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  • «Утверждаю» Зав.кафедрой:______________доц.Рузимбаев Х.С. Календарно-тематический план по выполнению рабочей программы по учебной дисциплине «

  • Тематика занятий Вид занятия Сведения об исполнении

  • Форма отчета Сведения об исполнении Подпись

  • Модуль 2. Произношение и правописание

  • Модуль 3. Лексика. Фразеология

  • Модуль 4. Лексический состав современного литературного языка с точки зрения происхождения

  • Модуль 6. Функционально-стилевая характеристика лексики современного литературного языка. Стилистическая дифференциация лексики

  • Модуль 7. Изменчивость словарного состава языка

  • Модуль 9. Словообразование

  • Модуль 12. Части речи и их признаки

  • Модуль 13. Имя прилагательное

  • Модуль 14. Имя числительное

  • Модуль 18. Служебные части речи

  • Модуль 19. Синтаксис. Пунктуация

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  • Составители: c т. преп. Палванова О.И. преп. Раджабова Н.А. преп. Рузметов С.А.

  • Учебник пропедевтический курс русского языка. Пропедевтический курс русского языка

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    Part of speech-the main lexical and grammatical classes, which are distributed language words.

    Partial homonyms-homophones in grammatical forms: onion " vegetable "and onion" weapon " coincide only in singular forms, words that coincide in sound, but have different spelling: fruit - raft, cat - code.

    Passive vocabulary - words that come in or out of use, but mostly comprehensible to a native speaker, archaisms and historicism: the yard, to broadcast, to kiss, to speak, Lord steward, Altin and others.

    Pedigree tree-the principles of genealogical classification of languages, according to which each common language (proto-language) was divided into two or more languages, of which there were new languages. So, the proto-Slavic language gave three branches: prosopagnosia, prognozuvannya, prevoshodno-Slavic.

    Phoneme-a unit of the sound system of the language, represented by a number of positionally alternating sounds, serving to identify and distinguish significant units of language (words, morphemes): mil - mil - mol - Mel - Mal.

    Phonemic transcription - transcription is used to transfer the phonemic structure of words or morphemes: the year of < year >, window < window >.

    Phonetic Syntagma - cut speech circuit, the combined prosodic - semantic unity of its constituent significant words forming one recomedations group: Tomorrow evening, our group writes the essay.

    Phonetic transcription - a transcription that is used for the transmission of speech, in full accordance with the sound, fixing the real sound structure of words: dark [t mnta], milk [Mylo].

    Phonetic word-a segment of the speech chain, United by one accent: window [kno], son Li [son l'i], on the mountain [n mountain].

    Phonetics - a branch of linguistics that studies the sound units of language, their acoustic and articulatory properties, the laws of functioning of speech sounds, the distribution of stress in words, the alternation of vowels and consonants.

    Phonological system of a language is an internally organized set of phonemes connected by certain relations.

    Phonology is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound side of language from functional and systemic points of view.

    Phrasal stress-intensive allocation of the shock syllable of the last word in the final Syntagma or in the most important in the sense of Syntagma: Last night, /when the clock struck ten, /the brother arrived.

    Phraseological combinations are phraseological expressions, the General meaning of which depends entirely on the meaning of the constituent words: one of the components is constant, the other is variable, free: a bosom friend, but an old (new) friend; takes annoyance (anger, hunting, laughter), etc.

    Phraseological expressions (or phrases) - phraseological phrases consisting of words with free meaning, having a constant composition of components and a certain value, they include Proverbs, sayings: wolves are afraid - not to go to the forest.

    Phraseological units are phraseological units, the General meaning of which is metaphorically motivated by the meanings of the words that make up this turnover: to bury talent in the ground, to let dust in the eyes, to fly into the pipe. "Have the property of potential imagery" (V. V. Vinogradov).

    Phraseologically related meaning - the meaning of the word, predetermined by the context; words that can be combined only with certain words: hopeless melancholy (sadness, grief), to start a quarrel, the culprit of the fire.

    Phraseology is the science of phraseological composition of language, nature of phraseological units, their types, peculiarities of functioning in speech.

    Phraseology-lexically indivisible, reproducible unit of language, stable in its composition: to beat the buckles, bosom friend.

    Polysemy or polysemy of the word-the presence of one and the same word several related meanings: Board "building material", Board "equipment class", etc.

    Polysynthetic languages - languages in which one word different affixes can convey the whole complex of grammatical meanings: the Chukchi strangles - Cupra - Geun - RIT - cheese - Kyn, "network sohranyaet".

