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Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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Префикс over-

Text 8A. A New Era for Aircraft

Text 8B. The Return of the Dirigibles

Text 8C. Off the Ground: How do We Find Where We

are Going?

Text 8D. New York


Упражнение 1. Найдите в предложениях герундий по его признакам, переведите.

1. On detecting danger on the road the computer signals the driver. 2. Detecting an object in front of a car in the dark is the purpose of the «night vision system». 3. One of the main problems of a driver on the road is keeping the speed constant and watching the cars ahead. 4. A new device for monitoring and adjusting air pressure in tires has recently been developed. 5. Before starting a car one must examine it carefully. 6. Computers are widely used for controlling all kinds of processes. 7. Alexander Bell’s being a teacher of deaf people influenced his interest in sound and its transmission. 8. Samuel Morse’s hobby was experimenting with electricity. 9. Driving a truck in the city is difficult.

Упражнение 2. Определите формы и функции герундия.

1. One of the best ways of keeping the speed steady is using a computer for this purpose. 2. Newton’s having made a mistake in his calculations has no influence on his theory. 3. On being turned on the radar will warn the driver of stationary or slow-moving objects on the road. 4. Upon being heated the molecules begin moving very rapidly. 5. The white line in the centre of the road is one of the most effective means of controlling traffic. 6. On graduating from the University S.P. Korolev began working in the field of rocket design. 7. The function of a car computer is detecting and summing up the information about the road conditions. 8. Monitoring and adjusting air pressure in tires is one of the new developments of the car designers. 9. It is difficult to solve some of the present-day scientific and technological problems without using supercomputers. 10. On seeing a red light on a panel and on hearing a warning sound the driver should decrease the speed. 11. By picking up infrared rays emitted by objects ahead of the car an image-processing system produces different images of objects. 12. On studying for half an hour before an exam one should switch over to some other activity.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения и запомните значения выделенных слов.

  1. 1. When the first self-propelled vehicles appeared, measures were taken to limit their speed in many countries. 2. His having measured the distance will enable him to calculate the intensity of light. 3. The universal system of measures and weights was worked out by the French Academy of Science in 1791. 4. The distance from the North Pole to the Equator was measured, one-fourth was taken and divided into ten million equal parts. One of these parts was called a «measure» or «a meter».

  2. 1. One of the earliest ideas to propel a vehicle using mechanical power was suggested by Isaac Newton. 2. Having used a steam- driven engine a French engineer built a three-wheeled vehicle for two passengers. 3. At the end of the 19th century the use of cars was still very limited. 4. Constant efforts are made to use standard components for the cars. 5. The use of multi-cylinder engines greatly increased the speed of cars. 6. N. Otto having used the gasoline engine, motor cars got the standard shape and appearance.

  3. 1. Many times Alexander Bell wanted to stop his experiments being unable to get any results. 2. Since ancient times people dreamt of flying. 3. Four times five is equal to twenty. 4. There is much more lithium on the earth than zinc, 130 times more than cadmium. 5. The magnesium-lithium alloy is 1.5 times lighter than aluminium and 4.5 times lighter than iron.

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения и запомните различные значения as.

1. People no longer think of the radio and television as something fantastic. 2. It was necessary to lay cables across the Atlantic Ocean as there was no radio or satellites at that time. 3. Rocket launching, concerts, football and tennis matches can be seen on TV as they occur. 4. As the operation of integrated circuits depends on microscopic components, the purity of all materials at the plant must be very high. 5. One can see that there is no principal difference between iron and copper as conductors. 6. President T. Jefferson offered his personal library as the basis for the national library.

  1. It is difficult for the first-year students to study at the institute as they do not know yet how to organize their work and time. 8. No system of the past was as simple as the metric system. 9. Such metals as iron, cobalt, and nickel are much more magnetic than any other known substances. 10. Cryogenic fuels such as liquid hydrogen are used to cool the aircraft surface. 11. Metallurgists are trying to make composite materials as strong and light as possible. 12. Measures must be taken to keep Moscow air as clean as possible. 13. Engineers are working at the problem of making computers as small as possible.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, учитывая различные значения предлога by.

