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Английский язык (Методичка). Протокол 2006 г. Председатель Фролова О. А., Попова М. Г. Английский язык

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Test III

Book IV (Les. 6, 7), Book V (Les. 1, 3)

I. Translate into Russian

  1. to install equipment

  2. to issue a Certificate

  3. to improve the design

  4. particular goods

  5. to wave the inspection

  6. to prove to be defective

II. Supply the prepositions where necessary.

  1. The damage…the equipment occurred…transit.

  2. We are concerned … the progress … the order.

  3. They didn’t fulfill their obligations … respect … the delivery dates.

  4. We’ve come … conclusion that your inspector should be present … the test.

  5. The Seller is to notify … the Buyer … the readiness … the goods … inspection.

  6. We insured the goods … full value … marine risks.

  7. A Release certificate was issued … accordance … appendix 1 … the contract.

III. Translate into English.

  1. Контракт составляет основу сделки между покупателем и продавцом.

  2. Мы хотим уведомить Вас, что акт приемки был подписан после испытаний.

  3. Какова дата вступления соглашения в силу?

  4. Упаковка, пригодная для морской перевозки обеспечит сохранность товаров.

  5. Мы получили согласие поставить судно под погрузку.

  6. В заключение я хочу рассказать о конструкции наших станков.

  7. Маркировка должна быть сделана несмываемой краской на двух сторонах ящика.

IV. Use the correct form of Conditionals.

  1. If the goods were up to the sample the buyers (to have) the right to cancel the order.

  2. If you (to accept) our terms, we would send you our contract form next month.

  3. We (to sell out) these presses if we had started the publicity campaign a few months ago.

  4. If the volume of the contract (to be increased), we would have been able to get a 5 %discount last month.

Test 4

Book V, les 4,5,6
I Translate into Russian.

  1. well-grounded claim

  2. to infringe laws

  3. wrong address

  4. to reject an offer

  5. the responsible party

  6. to withdraw a claim

  7. essential element

  8. to meet the deadline

II Supply the prepositions where necessary.

1. They postponed the execution … the contract …three month.

2. The Sellers claimed … money … the Buyers.

3. The award … the International Commercial Arbitration Court is final and binding … both parties.

4. Owing … unforeseen circumstances they suffered loses.

5. We reminded our parties … dispute that it is very difficult to meet … the deadline.
III Translate into English

  1. Г-н Блейк предъявил нашей фирме претензию на сумму в 1000 долларов.

  2. Неуплата была необоснованной, и потерпевшая сторона потребовала возместить ей потерю.

  3. Отсрочка поставщиков не должна превышать 3 недели.

  4. Нам придется передать спор на рассмотрение в арбитраж.

  5. Серьезные нарушения в выполнении контракта привели к неполной поставке товара.

  6. Ответственная сторона убедила нас отозвать претензию.

IV Translate into Russian

Dear Sir,

We are sorry to have to inform you that in the consignment of equipment we have received against the above Contract there are several broken cases and some machines are damaged.

We are sending you the report signed by our inspectors from which you will see the extent of the damage.

So we ask you to transfer to our account the sum of the penalty.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

V/O Techmashimport

6.3. Контрольные работы для заочного отделения

I. Перепишите предложения, употребив глагол
tobe в PresentSimple:

  1. Mr. Watson (to be) Marketing Manager.

  2. I(to be) his assistant.

  3. ...(to be) you very busy?

  4. She (not to be) our secretary, she (to be) a typist.

  5. It (to be) a computer programme.

  6. We (to be) from the Russian Trade Delegation.

  7. Our chief (to be) 39 years old.

  8. ...(to be) you a hotel receptionist?

  9. ...(to be) it a new price-list?

  10. ...(to be) they your regular customers?

II. Напишите следующие предложения
во множественном числе:

  1. That office is old.

  2. Who is that man?

  3. That is his order.

  4. This postman delivers letters.

  5. Do you know this manager?

  6. This is an interesting offer.

  7. This man is a manager.

  8. That house is old.

  9. The key is on this table.

  10. This is a lovely city.

III. Опишите офис компании, используя данную информацию. Составьте предложения
с there is/there are, there is not/ there are not:

Образец: 5 desks Yes

Ответ: There are 5 desks in the office.

