Метода. методичка.doc. Практикум по устной речи по английскому языку учебное пособие для студентовмедиков
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Dialoguesubsternal area загрудинная область to strip to the waist раздеться до пояса to catch a bad cold сильно простудиться Задание 1. Прослушайте диалог. Воспроизведите его в парах: Patient: - How do you do, Doctor? Doctor: - How do you do. Sit down. What is the matter with you? P.: - You see, I feel a bad pain in the substernal area and I have temperature and bad cough. D.: - Please, take the temperature. Oh, it is 37.8°C! Now I want to listen to your lungs and heart. Strip to the waist, please. (Doctor listens to his lungs and heart). P.: - Tell me, Doctor, is it very serious? D.: - It will be serious, if you don’t follow my instructions. You have only caught a bad cold. I want you to make blood and urine analyses and X-ray examination. P.: - All right. I shall. D.: - I’ll give you a prescription. Take a dose of this drug three times a day. You must follow a bed regimen. Come and see me again in 3-4 days. Good-bye for the present. P.: - Good-bye, Doctor. Thank you very much. ЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ Выполните лабораторную работу по теме в лингафонном кабинете. Выучите новые слова и выражения по теме. Переведите тексты темы на русский язык. Составьте план пересказа темы на русском языке (используйте графологическую структуру к теме). Подготовьте пересказ и диалог по теме на английском языке. Тема 16. Стоматологическая поликлиника DENTAL CLINIC Задание 1. Запомните произношение следующих слов. Повторяйте их за диктором: atmosphere comfortable information computerized technician professionally diagnosis method modern-equipped autoclave Задание 2. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором. 1. dental стоматологический, зубной 2. toothache зубная боль 3. welcoming радушный, приятный 4. reception (area, room) регистратура 5.receptionist регистратор, администратор 6. polite вежливый 7. head doctor главный врач 8. nurse медсестра 9. dental technician зубной техник 10. to wear носить (одежду) 11. uniform спецодежда 12. attractive styles and colors привлекательного фасона и цвета 13. to make an appointment with the doctor записываться на прием к врачу 14. dental team, dental staff команда (штат) стоматологов 15. to make a correct diagnosis поставить правильный диагноз 16. preventive treatment профилактическое лечение 17. restoration восстановление 18. to put a filling пломбировать зуб 19. inlay вкладка, реставрационная вставка 20. to treat лечить 21. to extract удалять 22. to correct malocclusion исправлять неправильный прикус 23. to make a crown (a prosthesis) изготовить коронку, протез 24. to remove dental plaque удалять зубной налет 25. calculus зубной камень 26. bleaching of teeth отбеливание зубов 27. oral hygiene гигиена ротовой полости 28. dental material(s) материалы для лечения и восстановления зубов 29. dental chair зубоврачебное кресло 30. technical laboratory зуботехническая лаборатория 31. X-ray room рентген кабинет 32. to sterilize in autoclave стерилизовать в автоклаве 33. to assist ассистировать 34. “Good health is above wealth.” «Здоровье дороже денег» 35. twice дважды Задание 3. . Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. DENTAL CLINIC When I have toothache or dental problems, I go to the dental clinic «Denta-Luxe». It is a modern dental clinic. The atmosphere in it is really warm and welcoming. The walls in the office are light, there are some nice pictures on them. There are some comfortable armchairs and sofa where patients can read magazines and watch TV. In the reception room you can see a receptionist, who speaks to you in a polite manner and gives you necessary information. Her working place is fully computerized. Dental staff consists of a head-doctor, dentists, dental nurses, dental technicians and receptionists. All of them wear uniforms of attractive styles and colors. The working day starts at 8 o'clock in the morning. Patients can make an appointment with the doctor in the reception, or over the telephone. Every member of dental team does his job very good and professionally. The work of the dentists consists of making correct diagnosis, preventive treatment of dental and oral diseases and treatment leading to full restoration of oral health. Doctors of this clinic give patients all kinds of treatment: they put fillings or inlays, treat gum diseases; extract bad teeth; correct malocclusion and make crowns and prosthesis. They also remove dental plaque and calculus, carry out bleaching of teeth and give instructions on oral hygiene. In their work they use modern methods of treatment and modern dental materials. This dental clinic is also modern-equipped. There are five dental chairs in it, technical laboratory and X-ray room. Dental instruments are prepared and sterilized in an autoclave by dental nurse. She also prepares the working place of every dentist and if it is necessary, assists him. I remember that «Good health is above wealth» and I do my best to visit this dental clinic twice a year. Exercises Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста: Where do you go if you have toothache? What can you say about modern dental clinics? What is the atmosphere in such clinics? How do patients make an appointment with the doctor? What are the members of the dental staff? What does the work of dentists consist of? What do the nurses do? What equipment has modern dental clinic? How often must people visit dental clinic for prophylactic examination? Задание 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык: Dental treatment, dental clinic, dental examination, dental instruments, dental chair, dental equipment, dental nurse, dental health, dental practice, dental disease, dental plaque. Задание 3. Выберите в правой колонке эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям: 1. head-doctor 1. неправильный прикус 2. toothache 2. регистратор 3. dental chair 3. стерилизовать инструменты 4. to put a filling 4. рентген кабинет 5. malocclusion 5. главврач 6. receptionist 6. стоматологическое кресло 7. to sterilize instruments 7. ставить пломбу 8. X-ray room 8. заболевания зубов 9. dental diseases 9. зубная боль Задание 4. