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  • Упражнение 30. Замените придаточные предложения причастным оборотом.

  • Упражнение 32. Прочитайте и переведите без словаря.

  • Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

  • Exercise 2. Make a sentence out of the two parts.

  • Exercise 3. Read and learn.

  • Exercise 4. Speak about

  • Exercise 5. Comment on the following statement.

  • Exercise 6. Read and smile.

  • Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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    Упражнение 29. Заполните пропуски соответствующими формами глагола to have (has, have, had, hasn't, haven't, hadn't).

    «I ... a good car for sale. It ... many extra parts. It ... a good speedometer and four new tires. It ... a new spare (запасная) tire too.» «... it its original paint (краска)?» «No, it... its original paint. It... new paint on it. It looks new.» «I.... a good offer for it yesterday, but the man ... very little cash. I want cash (наличные деньги).» «... it a good engine?» «Yes, it... an excellent engine. It ... any weak places in it. Engines that... weak places in them are always in the garage.» «I... an idea you will sell your саг.» «I ... two good offers yesterday. One man ... all cash. But he doesn’t look like an honest man. I ... no desire to do business with him

    Упражнение 30. Замените придаточные предложения причастным оборотом.

    1. While Boris was driving home, he saw an accident. 2. After we had talked with Peter, we felt much better. 3. When John arrived at the station, he saw the train leave. 4. After he had left the house, he walked to the nearest metro station. 5. When I looked out of the window, I saw Mary coming. 6. As we finished our part of the work, we were free to go home. 7. As Ann had had no time to write us a letter, she sent a telegram.

    Упражнение 31. Дайте недостающие формы глаголов, запомните их.

    driven, learning, said, setting, buy, ridden, break.

    Упражнение 32. Прочитайте и переведите без словаря.

    A new vacuum-controlled constant velocity carburetor developed by an American company offers several advantages over ordinary carburetors, including 25 per cent gasoline economy, improved engine performance and easier starting. The device having only 54 parts compared with some 300 in conventional carburetors has no choke (дроссель). It constantly adjusts the mixture of fuel and air, which cannot be done in usual carburetors. Provided with special mechanism the carburetor helps the engine turn on at once in cold weather. Though developed quite recently, it is already being used by cars and other kinds of public transport. With diesel engine becoming almost standard equipment, the vacuum carburetor will never be used on new cars. It may be said that present-day carburetors are dinosaurs and in 20 years there won’t be any more. But there are some countries which are interested in importing the device as a replacement for existing carburetors.


    Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

    1. What are the main problems of public transport? (a new type of vehicle and its much more efficient use) 2. What type of modern vehicle may become a usual means of transport in the future? (a small electric car) 3. What is the possible development in private cars? (the use of an automatic guidance system) 4. What electronic devices are used in modern cars? (a computer, fuel adjusting devices, an electronic instrument panel for indicating the speed, time, distance covered and fuel left) 5. What is the main function of a radar for a car? (detecting all possible dangers ahead of the vehicle on a road) 6. What unusual feature will a new generation car have? (four-wheel control system ensuring diagonal and side movements) 7. What materials are used in current automotive design? (ceramics)

    Exercise 2. Make a sentence out of the two parts.

    1. There are already some modem vehicles

    2. For example, a small electric car can solve

    3. A passenger

    4. With an automatic guidance system for cars,

    5. It will be possible

    6. All these innovations will become possible because of

    7. Computers, electronic instrument panels, radars, adjusting devices, etc. are playing

    1. goes out into the street, finds an empty car, gets into it, drives to his destination, gets out and leaves the car for the next passenger.

    2. there may be no need to drive these cars.

    3. which may become a usual means of transport in the future.

    4. increasingly wide use of modem microelectronics in cars.

    5. many problems of public transport.

    6. an important part in current car design.

    7. to switch over to automatic driving, as we do in ships and aircrafts today.

    Exercise 3. Read and learn.

    Bob’s New Used Car

    John: This is the car that Bob bought from Mr. Adams.

    Bill: I didn’t even know that he had bought a car. When did he tell you that he had bought it?

    J: He told me yesterday that he had bought it two days earlier.

    B: Do you know how much he paid for the car?

    J: Well, he said he had paid 800 dollars for it.

    В.: I wonder why he bought an old car? I didn’t think he needed a


    J.: Well, I suppose he will use it for his new job.

    В.: Do you think the car is in good condition?

    J.: He told me that the car was in perfect condition. The tires are

    practically new. The new generator works perfectly. Frankly (откровенно говоря), I think that it was a good bargain (выгодная покупка, хорошая сделка).

    В.: I believe you are right.

    J.: I haven’t mentioned that the car had been driven only 25,000

    miles. Also, the covers (чехлы) which are on the front seats are new. They are made of material that can be washed.

    B.: Now I want to see how well the car really runs.

    J.: O.K. Let’s ask Bob when he is going for a ride. Then we can see

    whether or not the car runs well.

    B.: Do you know if Bob is going to come back here soon?

    J.: Yes, I’m sure he’ll be back right away (сразу, немедленно).

    В.: By the way (между прочим), can you tell me where Bob is

    keeping his car?

    J.: He is using the garage of the people living next door.

    Exercise 4. Speak about:

    1. Public transport of the future.

    2. The application of electronics in modern cars.

    3. The latest innovations in car design.

    Use exercises 1,2 and the following words and word combinations for your topic: one thing is certain, to be much more efficient, to be in common use, to select a destination, to monitor, the size of a pack of cigarettes, to look like, to warn of objects ahead of the vehicle, to design, to get information, while driving, to make of.

    Exercise 5. Comment on the following statement.

    It is natural that everybody should want to have a car.

    One point of view : It is convenient, saving time, avoiding crowded buses and other city transport, independent, comfortable, useful at weekends, contact with nature, developing the sense of responsibility, improving the level of technological culture.

    A contrary point of view : Expensive, traffic jams (пробки в уличном движении), difficulties with repairs and maintenance, pollution, lack of physical exercise, takes more time than it saves, road accidents, waste of energy resources, the unbearable situation in many cities, especially in supercities.

    Exercise 6. Read and smile.

    On the Bus

    It was during the rush-hour (часы пик). As usual, all the seats in the bus were occupied. When a good-looking young lady got in,

    an elderly man sitting near the door wanted to rise, but the lady at once pressed him to keep his seat. «Thank you», she said, «I don’t mind standing.» «But, madam, permit me ... ». «I insist upon your sitting down,» she stopped him, and putting her hands on his shoulders she almost forced him back into his seat.

    The man tried again to stand up and said, «Madam, will you allow me to ... » But once more the lady said, «I don’t wish to take your seat, sir!» and forced him back with another push.

    With a great effort the man finally pushed her aside. «Madam», he called out, «I don’t care whether you take my seat or not. The bus has already taken me two stops beyond my destination, and now I wish to get out.»

    A good-looking lady-motorist was speeding through the sleepy village when a policeman stepped out on the road in front of her and forced her to stop. «What have I done?» she asked. «You were travelling forty miles an hour», replied the policeman. «Forty miles an hour!» cried the lady-motorist in surprise, «I left my house only 20 minutes ago».

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