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Практическое занятие 14

Circulating Systems

Циркуляционные системы
drilling fluid буровой раствор

rock cuttings шлам

pit резервная яма, колодец

caving образование пустот, обвал стенок скважины

film пленка, тонкий слой

seal уплотнять, закупоривать, герметизировать

weighting material уплотнитель, утяжелитель

lubricate смазывать, делать скользким

cool охлаждать

bearings опоры

barite барит, тяжелый шпат

environment окружающая среда

circulating system циркуляционная система
Task 1. Read the introduction to the uses of mud on a drilling rig and underline two or three words that best summarize the main point of each use:

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст об использовании буровой жидкости. Выберете два, три слова, которые резюмируют главную идею текста:

Drilling fluid

Drilling fluid (often called 'mud') is used to:

lift soil/rock cuttings from the bottom of the borehole and carry them to a settling pit

allow cuttings to drop out in the mud pit so that they are not recirculated (influenced by mud thickness, flow rate in the settling pits and shape/ size of the pits)

prevent cuttings from rapidly settling while another length of drillpipe is being added (if cuttings drop too fast, they can build up on top of the bit and seize it in the hole)

create a film of small particles on the borehole wall to prevent caving and to ensure that the upward-flowing stream of drilling fluid does not erode the formation

seal the borehole wall to reduce fluid loss (minimizing volumes of drilling fluid is especially important in dry areas where water must be carried from far away)

keep underground pressures in check by adding weighting materials, such as barite, to the fluid

cool and clean the drill bit

lubricate the bit, bearings, mud pump and drillpipe.
Task 2. Read and translate the text:

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Types of drilling fluid

Water-Based Fluids

Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids’ high performance water-based muds (HPWBM) are designed to emulate the performance attributes of invert-emulsion systems. The need for environmentally safe and technically equivalent, water-based alternatives to emulsion systems is increasingly becoming an important consideration in the drilling fluid selection process. Baker Hughes I' ling Fluids was the first service company to introduce HPWBM, starting with the AQUA-DRIILL SystemSM, in the early 1990s.

We have continually researched technology to constantly improve high performance water-based muds. New technology such as MAX-SHIELDSM and MAX-PLEXSM, which improves shale stability, and MAX-GUARDSM, which suppresses the hydration and dispersion of heavy reactive clays, have proven to be significant performance-enhancement products in our high performance water-based product line.

Specialty Fluids

As the drilling industry matures and the search for hydrocarbons moves into even more challenging environments, the need for innovative and novel drilling solutions takes on neater importance. The utilization of specialized drilling fluid additives is becoming more prevalent, especially in depleted fields and in deep and ultra deep waters. These challenging wells require more than just traditional additives to successfully achieve the goal of moving oil d gas from the reservoir into the refining process.

Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids offers a complete line of innovative specialty products for every drilling need. From basic components for controlling lost circulation, maintaining shale control and providing downhole lubricants, to the more exotic products designed to prevent 4'ential sticking in demanding wells, no problem is too large or too small.

BHDF’s product portfolio includes lost circulation materials, lubricants, ROP enhancers, sophisticated shale control products, and most importantly, spotting fluids. Since its first successful application in the 1940s, Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids’ BLACK MAGIC™ spotting fluid has been widely recognized as the drilling industry’s best product for successfully freeing differential stuck pipe.

Emulsion Fluids

Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids is on the forefront of developing synthetic-based compliant emulsion systems for drilling in challenging downhole conditions, such as deep-water and (high pressure – high temperature). The developments were driven by the extreme HPHT environment associated with Deep Shelf drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and the deviated HPHT wells drilled in the North Sea. Laboratory testing demonstrates fluid stability at temperatures in excess of 580°F and pressures exceeding 30,000 psi.

