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Английский язык (Методичка). Протокол 2006 г. Председатель Фролова О. А., Попова М. Г. Английский язык

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НазваниеПротокол 2006 г. Председатель Фролова О. А., Попова М. Г. Английский язык
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Avda. del Ejercito 83 E-48015 Bilbao

The Sales Manager 15 October 20…

Seymore Furniture Ltd.

Tib Steet


Berks. SL6 5DS
Dear Mr. Harrisson,

I am writing to complain about a shipment of office furniture we _______ yesterday against our invoice no. G 3190/1.

The crates ________ on the outside, and looked as if they had been roughly handled. When we _______ them, we ________ that some of the chair legs were bent and rusty, and the fabric on the seating ________, or _________ signs of wear.

Two further crates from the consignment __________ yet, so we ________ the opportunity of inspecting them. I ________ the shipping company that we cannot accept this consignment from you, and they ________ your insurers.

As we will be unable to retail this consignment in our stores, we are returning the shipment to you carriage forward, and we shall expect a full refund.

Yours sincerely,

C. R. Mendez

Managing Director
IV. Переведите следующий диалог:

Mr. Carrington: Good morning, Mr. Belov.

Mr. Belov: Good morning Mr. Carrington. Will you take a seat, please?

Mr. Carrington: Thank you.

Mr. Belov: Would you like some coffee?

Mr. Carrington: Yes, please. Well, Mr. Belov, we’ve received your draft contract. It’s quite acceptable, but I’d like to clarify some points.

Mr. Belov: What are they?

Mr. Carrington: First of all, I must say your CIF terms of delivery don’t suit us.

Mr. Belov: Do you want to have FOB terms?

Mr. Carrington: That would be much better.

Mr. Belov: I think we will be able to change the terms of delivery. But I’ll have to contact my people and discuss this matter with them.

Mr. Carrington: That’s fine. And now let’s get down to the delivery dates. They aren’t quite suitable.

Mr. Belov: We are able to deliver the equipment within 10 months from the date of signing the contract.

Mr. Carrington: Oh, but could you reduce the delivery period to 8 months? It’s very important.

Mr. Belov: I think we can arrange it and you won’t have to take part deliveries. By the way, would you like to visit our manufacturing plant and see the equipment in operation?

Mr. Carrington: With pleasure.

Mr. Belov: Then one of our engineers will meet you at the hotel at 10 tomorrow.

Mr. Carrington: That will be fine. Thank you. See you tomorrow.

Mr. Belov: Good-bye, Mr. Carrington.
V. Перепишите диалог, заполнив пропуски данными ниже выражениями:

Mr. Brown: Good morning, Mr. Severov.

Mr. Severov: Good morning, Mr. Brown. Happy to meet you again. How are things with you?

Mr. Brown: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?

Mr. Severov: Pretty well, thanks. How long have you been here?

Mr. Brown: Since Sunday.

Mr. Severov: Where are you staying?

Mr. Brown: __________________ at the Metropol Hotel. We are very comfortable there.

Mr. Severov: That’s nice. How long are you going to stay here?

Mr. Brown: It will _________________ on our discussions. I think we can get down to business. We’ve studied ___________________________ for the delivery of complete equipment very closely.

Mr. Severov: How do you find them?

Mr. Brown: The equipment suits us, we need it badly and we are prepared ______________.

Mr. Severov: Glad to hear that, Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown: But I’d like to settle some points first. You see, your prices are too high, I’m afraid. Can you _____?

Mr. Severov: I don’t think we can do that. Our equipment is ______________ and we have already sold lots of equipment at these prices to our customers this year.

Mr. Brown: We are __________________________ and know that the prices _____________. Nevertheless, your prices are too high.

Mr. Severov: Well, Mr. Brown, we’ll see what we can do about it.

Mr. Brown: Thank you, Mr. Severov. We ___________ with you for more than 6 years and I hope you will meet our request.
1. in close touch with the world market

2. reduce them

3. depend

4. your offer and your contract form

5. in great demand

6. we are staying

7. have done business

8. to place a big order

9. have recently gone up
VI. Поставьте реплики из диалогов в правильном порядке:


- Have you seen it in operation?

