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Английский для нефтяников. Практическое занятие 1 Global Giant Практическое занятие 2 Presenting Company

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Практическое занятие 1 Global Giant

Практическое занятие 2 Presenting Company

Практическое занятие 3 Oil and gas accounting

Практическое занятие 4 Leasing Agreement

Практическое занятие 5 Environment Impact

Практическое занятие 6 The Development of an Oil and Gas Company

Практическое занятие 7 Rig Location

Практическое занятие 8 Offshore Platform and Vessels

Практическое занятие 9 Jobs on the Rig

Практическое занятие 10 Maintenance and Repair

Практическое занятие 11 Rig Erection and Dismantling

Практическое занятие 12 Drilling for Oil and Gas

Практическое занятие 13 Rotating Systems

Практическое занятие 14 Circulating Systems

Практическое занятие 15 Drilling problems

Практическое занятие 16 Preventing Blowouts

Практическое занятие 17 Optimized Drilling

Практическое занятие 18 Formation Characteristics

Практическое занятие 19 Petroleum Traps

Практическое занятие 20 Geological Consulting to the Oil and Gas Industry

Практическое занятие 21 Petroleum Mapping

Практическое занятие 22 Seismic Surveying

Практическое занятие 23 Mud Logging

Практическое занятие 24 Wire line Well Logging

Практическое занятие 25 Anatomy of an Oilfield

Практическое занятие 26 Well Completion

Практическое занятие 27 Surface Treatment

Практическое занятие 28 Workover

Практическое занятие 29 Petroleum Production

Практическое занятие 30 Improved Oil Recovery

Практическое занятие 31 Pipelines

Практическое занятие 32 Tankers

Практическое занятие 33 Science in the Oil and Gas Industry



































Стремительное развитие науки и техники, а также расширение экономических и культурных связей обусловило необходимость эффективного обмена информацией между всеми странами мирового сообщества. Английский язык традиционно считался языком торговли, политики, спорта и науки, но с появлением компьютеров и всемирной сети Internet он приобрел статус поистине международного. Согласно статистическим данным, около 80% Internet-сайтов и 75% научной литературы написано на английском языке. Стремительное развитие добычи нефти и газ, а также поиск и разработка новых запасов этого топлива создает спрос на специалистов, способных эффективно работать в любой стране. Поэтому современный специалист по бурению нефтегазовых скважин должен не только быть компетентным в своей области знаний, но и уметь получать знания и навыки путем ознакомления с новыми достижениями и разработками в этой области.

Быстрое развитие новых технологий и оборудования порождает все новые термины. Кроме того, семантика некоторых терминов со временем изменяется. Трудности перевода заключаются в выборе правильного значения многозначного иностранного термина. В данных указаниях активируются более 1000 слов и словосочетаний, которые относятся к наиболее распространенной специальной лексике.

Основной целью данного пособия является развитие навыков чтения и перевода специализированных текстов по предлагаемым темам. Оно призвано научить студентов пользоваться общими и специальными словарями и справочниками при чтении и переводе научно-технической литературы.

Учебное пособие состоит из словаря (предтекстового), текстов и лексико-грамматических упражнений (послетекстовых).

При отборе текстового материала учитывалась информационная ценность текстов и их соответствие интересам студентов.

Практическое занятие 1


Global Giant

Мировой гигант
to make up составлять, комплектовать

exploration разведка месторождения, разведка с попутной добычей

relationship соотношение, закономерность

to supply обеспечивать

venture предприятие, скважина в процессе бурения, которой не выяснена

to engage in втягивать, заняться, приступить

to obtain получать, добывать

extraction выделение, извлечение, разработка

profitable рентабельный, эффективный

on-stream в процессе эксплуатации, действующий
Task 1. Read and translate the text:

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The oil and gas industry

The oil and gas industry is one of the largest in the world. It is made up of a small number of conglomerates and a very large number of smaller independent companies. Generally speaking, the industry is divided into two areas. Upstream operations involve exploration and production, often known as E&P, while downstream operations involve transportation, refining and sales of products to consumers.

Relationships between companies can be very complex, with large companies owning multi subsidiaries around the world. In some cases, they compete for market share, in others the, can be suppliers and customers of one another. They make joint ventures with other large companies for specific projects and there are frequent mergers and acquisitions.

Oil and gas production takes place onshore and offshore. Oil and gas companies are engage in a constant search to discover new reserves and to obtain extraction rights for proved reserves. Construction of drilling wells and rigs is an enormous risk and companies need to calculate supply and demand in order to be certain that an operation will be profitable before it comes on-stream.
Задание 2. Проверьте и укажите, какая информация является достоверной в соответствии с последними данными Internet:

1. The world produces and consumes 75 million barrels of oil a day.

2. The USA consumes 25% of the world's supply of oil.

3. China is the second largest consumer.

4. Sixty-eight per cent of the world's oil reserves are in the Middle East.

5. The price of a barrel of oil quadrupled from US$3 to $12 in the 1973 oil crisis.

6. The Thunder Horse platform in the Gulf of Mexico was hit by two hurricanes in 2005.

7. The biggest oil field in the world is in Venezuela.

8. Oil and gas conglomerates employ 70% of their resources in upstream operations.
Task 3. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. Demand _____ oil will continue to increase until 2015.