A mirror


4 computers


A carpet on the floor


A printer


6 chairs


A big window


IV. Заполните пропуски с помощью some, any или no:

  1. Are there..........letters for me?

  2. She is receiving...........visitors at the moment.

  3. The room is empty. There is ................furniture in it.

  4. It’s so hot! Would you like..........juice?

  5. .............German firms are going to do business with our company.

  6. I am very busy. I have.... time to speak to you now.

  7. We have not got ...orders for these goods today.

  8. Could you give me .............tea?

  9. Are they looking through...........price-lists now?

  10. There are not.........contracts here.

V. Употребите, где нужно, глагол tohave или оборот havegot:
1) I usually… lunch at 2 o’clock.

2) Excuse me, can I ..........a look at your order, please?

3) Our secretary likes to keep fit, so she..........a swim every day.

4) I ...some letters. Would you like to read?

5) Do you...enough experience?
VI. Употребите данные в скобках глаголы во времени Present Simple или Present Continuous:

  1. She (to talk) to him on the phone right now.

  2. We normally (not to hold) our conference in Spain.

  3. Our Sales Manader usually (to deal) with important clients.

  4. The delegation (to stay) at the Hilton until Friday.

  5. … he often (to visit) the plant?

  6. Our manager (not to write) a report at the moment.

  7. This company (to produce) new equipment.

  8. … they (to discuss) the terms of delivery now?

  9. I always (to check) my e-mail first thing in the morning.

  10. We (to develop) a new marketing strategy now.

VII. Заполните пропуски словами much, many или alotof:
1) How...........machines do you want to buy?

2) I haven’t got...........time, but I’ll try to help you.

3) She meets..............customers every day.

4) Do you know..............people in this company?

5) This client always asks ...........questions.
VIII. Заполните пропуски, используя little/a little, few/ a few:

  1. We have..............customers in New York and we send them orders every month.

  2. If you think... you can give me the right answer.

  3. I know..............hotels in this town. All of them are very good.

  4. The secretary usually makes...........appointments for Friday.

  5. ...............Russian people speak Japanese.

  6. I am very busy. I have…time to speak to you.

IX. Задайте вопросы к следующим репликам:
Пример: Yes, Jim is a manager.

Ответ: Is Jim a manager?

  1. Our company has many orders this year.

  2. No, we are not busy now.

  3. I usually send letters by fax.

  4. Yes, she always stays with her chief at the meeting.

  5. Tom knows about it, not Bill.

  6. They are in Italy, not in Spain.

  7. He is a very good manager, not a bad one.

  8. It is easy to do it, not difficult.

  9. It is the right answer, not a wrong one.

X. Закончите следующие вопросительные предложения:

  1. He doesn’t want to discuss this matter with us,...............?

  2. They are already here,......................?

  3. We are going to discuss the offer right now,....................?

  4. It is their new catalogue,.................?

  5. They are already here,…?

  6. They are discussing the details of the contract, ...............?

  7. There is a lot of furniture in our office, …..?

  8. He is sure of it,….?

  9. They never agree with us,…?

  10. He has got the necessary papers,..?

XI. Перепишите текст, вставляя подходящие по смыслу местоимения:
(I, me, my) work for Baker Publication Limited. (It, its) is an old family firm.(We,us, our) start (our ,us) work at nine. Mr.Baker is (we, us, our) Managing Director. (He, him, his) usually comes to the office at 10 o’clock. (Him, his, her) secretary Sheila is young but (she, her, hers) already has qualifications and (her, she, he) speaks several foreign languages. (We, us, our) company specialises in publishing biographies. Many of (their, them, they) have very interesting foreign versions.

(We, us, our) office is in the center of New York. (It, its, his) windows are large and (it, its) is very light. (Mine, my, me) colleagues and (I, me, my) like (we, us, our) workplace.
XII. Письменно переведите текст и дайте ответы на вопросы:
Mr.Svetlov is the director of TST Systems. The company is very large. They sell chemical equipment to many companies. Many customers come to TST Systems to discuss business matters with the managers of the company. They usually discuss prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery. Now Mr.Svetlov is speaking on the phone and making an appointment with Italian businessmen. They are interested in the new model of chemical equipment and want to discuss the terms of the contract.

The Italian businessmen are going to visit Moscow next month and to have talks with TST Systems. Mr.Svetlov sent them a contract form yesterday. He wants to show them the new model of chemical equipment. Together with the Italian businessmen Mr.Svetlov is going to visit the plant outside Moscow.

