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Partial Delivery Stations: Known also as Intermediate Stations, these facilities allow the pipeline operator to deliver part of the product being transported.

Compressor/Pump Stations: Pumps for liquid pipelines and compressors for gas pipelines, are located along the line to move the product through the pipeline. The location of these stations is defined by the topography of the terrain, the type of product being transported or operational conditions of the network.

Block Valve Stations: These are the first line of protection for pipelines. With these valves, the operator can isolate any segment of the line for maintenance work or isolate a rupture or leak. Block valve stations are usually located every 20 to 30 miles (48 km), depending on the type of pipeline.

Final Delivery Station: Known also as Outlet Stations or Terminals, this is where the product will be distributed to the consumer. It could be a tank terminal for liquid pipelines or a connection to a distribution network for gas pipelines.
Task 5. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the figures given in the box. Usethefollowingapproximateconversionstohelpyou:

Задание 5. Заполните пропуски в предложениях числительными, данными в рамочке. Используйте данную информацию для перевода в другие единицы измерения:

One mile is around 1.8 kilometres.

There are 12 inches in a foot.

One metre is just under 3 feet.

One inch is approximately 2.5 centimetres.

12 and 24 metres long., 2 inches to over 60 inches, 5 and 20 feet per second, a 6-mile stretch, 10 to 120 centimetres, of about 1 to 2 metres

1. The first pipeline covered _____ from an oilfield in Pennsylvania to the nearest railway station.

2. A typical diameter for an oil pipeline ranges from ______ .

3. Pipelines are normally buried at a depth _____ .

4. Oil flows at a speed of between _____ .

5. Natural gas pipelines have a greater range of diameters than oil pipelines, varying from _____ .

6. A typical length of pipeline is between _____ .
Task 6. Match the two parts of each sentence. Some may have more than one solution:

Задание 6. Сопоставьте части предложений. В некоторых предложениях возможен более чем один вариант:

1. It is notoriously

a. to electromagnetic interference.

2. This is an entirely

b. system monitoring.

3. We are dealing with worldwide

c. solution to the problem.

4. We can offer a unique

d. security problems.

5. You will have real-time

e. robust machine.

6. It is completely immune

f. reliable employee.

7. It is an extremely

g. new system.

8. He is a highly

h. foolproof technique.

9. It is an absolutely

i. difficult to achieve.

Практическое занятие 31


Нефтяные баржи
crude carrier нефтеналивное судно, танкер

spare oil tanker запасной, свободный танкер

tanker fleet танкерный флот

surge up нарастать, увеличиваться

earnings прибыль, доход

profit прибыль, доход

oil spill утечка, разлив нефти

slick of oil нефтяное пятно

seafront приморская часть города

monsoon дождливый сезон, муссон

seep просачиваться, протекать

tank vessel наливное судно, цистерна

collision столкновение

grounding посадка на мель

hull failure пробои в корпусе корабля
Task 1. Read the extracts from three articles about oil tankers. Which article is from a) a daily newspaper, b) a specialist oil and gas industry magazine, c) an online encyclopedia?

Задание 1. Прочитайте три отрывка из статей о нефтяных баржах. Определите, какой отрывок из а) ежедневной газеты, б) специального журнала по нефти и газу, в) электронной энциклопедии:

Extract 1

A lack of spare oil tankers and an increase in OPEC production are driving shipping rates to record highs, said Morten Arntzen, CEO of Overseas Shipholding Group, the largest US-based oil tanker owner. ‘This is the first time in 31 years that we’ve had close to 100% utilization of the world’s tanker fleet,’ Arntzen said last week. Higher rates caused third-quarter earnings for tanker owners to surge up to ten times over from a year earlier. Overseas Shipholding boosted earnings by a factor of five, and Teekay saw its profit jump more than tenfold. Fourth-quarter earnings may show steeper gains because rates have climbed since late September. Royal Dutch-Shell Group of Companies chartered the Crown Unity, one of Overseas Shipholding’s 22 very large crude carriers, to transport two million barrels of oil from the Arabian Gulf to Europe last week for $183,113 a day, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and a formula on the website of Norway-based ship broker R.S. Platou. That’s more than ten times Overseas Shipholding’s break-even cost of $17,400 a day for giant crude carriers.
Extract 2