- Yes, we’ve sold it to many firms abroad.

- Yes, we have. Is this model for export?

- Yes, we’ve just seen your display. Your latest model of equipment is excellent.

- Have you been to our pavilion?

- Have you signed the contract yet?

- Yes, we have finished the modifications and are going to deliver the equipment.

- Not yet. We are still discussing the prices.

- Yes, that problem was settled not long ago.

- Have you studied the manner of payment?

- I hear you are having talks with a delegation from Spain.

- When will the equipment be tested?

- Yes, certainly.

- Any time.

- When can I visit your manufacturing plant?

- Can you make arrangements for that day?

- I think, next Monday.
Ускоренный курс

Контрольная работа №1
I. Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе:

  1. This is a manager.

  2. This is a black desk.

  3. That is a beautiful woman.

  4. Where is the secretary?

  5. “Is this letter on the desk?” – “No, it is on the floor.”

  6. “Whose file is this?” – “This is our file.”

  7. That is his office.

  8. Whose offer is this?

  9. This is a nice green carpet.

  10. “Where is the Contract from GML?” – “It is on your desk.”

II. Переделайте предложения так, чтобы подчеркнутые существительные были в притяжательном падеже:

  1. These are the offers of these sellers.

  2. That is the telex of my manager.

  3. Those are letters from Mr. Green and Mr. Smith.

  4. It’s a telephone of our secretary.

  5. That is a file cabinet of our director.

  6. This is an enquiry of our customers.

  7. That is a business plan of my friend.

  8. Those are documents of our economists.

  9. This is a cable of our company manager.

III. Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже:

  1. Give the secretary this green pen, please.

  2. Send the offer to GML.

  3. Give me and my friend this letter, please.

  4. Answer the manager’s questions, please.

  5. We don’t know this man and his wife.

  6. Read these offers and letters to your General Director.

  7. Put that brown pencil on my desk, please.

  8. I meet our secretary in the office every day.

  9. Our work helps me and my friend to speak German well.

  10. Our manager is discussing business matters with the manager of GML now.

IV. Поставьте have got, has got, haven’t got или hasn’t got:

  1. Our secretary ____ a car. She gets to the office by bus.

  2. Every day our engineers work with many documents. Today I ____ two telegrams and two faxes on my desk.

  3. One of our managers is always late for his English lessons. He _____ a lot of problems in his office.

  4. Mr. Petrov wants to know languages well but he _____ time.

  5. “Where is my business plan?” – “I don’t know. I ____ it.”

  6. “______ a computer?” – “No, I have not.”

  7. “______ a big office?” – “Yes, my office is large.”

  8. Our director ________ much time. He is very busy.

  9. I _______ many books at home. I don’t like reading.

  10. Our manager _______ many offers from different firms in his file.

V. Составьте предложения, поставив глаголы в нужной форме:

  1. (always/ early/ our manager/ arrive)?

  2. (often/ we/ letters and faxes/ to/ send/ different firms).

  3. (Kate/ finish/ early/ never/ her work).

  4. (My boss/ meet/ seldom/ at his office/ customers).

  5. (work/ Margaret/ hard/ usually).

  6. (our secretary/ does/ foreign/ learn/ languages?)

  7. (there are/ English/ not many/ in/ books/ our library).

VI. Поставьте по одному общему вопросу к каждому предложению, используя вспомогательные глаголы do или does:

  1. Mr.Petrov lives in Moscow.

  2. My sister’s friend works at an office.

  3. This secretary always does her work well.

  4. These engineers often send letters to our firm.

  5. We always type letters on the computer.

  6. Our manager seldom discusses business matters on the phone.

  7. My family usually watch TV in the evening.

  8. His friend often comes to his office to help him.

  9. She likes to drink coffee with milk.

  10. Different foreign delegations arrive in Moscow every day.

VII. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:

