical examination with no abnormal findings. On pelvic examination, the cervix shows no abnormalities, but a Pap smear is taken and dysplastic cells are reported to be present. A cervical biopsy is performed and shows microscopic features of a minimal dysplasia involving the cervical squamous epithelium. Which of the following processes could be the nextone:


    Benigne tumor

    @Malignant tumor





    A 62-year-old man has complained of pain on urination for the past week. He is afebrile. On cystoscopy, a slightly erythematous 1 cm diameter area is seen on the bladder mucosa. This area is biopsied and on microscopic examination shows cells with marked hyperchromatism and increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio involving the full thickness of the epithelium. However, these changes are confined to the epithelium above the basement membrane. Which of the following terms best describes these biopsy findings?


    Minimal dysplasia



    @Carcinoma in situ



    A 17-year-old man presents with a lesion on his face that measures approximately 1.5 cm in its greatest dimension. He has a history of numerous similar skin lesions that have occurred mainly in sun-exposed areas. The present lesion is biopsied and reveals an invasive squamous cell carcinoma. This patient most probably has one type of a group of inherited diseases associated with unstable DNA and increased incidence of carcinoma. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

    @Xeroderma pigmentosa

    Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

    Familial poliposis

    Sturge-Weber syndrome

    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)



    A 44-year-old woman who has had multiple sexual partners for the past 30 years has an abnormal Pap smear with cytologic changes suggesting human papillomavirus infection. Without treatment, she is most likely to develop which of the following lesions?

    @Squamous cell carcinoma

    Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

    Kaposi's sarcoma





    Which of the following bronchogenic carcinomas is most frequently associated with production of parathormone-like substances?

    Acinar adenocarcinoma

    Papillary adenocarcinoma

    Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma

    @Squamous cell carcinoma

    Oat cell carcinoma



    A 51-year-old man who is a long-term smoker and who has chewed tobacco for more than 20 year presents with a slowly enlarging mass on the floor of his mouth. Physical examination finds the mass, which measure 1.3 cm in greatest dimension, to be white in color and irregular in appearance. Biopsies from this lesion are most likely to reveal which one of the following malignancies?

    Acinic cell carcinoma


    Basal cell carcinoma

    Small-cell carcinoma

    @Squamous cell carcinoma



    A senior woman who had metrorrhagia in menopause was made a smear from the uterine cervix mucosa. There was diagnosed the accretion of the atypical epithelium with the formation of cancer pearls. What is your diagnosis?

    Mucous cancer


    Squamous cell cancer without hornification

    @Squamous cell cancer with hornification

    Undifferentiate cancer



    A 65-year-old woman presented to the hospital with the menopausal bleeding. At histological investigation revealed in the curettage material from the mucosa of her cervix uteri revealed a new growth of atypical epithelium with formation so-called «cancer pearls". What is the most likely diagnosis?

    @ Squamous cell keratinous carcinoma


    Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma

    Mucous cancer

    Nondifferentiated carcinoma



    Histological investigation of a bronchial biopsy revealed a tumour which is constructed from nests of stratified epithelium's atypical cells with some characteristic "pearls". What is the most likely diagnosis?

    @ Squamous cell keratinous carcinoma

    Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma

    Solid carcinoma

    Mucous carcinoma

    Scirrhous carcinoma



    A mucus membrane biopsy is taken from a bronchus of a 52-year-old patient. A histological investigation revealed cords of atypical epithelial cells, which grew into the tissues underneath. In the cord's center a concentric pink color formations were determined ("cancer pearls", "epithelial [epidermic] pearl, pearly body"). Name a kind of a tumor?

    @Squamous cell keratinous carcinoma

    Differentiated adenocarcinoma

    Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma


    Transitional cell carcinoma



    During a histological research of bronchi wall and adjacent lung areas there were found stains and lines of atypical epithelia. Epithelia cells have moderate signs of atypism: nuclear polymorphism, nuclear hyperchromia, mitoses. In the centre of these complexes there are concentric neoplasms of pink colour. Name the diagnosis.