2. The market _____ liquefied natural gas is growing steadily.

3. Consumption _____ fossil fuels has declined slightly in recent years.

4. The supply _____ North Sea oil can be maintained until around 2024.

5. Transportation _____ oil presents many security risks.

6. Reserves _____ natural gas are being found almost daily.

7. Drilling _____ oil and gas is a major part of our upstream operations.

8. The extraction _____ oil at the Burgan field began in 1946.

9. Exploration _____ oil and gas has been going on for over a hundred years.

10. Production _____ gas from deep-water reserves is our main area of expertise.
Task 4. Form same root words as in the example:

Задание 4. Образуйте однокоренные слова по образцу:


Noun (abstract)

Noun (person)













Task 5. Fill in the gaps with words from the table below:

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски словами из ниже представленной таблицы:

London is where BP’s corporate headquarters are (1) _____ and the UK is therefore a centre for many of its mainstream business functions. The UK is also home to three of BP’s major global research and technology (2) _____.

Our (3) _____ and production business in Europe covers the North Sea – both the UK and Norway – and also The Netherlands. In Russia, we have an important joint venture through our 50% (4) _____ of TNK-BP, a major oil company with the majority of its assets in Russia. We are involved in a number of E&P projects in Azerbaijan, and are leading the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline project.

Refining and marketing activities are spread throughout Europe, with BP owning or having a stake in nine (5) _____ across the region. BP retail sites are a common sight in several European countries. In Germany, we (6) _____ under the ARAL brand. We also sell lubricants and other oil products in Europe to both (7) _____ and business customers.






























Task 6. Retell the text using new words and word combinations:

Задание 6. Перескажите текст, используя новые слова и словосочетания.
Практическое занятие 2

Presenting the Company

Презентация компании
recognition признание

tailor-made нестандартный

company компания

to attribute относить, связывать, приписывать

commitment открытый интерес, курс, интерес

to register регистрировать, описывать

operational функционирующий

the head office головной офис

stabilization стабилизация
Task 1. Read and translate the text:

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

LCM Oil & Gas

... has wide recognition and a firm position in the sector of Oil & Gas Services in Libya. We provide tailor-made services in Construction & Maintenance (CMD) and Project Management Services (PMS) to all major operating oil and gas companies in the country. Since we started, we have grown consistently, and this success can be attributed to our commitment to working to the highest European standards with regards to communications, quality, safety, logistics and legal issues. LCM Oil & Gas Ltd has been operational in Libya since 1993. In 2003, LCM Oil & Gas Ltd was registered in the UK and the head office was implemented in London. Today, the head office, which was ISO 9001 accredited in 2004, supervises the entire operation of LCM Oil & Gas Libya. Over the past three years, our continuous growth and stabilization have helped us gain recognition in Europe. Our presence at worldwide events has spread our name and given us the opportunity to liaise with European partners and bring cutting-edge technology to the Libyan market.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with following words:

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами: market leader, joint ventures, rapid improvements, multinational, contract out
We are a (1) _____ company, operating in 135 countries around the world. Our work is divided into upstream and downstream operations, with the majority of our turnover coming from E&P. We are the (2) _____ in gas production, with the share of around 31%. We have seen (3) _____ in technology in recent year and we now (4) _____ a lot of our work to specialists and often make (5) _____ with other compaties in the same field.
Task 3 Which 9 of 14 phrases are better to use in the presentation of sales and marketing director of the oil company?

Задание 3. Какие 9 из следующих 14 фраз лучше всего использовать в презентации по продажам и о директоре по маркетингу нефтяной компании?

A wide range of services

commitment to excellence

environmentally sound

grouped into four geographical areas

leading-edge technology

looking forward to meeting you

the first item on the agenda

founded in 1979

key competitive advantages

further to our discussions

kind regards

proven track record

put you through

vital to our success

Task 4. Fill in the gaps with phrases from Exercise 3:

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски выражениями из упражнения 3:

Good afternoon, gentlemen. My name is Peter Ashling and I am the marketing director of Cranford Oilfield Services. The company was (1) _____ as a seismographic operation in the North Sea. Since that time, we have grown considerably and the company is now (2) _____:

The Americas, Europe and CIS, the Far East, Africa and the Middle East. We have a (3) _____ in most upstream operations and provide (4) _____ to our clients around the world. One of our (5) _____ is our flexibility. We are small enough to move quickly, but large enough to offer genuine cost-effectiveness. The company's policies are both customer-focused and (6) _____. Our 3,000 staff have a dedication and (7) ______ which are second to none and (8) _____ in this very dynamic field.
Task 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense :

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильную видовременную форму:

  1. Most of the time he (sit) ______ behind a desk, but this week he (get) ______ some practical experience offshore.

  2. A lot of different nationalities (work) _____ in the refinery, so sometimes people (have) _____ problems communicating.

  3. I (not understand) _____ how this instrument (work) _____ . Can you explain it to me?

  4. I’m sorry, Mr. Peters isn’t here. He (have) _____ an Arabic lesson. He (always have) _____ one on Monday evening.

  5. He (enjoy) _____ sport a lot. He (go) _____ to the gym twice a week. He (train) for next month’s marathon.

Task 6. Retell the text using new words and following models:

Задание 6. Перескажите текст, используя новые слова и следующие

речевые модели:

1.The title of the article is…

2. The article deals with…

3. The aim of the article is…

4. It is pointed out that…

5. The fact that… is stressed.
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