  1. Our company is very large.

  2. We’ve got offices in different cities.

  3. Mr. Petrov meets customers every day.

  4. Our managers usually come to the office at 9 in the morning.

  5. We often stay in the office all day.

  6. Our people are always very busy.

  7. Our secretary usually makes coffee in the morning.

  8. I seldom send letters to his firm.

  9. We prepare different documents for the talks.

  10. My friend speaks German well.

VIII. Заполните пропуски словами a lot of, much, many, (a) few, (a) little:

  1. My friend does not know French well but he studies ____ now.

  2. I have not got ___ time now.

  3. My daughter reads ____ books in English, because she wants to know English better.

  4. We don’t have many customers. We only have ______ .

  5. He has got only ____ friends. He does not go out much.

  6. Our secretary never drinks _____ coffee during office hours.

  7. There is _____ sugar in my coffee. Give me some more, please.

  8. Would you like some tea? Yes, _____ .

  9. There are ____ good students in my group. They know English well.

  10. Our company has ______ money, we can’t buy this equipment.

IX. Заполните пропуски, используя вспомогательные глаголы am/is/areилиdo/ dont/ does/doesnt:

  1. Excuse me, _____ you speak English?

  2. Where is your manager? – I _____ know.

  3. Why _____ you still typing the letter? It’s time to finish it.

  4. “What _____ your secretary usually begin her day with?” – “She always does something.” “What ______ she doing now?” – “She ______reading a report.”

  5. Mary is a good basketball player but she ________ play very often.

  6. “Where _______ you come from?” – “the USA”.

  7. What’s funny? Why ________ you laughing?

  8. Our engineers ________ discussing prices now. They _______ having talks.

  9. It _______ snowing and it is very cold.

  10. We _______ speak English much. We usually write and read.

X. Заполните пропуски, используя местоимения some, any, no:

  1. They haven’t got _______ visitors today.

  2. Will you give me _______ catalogues to look through in the evening?

  3. I want to wash my hair. Is there _______ shampoo?

  4. It’s hot in this office. I’m going out for ________ fresh air.

  5. I can do this job alone. I don’t need ________ help.

  6. I see ______ telexes on my desk. Where are they?

  7. ________ people are hardworking, ________ are lazy.

  8. “Are there ____ foreign newspapers on your table?” – “No, there are ____ foreign newspapers.”

  9. I would like to buy ____ mineral water. Let’s go to the supermarket.

  10. This business letter is very short. You must add ____ details about new equipment.

XI. Дайте следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме:

  1. There is a telephone in my room.

  2. There are offers and letters on my desk.

  3. There is a computer on our secretary’s desk.

  4. There are many books and business journals in our library.

  5. There are a lot of newspapers and magazines on the sofa.

XII. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы после текста:
Natasha works at the Ministry of Trade. She is a secretary of Rossvneshtrans. Their firm does business with many countries: England, France, Spain, Italy and others. She usually comes to her office at 9 o’clock. She types many letters, offers and other documents during the day.

Many customers come to Rossvneshtrans every day to discuss business matters. The secretary always meets them. She prepares everything for the talks. At the talks parties discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. In the evening Natasha goes to University. She studies languages there because she wants to become a good specialist in foreign trade.

Now Natasha is at her office. She is speaking on the phone with Mr. Bill, a representative of Bell&Co. She is writing down some details for the company manager. The manager is preparing for the talks. He has an appointment for Monday. Bell&Co are interested in a new model of trains. The manager and his secretary are preparing different catalogues and quotations for the talks. Natasha likes her job very much.

  1. Where does Natasha work?

  2. When does she come to the office?

  3. Who meets customers?

  4. What do parties discuss at the talks?

  5. When does the secretary go to University?

  6. Why does Natasha study languages?

  7. What is the secretary doing now?

  8. What is the manager doing at the moment?

  9. What models of equipment are Bell & Co interested in?

Контрольная работа к спецкурсу «Деловые переговоры и деловая переписка
на английском языке».

