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  • Упражнение 10. Просмотрите текст 8А и ответьте на вопросы.

  • Упражнение 14. Найдите герундий в парах предложений, переведите их.

  • Упражнение 15. Образуйте прилагательные от глаголов или существительных по образцу

  • Упражнение 16. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова.

  • Упражнение 17. Найдите русскому слову соответствующее английское.

  • Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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    Прочитайте текст по абзацам и озаглавьте их. Назовите основные проблемы, рассмотренные в каждом абзаце. Скажите, какие абзацы можно объединить под одним заглавием. Переведите текст.

    A New Era for Aircraft

    Aviation experts expect that today’s aircraft will begin to be replaced with some new form of supersonic transport in a few years’ time. A 21st century hypersonic aircraft may open a new age of aircraft design.

    The designers of this country displayed the project of such a supersonic passenger liner among the prospective models at one of the latest Aerospace Salon held on the old Le Bourget airfield8 in Paris. An elongated fuselage with a sharp nose and without a horizontal stabilizer makes it look more like a rocket. The speed matches the looks2. This plane will fly at a speed five to six times above the speed of sound, e.g., it will cover the distance between Tokyo and Moscow in less than two hours. The diameter of the fuselage will be 4 meters and the overall length 100 meters, with the cabin accomodating 300 passengers. The future superplanes of such a class will have no windows, but the passengers can enjoy3 watching the panorama of the Earth on the TV monitor at the front of the cabin. They will fly so fast that ordinary aircraft windows would make the structure too weak to withstand the stresses at such a speed. At high velocities the air resistance in the lower atmosphere is so great that the skin is heated to very high temperature. The only way out is to fly higher. Therefore, airliners’ routes will mainly lie in the stratosphere.

    In general, to build a reliable hypersonic plane one has to overcome a whole set of technological and scientific difficulties. Apart from creating highly economical combined engines and heat- insulating materials4, designers have to make such an amount of thermodynamic computations that can’t be performed without using supercomputers. One of the ways to make planes as economical as possible is lightening the aircraft by substituting new composite materials for conventional metal alloys. Accounting for5 less than 5 per cent of the overall aircraft weight now, the percentage of composite material parts will exceed 25 per cent in new generation models. An extensive use of new materials combined with better aerodynamics and engines will allow increasing fuel efficiency by one-third6.

    Because of the extreme temperatures generated by the atmosphere friction, a hypersonic craft will also require complicated cooling measures. One possibility is using cryogenic fuels, such as liquid hydrogen, as both coolants7 and propellants. The fuel flowing through the aircraft’s skin would cool the surfaces as it vaporizes before being injected into combustion chamber.

    In addition, specialists in many countries are currently working on new propeller engines considered much more economical and less noisy than jets. The only disadvantage is that propeller planes fly slower than jet planes. However, it has recently been announced that specialists succeeded in8 solving this problem. As a result a ventilator engine with a propeller of ten fibre-glass blades has been built, each being five meters long. It will be mounted in the experimental passenger plane.

    1. Le Bourget airfield — аэропорт Jle Бурже

    2. the looks — внешний вид

    3. can enjoyс удовольствием (здесь)

    4. heat-insulating materials — теплоизолирующие материалы

    5. accounting for — составляя

    6. by one-third — на одну треть

    7. coolant — охлаждающая жидкость

    8. succeeded in — удалось


    Упражнение 10. Просмотрите текст 8А и ответьте на вопросы.

    1. What is this text about? 2. What aircraft was displayed in Paris? 3. What are the characteristics of the new liner? 4. What are the difficulties in building a hypersonic plane?

    Упражнение 11. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста 8А. Исправьте неправильные утверждения.

    1. Today’s aircraft will be replaced with a new form of supersonic transport in a few years’ time. 2. The new hypersonic aircraft that looks like a rocket will cover the distance between Tokyo and Moscow in less than two hours. 3. The future superliner of this class will have large windows that will allow passengers to watch the panorama of the Earth. 4. Airliner’s routes will mainly lie in the stratosphere because the air resistance in the lower atmosphere is too great. 5. Designers can easily make all the necessary thermodynamic calculations to build a reliable hypersonic plane. 6. It is possible to lighten the aircraft by substituting conventional metal alloys for new composite materials. 7. Cryogenic fuels are used as both coolants and propellants. 8. The great advantage of propeller planes is that they fly faster than jet planes.