  1. What goods does TST Systems sell?

  2. What is Mr.Svetlov?

  3. What is he doing now?

  4. What companies does TST Systems do business with?

  5. What matters do customers discuss with the managers of the company?

  6. When are the Italian businessmen going to visit Moscow?

  7. What are the Italian businessmen interested in?

  8. When did Mr.Svetlov send a contract form?

Контрольная работа 2

I. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Continuous или Future Simple:

  1. I (not come) to the plant tomorrow.

  2. I think Tina (go) on business to Italy next week..

  3. … you (have) talks the day after tomorrow?

  4. Maybe, I (stay) at home next Sunday.

  5. The representatives of Simpson and Co. (not arrive) tonight.

  6. Do you think you (sign) the contract next Friday?

  7. Who (leave) for London this afternoon?

  8. When you (meet) Mr. Bell?

  9. He (not work) today.

  10. I am sure their manager (come) to our office tomorrow.

II. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:

  1. The Managing Director told us about the change of his plans.

  2. My boss phoned me yesterday.

  3. We were on a business trip last month.

  4. They have just discussed the terms of the contract.

  5. The secretary has sent the documents by air mail.

  6. In June we will produce two new models.

  7. They will accept our offer.

  8. The hotel was very expensive.

  9. They had a meeting the day before yesterday.

  10. The plane for Moscow left on time.

III. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильную форму глагола:

  1. Yesterday I phoned/ I’ve phoned the bank about my credit.

  2. I work/ have worked here since the end of the last year.

  3. Your taxi has just arrived/ just arrived.

  4. We’re enjoying our trip. We have made/ made a lot of useful contacts.

  5. I’ve seen/ saw Hugh Hopper a few days ago.

  6. We went/ have been to an interesting seminar last week.

  7. During the previous talks they agreed/ have agreed to lower the prices.

  8. Have you looked/ did you look through the latest catalogue yet?

  9. I’m afraid Patrizia left/ has left the office an hour ago.

  10. I’m afraid Patrizia isn’t here- she left/ has left the office.

IV. Составьте предложения с модальными глаголами:

Образец:: you/ to/ write/ a letter/ can/ Mr. Dunn/ now?- Can you write a letter to Mr. Dunn now?

  1. look through/ every/ the secretary/ morning/ must/ the mail.

  2. now/ with/ I/ make/ can’t/ Mr. Green/ an appointment.

  3. they/ the talks/ must/ at 11/ begin.

  4. the room/ I/ leave/ may?

  5. show/ our/ can/ Mr. Blake/ you/ quotation?

  6. he/ must/ the office/ go/ to/ day/ every?

  7. study/ catalogue/ may/ this/ I?

  8. send/ mustn’t / the contract/ you/ today

  9. discuss/ I/ now/ can’t/ the matter.

  10. invite/ the businessmen/ you/ to/ may/ the conference room.

V. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени:

  1. От прилагательных: old, expensive, good, cheap, modern, bad.

  2. От наречий: late, carefully, slowly, badly, long, early.

VI. Заполните пропуски, употребляя местоимения: somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody:

  1. She said something but I didn’t understand it.

  2. Is there … you’d like to clarify?

  3. I’m afraid there is … wrong with your order.

  4. Will … help me with these documents?

  5. … must go to the airport to meet Mr. White.

  6. There is … interesting for us in this catalogue. Don’t take it.

  7. Would you like … to drink?

  8. It was rather late, there was … in the office.

  9. Have you heard … about their equipment?

  10. … liked the visit to the plant, it was very interesting.

VII. Перепишите предложения, употребив правильные предлоги:

  1. We are interested … receiving offers … British companies.

  2. Their telephone equipment is … high quality. It meets the requirements … their customers.

  3. Can I speak … Mr. Petrov, please? - Yes, I’m putting you … .

  4. We agree to accept payment … collection.

  5. Our machines are … great demand … this price.

  6. He was 10 minutes late … the meeting.

  7. We can agree … this discount.

  8. We can’t agree … the Sellers that their price is attractive.

  9. Three months ago Rossimport received an enquiry … compressors … their customers.

  10. Is it convenient … you to have talks … them?

VIII. Прочтите текст. Переведите абзац № 2 письменно:
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