I. Перепишите предложения, употребив глаголы в PastSimple в нужной форме, добавив соответствующие обстоятельства времени:

  1. Mr.Brown writes a lot of letters.

  2. Our fax-machine doesn’t work.

  3. We send letters every day.

  4. Do you know the answer?

  5. We do not buy telephone equipment.

  6. This order is very important.

  7. They deliver all orders on time.

  8. We sell books to different countries.

  9. Are you very busy?

  10. The weather is fine.

II. Напишите следующие предложения, используя время PresentPerfect:

  1. ..........the secretary (to come) yet?

  2. I (to translate) this contract.

  3. We (not to receive) any orders this week.

  4. Our engineers and I (to visit) several plants recently.

  5. He (not to finish) his work yet.

  6. ..........(you/to check) e-mail today?

  7. We (to conclude) 15 profitable contracts this year.

  8. Janet (to visit) London twice.

  9. I (to buy) the magazine in Oxford Street.

  10. Who (to give) you this magazine?

III. Перепишите предложения, употребив глаголы в PastSimple или PresentPerfect:

  1. We (to send) you our letter last month but we (not to receive) an answer from you yet.

  2. We (to discuss) the terms of the contract yesterday.

  3. ............your managers (to clarify) all the matters yet?

  4. The plant (to be) heavy with orders last year.

  5. ..........you ever (to buy) the telephone equipment from Germany?

  6. I (not to meet) him yet.

  7. We (to sign) this contract lately.

  8. His secretary (to call) you a minute ago.

  9. They (to receive) a telephone message from Sweden last night.

  10. Our team just..(to finish) the talks on starting new production.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив Future Simple:

  1. 1)............(you/to have) time to discuss the matter in detail tomorrow?

  2. He.............(to show) you the shop if you ask him.

  3. There...(not/to be) any lift in their new building.

  4. 4)..........(there/ to be) any meeting for the staff on November 1?

  5. She...(to finish) her translation in 3 days.

  6. They...(to start) working after they discuss the plan.

V. Составьте предложения:

  1. I / may / your / take / offer?

  2. present / can not / I / be / at / meeting / the

  3. can / translate / help / I / you / this / to / letter.

  4. director / instructions / of / follow / you / must / always / the / your.

  5. you / on the desk / leave / documents / business / must not.

  6. “in / I / come / may?” – “No / may / not / you”.

  7. our / all / must / English / engineers / know / well.

  8. you / all / letters / the / and / from / GML / can / show / me / offers?

  9. a cup / offer / you / of / may / I / coffee?

  10. must / we / go / not / office / to / the / Sunday / on.

VI. Письменно переведите диалог на русский язык и дайте ответы на вопросы:
– Continental Equipment. Can I help you?

– I would like to speak to Mr.Cartwright.

– Who is calling, please?

– This is Victor Klimenko, from TST Systems.

– Hold on, please. I’ll find out if he is in.

– Cartwright speaking.

– Hello, Mr.Cartwright. I am the new Sales Manager of TST Systems.I’d like to inform you that we have studied your materials and decided to accept your offer.

– Thank you, Mr.Klimenko.

– I would like to come to Brighton and discuss with you the main points of the contract in detail.

– When are you going to come?

– On Wednesday, next week.

– That is fine.

– Goodbye, Mr.Cartwright. See you next week.

– Goodbye, Mr. Klimenko. Have a good trip!

  1. What is Mr.Klimenko?

  2. What did TST Systems decide?

  3. When is Mr.Klimenko going to come to Brighton?

  4. What is the purpose of his visit?

VII. Письменно переведите письмо на русский язык:
Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for your letter. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 14th July and I shall meet you at Gatwick Airport at 6.15. As requested, I have booked you a single room at the Seaview Hotel for two nights. I have fixed an appointment with the Sales Manager for Thursday morning at 9 am.

