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Английский для нефтяников. Практическое занятие 1 Global Giant Практическое занятие 2 Presenting Company

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Anthony Johnson

I suppose the type of maintenance we do would be called 'corrective maintenance'. In other words, we're pretty casual about it and just take action when something breaks down. So far this has worked out OK. We're quite a small outfit and everybody works very closely with the equipment. You usually get a feeling when something is going wrong, and a quick check will show what needs mending or replacing. We certainly don't do anything systematic.

Faisal Riyad

We have a systematic procedure of preventive maintenance. This involves planned inspections of each item at specific times, and every two years we do a complete overhaul during a scheduled shutdown of the rig. We perform tests, measurements and adjustments; we replace or replenish lubricants and other fluids; and we replace worn parts so that faults can be corrected before they develop into major defects.

Colin Freyer

I’m a rope access technician. I work in a harness up to 70 metres about sea level. A lot of the maintenance work we do involves using ultrasonic equipment, which measures the thickness of metal. If metal is supporting a heavy load or transporting gas or liquid, after a while it will wear and tear, and it’s very important that it’s repaired if it becomes too thin. I guess it’s quite dangerous work, but I get a big thrill from it.

Igor Borovsky

It is important for us to keep our older platforms producing and in good working condition, so we constantly need to monitor and modify our equipment. In the past, we carried out surveys and assessed the work required by taking hand-read measurements and making two-dimensional drawings. Nowadays, we can do this with a hand-held scanner to record and visualize complex components within construction projects and working installations. Instead of climbing ladders and around dangerous pipe work with harnesses, a laser scanner allows the data to be collected remotely from a d stance of up to 50 metres.
Задание 2. Для каждого предложения выберите 3 из 5 слов. Два слова являются неверными:

Task 2. For each sentence, choose three of the five words to complete the sentence. Two of the words are not correct.

  1. During shutdown, we _____ the equipment for defects.

check, control, inspect, monitor, supervise

  1. We _____ many different tests and analyze the results using special software.

carry out, do, make, perform, take

  1. Regular maintenance enables us to detect _____ in the equipment.

flaws, damage, defects, errors, mistakes

  1. We _____ a lot of data to ensure the accuracy of the tests.

assess, collect, gather, measure, obtain

  1. If we find a defect, we can _____ the part.

remove, replenish, repair, replace, restore

  1. Taking preventive _____ saves a lot of money on expensive repairs.

action, activity, measures, maintenance, steps
Задание 3. Соедините определение с видом ремонта:

Task 3. Match the correct definition to each of these types of maintenance: breakdown maintenance, predictive maintenance, condition-based maintenance, corrective maintenance, preventive maintenance, reliability-centred maintenance, risk-based maintenance

  1. Planned maintenance or servicing at regular intervals to avoid failures occurring in the future.

  2. Maintenance carried out at the optimum time, based on forecasts of a machine's lifespan and failures that could happen during that time.

  3. Maintenance carried out at the optimum time, based on analysis of events which have caused damage to this or other such machines in the past.

  4. Maintenance carried out at the optimum time, based on an analysis of the current health of a machine and what could happen to it in the future.

  5. Maintenance to determine, systematically and scientifically, what must be done to ensure that physical assets continue to function normally and as the users want them to.

  6. Maintaining only when inspection shows that it is required.

  7. Not maintaining at all, unless the machine has actually failed.

Задание 4. Прочитайте и выучите диалог наизусть:

Task 4. Read and learn this dialogue by heart:

A. How's it going with that pump?

B. Fine . We found the problem.

A. What was wrong with it?

B. The bearing was frozen.

A. Have you replaced it?

B. Not yet. But we've ordered a new one. It'll be here tomorrow. And we've replaced

the hose.

