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Навигация по странице:

  • I. Find English equivalents

  • II. Make up sentences using the following words

  • III. Fill in prepositions if necessary

  • IV. Choose the correct tense form of the predicate

  • V. Choose the correct form of the pronouns

  • V. Choose the correct form of the indefinite pronoun

  • Lesson 6 I. Find English equivalents

  • V. Choose one of the modal verbs

  • Lesson 7 I. Find English equivalents

  • V. Choose the correct translation of the underlined verbs and translate the sentences

  • Book 2 Lesson 1

  • Английский язык (Методичка). Протокол 2006 г. Председатель Фролова О. А., Попова М. Г. Английский язык

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    Рабочая тетрадь студента

    кафедра английского языка

    по дисциплине ____________________
    СТУДЕНТА _____________________________

    (фамилия, имя, отчество )

    Институт (филиал) ______________________

    Специальность (направление) подготовки _____________________

    Курс ___________________________________

    Группа _________________________________
    ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЬ ____________________________________________

    (фамилия, имя, отчество, уч. степень, уч. звание)

    Book 1

    Lesson 1

    I. Find English equivalents:

    1) проводить переговоры; 2) последнее событие; 3) приемщик; 4) условия отгрузки; 5) в Российском торгпредстве; 6) торговать с кем-либо;
    7) просматривать что-либо; 8) условия отгрузки, доставки и платежа;
    9) обсуждать деловые вопросы по телефону; 10) запрос на химическое оборудование; 11) договариваться о встрече; 12) продавать новую модель;
    13) Блейк у телефона; 14) быть заинтересованным в чем-либо.
    II. Make up sentences using the following words:

    1) come 1) Blake and Co 1) appointments

    2) business 2) talks 2) businessmen

    3) a lot of 3) is 3) the secretary

    4) to discuss 4) the representatives 4) with

    5) customers 5) having 5) usually

    6) matters 6) Manager 6) foreign

    7) office 7) the 7) makes

    8) to 8) with

    9) the 9) Sales

    10) of
    III. Fill in prepositions if necessary:

    1. Our firm is interested … buying equipment … Smith and Johnson … a price … 500$ … unit.

    2. Mr. Petrov made an appointment … Mr. Wilson … Friday ... 10 … the morning.

    3. … the afternoon I usually look … the mail.

    4. They discussed the terms … shipment, payment and delivery … the phone … last Monday.

    5. The latest model … computers was sold … the British company … the exhibition.
    IV. Choose the correct tense form of the predicate:

    1. The inspector … to the plant next week .

    a) comes b) will come c) is coming

    2. The director … when the journalist phoned him.

    a) had talks b) will be having talks c) was having talks

    3. Mr. White usually … through letters and telexes every day.

    a) is looking b) looks c) has looked

    4. Mr. Voronin … the representatives of the French firm when he was in Paris.

    a) was meeting b) had met c) met

    5. The engineers … Moscow for London tomorrow morning.

    a) are leaving b) will leave c) will have left

    V. Choose the correct form of the pronouns:

    1. When the businessmen arrived Mr. Frolov received … in the office.

    a) him b) them c) their

    2. After receiving the enquiry the chief engineer read … attentively.

    a) it b) them c) its

    3. The secretary looked through the faxes and put … on the desk.

    a) their b) them c) it

    4. The businessman made an appointment with the director for Tuesday at 9 and the secretary asked … not to be late.

    a) it b) them c) him

    5. Mrs. Harold Brown couldn’t come on time and everybody had to wait for …

    a) her b) hers c) him

    Lesson 3

    I. Find English equivalents:

    1) быть высокого качества; 2) тщательно изучить; 3) отвечать требованиям; 4)типовой контракт; 5) заказ на оборудование; 6) начать производство новой модели; 7) получить много заказов; 8) быть заинтересованным в покупке новой модели; 9) ожидать кого-либо; 10) получить запрос на новую модель.
    II. Make up sentences using the following words:

    1. of 1. in 1. 1996

    2. to meet 2. room 2. started

    3. both 3. conference 3. machines

    4. would 4. was 4. plant

    5. to discuss 5. the 5. the

    6. like 6. Mr. Ivanov 6. in

    7. the terms of 7. waiting 7. producing

    8. companies 8. me

    9. the representatives 9. for

    10. payment
    III. Fill in prepositions if necessary:

    1. This firm not only sells equipment ... many countries ... Europe, but also buys different goods ... them.

    2. Our machines have always been ... high quality and have always met ... the requirements ... our customers.

    3. ... this week our British partners have received an offer ... the latest model ... computers.

    4. They have started producing ... a new type ... machine tools ... lately.

    5. We got interested ... buying 50 compressors ... our partners ... the East.
    IV. Choose the correct tense form of the predicate:

    1. When ... you ... the latest catalogues?

    a) have ... bought b) did ... bought c) did ... buy

    2. We ... just ... your offer for the new goods.

    a) have ... studied b) had ... studied c) studied ...