Yours sincerely,

Fred Green
VIII. Поставьте слова каждой фразы в правильном порядке:
Образец: to/ you/ look/ I/ meeting /forward - I look forward to meeting you

  1. to/ the delivery/ am/ I /confirm/ writing

  2. the letter/ with/ enclose/ we

  3. of /your / 15th/ /you/ letter/ thank/ for/ April

  4. to/ further/ letter/ our

  5. regards/ with/ best

  6. information/ you/ any/ require/ should

  7. you/ accept/ our/ will be able/ to/ offer

  8. hesitate/ us/ to/ contact/ do/ please/ not

  9. to/ catalogue/ will/ send/ we/ be/ you/ our/ pleased

IX. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами, переписав письмо:
1. legal action 5. to inform

2. payment 6. within

3.for delivery 7. hearing

4. be grateful
Dear Sir,

I am writing __________ you that I have still not received payment _________ of 40 dining-room chairs.

I would ______ if you could make payment ______ the next 10 days. If we do not receive _______ , we will be obliged to take ______. I look forward to ______ from you in the near future.
X. Письменно переведите следующий диалог:
Mr. Green: Thank you for showing us round your pavilion, Mr. Petrov. Your stand made a good impression on us.

Mr. Petrov: It’s nice to hear that. I really hope this exhibition will promote our cooperation.

Mr. Green: By the way, Mr. Petrov, we are interested in your compressors, especially in your latest model.

Mr. Petrov: It has been in great demand since we modified it, because it’s very reliable in operation and its capacity is high.

Mr. Green: I see. May I have your advertising literature with technical specifications?

Mr. Petrov: Here you are. By the way, many companies have already bought this model and are quite satisfied with its quality. This equipment meets their requirements.

Mr. Green: Have you received our enquiry, Mr. Petrov?

Mr. Petrov: Yes, we have. We got it 3 days ago.

Mr. Green: When will you be prepared to discuss it with us?

Mr. Petrov: On Tuesday, I think.

Mr. Green: It’s all right with me. Thank you. Till Tuesday then.

Mr. Petrov: Good-bye, Mr. Green
XI. Дополните диалог, заполнив пропуски данными ниже выражениями:

Mr. Reed: Hello, Mr. Smirnov, this is Reed __________.

Mr. Smirnov: Hello, Mr. Reed. Glad to hear you.

Mr. Reed: I’m sorry, I couldn’t call you back as soon as I received your message, as I had some ______________ in the test department. What can I do for you, Mr. Smirnov?

Mr. Smirnov: We have just received __________ from your firm. As far as we can see you ________________ of pump. How does this model compare with the previous one?

Mr. Reed: You know, its capacity is higher, quality is excellent, it’s ______________________.

Mr. Smirnov: That sounds fine. Will we be able to see _________________________________?

Mr. Reed: Why not? I’ll get in touch with the _____________________ and find out when they are going to test this model. I’ll do my best _______________________________ there.

Mr. Smirnov: Thank you, Mr. Reed. Good-bye.

Mr. Reed: Good-bye, Mr. Smirnov.
1. very reliable and easy in operation

2. test department

3. to arrange your visit there

4. have modified the latest model

5. urgent business

6. the tests of this model

7. some drawings

8. speaking
XII. Поставьте реплики из диалогов в правильном порядке:

- The prices and terms of delivery

- We began the talks yesterday evening.

- Yes, they have. They arrived yesterday.

- Have the Italian partners come to Moscow?

- What points of the contract have you discussed yet?

-Have you started the discussions yet?


- You produce very good pumps, they are easy and reliable in operation.

-Two years, but it’s one of the most important shops at our plant.

- That’s right . They have always been in great demand.

- Nice to hear that. The shop is really new. It was built 6 months ago.

- We like your new shop, Mr. Ivanov. It’s quite modern.

- How much time did it take you to construct it?

- For tractors. They bought more than 50 tractors from us last year. They are going to buy more.

- Did you clarify any other points?

- You had talks the other day, didn’t you?

- No, nothing else.

- Yes, with Mr. Ramses of Kemer Transport Ltd. We discussed prices and terms of delivery.

- That’s fine!

- What’s the contract for?

6.4. Содержание зачетов и экзаменов.