A. Why did you do that?

B. It was split.

A. Oh, OK. So when will it be ready?

B. We'll get the bearing tomorrow morning. We'll reinstall the pump tomorrow

Задание 5.Найдите и исправьте ошибки как в примере:

Task 5. Find and correct the mistakes as in the example:

Например: The fire have been put out. – has

  1. Her latest book can found at many bookshops. – …

  2. The house cleaned every Friday. – …

  3. My favourite song sung by Elton John. – …

  4. You will invited to our wedding. – …

  5. The ironing haven’t been done. – …

  6. The car were serviced a week ago. – …

  7. Gifts is always given at Christmas. – …

  8. Many new houses will built in my street next year. – …

  9. This sweater knitted by my mother. – …

Практическое занятие 11

Rig Erection and Dismantling

Сооружение вышки и демонтаж
Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Task 1. Read and translate the text:
company компания

contract контракт

platform платформа

steel метал, металлический

heavy тяжёлый

to represent представлять

rig вышка

project проект

to include включать

pipeline трубопровод

dismantling демонтаж
Local firm awarded contract to dismantle rigs

A local company has been awarded the country’s biggest ever oil rig dismantling contract. Abbott UK will recycle and dispose of the North-West Lennon platform at its Blackthorn yard, in Hartford. Last night, Abbott Chief Executive, Peter Stephens, said: ‘We are very pleased. We have been involved in the technical process of getting the contract for a couple of years.

The North-West Lennon is a very big platform and dismantling it will mean two years of work.’ The rig’s topsides and steel jacket will be removed by heavy lift vessel and towed 130 km to Abbott’s Hartford yard for disposal.

BP awarded the offshore removal and onshore recycling of the rig to prime contractor Heering Marine Contractors, of Leiden, in the Netherlands. Work will be carried out by a range of specialist subsea, engineering and waste handling companies, including Abbott. The contract represents the largest remaining element of the North-West Lennon decommissioning project.

Work already completed includes the well abandonment and topsides cleanup phases carried out after the field ceased production at the end of 2008. The pipeline decommissioning, debris clearance and site inspection is all that remains. BP is proud of its excellent safety performance record to date. ‘Ensuring that we complete the offshore removal and onshore disposal safely and in an environmentally responsible manner will continue to be priorities,’ said spokesman Richard Webb
Задание 2. Прочитайте и выучите диалог наизусть:

Task 2. Read and learn this dialogue by heart:

AN: At what stage is the decision taken to build a platform?

JM: Well, platform fabrication is pretty much the first step after establishing that a field will be commercially viable?

AN: How long does it take?

JM: The jacket – that’s the legs and support for the rig – can take at least two years to build. But having said that, fields in the North Sea are getting smaller these days, so we can often speed things up by using smaller specialist equipment attached to existing rigs. We can get those into operation in a few months.

AN: I see. And how do you get the jacket out here once it’s built?

JM: It has to be towed out to sea by barge during a ‘fine weather window’ in summer and up-ended into position by flooding the ballast tanks in its legs and secured to the seabed with concrete piles. The deck support and production units are put in place by crane barges which can lift over 10,000 tones of equipment at once.

AN: That’s incredible.

JM: Sometimes with concrete jackets the initial erection is carried out in a sheltered bay and the whole structure is towed out and secured. Nowadays, we tend to use steel which is much lighter.

AN: And how long does it take before the platform is up and running?

JM: Anything up to a year really. We have to hook up and test all the equipment ready for drilling and production. There can be a thousand people working on the platform before it comes on-stream!

AN: Amazing.
Задание 3. Закончите предложение, используя одно слово из каждой колонки:

Task 3. Complete the sentences below using one word from each box.

call, carry(x2), deal, hook, put, set, slow, sort, speed, tow, work

Down, off(x2), out(x4), up(x3), with, on

  1. We can only _____ the jacket _____ to sea when the weather is good.

  2. Sometimes, we have to _____ _____ the work until the weather is better.

  3. I told the operator to _____ _____. He was going far too fast.

  4. I told the operator to _____ _____. He was going far too slowly.

  5. We had to _____ _____ a lot of paperwork before the work could start (two answers).

  6. Before operations can begin, we have to _____ _____ and test all the equipment.

  7. The maintenance team needs to _____ _____ hundreds of different tests.

  8. You're doing fine. If you _____ _____ like that, you will be very successful.

  9. With a laser scanner, it is much easier to _____ _____ the dimensions of the pipes.

  10. Unfortunately, we have had to _____ ______ the meeting. No one can make it at that time.

Задание 4. Какие из этих глаголов и выражений ассоциируется с «установкой вышки», а какие с «демонтажем». Заполните таблицу:

Task 4. Which of these verbs and verb phrases do you associate with the erection of a rig, and which do you associate with dismantling? Write the words in the correct columns: abandoned, attached to the deck, broken up for scrap, decommissioned, disposed of or recycled, installed, lifted into place, mounted, detached from its mountings, secured to the seabed, towed back to shore, unscrewed



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