    Упражнение 12. Найдите в тексте 8А герундий (см. 3, 4 и S-й абзацы).

    Упражнение 13. Найдите герундий в функции обстоятельства, переведите предложения.

    tects all possible dangers. 4. A superliner of a new kind will be capable of flying at five times above the speed of the sound. 5. The only way of overcoming the great air resistance at high velocities is flying higher. 6. At low speeds the engine can use turbines for compressing the air before mixing it with fuel in the combustion chamber. 7. In the future, in switching over to the new Earth satellite a driver can be sure of coming safely to his destination. 8. Cryogenic fuels will vaporize before being injected into combustion chamber. 9. In flowing over the aircraft’s surface the fuel cools its skin. 10. On reaching its cruising speed the supersonic liner will fly at 100,000 feet above the Earth. 11. By using supercomputers it is possible to avoid making mistakes in extremely complicated thermodynamic computations. 12. A new carburetor offers easier starting in cold weather. 13. By using the automatic guidance system a driver will be able to make long journeys without concentrating on the road conditions. 14. It is impossible to solve economic problems without using the achievements of the scientific and technological progress.

    Упражнение 14. Найдите герундий в парах предложений, переведите их.

    1. Overcoming these difficulties is not so easy as it may seem. Overcoming these difficulties the designers can increase the fuel efficiency. 2. Setting a problem the scientist makes the first step to its solution. Setting a problem is the first step to its solution. 3. Covering the distance between Tokyo and Moscow in less than two hours this superliner develops a speed five times above the speed of sound. Covering the distance between Tokyo and Moscow on board a superliner requires about two hours. 4. Putting the discovery into practice the engineers will solve a complicated technological task. Putting the discovery into practice sometimes requires more effort than making it.


    Упражнение 15. Образуйте прилагательные от глаголов или существительных по образцу:

    move двинуть, двигатьсяmovable подвижный

    comfort, change, compare, control, program, measure.

    Упражнение 16. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова.

    reliable, elongate, percentage, stabilizer, stabilize, prospective, carrier, brilliant, relativity, intelligent, intelligence, assistance, fu-

    selage, mainly, encircle, departure, statement, hypersonic, liner, horizontal, powerful.

    Упражнение 17. Найдите русскому слову соответствующее английское.

    конструкторdesign, designer, to design стабилизировать — stabilizer, stability, stabilize самый последний — latest, late, later эффективный — efficient, efficiency, efficiently характеристика, работа — perform, performing, performance надежно — reliable, reliability, reliably немыслимый — thinking, thinkable, unthinkable невесомость — weightlessness, weightless, weight

    Упражнение 18. Определите, синонимами или антонимами являются приведенные пары слов.

    advantage disadvantage; to remain — to stay; reliable — unreliable; fast — slow; apart from — besides, in addition; capable — incapable; to begin — to start; liquid — solid; to cool — to heat; possible — impossible; weak — strong; to build — to break; aircraft — plane; engine — motor.

    Упражнение 19. Переведите выделенные слова и словосочетания, запомните их.

    1. At higher schools specialization generally begins in the third year. 2. Nowadays we generally have computers at every plant. 3. This doesn’t improve the speed of transport vehicles in general and that of an automobile in particular. 4. The general principles of the design of new transport machines in general and diesel locomotives in particular can be found in the new magazine.

    1. The fifth-generation computers performing 100 billion operations a second will become available in the near future. 6. Because of the extreme temperatures generated by atmospheric friction a craft will require protection. 7.The generation of electric power increases every year.

    Упражнение 20. Определите, какой частью речи является в предложении выделенное слово. Переведите.

    1. Television has a great number of uses nowadays. 2. This car uses a new sensor mechanism. 3. A. Bell wanted to build a mechanism that people could use to talk to one another over long distances. 4. The new material can be applied in manufacturing components much smaller than those in use today. 5. The Library of Congress serves not only Members of the Congress, but researchers and scientists who use it. 6. In Russian universities there is no charge for the use of reading rooms, laboratories and libraries.

    1. Measures to keep Moscow’s air clean are important components of our ecological programme. 8. A thermometer is a device that measures temperature. 9. Computers can do many things, they can control machines in factories, cars on roads, play chess and so on.

    1. Computers control nearly everything we do in the modern world. 11. Today dirigibles are equipped with electronic controls.
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