    Position - a condition for the implementation of the phoneme in speech, its position in the word in relation to the stress, another phoneme, the structure of the word as a whole: a strong position when the phoneme detects its differential features. For vowels is the position of the accent: arch, arm, consonants before all vowels: Tom - house, before songname: splash - glitter, etc.

    Positional alternation of sounds-alternation, due to the phonetic position, acting in the language of phonetic laws: water-water alternation [o/], oak - oak - [b / n].

    Positional changes of sounds - changes the sounds, due to their position in the word, which leads to a reduction: the cow [cu"V], of the gardens, but the garden - [sat].

    Posterior consonants-sounds formed by the convergence of the back of the tongue with the soft sky: [K], [g], [x].

    Postfix is a morpheme standing behind a flexion, serving to form new words (someone, something) or new word forms (come, go).

    Predicate - the main member of the sentence expressing the predicative sign of the subject.

    Prefixoid-affixoid used in the function of prefixes and takes its place in the word: airlines, introspection.

    Private linguistics-the study of a particular language (Russian, Uzbek, English, etc.) or a group of related languages (Slavic, Germanic, Turkic).

    Private subject relevance-the relevance of the concept of the word to a specific subject, feature, property, action: a dog, a lame man.

    Proclitic is unstressed function words adjacent to the shock front: for, in the mountains.

    Professionalisms - words that make up the identity of the question to one or another professional group: the galley, cook, bottle - in the speech of sailors; the header, footer, strip - in the speech of journalists.

    Progressive combinatorial changes in sounds-occur in the direction from the previous to the subsequent under the influence of articulation of the previous sound on the pronunciation of the subsequent: Rus. dialdehyde. Roly, Roly, English. dog > dogs [d " gz].

    Pronoun - part of speech, indicating the subject, sign, number, but not calling them; substitutive words, forming a parallel system.

    Prosthesis the appearance of an extra sound in the absolute beginning of a word, substitution: eight < osimi, sharp > sharp.

    Qualitative reduction - the weakened pronunciation of the sound in a weak position in connection with the reduction of its duration: the locomotive [Pyros].

    Quantitative reduction-reduction of the sound duration depending on its position in relation to the stress. Hand-hand-MITT [hands], [hand], [MITT].

    Recursion is the phase of articulation of sounds, when the organs of pronunciation relax and move to the neutral position or to the articulation of the next sound.

    Reduction-changing the sound characteristics of vowels or consonants in a weak position: frost [MROs], convoy [BOS].

    Reduplication - a way of expressing grammatical meanings as a result of doubling or repeating the root or word: Rus. white-white, barely speak, arm. gund "regiment", gund-gund" shelves", Indonesia. api "fire", api-api "matches".

    SEMA - minimum of unit plan content the basic semantic component. So, the word uncle includes five semes: 1. male; 2. relative; 3. precedence; 4. divergence in one generation; 5. side relationship.

    Semantic field - a set of linguistic units, United by a common meaning and representing the subject, conceptual or functional similarity of the designated phenomena; the field of kinship: father, mother, brother, son, daughter, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, etc.

    Semantic neologism-words in which the new concept is transmitted already existing in the language of the words: walrus "winter swimming lover" bomber "effective striker" truck "cargo spacecraft" disk "record".

    Semantic synonyms-words that set off different sides of the object or phenomenon: break - destroy - crush.

    Semantic trapezoid is a schematic representation of the word components ratio: the top of the trapezoid is the concept and meaning, and the base is the object and the phonetic shell of the word.

    Semantic triangle-schematic representation of the components of the word: the phonetic shell of the word, the concept.

    Semasiology is the study of the meanings of words and phrases.

    Service words-lexically non-independent words that serve to Express different relationships between words, sentences, as well as to convey different shades of subjective evaluation.

    Significant words-words with independent lexical meaning, able to function as members of the sentence, structurally designed, having their own accent: the Motherland, the capital, the first, quietly.

    Significativa a function of phoneme - similarsocial function: the here.

    Simultaneous linguistics-descriptive linguistics, inheriting the language as a system at any point in its history: modern Russian language, modern Uzbek language, etc.

    Sitel is a group of sounds that realize this phoneme, a concrete manifestation of a phoneme: she caught a catfish [AGR AGR pally].

    Slotted consonants-consonants, the articulation of which language forms an obstacle, leaving a gap for the air outlet: [C, W, W, f, C, x, l].

