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  • б ) антонимы

  • Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

  • Exercise 2. Make a sentence out of the two parts

  • Exercise 4. Speak about

  • Exercise S. Read and smile.

  • Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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    Упражнение 27. Дайте для следующих слов:

    а) синонимы

    to start, movement, nowadays, quality, research, various, a means, manufacture, possess, to occur, consequently, numerous, spacecraft, to use, to substitute, certain;

    б) антонимы

    distant, to stop, few, to reduce, invaluable, unusual, dependence, minimum.

    Упражнение 28. Выберите английский эквивалент русского предложения из предлагаемых вариантов.

    1. Он должен идти домой.

    Не may go home. Не must go home. He had to go home.

    1. Он должен идти домой в 5 часов.

    Не must go home at 5 o’clock. He is to go home at 5 o’clock.

    He may go home at 5 o’clock.

    1. Он может идти домой в 5 часов.

    Не may go home at 5. He can go home at 5. He must go home at 5.

    1. Он должен будет идти домой раньше.

    Не must go home earlier. He should go home earlier. He will

    have to go home earlier.

    1. Ему следует идти домой.

    Не should go home. He may go home. He had to go home.

    1. Он может очень быстро ходить.

    Не can walk very quickly. Не will be able to walk very quickly. He could walk very quickly.

    1. Ему разрешат идти домой после трех.

    Не is permitted to go home after 3. He was permitted to go home after 3. He will be permitted to go home after 3.

    1. Ему не нужно идти домой сразу.

    Не is not allowed to go home at once. He could not go home at once. He needn’t go home at once.

    Упражнение 29. Заполните пропуски словами because или because of.

    1. She must go by bus every morning ... she lives far from the institute. 2. The students cannot translate this text... it is difficult.

    1. The planes could not leave the airport... the bad weather. 4. Our life has become easier ... the electricity. 5. Critics would say that the young people were too passive ... they watched TV so much.

    Упражнение 30. Дайте недостающие формы глаголов, запомните их.

    lost, risen, pay, leading, struck, sat.

    Упражнение 31. Переведите без словаря.

    The first step in any industrialization project, for example, on the Moon should be preparation for plant construction. It is economically desirable to use local materials for this. It is well-known that metals form the most important group of engineering materials. One must know that they possess necessary mechanical and physical properties. They can be easily fabricated into various forms by a variety of techniques. They are hard, tough (пластичный), strong and temperature-resistant, a combination of properties not available in any other materials. The properties of metals can be changed by. heat treatment so that the fabrication is much easier since the work pieces can have properties quite different from those needed in the final product.


    Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

    1. What condition on board a space vehicle can’t be simulated on Earth? (prolonged weightlessness). 2. What eliminates gravity during a space flight? (inertia). 3. What can be the industrial use of weightlessness? (the production of new materials with unusual properties). 4. What industrial materials can be produced in space? (superconductors, new kinds of alloys, magnetic materials, laser glass, polymers, plastics, etc). 5. What is Russia’s contribution to the development of methods and means of industrial material production in space? (over 600 technological experiments carried out at the Russian orbital space stations). 6. What are the results of these experiments? (much better properties of the materials obtained under the zero-gravity condition than those produced on Earth). 7. What is needed for industrial material production in space? (special space platforms).

    Exercise 2. Make a sentence out of the two parts,

    1. Experts estimate that within 1. for industrial production of a few coming years new-generation materials at a

    larger scale is being carried out in Russia, the USA, Europe and Japan.

    1. Numerous experiments on 2. very difficult on Earth, board

    1. They may include

    2. In space there is no gravitational convection

    3. Convection makes the production of some materials

    4. But in zero-gravity conditions it is possible

    5. It should be said that research and preparatory work

    1. i.e. movement of gases or liquids because of difference of temperatures.

    2. to grow large crystals and to study their structure.

    3. super and semiconductors, metals, glasses, superpure biologically active substances, etc.

    4. the industrial production of various materials is to begin in space.

    5. the Russian manned and unmanned space vehicles and space stations proved the advantages of the zero-gravity state for the production of some materials.

    Exercise 3. Read and learn.

    Tom: Are you going to attend the seminar tonight?

    Bill: I should go. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to do so.

    Т.: Why should you go there?

    B.: The speaker will talk about composite ceramics. I must know

    all about this subject. As you know, I’ll do some experimental work in this field next June. So I’ll have to know about it.

    Т.: In that case, you ought to cancel (отменить) your other plans

    and attend the seminar. You shouldn’t miss (пропускать) it.

    B.: You are right. But I can’t go.

    Т.: Why can’t you?

    B.: Don’t you remember (помнить)? We are to take an exam in

    French tomorrow. I have to study for the examination.

    T. Do you have to study? Is it a necessity?

    B.: Well, I suppose the expression «have to study» is too strong. No

    one is forcing me. But I really ought to study tonight. Shouldn’t you do it too?

    Т.: I don’t have to study. I studied last night and I am sure I can

    pass it. Besides that, I must attend the seminar.

    B.: Why must you attend it?

    Т.: Have you forgotten? I must introduce the speaker to the audi


    B.: Yes, that’s right.

    Т.: Well, I have to go now. I may be late. I’ll see you later.

    Exercise 4. Speak about:

    1. Space industrialization and its importance for mankind.

    2. The latest achievements in industrial materials production in space.

    Use exercises 1, 2 and the following words and word combinations for your topic : carry out experiments; obtain useful and valuable data; on board a space vehicle; zero-gravity condition; zero-gravity state advantages, materials of better quality; at a larger scale; in case; according to.

    Exercise S. Read and smile.

    The teacher was trying to explain the fundamentals of Science to her class. «Sir Isaak Newton was sitting under a tree looking up into it when an apple fell on his head, and from that he could discover the law of gravity. Wasn’t that wonderful?»

    «Yes, it certainly was», a pupil said, «and if he had been at school at his books, he wouldn’t have discovered anything».

    A Trick on a President

    W.H. Harrison was the ninth President of the United States. Like so many other early American presidents he was born in a small town. As a boy, he was extremely quiet. In fact, he was so quiet that he had the reputation of being very stupid (глупый). The town people therefore often used to play tricks (шутка) on him. For example, they would put a nickel and a dime (монеты в 5 и 10 центов) in front of him and tell him to take whichever one he wanted. He would always choose the nickel and they would laugh at him.

    One day, a woman took pity (пожалеть) on him. She said: «William, why do you always choose the nickel instead (вместо) of a dime? Don’t you know that a dime, though smaller in size than a nickel, is worth (стоить) much more than a nickel?» «Certainly I know it», William answered. «But if I chose the dime, they wouldn’t play the trick on me any more.»

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