  1. It should be said that according to estimates the production of materials in space is to bring 60 billion dollars by 2030. 2. The best way to study before the exam is by changing one’s activity every 30 minutes. 3. The first self-propelled vehicle in Russia was made by Kulibin in the 18-th century. 4. Driving a new Japanese car a driver will find his way even in Sahara by switching over to a navigation Earth satellite. 5. By 1960 the number of cars in the world has reached 60 million. 6. A driver may avoid collisions on the road by using a radar system. 7. Newton’s great work «Principia» was published by Hailey, the famous astronomer, who paid his own money for it. 8. The cosmonauts were told to increase their daily exercises by 30 minutes.

Упражнение б. А. Найдите русские эквиваленты для словосочетаний.

a new form of supersonic transport, prospective model, elongated fuselage, without horizontal stabilizer, cover the distance, less than two hours, overall length, overall aircraft weight, at high velocities, lower atmosphere, the skin is heated, the only way out, one of the ways, combined engines, combined with, as economical as possible.

единственный выход, комбинированные двигатели, менее двух часов, без горизонтального стабилизатора, нижние слои атмосферы, один из путей, удлиненный фюзеляж, общий вес самолета, обшивка нагревается, на больших скоростях, общая длина, как можно более экономично, перспективная модель, новый вид сверхзвукового транспорта, в сочетании с, покрывать расстояние.

В. Переведите словосочетания.

today’s aircraft, ordinary aircraft, ordinary aircraft windows, passenger liner, future superliners of such a class, reliable hypersonic plane, look like a rocket, five times above the speed of sound, diameter of the fuselage, the front of the cabin, the skin is heated to a very high temperature, highly economical engines, new generation model.


Упражнение 7. Образуйте и переведите производные слова согласно образцу:

прилагательное или существительное + ize/ise = глагол special — специальныйspecialize — специализироватъ(ся)

computer, ideal, crystal, central;

префикс over- (сверх-; пере-) to heat — нагреватьto overheat — перегревать

production, active, grow, estimate.

Упражнение 8. Прочитайте и переведите интернациональные слова.

aviation, airplane, project, passenger, liner, model ['modi], fuselage ['fju:zila:3], horizontal stabilizer ['steibilaiza], rocket, distance, meter ['mi :ta], diameter [dai'aemita], cabin, technological, problem, thermodynamics ['09:m9udai'naemiks], aerodynamics ['earaudai'naemiks], per cent, efficiency [I'fijansi], extreme [iks'tri:m], temperature ['tempritfa], cryogenic ['kraiedjenik].

Упражнение 9. Прочитайте и запомните произношение слов.

supersonic ['sju: po'sonik], hypersonic ['haipa'somk], Paris ['paeris], Tokyo ['teukjeu], plane [plein], hours ['auez], reliable [ri'laiabl], combined [kam'baind], engine ['endjin], heat-insulating [hi:t 'insjuleitirj, extreme [iks'tri:m], generate ['c&enareit], generation, in general, require [rx'kwaia], fuel [fjual], liquid ['likwid], hydrogen ['haidricfcen], surface ['sa:fis], vaporize ['veiparaiz], inject [in'cfcekt], combustion [kam'bASt|an], chamber ['tfeimbe], percentage [pa'senticfe].


amount п — количество announce v — объявлять, заявлять

combine v — сочетать(ся), комбинировать(ся), объединяться)

combined with — в сочетании с combustion и — горение complicated p.p. — сложный conventional а — обычный, стандартный

currently adv — в настоящее время

disadvantage п — недостаток

measure и — мера

noise п — шум

overall а — полный, общий

overcome v — преодолевать

resistance п — сопротивление

efficiency п — производительность, КПД, эффективность

  1. g. (for example) — например expect v — ожидать, предполагать

extreme а — крайний, чрезвычайный

friction п — трение fuel п — топливо heat v — нагревать(ся) inject v — впрыскивать, вводить

mainly adv главным образом structure п — конструкция, структура

substitute v — заменять, подставлять

vaporize v — испарять(ся) velocity п — скорость

stress п напряжение

apart from — помимо, кроме way out — выход

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