Pakistani port officials warned yesterday that they faced a major oil spill along the southern coastline after a tanker that ran aground in heavy storms began to crack open. A growing slick of oil washed ashore along the main beaches outside Karachi, bringing toxic fumes and hundreds of dead fish, sea birds and turtles. More than 1,000 policemen, equipped with masks, were deployed to close the seafront. Around ten miles of beach, which every evening is normally filled with families, has been closed. The single-hull tanker, Tasman Spirit, ran aground in heavy monsoon storms more than two weeks ago. Salvage experts managed to retrieve some of the 67,500 tonnes of Iranian crude oil it was carrying, but more than 40,000 tonnes remained on board, port officials said. If the rest seeped into the sea, it would become one of the world’s worst oil spills.

Extract 3

Oil tankers are only one source of oil spills. According to the United States Coast Guard, 35.7% of the volume of oil spilled in the United States from 1991 to 2004 came from tank vessels (ships/barges), 27.6% from facilities and other non-vessels, 19.9% from non-tank vessels, and 9.3% from pipelines; 7.4% came from mystery spills. On the other hand, only 5% of the actual spills came from oil tankers, while 51.8% came from other kinds of vessels. The detailed statistics for 2004 show tank vessels responsible for somewhat less than 5% of the number of total spills, but more than 60% of the volume. In summary, spills are much more rare, but much more serious on tank vessels than on non-tank vessels. The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation has tracked 9,351 accidental spills that have occurred since 1974. According to this study, most spills result from routine operations, such as loading cargo, discharging cargo and taking on fuel oil. 91% of the operational oil spills are small, resulting in less than seven metric tons per spill. On the other hand, spills resulting from accidents, like collisions, groundings, hull failures and explosions, are much larger, with 84% of these involving losses of over 700 metric tons.
Task 2. Read the extract from an informal discussion between two managers from Overseas Shipholding, Rob McAndrew and Barry Delaney. Complete the conversation using information from Extract 1 to help you. You will need to change the wording slightly to suit the conversation better, but there are no fixed answers:

Задание 2. Прочитайте диалог двух менеджеров из OverseasShipholding. Закончите фразы, используя информацию из 1 текста для чтения. Сделайте необходимые изменения в предложениях из текста так, чтобы они подходили в диалог:

RM: Have you seen our profit figures for the third quarter?

BD: Not yet. Is it good news?

RM: Yes, definitely. (1) _____ .

BD: That’s excellent.

RM: It is, but it’s not as good as Teekay’s figures.

BD: Really, how did they do?

RM: (2)_____.

BD: That’s incredible. Why is the industry doing so well?

RM: Well, two reasons really. (3)_____.

BD: I see. How much do we charge to charter a tanker?

RM: Approximately (4)_____.

BD: And what’s our break-even?

RM: Somewhere in the region of (5)_____.

BD: So we’re making nearly 1,000% profit!

RM: That’s about right, yes. Amazing, isn’t it!
Task 3. From the information provided in Extract 3, complete the following statistical table showing the sources of oil spills in the United States between 1991 and 2004. Write 'not known' where there is insufficient information to complete the table.Whatcanbeconcludedfromthedata?

Задание 3. Заполните таблицу статистическими данными об источниках утечки нефти в США в период с 1991 по 2004, используя информацию из 3 текста для чтения. В случае если не хватает информации, впишите 'notknown' в соответствующие графы таблицы. Какое заключение вы можете сделать по данным таблицы?
Oil Spills in the United States between 1991 and 2004

Source of oil

% by volume of oil spilt

% by number of incidents

Task 4. Prepare a short presentation slide about oil spills.