    @Flat-cell cancer with cornification

    Flat-cell cancer without cornification


    Fibrous cancer

    Undifferentiated cancer



    During a microscopical research of a bioptate of bronchi there was a tumour revealed. The tumour consists of nest-like associations of atypical cells of multilayer epithelia, sometimes "pearls" can be found. Name the diagnosis.

    @Flat-cell cancer with cornification

    Flat-cell cancer without cornification

    Solid cancer

    Mucous cancer




    A 52-year-old female patient with a history of the chronic bronchitis and pneumosclerosis presented to the hospital for biopsy diagnostics. A microscopical investigation of a left bronchial's mucous from the suspicious site revealed cellular and tissue atypia. There were also found some structures in the form of cancer pearls". What is the most likely pathology presented in that case?

    @ Squamous cell keratinous carcinoma of bronchus

    Chronic polypous bronchitis


    Sharp bronchitis

    Squamous cell metaplasia of mucous of bronchus



    A 48- year-old man with a history of a chronic bronchitis has died of a cachexy. A post-mortem revealed in a lumen of the right bronchus an endophytic growth of a light- grey softish tissue. Microscopic investigation showed a development of an atypical stratified epithelium with a presence of an « epithelial [epidermic] pearl, pearly body ». What is the most likely diagnose.

    @Squamous cell keratinous carcinoma

    Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma


    Nondifferentiated carcinoma




    A 60-year-old postmenopausal woman has been feel unhealthy and weak for about 3 month. A gross investigation of her cervix uteri revealed a lesion and a biopsy from this area was obtained. Microscopically, a lesion composed of atypical squamous cell, many of them displayed pathological mitoses. Keratin pearl formation was also observed histologically. What is the most likely diagnose?

    @Squamous cells carcinoma with keratinisation

    Transitional cell carcinoma

    Squamous cells without keratinisation


    Anaplastic carcinoma



    Histological investigation of a biopsy from a tumor of the right bronchus' mucous membrane revealed a cellular and tissue atypia, appearance of structures in the form of' cancer pearls'. Define the pathological process.

    @ Malignant tumor

    Benign tumor






    A man has been performed a removal of lip tumour. The tumour is a node of soft consistency, invades adjacent tissues, has a rough surface with few ulcers. Histologically the tumour is made of lines of atypical cells of multilayer epithelia, that invade into adjacent tissue, destroying it, and make nest-like complexes. Name the type of tumour.

    @Flat-cell cancer with cornification

    Flat-cell cancer without cornification

    Solid cancer

    Carcinoma in situ




    Microscopical examination of a surgical specimen (an ulcered part of a lip) revealed in the connective tissue of mucous membrane near the borders and under the floor of the ulcer some epithelial complexes consisting of atypic multistratal epithelium with accumulations of bright pink concentric formations. What pathology is it?

    Transitional cell carcinoma


    @Squamous cell keratinous carcinoma

    Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma

    Basal cell carcinoma



    A 70 year-old male is found to have a nodule at his right bronchus mucous membrane. A microscopic examination of the biopsy material from the tumor revealed the cell and tissue atypism, keratin pearls formation. What is the most likely pathologic process at biopsy material?

    @ Malignant tumor.

    Benign tumor.






    A 64-year-old man presents with symptoms of anemia. On work-up, you discover that the patient has been losing blood from the GI tract secondary to a tumor mass is his colon. The pathology report from a biopsy specimen indicates that this mass is an invasive adenocarcinoma. Which of the following histologic appearances is most likely to be seen in a biopsy specimen taken from this tumor mass?

    A uniform proliferation of fibrous tissue

    A disorganized mass of proliferating fibroblasts and blood vessels

    A disorganized mass of cells forming keratin

    A uniform proliferation of glandular structures

    @A disorganized mass of cells forming glandular structures



    A change in bowel habits prompts a 53-year-old woman to see her physician. On physical examination there are no lesions noted on digital rectal examination, but her stool is positive for occult blood. A colonoscopy is performed and reveals a 6 cm friable mass located in the cecum. A biopsy of this mass is performed and microscopic examination shows a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Which of the following tissues is most likely to be origin in this tumor?








