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  • Английский язык (Методичка). Протокол 2006 г. Председатель Фролова О. А., Попова М. Г. Английский язык

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    Lesson 4

    1. What do contracts guarantee?

    2. What groups can contracts be divided into?

    3. What important items do contracts cover?

    4. What are the main items of the above contract?

    5. In what way is payment to be made under the contract?

    6. What kind of Letter of Credit is to be opened by the Buyer?

    7. When is the Letter of Credit to be opened by the Buyer?

    8. For what value is payment to be made?

    9. How long is the Letter of Credit to be valid?

    10. In what case do the contracting parties have the right to renegotiate the price?

    11. Why do the Sellers sometimes have an option to ship 5% more or less of the stated quantity of the goods?

    12. In what case are the Buyers supposed to extend the Letter of Credit?

    13. Why does the contract state the right of both parties to renegotiate the price?

    14. What factors can affect the prices for the goods (e.g. asbestos, equipment, coffee, nylon, chemical, etc.)?

    15. What can affect the construction of projects?

    16. What factors can affect the production capacity of the plant (the delivery schedule, production programme, etc)?

    17. What factors may affect the prices on the market?

    18. What information does a shipping schedule contain?

    19. When are shipping schedules drawn up?

    20. Do Buyers easily agree to later deliveries?

    21. Do Sellers often propose to change the port of shipment?

    22. Is there any difference between an order or a contract?

    23. Why is it important to draw up contracts in foreign trade? In what way do they protect the interests of the partners? What information is usually contained in contracts?

    24. Who charters a vessel if goods are sold on FOB terms? What terms of delivery do Russian import (export) organizations practice?

    25. What kind of Letter of Credit do Buyers of Russian goods usually open? With what bank do they open their Letter of Credit? How long may the Letter of Credit be valid?

    26. Do businessmen sometimes have to renegotiate the price stipulated in the contract? What factors can affect the prices on the market?

    Lesson 5

    1. Why do Buyers often visit Sellers' premises before (after) a contract is signed?

    2. What clauses of the contract are more liable to changes?

    3. What is the procedure of making amendments to contracts?

    4. With what countries are our trading organizations doing business?

    5. Are many contracts made every year?

    6. Are the amendments often made to these contracts?

    7. In what cases are amendments, alterations and modifications made?

    8. Is a lot of work done before a contract is concluded? Support your point.

    9. Do Sellers often extend invitations to visit their premises?

    10. How are programmes for visits worked out?

    11. Why are visit programmes sometimes modified?

    12. Are Buyers invited to Sellers' premises more often before or after the Contract has been signed? For what purpose are they invited?