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык: This dental clinic (to work) from 8 o'clock in the morning. My brother (to have) a bad toothache yesterday. Dental instruments (to sterilize) by dental nurse. He (to make) an appointment with doctor already. Dental team (to wear) uniforms of blue color. Doctor Ivanov (to use) modern dental materials in his work. Задание 5. Составьте общий и специальный вопросы к следующим предложениям. Переведите их на русский язык: My brother works in modern dental clinic. Dental surgeon extracts bad teeth. Dental films are made in X-ray room. Dental technicians make crowns and prosthesis. The receptionist speaks to patients in a polite manner. Текст на аудированиеЗадание 1. Повторяйте за диктором слова и словосочетания. Запомните их значение: dental mirror стоматологическое зеркало an explorer (dental probe) зонд для измерения глубины кармана и наличия кариозных полостей pincers пинцет an excavator экскаватор scaler инструмент для удаления зубного камня dental bur бор handpiece наконечник canal filler каналонаполнитель reamer инструмент для расширения каналов disk диск syringe шприц extraction forceps щипцы для удаления зубов elevator элеватор scalpel скальпель scissors ножницы spatula шпатель Задание 2. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. DENTAL INSTRUMENTSIn daily practice dentists use a great number of dental instruments for examination and treatment of the patients. The commonly used set of dental instruments is: dental mirror is used for examination of oral cavity. It reflects the area being worked on and is used to retract lips, cheeks and tongue; an explorer or dental probe – is used for detection of carious cavities, the depth of gum pockets the presence of tooth deposits; an excavator – is used for removal of carious dentin during cavity preparation and for removal of calculus deposits; reamer – is used for enlargement of root canals; dental bur – is fixed into handpiece of dental engine and is used to prepare the hard tooth tissues; disks – are used for removal of tissues and for fine polishing; canal filler – is used to introduce dental materials into the canals; syringes – are necessary for making injections; spatula – is used to mix dental materials. Dental instruments are of different shape and form. Instruments, used in oral surgery are: scalpels, surgical scissors, extraction forceps and elevators. Задание 3. Расскажите на английском языке, какими инструментами пользуются врачи-стоматологи в своей ежедневной практике. ЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ Выполните лабораторную работу по теме в лингафонном кабинете. Выучите новые слова и выражения по теме. Переведите тексты темы на русский язык. Составьте план пересказа темы на русском языке (используйте графологическую структуру к теме). Подготовьте пересказ и диалог по теме на английском языке. Подготовьтесь к участию в беседе по ситуационным задачам к теме. Тема 17. У стоматологаAT THE DENTIST Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором. toothache зубная боль disturbance нарушение, расстройство to make an appointment записываться на прием reception (area, room) регистратура receptionist администратор complaint жалоба to complain of жаловаться на … to suffer from страдать, испытывать (боль) allergy аллергия heart disease заболевание сердца diabetes диабет to examine осматривать surrounding tissues ткани, окружающие зуб to check проверять check-up осмотр, проверка bite прикус X-ray examination рентген restoration восстановление, реставрация suitable подходящий therapeutist терапевт to put a filling пломбировать inlay вкладка gum десна to correct malocclusion исправлять прикус surgeon хирург to extract tooth удалять зуб orthopedist ортопед crown коронка bridge мост prosthesis протез to cause pain вызывать боль discomfort неприятное ощущение, дискомфорт local anesthesia местная анестезия to reduce устранять twice a year дважды в год Задание 2. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. AT THE DENTISTWhen you have a toothache or some mouth disturbance, you go to a dentist. A patient can make an appointment with the doctor at the reception himself or over the telephone. The reception area at a dental clinic is very nice and the atmosphere of this room is warm and welcoming. When a patient comes to the dentist for the first time, the doctor asks him some questions about his present complaints, his dental history and his health in general. He must know if the patient suffers from any kind of allergy, heart diseases, diabetes and so on. Then doctor examines his teeth and surrounding tissues, checks his bite. If it is necessary, the doctor directs the patient for X-ray examination, or to other specialist. Then the doctor must decide what type of treatment or restoration is the most suitable for the case. Dental therapeutist puts fillings, inlays and treats gum diseases. He also corrects malocclusion. If the tooth is too bad, the dental surgeon extracts it. The dental orthopedist makes crowns, bridges and prosthesis. We know that dental treatment can cause pain and discomfort. That's why local anesthesia is used to reduce these unpleasant sensations. We must take care of our teeth and undergo regular check-ups twice a year. Exercises Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста: Where do you go if you have a toothache? How does a patient make an appointment with the dentist? What does the doctor ask the patient? What must the dentist know about the patient's health in general? How does the doctor examine his patient? What is used to reduce pain and discomfort? How many times a year must the patient come to a dentist for regular check-ups? Задание 2. Выберите в правой колонке эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям: to make an appointment with 1. жалоба the doctor X-ray examination 2. терапевт-стоматолог receptionist 3. записаться на прием к врачу complaint 4. заболевание десен to suffer from 5. администратор local anesthesia 6. страдать от dental therapeutist 7. рентген to feel pain and discomfort 8. местная анестезия gum diseases 9. чувствовать боль и дискомфорт Задание 3. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык: I … a bad pain in the tooth yesterday. (to feel) The dental nurse … you an injection. (to make) I usually … my teeth twice a day. (to brush) He … allergy to anesthetics. (to have) There … a computer in the reception room. (to be) The dentist … his patients in Room № 6. (to receive) Задание 4. Составьте общий и специальный вопросы к следующим предложениям: A dental therapeutist treats gum diseases. The doctor examined that patient thoroughly. The word “dentist” appeared in English language in 17th century. Nurses wear gloves when they assist during dental procedures. My sister works in a modern dental clinic. |