Задание 4. Подготовьте небольшую презентацию об утечке нефти.
Практическое занятие 32

Science in the Oil and Gas Industry

Наука в нефтегазовой промышленности
assay проба, анализ, взятие проб

crude oil сырая, неочищенная нефть

assessment оценка, оценивание

mercury ртуть

database база данных

refinery нефтеперерабатывающий завод

cargo груз

purchase закупка; поднятие груза

a range of разнообразие, количество

liquefied разжиженный, расплавленный

subject подвергать

measurement измерение, система мер, параметр

feedstock сырье, заготовки

pour point температура текучести

transparent бесцветный, прозрачный
Task 1. Read the following extract from the website of an assaying company called Intertek (www.intertek-cb.com). Whatservicesdoesthecompanyprovide?

Задание 1. Прочитайте информацию с сайта компанииIntertek. Какие услуги предоставляет компания?

Assaying services

Full petroleum assay testing services are provided by Intertek through a global network of experienced crude oil laboratories. The Intertek crude oil labs perform detailed hydrocarbon analyses, staffed by expert petroleum chemists with state-of-the-art instrumentation. Intertek is the worl’s premier independent petroleum laboratory network, with the expertise and capabilities required for full crude oil assay assessments and detailed hydrocarbons analysis. Assay assessment includes:

Full petroleum assay testing and analysis

Full assay reporting

Full crude oil characterization

Detailed hydrocarbon analysis

Methanol in crude monitoring

Mercury in crude analysis

Enter, smooth and graphically display laboratory crude assay data

Store published crude assay in a secure database

Compare graphically current crude assay to reference assay.

«Superb support from Intertek allowed crude oil samples to be analyzed and approved in 24 hours while the cargo was still at sea, enabling the crude oil to be optimally utilized by our refineries and enabled the purchase of a second cargo only four days later».
Task 2. Read the extract from Statoil's website (www.statoil.com). In chemical terms, what do you think is the meaning of the words 'premium', 'light' and 'sweet'? (NB: 'API' is a measurement of crude oil quality from the American Petroleum Institute):

Задание 2. Прочитайте информацию с сайта Statoil. Какое значение, по вашему мнению, имеют слова 'premium', 'light' и 'sweet' в терминах химии? (NB: 'API' – это единица измерения качества нефти, используемая в американском институте нефти):

Crude Oil Assays

Statoil is the world’s third largest exporter of crude oil and the leading producer of North Sea crude. We can offer a variety of crudes from a range of more than twenty. Most of the crudes marketed by Statoil are premium, light, sweet grades.

Azeri Light is a light, low sulphur crude oil.

Region: Asia

Quality: API between 30-40

Dalia is a medium density, low sulphur crude oil.

Region: Africa

Quality. API between 20-30

Ekofisk Blend is a light, low sulphur North Sea crude oil.

Region: Europe

Quality: API between 30-40

Grane is a heavy, high TAN North Sea crude oil

Region: Europe

Quality: API below 20

Hungo Blend is a medium density, medium sulphur crude oil.

Region: Africa

Quality API between 20-30

Lufeng is a medium density, low sulphur, waxy crude oil.

Region: Asia

Quality: API between 30-40
Task 3. Complete the passage below using the words in the box:

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в тексте, используя слова, данные в рамочке?

content, dependent, determined, form, liquefied, proportions, subjected, types, whereas, yield

Crude oil and natural gas consist of hydrogen and carbon in different (1) _____. For example, crude oil contains between 84 and 87% carbon, (2) _____ natural gas contains between 65 and 80% carbon.

In crude oil, there are four (3) _____ if hydrocarbon molecule:

the paraffin or alkane molecule

the napthene or cycloparaffin molecule

the aromatic or benzene molecule

the asphaltic molecule.

The physical properties of crude oil are (4) _____ by the relative percentage of these different hydrocarbon molecules. In turn, the quality and therefore the value of the product are also (5) _____ on what can be refined from the crude oil.