Итоговый контроль знаний студентов осуществляется в форме зачета (I семестр) и экзамена (II и III семестры). На факуль­тетах коммерции и маркетинга и юридическом во II семестре проводится зачет.

Успешное выполнение письменных контрольных работ по лексико-грамматическому материалу, изученному в течение I семестра, обеспечивает студенту допуск к зачету, который включает следующие вопросы:

  1. Чтение фрагмента адаптированного про­фессионально – ориентированного текста объемом 800 печатных знаков и его пересказ (или ответы на вопросы преподавателя по тексту).

  2. Устное изложение одной из изученных тем (или ответы на вопросы).

По окончании II семестра студентам предлагается экзаменационная письменная контрольная работа по лингвистическому материалу первого года обучения, на основании которой студент допускается к устному экзамену.

Содержание экзамена по английскому языку за I курс:

  1. Чтение и письменный перевод со словарем адаптированного про­фессионально – ориентированного текста в объеме 1200 печатных знаков.

  2. Ответы на вопросы преподавателя по содержанию текста.

  3. Участие в диалоге по ролевой карточке. Тема диалога соответст­вует речевым ситуациям, к участию в которых студенты подго­тавливались в течение учебного года. Студенты должны обме­няться 8 –10 репликами и выполнить коммуникативные задачи диалога, поставленные в ролевой карте.

Пример типового экзаменационного билета для 1 курса (РГБ, ФУ, ЭФ очного отделения)

  1. Read and translate the text using the dictionary.

Meeting with a potential customer

If you set up a visit with a potential customer the first thing, which you'll have to ask, is how he heard about you. There are many ways in which he could do so. One of them is seeing goods on display at some exhibition or knowing about your firm from advertising. If your are involved in manufacturing machinery of some kind, for example, your possible sales technique is to get machine installed in a factory and then invite other people to see it working.

If you are going to look for a partner in overseas markets, you've got to offer a product with high performance. High quality and reasonable and firm prices can give you an edge over the competition. Latest products are usually rather attractive, but their developing will take some time. Perhaps, you’ll have to run up technical problems and do several design modifications.

2. Answer the teacher's questions on the text.

  1. Act out dialogues based on the following assignments.

№1a) Your name is Fokin(a) you represent Rosimport, You have just arrived in London on business. You are going to place a trial order with "Sinclair & Co". All the terms are acceptable to you expect the price for the refrigerators you are going to buy. Discuss this problem and ask for a quantity discount. Before you get down to business speak about your trip to London.

№1b) Your name is Lazer, you represent "Sinclair & Co". Mr(s) Fokin(a), a Russian businessman, is going to place a trial order for your refrigerators. Meet him in your office and discuss the terms of payment and delivery with him.

Your company provide shipping facilities and you can sell your goods either on CIF or FOB terms. Before the talks ask him about his trip to London and how he went through the customs.
По завершению изучения курса английского языка в конце III семестра студенты сдают экзамен, который предваряется итоговой письменной контрольной работой по лексико-грамматическому материалу курса английского языка специальности.

Содержание итогового устного экзамена по курсу «Английский язык»

  1. Чтение, письменный перевод со словарем профессионально – ориентированного текста объемом 1500-2000 печатных знаков, обсуждение его содержания на английском языке.

  2. Ознакомительное чтение и комментирование делового письма на английском языке.

  3. Устное изложение одной из изученных в течение курса тем по общеэкономической специальности.

Пример типового экзаменационного билета для 2 курса очного отделения

  1. Read and translate the text into Russian.


Marketing includes all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers. Sometimes it is called distribution. On the one hand, marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods and, on the other hand, a series of decisions you make during the process of moving goods from producer to user. Marketing operations include product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, selling, credit, traffic and marketing research.

The ability to recognize early trends is very important. Producers must know why, where, for what purpose the consumers buy. Market research helps the producer to predict what people will want. And through advertising he attempts to influence a customer to buy. Marketing operations are very expensive. They take up more than half of a consumer's dollar. The trend in the world has been to high mass consumption. The construction of good shopping centers has made goods available to consumers. It provided a wide range of merchandise and plenty of parking facilities.

