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  • arriving at the motorway

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    Саг design innovations since 1770

    The latest car electronic systems







    Используя таблицу, расскажите по-английски о наиболее важных усовершенствованиях в конструкции автомобиля с момента его изобретения. О каких последних достижениях в области конструирования автомобилей вы знаете? Какая информация в тексте наиболее интересна с вашей точки зрения и почему?

    Car of Future

    Ever since Nicolas Cugnot, a Frenchman, invented the first self-propelled road vehicle in 1770, there has been no shortage of companies willing to make a better automobile. Over years their efforts have given users the gasoline engine (дизель), the electric starter, tubeless tires (бескамерная шина), fuel-injected engines and anti-lock brakes (тормоз с антиблокировочным устрой-

    ством), these are only a few innovations. What is next? Here are some examples of what the car designers are working at in the world today.

    Engineers are experimenting with a state-of-art (новейший) system that enables drivers to see better after dark. This «night vision» system uses infrared sensors that can detect a human figure at night more than 1,600 feet away. That’s five times the distance at which conventional headlights are effective. The sensors pick up infrared rays emitted by any object that gives off heat. An image-processing system scans the information from the sensors, creating different images for different objects. The images are then displayed on a cathode-ray screen built in a car’s instrument panel. It is like black-and-white photograph of an object ahead. And the system is passive, which means no lights are needed to illuminate the object in front of the vehicle. But the biggest problem will be reducing costs and the other one is the size of the sensor mechanism which is too big now.

    One of the latest applications of sophisticated electronics is the wheel-computerized system that not only monitors air pressure in automobile tires but adjusts it automatically. In addition this system enables a driver to set tire pressure while seated. The system developed consists of three separate modules. The first is the instrument panel display which houses the system’s main microprocessor, programming buttons (кнопка включения программы) and warning signals. The second component is the detector drive module (модуль привода) which is essentially four microchips attached, in one unit, to the chassis. Each chip detecting pressure changes that may occur, the transistors within the module signal the third component — a programmable transducer (программируемый преобразователь). The transducer attached to each wheel changes the tire pressure accordingly.

    However, some automobile experts think this system is too complicated and costly. The design has to be simple and of low cost.

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    Talking Instrument Panels

    For a few years now some of the most advanced new automobiles have been equipped with instrument panels that can «speak» providing instrument readings or safety warnings from special electronic circuits.

    In a polite female voice, the device will report on engine oil pressure, parking-brake and headlight operation, seat belt connection, totalling 14 different functions. The driver can even program the Voice Warning System to announce the time or to give a low-fuel warning for any preset gas tank level. The heart of the Voice Warning System is a microprocessor-based electronic speech module made by National Semiconductor Corp. (US). The device requires the connection of 18 wires, but it is simple enough to install in a car.

    Text 7D

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    Testing Times

    Exam stress doesn’t occur most strongly during the actual exams but in the few weeks just before them. The climax is usually the night before when last minute preparations confirm your worst fears (страх). There are, however, some simple ways of dealing with the problem.

    First, one must know that the night before is too late to do anything. Much better to go to a dance, for a walk, to the pictures or to play a game rather than increase stress by frantic efforts to plug in gaps (затыкать пробелы) in your knowledge.

    The brain is a complex bio-electrical machine which, like a computer, can be overloaded. It does not work continuously. When you study, your brain reaches its maximum efficiency about five minutes you start work, stays at it for about ten minutes and then it is down. Indeed, after thirty minutes your attention wonders (отвлекаться), your memory shuts off, and boredom (скука) sets in.

    For this reason, the best way to study is in half-hour sessions with gaps in between of about the same length. It even helps to change subjects and not keep at the same one since it reduces the boredom factor.

    Study stress was experienced by Isaac Newton, the greatest mathematical genius, and by Einstein. Newton had a depression after his efforts on gravity.

    Einstein had no such difficulty: he would break off and go sailing or play violin — not very well, he said, but it was very comforting.

    The lesson here is clear. To avoid exam stress, you have to tell that what you are doing is fun (забава) and the best way to do this is to treat revision as a game. If you stimulate your brain with short, snappy (энергичный) sessions, you will be surprised how quick and sharp you are. A laugh with friends or a walk through the country is really giving your mind the recreation it needs.


    Упражнение 1. А. Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания из текста 7А и постарайтесь понять значения выделенных слов.

    1. for long journeys in cars

    2. arriving at the motorway

    3. the fuel left in the tank

    4. the radar aerial

    5. the radar only observes objects ahead of

    6. stationary objects

    7. the red light and buzzer warn

    8. satellite will indicate the route

    В. Подберите к выделенному в А слову или словосочетанию соответствующее ему по значению.

    1. container for liquid or gas

    2. electrical device that produces a sound signal

    3. way taken or planned from one place to another

    4. see, watch carefully objects in front of

    5. not moving or changing

    6. reach a wide road for continuously moving fast vehicles

    7. travel to a distant place

    8. antenna

    Упражнение 2. А. Прочитайте текст и найдите слова и словосочетания, означающие:

    a new idea or product, reduce, basis, joining, position, for each car, whole (complete), very great, large number (quantity), at a very high level (suddenly), put together or fit the parts of, take (send to), every year, the same, a person who takes part in a race for the first place.

    Mass Production

    Car manufacturer Henry Ford laid the foundation for the revolutionary change in the entire motor vehicle industry.

    The key for mass production was not the moving assembly line. It was the complete interchangeability of parts and the simplicity of attaching them to each other. These were the innovations that made the assembly line possible. Taken together, they gave Ford tremendous advantage over his competitors.

    Ford’s first efforts to assemble his cars, beginning in 1903, were to set up assembly stands on which a whole car was built. Each assembler performed many jobs on one car and had to get the necessary parts for it.

    The first step Ford took to make this process more efficient was to deliver the parts to each work station. Now each assembler remained in the same place all day. Later in 1908 Ford decided that each assembler would perform only one task and move around the factory from car to car. In 1913 cars were placed on a moving assembly line. Each assembler performed one task only and remained stationary. This innovation cut cycle time from 2.3 minutes to 1.19 minutes, thus dramatically improving productivity.

    Ford’s discovery simultaneously reduced the amount of human effort needed to assemble an automobile. What is more, the more vehicles Ford produced, the more the cost per vehicle fell. In the early 1920s Ford produced 2 million identical vehicles a year.

    Ford’s mass production was adopted in almost every industrial activity in America and Europe.

    В. Заполните пропуски, образуя составные слова, общеизвестные словосочетания или термины:

    ... time the cost ...

    vehicle ... ... production

    assembly ... ... manufacturer

    ... effort ... industry
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