    Social theory of language origin is a theory that connects the emergence of language with the development of society; language is included in the social experience of mankind.

    Soft consonants (or palatal) - sounds, in the formation of which there is an additional rise of the middle part of the back of the tongue to the hard sky and the promotion of the entire mass of the language forward: [b'], [C'], [d'], [t'], [l'], [R'], [n'], [m'].

    St. Petersburg (Leningrad) phonological school-defines the phoneme based on the phonetic criterion of identity on the physiological and acoustic basis: in the words of grass and domadlya both words in the first pre-stressed syllable stands phoneme < a >, and in the words of the pond and the rod position of the end of the word phoneme < t >.

    Striping is the way in which a difference in the quality of alternating consonants leads to an expression of grammatical meaning: ragged (adjective) - ragged (noun), naked (adjective) - Gol (noun).

    Strong position - distinguishing phonemes, when she discovers the largest number of distinctive features: nose, but the nasal [Nyssa].

    Subject - the main member of the sentence, indicating the logical subject to which the predicate: the Sun disappeared behind the mountain.

    Submit - part of the root similar in appearance to the particle, but does not have its value: the dome, the gherkin, the crown.

    Substrate-traces of the defeated language of the local population in the language system-the winner of the alien population; in Russian as a substrate of the Finno-Ugric languages.

    Suffix-morpheme, standing after the root, serving for the formation of new words (old - old age) or new forms of words (swim - swam).

    Superstrat-traces of the defeated language of the alien population in the language-the winner of the local population: French superstrat in English - the jury.

    Supplement-a secondary member of the proposal, expressing the object value: read the book, satisfied with the success.

    Suppletivism - the formation of grammatical meanings from different foundations: man-people, child-children, go-go, good-better.

    Syllable-a segment of speech, limited by sounds with the least sonority, between which there is a syllable sound, the sound with the greatest sonority (R. I. Avanesov).

    Syncope-loss of sounds inside the word: wire [Prov], sutoloka [day].

    Synecdoche - transfer names on the basis of quantities: the part is the whole and Vice versa: a herd of ten heads.

    Synharmonism is a uniform vocal design of the word when the vowel of the root in the formants corresponds to the same vowel sound: balalar, but Wyler in KAZ., odaлaр "rooms", but erver "at home" in Turkish.

    Synonymic line - a collection of synonyms at the head of a dominant - stylistically neutral word: lazy, bum, bum.

    Synonyms-words that are different in sound, but close in meaning, belonging to one part of speech and having fully or partially the same meaning: fear - horror.

    Syntactic level - the section of linguistics, describing the processes of speech generation: ways to connect words into phrases and sentences.

    Syntagmatic relations in vocabulary-the linear relationship between the combined words as defined and defining: the Golden ring, the child's pen, etc.

    Syntagmatic stress is a stronger selection of the shock syllable of the last word in the Syntagma: the weather is terrible.

    Synthetic languages are the languages of the synthetic grammatical system, when lexical and grammatical meanings are combined within a single word: a Desk, a card, a Desk, etc.

    The Altaic family is a macro-family of languages, uniting Turkic, Mongolian, Tungus–Manchurian groups of languages and isolated Korean and Japanese languages on the basis of the supposed genetic belonging.

    The ambiguity (or polysemy) is that the same words several associated values: field OS: 1. treeless plain; 2. cultivated land for sowing; 3. large area; 4. a clean strip along the edge of the sheet in the book.

    The analytical form of the word is a complex form of the word formed by a combination of the official and significant word: stronger, the best.

    The basic units of the grammatical structure of the language - a morpheme, word, phrase, sentence.

    The basis of the word-part of the word form, which remains, if we take away from her ending and formative affix, and which is associated with the lexical meaning of the word: cows-a, milk-O.

    The distinctive function of the phoneme is a distinctive function, due to which the phoneme serves for phonetic identification and semantic identification of words and morphemes: Tom - Dom - som - com.

    The epithesis is the appearance of an additional sound at the absolute end of the word: song - song.

    The essence of language-spontaneously arising system of articulate sound signs, serving for the purposes of communication and is able to Express the totality of human knowledge and ideas about the world. (I. Kh. Arutyunov)

    The evolutionary theory of the origin of language-the origin of language connects with the development of thinking of primitive man. Supporters Of Humboldt, A. Schleicher, W. Wundt.

    The form of the word is a morphological variety of the word, which has a grammatical meaning, having a regular expression: Board, wall, dishes, boards, etc.