Broadly speaking, the greater the (6) _____ of asphaltic molecules there is, the more the crude oil can be refined into high-grade gasoline or asphalt. On the other hand, the greater the content of paraffin molecules, the waxier the crude, and therefore the greater the (7) _____ of lubricating oil and kerosene.

In refining, oil is (8) _____ to heat in a distilling column and products are extracted in liquid (9) _____ as they cool, with different products being extracted at different temperatures. The most demanded product in refining is gasoline, followed by heating fuel, jet fuel and then a number of less-produced products, including (10) _____ gases and various petro-chemical feedstock, such as methane, ethylene and propylene.
Task 4. Read the text and answer the questions that follow:

Задание 4. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

When purchasing crude oil, refiners are interested in the following information:

Origin. The oilfield of origin indicates the quality of the crude. Oil companies often sell a blend of crudes from different fields.

API. This stands for American Petroleum Institute and is a measure of the density of the oil. The higher the number, the lighter the oil. Light oils, often transparent in colour and very fluid, have an API of between 35 and 45. Heavy oils, which are very viscous and dark-coloured have an API of below 25.

Sulphur content. Sulphur is an undesirable element in crude oil and needs to be removed during the refining process.

Crude oil is called sweet or sour, depending on its sulphur content. Sweet crudes have less than 1 % sulphur content by weight, sour crudes somewhere over 1 %.

Pour point. This indicates the amount of wax in a crude oil and is the lowest point at which the oil will still pour before it solidifies. A waxy crude oil is found in liquid form below the surface before it is extracted, but can solidify as it is brought out of the ground and this can lead to clogging in the tubing of the well.

Crude oils are often measured against a benchmark, such as Brent from the North Sea, which has an API of 33 and a sulphur content of 0.3%.
1. Are there any blended crudes on the list?

2. Which is the heaviest oil on the list?

3. Which oils would be transparent in colour?

4. Which is the most sour crude on the list?

5. Which crude might clog as it is extracted from the ground?

6. Which crudes are closest to the Brent crude benchmark?
Task 5. Look through the operations which are involved in different kinds of testing or analysis. Give them Russian equivalents. Do you know any other scientific operations not mentioned here?

Задание 5. Просмотрите, какие операции выполняются в процессе взятия проб и анализов нефти. Дайте русские эквиваленты. Вы знаете, какие еще научные исследования могут проводиться в процессе взятия проб нефти?
















Список рекомендуемой литературы

Основная литература:

1. Полякова, Т. Ю., Английский язык для инженеров; Учебник / Т. Ю. Полякова, Е. В. Синявская, И. О. Тынкова, Э. С. Улановская. – М.: Высшая школа, 2003. – 463 с.; ISBN 5-06-004211-1:
Дополнительная литература:

2. Англо-русский политехнический словарь под ред. М.В. Якимова/ науч. кон-сультант А. И. Лапицкий; 100 тыс. слов; СПб. : Издательский дом Литера, 2004. – 960 с.; ISBN 5-94455-290-5;

3. Булатов, А. И. Русско-английский словарь по нефти и газу/ А. И. Булатов; около 35 тыс. слов; М. : Руссо, 1998. – 424 с.; ISBN 5-88721-108-3;

4. Мюллер, В. К. Новый англо-русский словарь / В. К. Мюллер, В. Л. Дашев-ская, В. А. Каплан и др.; около 160 тыс. слов; – 4-е изд. стер. – М.: Русский язык, 2000, – 880 с.; ISBN 5-200-024412-9;

5. Синдеев, Ю. Англо-русский политехнический словарь / Ю. Синдеев; 40 тыс.слов; Ростов н/Д : Феникс, 2002. – 832 с.; ISBN 5-222-02181-5;

6. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English./ Edit.director Adam Gadsby; около 80000 тыс. слов; London : Oxford University Press, 3 изд. стер.; 2001. – 1668 с.; ISBN 0-582-45630-4;

7. Murphy, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. / R. Murphy; 2 изд. cтер.; London : Cambridge University Press, 2001. – 350 с.; ISBN 0-521-443680-Х.

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