  1. Comment on the business letter

Re: Your Offer of June 10, 20 ...

We thank you for your offer of June 10, 20 ... for 6 Machines Model K-100. We have carefully considered your offer and we are pleased to inform you that the efficiency of the Machines fully meets our requirements.

As to the terms of payment we cannot agree to them as they go against our usual practice. Our terms of payment are as follows:

Within 5 days upon receipt of your notification of readiness we will open in your favour an irrevocable Letter of Credit for 75 percent of the value of the goods intended for shipment. The balance of 25 percent will be paid after the expiration of the guarantee period.

Regarding the time of delivery we would like you to ship the goods in the middle of October.

If you agree to the terms of payment and the time of delivery proposed by us we will be pleased to send you our formal order by return.

Yours truly, ...

  1. Speak on the topic “Contracts in international trade”.

Пример типового экзаменационного билета для 1 курса очно-заочного отделения

1. Read the text and translate the passage from the text.
What is economics?

One of the things that people discover every day is that you can’t have everything. You are reminded of it every time you shop. Although you may see twenty or thirty items that you would really like to buy, you know that you will have to limit your selection to one or two. Everyone goes through life having to make choices.

Every business, even sports teams, must choose from among the things they would like to have because they cannot have everything. Governments, too, cannot have everything. Every year the most important political debates concern questions about spending taxpayers’ money.

Neither individuals nor societies can have all the things they would like to have. There simply is not enough of everything. Economists note that there is no limit to the amount or kinds of things that people want. There is, however, a limit to the resources, things used to produce goods and services, available to satisfy those wants. Once that limit is reached, nothing else can be produced. In other words, when nation’s resources (all its workers, factories, farms, etc.) are fully employed, the only way it will be able to increase the production of one thing will be by reducing the production of something else.
2. Answer the following questions:

  1. What are people reminded of every time they shop?

  2. Why do you have to limit your selection when you see lots of things to buy?

  3. Can government have everything?

  4. What is one of the most important political questions?

  5. What do economists note concerning the amount of things people want and the resources?

2. Speak on the topic: Discussing contract terms.

Пример экзаменационного билета для 2 курса очно-заочного отделения

    1. Read, translate and comment on the business letter.

Dear Sirs.

We saw your women’s dresses and suits in your October catalogue. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our market.

Would you kindly send us your quotation for spring and summer clothing that you could supply to us by the end of January next year.

We would require 2000 dresses and suits in each of the sizes 10 – 14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16. Please quote c.i.f. Chicago prices.

Payment is normally made by letter of credit.

Thank you for an early reply.

Very truly yours,

    1. Speak on the topic “Discussing Tests & Packing”

7. Вопросы для подготовки к экзамену/зачету

Book 1.