    13. What arrangements are usually made before specialists come to the Sellers' premises?

    14. Are Sellers usually willing to show our people round their premises? Why?

    15. Do businessmen always send letters to express thanks for the hospitality shown to them?

    Lesson 6

    1. Why do the sellers inform the Buyers of their decision to raise the prices?

    2. Why do the Sellers indicate the exact date when the new prices will come into force?

    3. What factors affect the price?

    4. Why are visits necessary for the promotion of business?

    5. Which party usually arranges the programme of the visit?

    6. At whose expense are visit arranged?

    7. Why are Buyers interested in visiting plants?

    Book 5

    Lesson 1

    1. Which clause of the contract seems most important? Give your reasons.

    2. In what way can each of the clauses be amended?

    3. For what reasons can Buyers sometimes delay the visit of inspectors?

    4. In what cases do Buyers waive inspection?

    5. What are the main clauses of the Contract?

    6. What manners of payment are practiced by importing and exporting trade organizations?

    7. Why is the guarantee sum often stipulated in the contract?

    8. Is the time of delivery subject to changes?

    9. What is the importance of inspection and testing?

    10. When and where are inspections and tests carried out?

    11. When do Buyers waive the inspection of the goods purchased?

    Lesson 2

    1. For what purpose are amendments added to contracts?

    2. What documents are usually presented for payment?

    3. What is the procedure of issuing a Release Note for Shipment?

    Lesson 3

    153. Why is the second date indicated in the guarantee period?

    1. Against what risks are goods usually insured?

    2. Why must shipments be insured?

    3. What kind of document is a Letter of Guarantee?

    4. When are Sellers not responsible for the quality of the goods during the guarantee period?

    5. What information do Guarantee Clauses usually contain?

    6. On what factors do Sellers' guarantees depend?

    7. Why are two dates specified in the Guarantee Clause of contracts for equipment?

    8. What are usual responsibilities of Sellers in respect of packing and marking?

    9. What packing problems may arise in the course of executing orders?

    10. Why should extra care be taken to mark the shipments properly?

    11. How are export shipments insured?

    Lesson 4

    1. Why is it preferable to settle claims in an amicable way?

    2. Why is it wrong policy to reject an unjustified claims off-hand?

    3. When do Buyers make claims on Sellers in connection with short-shipment?

    4. When do Sellers make claims on Buyers? What penalty do they claim in case of default of payment?

    5. Do Buyers make claims on Sellers when they receive the wrong goods? What does the sum claimed depend on?

    6. When does the dissatisfied partly claim compensation?

    7. When does the Buyer have the right to claim a penalty?

    8. What penalty can be claimed for the first 4 weeks of delay?

    9. Does the Buyer have the right to claim a higher penalty after a month's delay? What does it amount to?

    10. What is the maximum penalty that can be claimed?

    11. Do claims connected with short-delivery often arise in business?

    12. Do force majeure clauses cover such complications as government decrees?

    13. What are the usual responsibilities of Sellers in respect of packing and marking?

    14. Why should claims be properly documented?

    15. How can the Buyers refund the charges incurred through the fault of the Sellers?

    16. Why do claims frequently arise in business?

    17. What claims are made by Buyers (Sellers)?

    18. How are claims classified?

    19. How should a justified claim be documented?

    20. What can the responsible party undertake after receiving the claim?

    21. What are the ways of handling justified claims?

    22. When do the parties in dispute resort to arbitration?

    Lesson 5

    1. What losses could be involved in the execution of the order?

    2. Who can cover travelling expenses?

    3. Do the parties concerned often refer their disputes to an arbitration commission?

    4. When do foreign companies refer disputes to the Russian Foreign Trade Arbitration commission?

    Lesson 6

    1. Do claims connected with shortage of goods often arise in foreign trade practice?

    2. What usually causes shortage of goods delivered?

    3. How can claims affect the relationship between trading partners?

    4. Why do businessmen try to avoid referring clams to Arbitration?

    5. Does any delay on the part of the packers and shipping company release the major contractor from his responsibility?

    Lesson 7

    1. What course of action would the Sellers take if the findings of the commission were correct?

    2. What might be the cause of overdue payment?

    3. What may be the reasons for cancelling the visit of the Sellers' expert?

    8. Учебно-методическое обеспечение дисциплины

    8.1. Литература


    1.Дудкина Г.А. Павлова М.В. “English for businessmen” части 1-5


    1. Кардович. И.К. «Fundamental of Commerce», издательство -Москва, 2003.

    2. Язык внешнеторговой деятельности. Дубова О.Б., Коробова Е.В., Фролова О.А. МГУК, 2001.

    1. Любимцева С.Н., Коренева В.Н. Курс английского языка для финансистов М., «ГИС»,2001.

    2. Кожанова А.Г., Овчаренко Г.П. «Учимся читать деловой английский». М., МГУК,2000.

    3. Овчаренко Г.П., Кожанова А.Г. “Topics on business”. МГУК, 2001

    4. Фролова О.А. «Язык менеджмента», МГУК, 1999.

    5. Рыжков В.Д. «Менеджмент (пособие по изучению делового английского языка)» Калининград, 2003

    6. Гуманова Ю.А. «Just English», издательство «Гуманитарное знание», 1996.

    7. MacKenzie I. English for Business Studies and Economics students. Camridge University Press, 1999

    8. Iwonna Dubicka and Margaret O’Keefe «English for International Tourism», издательство Longman, 2003.

    9. David Cotton «Business Class», Longman, 1999.

    10. Graham Tullis «New Insights into Business», издательство Longman, 2003.

    11. Raymond Murphy "English Grammar in Use" – New Edition Cambridge University Press, 2002.

    8.2. Материально-техническое и информационное обеспечение дисциплины.


      1. Аудиокурс к учебнику “English for businessmen” Дудкина Г.А., Павлова М.В. части 1-5

      2. Аудиоматериал к учебнику “Insights into Business” (Mibannon) Longman


    1. Видео-курсы: Comfort J. Effective Presentations, Effective Meetings, Effective Negotiations. Oxford University Press, 2005.

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