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    Глава 1: Ваша судьба в руках древних генов
    1. Dariush Mozaffarian, Tao Hao, Eric B. Rimm, и другие., «Changes in Diet and Lifestyle and Long-Term Weight Gain in
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    2. Daphna Rothschild, Omer Weissbrod, Elad Barkan, и другие., «Environment Dominates over Host Genetics in Shaping
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    3. Gaorui Bian, Gregory B. Gloor, Aihua Gong, и другие., «The Gut Microbiota of Healthy Aged Chinese Is Similar to
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    4. Elena Biagi, Claudio Franceschi, Simone Rampelli, и другие., «Gut Microbiota and Extreme Longevity,» Current
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    10. Jin Li, Shaoqiang Lin, Paul M. Vanhoutte, и другие., «Akkermansia Muciniphila Protects Against Atherosclerosis by
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    Глава 2: Защита и оборона
    1. Claudio Franceschi and Judith Campisi. «Chronic Inflammation (Inflammaging) and Its Potential Contribution to Age-
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