Since 2001, Baker Hughes Drilling Fluids has been working on perfecting a major change in HPHT emulsion-based systems. Although the revision was initially triggered by environmental legislation changes in the North Sea area, the developments and improved chemistries have demonstrated superior performance in both diesel-based fluids and in the synthetic fluids used r e Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and other areas. The chemistries chosen deliver minimal impact on the environment and to the health and safety of the personnel involved.
Task 3. Read the text. Use English-Russian dictionary to give Russian equivalents to the following words:

Задание 3. Прочитайтетекст, пользуясьсловарем, дайтерусскиеэквивалентыследующимсловамивыражениям: swivel, kelly, drillpipe, wellbore, drill colar, bit, rotary hose, mud mixer, stand pipe, discharge, mud suction line, reserve pit.
During drilling, a multi-purpose fluid known as 'mud' is circulated in the borehole. Large quantities are required for the circulating system, and there are strict rules governing the chemicals which can be used because of potential environmental impacts.

On a drilling rig, mud is pumped from the mud pits through the drillstring where it sprays out of nozzles on the drill bit, cleaning and cooling the drill bit in the process. The mud then carries the crushed rock ('cuttings') up the annular space ('annulus') between the drillstring and the sides of the hole being drilled, up through the surface casing, and emerges back at the surface. Cuttings are then filtered out at the shale shakers and the mud returns to the mud pits. The returning mud can contain natural gases or other flammable materials. These can collect in and around the shale shakers area or in other work areas, so safety procedures have to be in place and special monitoring sensors and explosion-proof certified equipment have to be installed. The mud is pumped back down hole and is continuously recirculated. After testing, the mud is treated periodically in the mud pits to give it properties that optimize and improve drilling efficiency.
Task 4. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). If the statement is false, see if you can correct it:

Задание 4. Определите, соответствуют ли высказывания тексту или нет. Еслинет, сделайтенеобходимыеисправления:

a) Mud travels from the mud pit, down the drill string and out of the drill bit.

b) The mud carries the cuttings back up the drill string to the surface.

с) The shale shakers are used to mix the mud.

d) Mud can be dangerous after it has been down hole.

e) Dangerous mud is disposed of.

f) Drilling efficiency can be enhanced by adding supplementary fluids.
Task 5. Put each phrase in the correct column in the table below:

Задание 5. Распределите следующие высказывания в таблицу:

The following phrases in the box refer to either:

the functions of mud (i.e., what it does during the drilling process)

the properties of mud (i.e., why it is used for these functions and how it can be altered to enhance its functionality)

the ingredients of mud (i.e., what it contains)

protection of the borehole

reduction of fluid loss during drilling

solubility in water

suspension of cuttings

toxicity and danger to the environment

various polymers for specific purposes

water or a synthetic alternative

clays, such as bentonite

density and gel strength


detergents and thinners to improve

improvement of ROP (rate of penetration)

lubrication of drilling tools

lubricity and viscosity

maintenance of pressure

Functions, property or ingredient?




Task 6. Complete the sentences:

Задание 6. Закончитепредложения:

1. The basic ingredients of mud are…

2. Two of the most important functions of mud are the…

3. Additives are used in mud to modify it…
Практическое занятие 15

Drilling Problems

Сложности бурения
rathole скважина с обсадной колонной

kelly ведущая бурильная труба

downhole нисходящая скважина

fishing services партия, производящая ловильные работы

blowout внезапный выброс, фонтанирование

jar бурить ударным буром

drillstring бурильная колонна

deviation отклонение скважины

dogleg резкое искривление ствола скважины

sloughing обрушение

reamer райбер, инструмент для расширения скважины

embrittlement хрупкость, повышение хрупкости

Task 1. Read the transcript of the conversation between Alan Noughty, a journalist working for a local newspaper in Aberdeen, and Jo Mcleod, a platform manager, who is giving him a tour of the rig and showing him some of the day-to-day operations. Answerthequestions:

Задание 1. Прочитайте запись диалога между Аланом Ноти, журналистом местной абердинской газеты, и Джо Маклеодом, менеджером платформы, который водит его по вышке и рассказывает о ее работе. Ответьтенавопросы:

What is the problem? How is the problem being solved?
Alan Noughty: There doesn’t seem to be a lot going on here today. The rotary table isn’t going round and there’s nothing on the Kelly.