    A 66-year old male lost his appetite and has been loosing his weight for about 5 months. X-ray study revealed a stomach neoplasm. Histological examination of a tumor's biopsy showed a great amount of signet-ring cells. Name the histological variant of cancer.


    Solid carcinoma.


    Mucinous carcinoma.




    A gastroscopic study of a 50-year-old patient revealed a crater-like lesion on small curvature in pre-pyloric zone of stomach. From a regional site of formation a biopsy is taken, биопсия. A histological investigation showed a tumor with glands-like structures of the various form and the sizes, growing into surrounding tissue. The cells had marked signs pf atypia. Name a histological variant of the presented tumor.


    Squamous cell carcinoma

    Scirrhous carcinoma of stomach

    Mucous carcinoma of stomach

    Solid carcinoma of stomach



    On the microscopy of the infiltrate from the colon a tumor consisting of prismatic epithelium was discovered. The tissue formed atypical glandular structures of various forms and seize. The cells are polymorphic, nuclei are hyperchromic, and pathological mitoses take place. Glandules’ basal membrane is destroyed. Some glands are covered by pseudostratified epithelium; the distance is not changed. Your diagnosis:


    Basal-celled carcinoma

    Solid carcinoma

    Mucous carcinoma

    Undifferentiated carcinoma


    A 35 year-old female with a family history of colon cancer inquires about screening. Colonoscopy revealed a tumor and a tissue sample was taken for histology. Microscopic investigation has shown cells were arranged in glandular-like pattern. They exhibit cell pleomorphism, atypia, invasive growth and pathologic mitosis's. What is the most likely diagnose?

    @ Adenocarcinoma

    Basal-cell carcinoma

    Solid carcinoma

    Mucous carcinoma

    Undifferentiated carcinoma



    A 45-year-old woman has noted a lump on her left shoulder that has enlarged over the past 4 months. On physical examination there is an enlarged, non-tender supraclavicular lymph node. A biopsy of the node is done and on microscopic examination there is a metastatic neoplasm. Which of the following is the most likely

    @Adenocarcinoma of the colon

    Cerebral glioma

    Fibroadenoma of the breast

    Liposarcoma of the retroperitoneum

    Laryngeal papilloma



    A histological investigation of a lung biopsy revealed atypical cells which form plural acinar structures and produce mucus. What histological form of a cancer of lungs takes place at the patient?

    @High differentiated adenocarcinoma

    Low differentiated adenocarcinoma

    Nondifferentiated carcinoma


    Glandular squamous cell carcinoma



    Histological investigation of a node in the removed mammary gland revealed complexes of atypical polymorphic epithelial cells, which had various sizes and forms. There were clear spaces at the centers of complexes. The cells had large nuclei, with presence of atypical mitoses. Diagnose the pathology.


    Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma

    Solid carcinoma

    Fibroadenoma of breast

    Nondifferentiated polymorphocellular carcinoma



    Histological investigation of the removed breast node revealed different sizes and the form complexes of atypical polymorphic epithelial cells among abundant stroma. The complexes had a clear space center. Cells were characterized by large nuclei, the increased number of nucleoli, nucleoli organizers and presence of atypical mitoses. What is the most likely diagnosis?


    Fibroadenoma of breast

    Solid carcinoma

    Squamous cell nonkeratinous carcinoma

    Nondifferentiated polymorphic cells carcinoma



    A microscopical investigation of a 50-year-old woman's endometrial curettage material with the clinical diagnosis « ovarian - menstrual cycle's disorder » revealed growth of glandular structures. These glands consisted of polymorphic cells with hyperchromic nuclei and mitoses figures. For what pathology the revealed histological changes are characteristic?
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