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  • ПРАКТИКУМ ДЛЯ ДНР 2. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов и слушателей заочной и дистанционной формы обучения

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    E X E R C I S E S.

    Ex.1. Найдите соответствия английских и русских выражений

    under special circumstances

    to set a precedent

    to review a court decision

    to involve federal matters

    non-payment of federal taxes

    to be presided by

    to be appointed for life

    to violate the Constitution

    to be approved by

    быть под председательством

    нарушать конституцию

    быть одобренным кем-то

    исходя из особых обстоятельств

    быть назначенным пожизненно

    создать прецедент

    пересмотреть судебное решение

    включать национальные вопросы

    неуплата федеральных налогов

    Ex. 2. Заполните таблицу пропущенными словами обозначенных частей речи

    A NOUN

    A VERB





    to depend


    Ex.3. Определите правильное завершение предложения

    1. The US Judiciary is divided into …..

    a) local and regional b) international and federal c) federal and state

    2. The US Supreme Court may review …..

    a) President’s orders b) articles of the Constitution c) a state court decision

    3. District courts hear criminal and civil cases involving ……

    a) violation of national legislation b) violation of state legislation c) violation of human rights

    4. The court of appeal sets a precedent for ……

    a) legal development of the state b) future cases hearing c) reviewing the previous decisions

    5. The Supreme Court is responsible for ….

    a) checking the conformity to the Constitution b) reviewing the appeal courts decisions c) deciding criminal and civil cases

    6. The Supreme Court meets in the Supreme Court building in

    a) New-York b) Washington, D.C. c) Chicago

    Ex. 4. Отметьтезвездочкой (*) правильныеутверждения

    1. The US judiciary is divided into federal and local judiciary ( ). 2. In the federal system there are eighty District Courts presided over by a district judge ( ). 3. District Courts are responsible for hearing criminal cases involving breaches of federal law and civil cases on federal matters ( ). 4. Each state has at least one district court ( ). 5. All judges of District Courts are nominated for a five year term by the Senate ( ). 6. Appeal can be made to the US court of Appeals ( ). 7. The important role of the Supreme Court is to decided whether the actions of the President, Congress or state governments violate the Constitution ( ). 8. There are normally nine judges of Supreme Court nominated for life by Congress ( ). 9. Each District Court has from one to eleven federal judges depending on the volume of business ( ). 10. The Supreme Court meets in the Supreme Court building in New York ( ).

    Ex. 5. Ответьтенавопросы

    1. What body is the US judiciary presented by? 2. What categories of courts are there in the USA? 3. What cases are heard by the District Courts? 4. What is a membership of District Courts? 5. Which body has the right for court reviewing? 6. What is the procedure of judges’ nomination? 7. What court is the highest one in the USA? 8. How long may a judge perform his professional duties? 9. What area is the Supreme Court located on? 10. What words express the core of US idea of law and liberty? 11.

    Topical vocabulary

    amendвносить поправки

    declare провозглашать

    legislative законодательный



    magistrateмировой судья



    precedent прецедент

    chamber -палата


    referпередавать (на рассмотрение)

    coinпечатать (делать)деньги

    introduceвводить, представлять

    reviewпересмотр (дела)


    judiciary судебный

    reside принадлежать

    common общий



    constituencyизбирательный округ



    court - суд




    TEXT A. The police force of Great Britain: historical aspect.

    The rise of the police as an organized force in the Western world coincided with the evolution of strong centralized government. The historical growth of the British police is of special significance for it is upon the British model that much of Western police is based.

    The development of law enforcement in English cities and towns grew out of an early reliance on bailiffs. Bailiffs were assigned the task to maintain a night watch, primarily to detect fires and thieves. They were small in number and served simply to rouse the sleeping population. Later cities expended the idea of bailiffs by creating both a day ward and night watch.

    British police practices became codified in the Statute of Winchester, written in 1285. In 1829 Sir Robert Peel formed the world’s first modern police force. Passage of the Metropolitan Police Act (1829) allocated the resources for Peel’s force of 1.000 uniformed men. The Metropolitan Police soon became a model for police around the world. They were organized around two principles: a) the belief that it was possible to discourage a crime, b) the practice of preventive patrol. “It’s better to prevent a crime than to catch criminals after its commitment’ was Peel’s philosophy.
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