Jo Mcleod: No, you’re right, we’ve tripped out and put the kelly into the rathole for the time being. You can see the drillpipes are stacked over there in the rack.

AN: Why? What’s the problem?

JM: There’s a fish down the hole.

AN: A fish? How did that get there?

JM: I don’t mean a real fish. It’s what we call stuff that gets lost downhole. We also call it junk.

AN: So what have you lost today?

JM: It’s not exactly lost, it’s at the bottom of the hole. It’s one of the bit cones. So we have to suspend drilling and bring in a fishing services company to retrieve it.

AN: How long will that take?

JM: Well, hopefully not too long. They’re very expensive, and every minute were not drilling is time and money wasted. Once they’ve arrived and set up, it doesn’t usually take too long to latch onto a fish. They’re due to turn up in about thirty minutes or so. All being well, we’ll be up and running again sometime tomorrow.
Task 2. Read the discussion of some other problems that can occur during drilling. Make a list of the problems. Tell how these problems are solved:

Задание 2. Прочитайте разговор о проблемах бурения. Составьте список проблем. Расскажите о том, как эти проблемы решаются:

AN: So, what other problems can occur while you are drilling?

JM: Well, fortunately, technology has improved so much in the last few years that the number of incidents is declining all the time. Nevertheless, the pressure to increase drilling speeds does mean that the chance of making mistakes has gone up. The most dangerous and potentially expensive problem is a blowout. These are extremely rare, thank goodness.

AN: What is the most common?

JM: I suppose fish are the biggest problem, but we also get stuck pipe from time to time.

AN: What happens then?

JM: You mean how does it happen? Or what do we do about it?

AN: Well, both, I guess.

JM: Well, it can happen when the drill pipe gets literally stuck to the walls of the well. We call that differential pipe sticking, and we can usually free the pipe by jarring it, using a sub in the drill string called, funnily enough, a jar. Sometimes we need to use a spotting fluid in the area where the sticking happens. Other times you get a deviation in the well - we call it a dogleg - which causes the drill pipe to stick. We can free it by reshaping the hole using a piece of kit called a reamer.

AN: I see. Anything else?

JM: Let me see. You can have different types of damage to the formation. Sometimes this means lost circulation, where the mud flows into the formation, for example. And you can also get sloughing.

AN: Sloughing? What’s that?

JM: That’s when the formation collapses.

AN: And how can you prevent these problems?

JM: Well, in most cases, the mud is the key. You can use particular types of mud; you can thin it down, thicken it, add different substances to it, and so on.

AN: So it’s pretty complicated.

JM: That’s right.
Task 3. Complete the sentences using one word from each box:

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из текста:

adhere, escapes, falls, forced, forces, got rid, lead, pass

into (x 2), of, through, to (x 2), up, from

1. A fish is a piece of drill string, part of the bottom hole assembly or a tool that _____ the hole.

2. Stuck pipe is when suction causes the pipe to _____ the wall of the well or the hole is too narrow to allow the drill string to _____.

3. Sloughing shale is material from the formation that forms large balls which cannot be _____ by the mud.

4. Formation damage occurs when the drilling fluid is _____ the formation.

5. Lost circulation occurs when the formation is porous or highly fractured and an amount of mud _____ the well.

6. Corrosive gases, such as carbon dioxide (C02) or hydrogen sulphide (H2S), can ______ corrosion and embrittlement of a steel drill string.

7. Kicks occur when an abnormally high pressure below the surface _____ an uncontrolled flow of fluids _____ the well.
Task 4. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings in the table below, using context of the interview to help you:

Задание 4. Сопоставьте фразовые глаголы с их значением в таблице. Используйте содержание интервью в задании 1,2.:

bring in, do about, go on, go up, set up, thing down, trip out, turn up
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