    The function of language is communicative; the function of communication (greeting, farewell, call, communication with the addressee, advertising texts, storage and transmission of cultural traditions, history, national consciousness), cognitive (epistemological, cognitive, expressive) - the function of obtaining new knowledge about reality; the function of communication of language with human mental activity.

    The function of the phoneme - distinctivea (similarsocial) function (that is here), delimitative function (slaborazvetvlennyj).

    The historical alternation of sounds-alternation, not due to the phonetic position from the point of view of the modern phonetic system of the language: spirit/soul, who/I drive.

    The Indo-European family is one of the largest and most studied language families in Eurasia.

    The internal form of the word-semantic and structural motivation of the word in another word, on the basis of which it arose: fly agaric, blueberries, boletus, five hundred, Forester, shoemaker.

    The language of science-a socio-historical category, which refers to the language, which is a means of written and oral communication of science, is nationwide and is characterized by the presence of a common vocabulary and grammar system.

    The language of the nation-a set of territorial dialects as a result of the processes of economic and state integration, the unity of the territory and elements of culture, Coyne, characterized by the presence of a common vocabulary and grammar system.

    The law of ascending sonority is the arrangement of sounds in the syllable from the least sonorous to the most sonorous: Yes, do-bro, co-stum.

    The lexeme is a unit of the content plan, the sound shell of the word, opposes the sememe-its content.

    The logical emphasis is to shift the stress from the last in Syntagma to any other in order to strengthen the semantic load: I will go home today; the weather is beautiful.

    The loss of the internal form of the word - the loss of the word motivation in connection with the withdrawal from the use of motivating words (ring - wheel, Kalach - Colo); phonetic changes (spit and scratch); borrowing processes (locksmith < him. Schlosser < Schloss "castle".

    The main lexical meaning is the meaning directly related to the reflection of the phenomena of objective reality, it is the primary, stylistically neutral meaning of the word: book, notebook.

    The meaning of the word is the product of human mental activity, expressing the relation of the fact of language to the non-linguistic fact, the relation of the word to the designated subject.

    The melody of speech - the main component of intonation, is accomplished by raising and lowering the voice in the sentence, organize the sentence by breaking it into the phrase and rhythmic group, connecting its parts.

    The metathesis - rearrangement of word sounds or syllables: cheesecake < tvaroska, Rus. marble < lat. marmor.

    The motivation of the word-semantic and structural motivation in another word, on the basis of which it arose: fly agaric, blueberries, boletus, twenty.

    The norm is a traditional system of rules for the use of language means, which are recognized by the society as mandatory.

    The noun is a significant part of speech that combines words with the General meaning of objectivity in its composition: a table, a horse, life, wisdom, etc.

    The perceptive function of the phoneme is a function of bringing the sounds of speech to perception, it makes it possible to perceive and recognize by the hearing organ the sounds of speech and their combinations, contributing to the identification of one and those words and morphemes: the pear [Gros't'] and the pear [Gruz'i] identification of the root due to the perceptive function and the community of meaning.

    The phonemic opposition - the opposition of phonemes: privatera, gradable, equivalenta, or disjunction - opposed on several grounds: < d >

    < n > and correlation - the juxtaposition of one characteristic:

    The phonetic system of a language is an internally organized collection of phonemes connected by certain relations.

    The phrase is a segment of the speech chain between two pauses, possessing intonation and semantic completeness, having a certain intonation structure and characterized by syntactic connectedness: Here you sat down/the horses started/the bell rang.

    The prefix is a morpheme standing before the root, is used for the formation of new words (grandfather, great-grandfather) or forms of a word (funny, amusing).

    The proto-language is the basis of the historical community of related languages: the proto-Indo-European language, the proto-Slavic language, the Pro-Iranian language, etc.

    The rate of speech-the speed of pronunciation of its elements, the speed of its flow, the duration of sound in time.

    The rhythm of speech-a regular repetition of percussion and unstressed, long and short words, is the basis of the aesthetic organization of the artistic tenet-poetic and prosaic.

    The root is the morpheme of the common part of related words, expressing and predetermining the lexical meaning of the word.

    The significative meaning of the word-the attitude of the word to the concept, denoted by the word concept: the concept of the table - "kind of furniture".

    The sound of speech - the minimum unit of the speech chain as a result of articulation.

    The structure of the language - internal organization of linguistic units, the network of relations between linguistic units.