    3. Not long ago Mr. Carter ... the contract with our firm.

    a) has signed b) signed c) will sign

    4. They ... a lot of new pumps in the past few days.

    a) saw b) had seen c) have seen

    5. How long ... you ... in London and when are you going to leave for Moscow?

    a) were b) have ... been c) are ...
    V. Choose the correct form of the indefinite pronoun:

    1. Have you got ... profitable contracts with foreign companies?

    a) some b) anything c) any

    2. She has just brought ... new leaflets.

    a) some b) something c) any

    3. ... new model will suit us, as we have been good partners for a long time and are sure that all of them are of high quality.

    a) no d) any b) some

    4. Would you like to have ... more coffee?

    a) any b) some c) something

    5. The engineers didn't see ... good catalogues at the plant.

    a) any b) no c) some
    Lesson 6

    I. Find English equivalents:

    1) выяснять подробности; 2) иметь много заказов; 3) спрос на товары;
    4) принять платеж в форме инкассо; 5) требовать товар; 6) как можно скорее; 7) соглашаться на что-либо, с кем-либо; 8) доставить товар кому-либо;
    9) приемлемая цена; 10) пользоваться большим спросом; 11) вопрос цены;
    12) подписать контракт; 13) условия СИФ, ФОБ.
    II. Make up sentences using the following words:

    1. agreed 1. seemed 1. for

    2. collection 2. the price 2. a

    3. for 3. to 3. there

    4. to 4. the discount 4. goods

    5. payment 5. us 5. is

    6. Buyers 6. on 6. demand

    7. the 7. attractive 7. these

    8. heavy
    III. Fill in prepositions if necessary:

    1. After the Buyers and the Sellers had agreed ... the terms ... payment, they started discussing the other matters ... detail.

    2. As the plant was heavy ... orders ... that time we had to place our orders ... another company and so we couldn't deliver the goods ... our customers ... time.

    3. The Sellers didn't agree ... us and refused to give our company a 5% discount ... the price and it didn't suit ... us.

    4. Their goods were selling very well ... that price as there was a great demand ... such kind ... equipment ... the world market.

    5. ... last year our partners could give us a discount ... 10% so we could sign the contract ... any delay.
    IV. Choose the correct tense form of the predicate:

    1. The fact is that last month our compressors ... in greater demand than this month.

    a) have been b) had been с) were

    2. The inspectors ... already ... all the matters and can sign the documents now.

    a) have ... clarified b) clarified ... c) had ... clarified

    3. I ... not ... the contract yet, so I must consult my people to give you a definite answer.

    a) did ... see b) ... saw c) have ... seen

    4. The British company ... to sell the goods FOB English port and it suited our Sales Manager.

    a) has agreed b) agreed c) had agreed

    5. ... you ever ... contracts without studying the terms of delivery?

    a) did ... sign b) had ... signed c) have ... signed
    V. Choose one of the modal verbs:

    1. As Mr. Blake was speaking on the phone I ... to wait till the conversation was over.

    a) must b) could c) had

    2. The representative of Johnson and Co is sure he ... to convince his partner to give him a 3% discount.

    a) may b) can d) will be able

    3. According to the contract the firm ... to deliver the goods on CIF terms.

    a) was b) could c) had

    4. I think you ... study the agreement more closely to give an extensive answer.

    a) have b) are c) should

    5.Mr. Voronin says that Mr. Blake ... come to the office at any time he likes.

    a) can b) has to c) must

    Lesson 7

    I. Find English equivalents:

    1) без задержки;2) зарегистрироваться на рейс; 3) зал ожидания; 4) ждать объявления; 5) заказать билет на самолет; 6) прибывать в Лондон; 7) внести дополнительную плату; 8) посадочный талон; 9) садиться в самолет;
    10) справочное бюро; 11) забрать ручную кладь; 12) заранее.
    II. Make up sentences using the following words:

    1. not 1. over 1. hurried

    2. the train 2. off 2. boarding

    3. the station 3. Heathrow 3. the plane

    4. Mr. Petrov 4. the world 4. the clerk

    5. to miss 5. planes 5. to

    6. came 6. land 6. had given

    7. advance 7. from 7. pass

    8. to 8. and 8. me

    9. in 9. day 9. I

    10. take 10. the

    11. every 11. after

    12. all
    III. Fill in prepositions if necessary:

    1. ... a few days the engineers ... Rossexport are leaving ... Moscow ... London.

    2. The customers arrived ... Paris ... the 8 o'clock train but still they were late ... the talks.

    3. The manager arrived ... the airport ... advance, checked ... , and went ... gate 4.

    4. In order not to pay ... an extra charge Mr. Belov took ... a couple ... catalogues and put his luggage ... the scales again.

    5. A lot of passengers get ... and ... planes ... Sheremetyevo every day.
    IV. Choose the correct tense form of the predicate:

    1. The train ... at 9 tomorrow.

    a) will start b) starts c) is starting

    2. I ... on a business trip next month.

    a) will go b)go c) am going

    3. The film ... at 10 tonight.

    a) begins b) will begin c) is beginning

    4. The secretary ... to the office at 8 on week days.

    a) is coming b) had come c) comes

    5. Tomorrow ... Sunday.

    a) is b) will be c) is going to be
    V. Choose the correct translation of the underlined verbs and translate the sentences:

    1. Согласно графику наш представитель завтра проводит переговоры с заказчиками.

    a) is having talks b) will have talks c) has talks

    2. Когда я вошел в комнату, главный бухгалтер как раз просматривал счета.

    a) looked through b) had looked through c) was looking through

    3. Директор компании собирается переоборудовать сборочный цех.

    a) reequips b) is going to reequip c) reequipped

    4. Я не могу пойти с тобой на конференцию, т. к. в это время я встречаю Тома в аэропорту.

    a) will meet b) met c) am meeting

    5. Судно заходит в порт для ремонта каждые полгода.

    a) calls at b) is calling at c) has called at

    Book 2

    Lesson 1

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