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  • A NOUN

  • Ex 6.

  • ПРАКТИКУМ ДЛЯ ДНР 2. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов и слушателей заочной и дистанционной формы обучения

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    E X E R C I S E S.

    Ex. 1. Заполните таблицу пропущенными словами обозначенных частей речи

    A NOUN

    A VERB



    to organize


    to commit


    to use

    Ex. 2. Найдите соответствия английских и русских выражений

    centralized government

    to maintain a night watch

    to detect fires and thieves

    to expend the idea

    to disregard the call

    criminal penalty

    to prevent a crime

    to catch a criminal

    уголовное наказание

    распространить идею

    централизованное управление

    предупредить преступление

    ловить преступника

    осуществлять ночной дозор

    расследовать пожары и воровство

    игнорировать призыв

    Ex. 3. Определитеправильноезавершениепредложения

    1. The rise of the police in the Western world coincided with ….

    a) the evolution of strong centralized government b) the appearance of fire-arms c) the collapse of the Roman Empire

    2. Bailiffs were assigned the task of …..

    a) cleaning the streets b) supporting the night watch c) exercising the law-making activity

    3. The British police practice became codified in…….

    a) Metropolitan Police Act b) British constitution c) the Statute of Winchester

    4. The Statute specified ……..

    a) three positions b) four positions c) five positions

    5. The Metropolitan Police became a model for police forces ……

    a) in English speaking countries b) around the world c) in ancient Greece
    Ex. 4. Отметьтезвездочкой (*) правильныеутверждения

    1. The development of law enforcement in English cities and towns grew out of an early reliance on bailiffs ( ). 2. Bailiffs were assigned the task of maintaining a night watch, primarily to detect fires and thieves ( ). 3. Later cities rejected the idea of bailiffs by creating both a day ward and night watch ( ). 4. British police practices became codified in the Statute of Winchester, written in 1385 ( ). 5. The Winchester Statute specified the necessity to maintain weapons in citizens’ homes ( ). 6. In 1929 Sir Robert Peel formed the world’s first modern police force ( ). 7. Passage of the Metropolitan Police Act allocated the resources for Peel’s force of 1.000 uniformed men ( ). 8. The Metropolitan Police became a model for police around the world ( ). 9. The Metropolitan police were organized around principles of possibility to discourage a crime and the practice of preventive patrol ( ). 10. It’s better to prevent a crime than to catch criminals after its commitment ( ).
    Ex. 5. Ответьтенавопросы

    1. What did the setting up of he police forces coincided with? 2. Why are the British police of a special significance? 3. What is the basis of growing out the British law enforcement evolution? 4. What were bailiffs responsible for? 5. When did British police practices become codified? 6. What document confirmed the police practice in Great Britain? 7. What did The Winchester Statute specify? 8. Who initiate the reforming of British police? 9. What year was the Metropolitan Police Act adopted? 10. What principles were the Metropolitan police organized around?
    Ex 6. Дайтекраткоеизложениесодержаниятекста
    TEXTB. Modern Police Force of the United Kingdom

    Most countries have a national police force which is controlled by the Central Government. Great Britain has no national police force, although police policy is governed by the central Government’s Home Office. Instead there is a separate police force for each of 52 areas into which the country is divided. Each has a police authority – a committee of local county councilors and magistrates.

    Outside London most counties (regions in Scotland) have their own police forces, though in the interests of efficiency several have combined forces. The policing of London is in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Force, with the headquarter in New Scotland Yard, and the City of London Force.

    The duties of the police forces in UK include the provision of policing at major airports (Heathrow, Gatwick etc) but the police carry no responsibility for running prisons, for immigration or for customs excise duties.

    The duties and responsibilities of police are the following:

    • the protection of life and property

    • the prevention of crimes and the detection of offenders

    • the preservation of public tranquility.

    The Home Secretary and the Secretaries of State for Scotland and Northern Ireland approve the appointment of chief, deputy and assistant of chief constables, and may require a police authority to retire a chef constable in the interests of efficiency. They can make regulations covering such matters as police ranks, qualification for appointment, promotion and retirement, etc.

    Every force has its Crime Investigation Department staffed by experienced detectives. There is also a traffic division which operates road patrol units. At the heart of most police stations there is the control room equipped with high-tech computers and radio devices.
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