    The theme is the initial part of the message, reality, opposed to rømø (or new).

    The theory of social contract of language origin is the unification of different theories of language origin - onomatopoeia, interjection, theories of labor cries.

    The valence of a morpheme is the ability of a morpheme to be combined with other morphemes. Multivalent (polyvalent) and univalent (monovalent): the verb, but the groom, the beads, the priest's wife.

    The value of the affixes - derivational (slovoobrazovanie) and relational (loveismine): boots > shoemaker > shoemaker - Sapo-nick.

    The word form of a double - sided unit represented externally (chain of phonemes, stress) and internal (the meaning of the word).

    The word is the main structural and semantic unit of the language, which serves for naming denotates, which has a set of semantic, phonetic and grammatical features specific to each language.

    Thematic group - a set of words United on the basis of non-linguistic community denotates designated by them on a certain basis and expressed in different words: a group of cow + bull, calf, cowshed, cowshed, shepherd, beef, etc.

    Timbre of speech-the sound color of speech, transmitting its emotional and expressive shades: intonation of distrust, admiration, playfulness, etc.


    Transcription is a writing system used to accurately convey the sound composition of oral or written speech: phonetic, phonemic, practical.

    Transitivity of parts of speech-the transition of words from one part of speech to another due to conversion: dining room, work, students, workers (substance), summer, evening, morning (adverbialization), etc.

    Transliteration is a letter-by-letter transmission of a word or text written with the help of one alphabetic system by means of another alphabetic system.

    Trembling consonants-vibrants: [p], [p'].

    Truncate - abbreviate when a new word is formed by truncating words within the source phrase: grocery store, University, store Manager, etc.

    Two-part sentences-a two-part syntactic complex in which two main members (subject and predicate) or a group of subject and a group of predicate are formally expressed.

    Types of lexical meaning - there are several types: denotative, significatively, emotive (connotative), structural.

    Typological classification of languages is a classification based on the concept of similarity (formal or semantic) and differences between languages: political, isolating, and inflectional types.


    Variations – shades of phonemes in strong positions in a trench of conditionality: five [n at’], mashing [m'at’].

    Voiced consonants-sounds, the articulation of which the vocal cords are tense and in a state of oscillation.

    Vowel elevation - the degree of elevation of the tongue, the degree of its vertical displacement: lower elevation, middle elevation, upper elevation [a] - lower. under., [e], [o], - Ms. pod., [and], [s], [y] - upper rise.

    Vowels are speech sounds consisting only of the voice: [and], [y], [e], [o], [a].

    Weak position - discriminating phonemes, where a smaller differential (distinctive) signs than in strong position: I [AGR], soma [AGR].


    Word-formative affix-affix, which combines the functions of word formation and formation: Kum-Kuma, spouse.

    Word-forming affix-affix, serving for the formation of a new word: old - old age.

    Zero morpheme - morpheme, the material is not expressed, but have grammatical meaning: house - house - house - carried - carried - l - a, nes - l - I. is Detected in the paradigms, by contrast, positively pronounced morphemes.


    Зав.кафедрой:______________доц.Рузимбаев Х.С.
    Календарно-тематический план по выполнению рабочей программы по учебной дисциплине «ПРОПЕДЕВТИЧЕСКИЙ КУРС РУССКОГО ЯЗЫКА»

    на 2018-2019 учебный год

    Специальность: 5111300 – русский язык и литература в иноязычных группах семестры: 1, 2

    Тематика занятий

    Вид занятия

    Сведения об исполнении

    Тема и содержание самостоятельной работы

    Форма отчета

    Сведения об исполнении






    I семестр

    Модуль 1. Общие сведения о русском языке

    Место русского языка в кругу родственных славянских языков



    Место русского языка в кругу родственных славянских языков. Литературный язык как высшая форма национального языка.


    Модуль 2. Произношение и правописание

    Звук и буква, их соотношение



    Понятие о звуке и букве.





    Понятие о слоге, структура слога.


    Слог. Интонация



    Понятие об ударении. Характеристика русского ударения. Типы ударений.


    Гласные звуки. Правописание безударных гласных



    Правила литературного произношения безударных гласных и их обозначения в корнях слов.


    Правописание чередующихся гласных



    Чередование гласных в корнях слов.


    Согласные звуки.Правописание согласных в корне



    Правописание гласных после шипящих и Ц.


    Твёрдые и мягкие согласные звуки



    Правописание согласных в корне.


