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  • Найдите в тексте А слова, означающие

  • Вставьте антонимы выделенных слов.

  • Найдите в тексте А независимый причастный оборот. Переведите. Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски следующими словами

  • motor vehicle reduction solve

  • Упражнение 8. Заполните таблицу на словообразование.

  • В. Speak about

  • LESSON 8

  • Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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    Упражнение 3. Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять значения выделенных слов.

    There was a bad accident on one of the main motorways to Paris this afternoon. A big tourist coach broke down on the inside lane of the motorway, and the driver could not move it. It was about 5.30 in the afternoon, the middle of the rush hour, so it soon created a terrible traffic jam. A driver in a BMW doing about 60 mph tried to go round the coach. Unfortunately, another car was coming in the opposite direction. The driver braked hard and tried to stop, but he could not avoid the accident. The BMW crashed into the front of his car. The driver of the BMW died, the other driver was badly injured, and both cars were badly damaged.

    Упражнение 4. Выберите из двух выделенных слов или словосочетаний правильное.

    1. While turning a corner at high speed my car hit/crashed a lamp post.

    2. The only means of arrival/access to the station is through a dark subway.

    3. We managed to complete our journey ahead of/in front of schedule.

    4. The police accused the driver of breaking the speed limit/restriction.

    5. Sixty extra policemen were to direct/control the traffic outside the stadium.

    6. When her car broke down, she had to catch/take a taxi.

    7. There are road works in center streets and long delays/intervals are expected.

    8. This car is an automatic, so you do not have to adjust/change gear all the time.

    9. Only a mechanic could realize/understand the true amount/extent of the damage to the car.

    10. Travellers who wish to visit the old city should travel in the two front buses/coaches.

    11. The driver told his passengers to fasten/fix their safety belts.

    12. You mustn’t ride/drive a motorbike without a helmet.

    13. The two buses collided (столкнуться), but luckily none was injured/wounded.

    Упражнение 5. А. Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять значения слов tube, poor и run.

    Many of the world’s major cities were built long before the car appeared and people realized the need to built efficient road systems. Current traffic management problems may be connected with old city planning.

    The thing that saves some of these cities is an effective public transport system, usually below ground. London has an old but effective underground train system known as a tube, and a comprehensive bus and train system above the ground. Hong Kong has cheap, swift and effective public transport in the form of Mass Transit Railway, buses and ferries.

    But there are newly built cities, such as, for example, Dallas, Baltimore and Los Angeles in America. Dallas is a wealthy city in Texas, which has grown up in an era when cars were considered to be essential to move about. It has an excellent road system, as does Baltimore, another new city with wise city leaders who insisted on building good roads. However, the public transport system in both Baltimore and Dallas is extremely poor. As a result, travel in these cities is easy except for peak hour, when a twenty minute run can take more than an hour in traffic jams. Los Angeles suffers from chronic highway blockages, despite efforts to encourage people to use public transport.

    Cities with good road systems can use other methods to reduce the number of vehicles travelling together at peak hour. Flexible time is one good method: offices open and close at different times so people are travelling to and from work at different times. Vehicles carrying more than one person can use special priority lanes, which means they can travel more quickly. There are even systems to make peak hours car use more expensive, with electronic chips recording the presence of a vehicle in a given high traffic area at a given time.

    1. Выберите соответствующие тексту А значения слов ferries, poor.

    spacecrafts, airplanes, boats, space vehicles;

    needing help, small in quantity, low in quality.

    1. Найдите в тексте А слова, означающие:

    1. demand 5. easily changed for new needs or conditions

    2. rich 6. full, including many kinds of

    3. journey in a car 7. having experience, knowledge

    4. fast 8. main public road

    1. Вставьте антонимы выделенных слов.

    1. Public transport in Hong Kong is cheap, but in London it is ...

    2. Paris has the Metro railway below ground and a large bus system ...

    3. People should ... and finish work at different time to reduce peak hour traffic jams.

    4. City administration try to encourage people to use ... transport, not private cars in the city center.

    5. An electronic device can record the absence or ... of any person at the office.

    6. The public transport available in Baltimore is very poor, while in Sidney it is ...

    1. Найдите в тексте А независимый причастный оборот. Переведите. Упражнение 6. Заполните пропуски следующими словами:

    reduce transportation advantage car per traffic public transport source study average routes increase symbol atmosphere number

    motor vehicle reduction solve

    The private (1)... has dramatically improved the comfort, speed and individual freedom of movement. The automobile has become a status (2) ... The car brought people much closer to places of work, (3) ... and entertainment.

    However, the use of private cars can also be a (4) ... of many most serious problems today. The car is a disadvantage as well as an (5) ... It pollutes the (6) ..., may be involved in dangerous accidents, and by its very numbers blocks roads and chokes (душить) cities. In New York City, 2.5 million cars move in and out of the city each day. In this (7) ..., the average speed is sometimes 8.1 miles (8) ... hour. This speed could easily be reached by riding a horse instead of driving a (9)... But New Yorkers continue to drive, just as people in London where the (10)... speed in certain particularly overcrowded (11)... is only 2 miles per hour. Most people believe that the car is a necessary part of life in today’s world. Car owners usually do not consider other methods of public (12) ... such as bus, train or bicycle.

    The only way to (13) ... these problems is to reduce the use of private cars. How can we do it? We may (14) ... access to parking spaces in the cities and simultaneously (15)... the quality and availability of public transport. Cars could not be permitted in certain parts of the city, thus making people walk and use (16) ... The cost of buying and running a car can be increased with a corresponding (17) ... in the price of public transport. The reduced (18) ... of cars on the roads means less pollution.

    Упражнение 7. Назовите прилагательные с окончанием -able/-ible, означающие:

    that can be moved that can be used or obtained

    that can be reached that can provide comfort

    that can be managed that may be permitted

    that can be solved that can be changed for new needs

    Упражнение 8. Заполните таблицу на словообразование.















    Упражнение 9. А. Назовите 15—20 ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему «Road transport».

    В. Speak about:

    1. The current public transport problems in your city or town, its safety, speed and comfort.

    2. The role and importance of a private car in your own life.

    3. The changes in technology (manual assembly — mass assembly lines — robotics — computerized production).

    4. Offer your own ideas on traffic management improvement in your area.

    LESSON 8

    Герундий Значения as и by Суффикс -ize (-ise)
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