Lesson 1

  1. What do you usually do in your office in the morning?

  2. What matters do you usually discuss with foreign businessmen?

  3. What companies do you sell your goods to?

Lesson 2

  1. Do your goods always meet the requirements of your customers?

  2. Speak on the goods you sell.

  3. Speak on the talks you're going to have.

Lesson 6

  1. Do you often give a discount to your Buyers?

  2. What discount do you usually give?

  3. Does your discount always suit the Buyers?

  4. When cаn the Seller give you a discount on the price?

  5. On what terms do you deliver the goods to customers?

  6. Can foreign Companies always accept your delivery terms?

  7. What terms of payment suit you, as a rule?

  8. What details must you clarify during the talks?

  9. When can you sign a contract with the Co?

Lesson 7

  1. Why do people make reservations for flights in advance?

  2. When do you have to pay customs duty?

  3. What things are liable to duty?

Book 2

Lesson 3

  1. What kind of goods does your Co deal in?

  2. Do your goods meet your customers' requirements?

  3. On what terms do you usually deliver your goods? Why?

  4. When do you usually sell goods on CIF (FOB) terms?

  5. Why do you agree sometimes to take part deliveries?

Lesson 7

  1. Why do many companies improve their models very often?

  2. Why does the Buyer want to visit the manufacturing plant as a rule?

  3. When are you satisfied with your transactions?

  4. How do you choose the Co which you'll sell your goods to?

  5. Do the Buyers always find prices reasonable or do they sometimes find them high?

  6. What do you usually do if the Buyers don't want to accept prices?

  7. What are your regular terms of payment?

  8. What is a trial order?

  9. Do the sellers usually give a discount to customers for trial orders?

  10. When do the sellers give a discount to their customers?

Lesson 9

  1. Is it convenient to travel overnight?

  2. Why does the Buyer sometimes ask to give him drawings of the latest model?

  3. Are your goods popular abroad? Why?

  4. How do your goods compare with the goods of foreign companies?

  5. What shops would you visit at a manufacturing plant? Why?

  6. What can you see in different shops?

  7. How does the latest model compare with the previous one?

Book 3

Lesson 2

  1. What kind of stand can impress you when you visit an exhibition ?

  2. Why are exhibitions & fairs growing in size from year to year?

  3. Why do we say that every exhibition is a good method to advertise different goods?

  4. Why do fairs & exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of peace & friendship among different nations?

  5. What's the purpose of arranging fairs & exhibitions?

  6. Why do foreign companies show interest in the exhibition which are held in Russia?

  7. Why is it necessary to have efficient stand attendants at exhibitions?

Lesson 4

  1. Why does the seller have sometimes to develop special features in their goods?

  2. Why does the Buyer often want the seller to quote FOB terms of delivery?

  3. Why is it necessary for our trading organizations to be in close touch with the world market?

  4. What info can Buyers find in offers ?

  5. In what case do the Buyers agree to increase an order?

  6. In what cases are prices increased?

  7. IN what cases can a discount be given?

  8. In what cases can't the seller offer goods for prompt delivery?

  9. Are orders usually placed with the companies who give the lowest prices?

  10. Can the seller always meet the Buyer's quantity requirements?

Lesson 6

  1. Why are leaflets often enclosed with offers?

  2. Why does the Buyer want the guarantee period to be extended?

  3. Why does the seller arrange service visits of their engineers after the guarantee period?

  4. Are leaflets and catalogues supplied to the Buyer only in the case of the first transactions or regularly? Why?

  5. What kind of into do leaflets provide?

  6. What kind of offers do Buyers find attractive?

  7. What points do the Buyers look into before they accept an offer?

  8. In what cases are export prices revised?

  9. What are the seller's obligations during the guarantee period?

  10. What is the Buyer responsible for during the guarantee period?

  11. In what cases can the guarantee period be extended?

  12. Why must faulty parts be replaced urgently?

  13. In what case are defects in the equipment corrected during the guarantee period at the Buyer's expense?

  14. Is it necessary for large and popular companies to advertise their goods through leaflets & catalogues?

Lesson 8

  1. Why does the Buyer sometimes ask to quote for spare parts?

  2. What info is included in specifications? When do the sellers usually enclose specifications with offers?

  3. What kind of document is a Bill of Lading? Why is it very important?

  4. What does the validity period of an offer mean?

  5. When is it necessary for the Buyer's inspectors to present at the test at the seller's plant?

  6. When can tests be carried out without the Buyer's inspectors?

  7. What kind of document is a Notification of Readiness for Tests? Why is it to be sent to the Buyer in advance?

  8. What kind of document is a Test Report?

  9. What kind of document is a Release Note for Shipment? Why are the sellers interested in getting a Release Note for Shipment without delay?

  10. Why do the sellers always have to pay special attention to packing?

Book 4

Lesson 1

  1. What considerations are usually taken into account when an enquiry is sent?

  2. What points does an enquiry include?

  3. Are enquiries usually sent to one or a few different firms?

Lesson 3

  1. How are offers initiated?

  2. What items are usually included in an offer?

  3. Are prospective Buyers usually invited to inspect the equipment before the contract is signed?

  4. Do offers usually contain an element of advertising?

  5. What factors determine a discount?
1   ...   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16

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