    Стечение согласных звуков



    Согласные звуки, парные и непарные. Обозначение парных мягких согласных на письме.


    Модуль 3. Лексика. Фразеология

    Слово как номинативная единица языка



    Правописание непроизносимых согласных.



    Многозначное слово как система значений



    Особенности произношения сочетаний согласных.






    Правописание двойных согласных.






    Орфограммы «буквы Ы-И после Ц».







    Буквы О-Ё после шипящих.


    Модуль 4. Лексический состав современного литературного языка с точки зрения происхождения


    Лексика исконная и заимствованная



    Согласный звук [й] (йот). Звуковое значение букв-йотоносителей (я, ю, е, ё, и) и правила их распределения.


    Модуль 5. Социально-функциональная лексика современного литературного языка


    Общеупотребительная лексика. Лексика ограниченного употребления



    Функции букв Ь и Ъ.


    Модуль 6. Функционально-стилевая характеристика лексики современного литературного языка. Стилистическая дифференциация лексики


    Понятие функционально-стилевой характеристики лексики современного литературного язык



    Слова однозначные и многозначные. Отличие многозначных слов от омонимов.






    Прямые и переносные значения слов. Слово в переносном значении как средство художественной выразительности.


    Модуль 7. Изменчивость словарного состава языка


    Классификация лексики по историчской отнесенности.



    Синонимы. Типы синонимов.



    Понятие об основном словарном фонде языка



    Антонимы. Типы антонимов.


    Модуль 8. Фразеология


    Понятие о фразеологии. Предмет и задачи фразеологии



    Лексика общеупотребительная и ограниченная в употреблении.



    Классификация фразеологизмов по стилистическим признакам, по сфере возникновения, по языковым источникам



    Устаревшие и новые слова.


    Модуль 9. Словообразование


    Виды морфем



    Место и роль фразеологизмов в современном русском языке. Источники русской фразеологии.


    Модуль 10. Приставки


    Понятие о приставках русского языка



    Словари современного русского языка. Энциклопедические и лингвистические словари.


    Модуль 11. Суффикс


    Понятие о суффиксе



    Основа и окончание. Значение окончаний.



    Образование сложных слов. Правила их правописания



    Словообразовательные и словоизменительные аффиксы.


    Модуль 12. Части речи и их признаки


    Имя существительное



    Правописание приставок пре-, -при



    Род имён существительных



    Число имён существительных




    Склонение имён существительных



    Модуль 13. Имя прилагательное


    Имя прилагательное




    Склонение имён прилагательных




    Степени сравнения имён прилагательных




    Образование имён прилагательных



    Модуль 14. Имя числительное


    Имя числительное




    Количественные числительные, их правописание. Склонение числительных



    Модуль 15. Местоимение


    Местоимение как часть речи




    Склонение местоимений



    II семестр

    Модуль 16. Глагол





    Правописание приставок на с/з.



    Виды глагола



    Непроизводные и производные слова.



    Наклонение, время, спряжение глагола. Безличные глаголы



    Образование сложных слов в современном русском языке. Правила их правописания.



    Переходные и непереходные глаголы

    Практическое Практическое


    Правописание падежных окончаний существительных. Разбор существительных.



    Причастие. Деепричастие



    Правописание суффиксов существительных.


    Модуль 17. Наречие





    Правописание сложных существительных.



    Разряды наречий. Образование наречий. Степени сравнения наречий



    Правописание окончаний прилагательных. Разбор прилагательных.


    Модуль 18. Служебные части речи


    Предлоги, союзы, частицы



    Правописание суффиксов прилагательных.



    Междометия и звукоподражание



    Правописание сложных прилагательных.


    Модуль 19. Синтаксис. Пунктуация





    Имя числительное как часть речи. Разбор числительных.



    Предложение. Понятие о предложении



    Местоимение как часть речи. Разбор местоимений.



    Главные члены предложения



    Глагол как часть речи. Правописание окончаний глагола.



    Второстепенные члены предложения. Приложение



    Правописание суффиксов глаголов.



    Однородные члены предложения



    Правописание наречий.



    Обособленные члены предложения




    Односоставные предложения. Типы односоставных предложений




    Неполные предложения




    Вводные слова







    Всего за 2 семестр:

    38 ч.


    114 ч.

    Всего за IIсеместр:

    Практические - 38

    Самостоятельные - 28

    Составители: cт. преп. Палванова О.И.

    преп. Раджабова Н.А.

    преп. Рузметов С.А.

    1   ...   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23

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