И.Ю.-Марковина-З.К.-Максимова-М.Б.-Вайнштейн. Учебник для медицинских вузов и медицинских специалистов Серия xxi век Рекомендовано угчЮ по медицинскому и фармацевтическому образованию
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Часть I | .the urinary system consisting of two kidneys; the ureters conducting the urine from the kidneys; a tube leading from the bladder; tubules making up the parenchyma of the kidneys j ^ / " , r; „ a thin capillary network called glomerulus; urea dissolved in water; blood vessels straped like a ball We know the urinary system consists of two kidneys, ureters, the bladder and the urethra. The doctor says that in this case the operation on the right kidney is necessary. The patient asks whether stones in the kidneys (or in the bladder) are a very common condition. We knew the urinary system consisted of two kidneys, ureters, the bladder and the urethra. The doctor said in that case the operation on the right kidney had been necessary. The patient asked whether stones in the kidneys (or in the bladder) were a very common condition. Упражнение 4. Определите, в каких предложениях прошедшее время глагола-сказуемого переводится настоящим временем. Переведитеданныепредложения. 1. It was found that after ligation of the common duct in dogs a rise in the bilirubin concentration of the blood did not occur. 2. The patient said that he felt better. 3. Many authors stated that the new methods of treatment of gastric ulcer had been used successfully. 4. It was proved that saliva varied according to metabolic status and changes in diet 5, Mechnikov thought that the extreme age attained by Bulgarian pe^aflts* resulted from the use of sour goat milk and the growth in the colon of the milk-souring bacterium «Bacillus bulgaricus». 6. Galen thought that the heart was the source of the body's heat. Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите предложения со словамиafter,before. 1. Will you return your textbooks to the library before your examinations start? 2. The animal died on the 3rd day after innoculation. 3. The patient felt bad before the operation on his kidney. 4. The blood after circulation in the glomerulus emerges into capillaries on the walls of the uriniferous tubes. 5. He never met the man before. 6. After the food leaves the stomach it is acted on by several digestive enzymes. Упражнение 6. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова. protoplasm ['proutaplaezm], neutral [ nju:tr(9)l], eosinophil [^ia'sinofil], primarily ['praimsrili], to pierce [pias], chemotaxis [,kem9(u)'taeksiz], throughout [0ru(:)'aut] Упражнение 7. Запомните значение нижеприведенных суффиксов. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова. 1. Глагол + -ег = существительное, обозначающее а) деятеля; б) аппарат: towriteписать —writerписатель. to teach - teacher, to observe - observer, to invade - invader; \ to intensify - intensifies to amplify - amplifier, to magnify - И.Ю. Марковина, З.К. Максимова, М.Б. Вайнштейн 1 1. (to) increase, increasing, increased; 2. to invade, invader, invading; 3. (to) wound, wounded; 4. to succeed, success, sifccessive, succession, successively; 5. to attract, attraction, attractive; |6. (to) dye, dyeing, dyed; 7. (to) stain, stained, staining, stainless ^ j. ^ Упражнение 9. Просмотрите текст А и скажите, что говорится в тексте о двух типах клеток. ,I - : Ч, "Т , LeucocytesаМ-Lytiiphocytes (Щи. ЛOjj^rn^ut^ About 65 per cent df all white Text А 1 Leucocytes. About 65 per сёAt df all white cells are leucocytes. Their protoplasm contains granules. Those leucocytes that stain neutral dyes — as the majority do — are called neutrophils. About 1.5 per cent of the total stain with acid dyes and are called eosinophils. And a still smaller number, 0.5 per cent, have granules that stain with basic dyes; these are called basophils. The percentage of oesinophils increases greatly when parasites invade the body. ; ^ ... One characteristic of leucocytes is the irregular, or lobed, appearance of the nucleus. The number of lobes is an index to the cell's age. Ordinarily, about 45 per cent of all leucocytes have a nucleus of three lobes. The life span1 of a leucocyte is short, from four to twelve days. /The function of leucocytes/s primarily that of protection against infection. After the skin is pierced and the wound becomes infected, leucocytes from all the body are attracted to this place. Just what attracts them is not known — the process is called chemotaxis — probably some by-product of bacterial metabolism. When they arrive at the wound, they leave the blood stream. They wage war on the invaders, engulfing the bacteria within their own protoplasm, a process called phagocytosis (literally «cell-eating»). Before the infection is not too overwhelming, the victory usually goes to the leucocytes. I Formed elements Plasma £ 1 I Erythrocytes Thrombocytes Leucocytes Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Monocytes Lymphocytes Fig. 7.The formed elements of blood. 4.Lymphocytes. These cells, which comprise about 35 per cent of the white cells, have a nucleus which practically fills the cell. They are produced in lymph nodes scattered throughout the body; the tonsils are examples of lymph nodes. They live only a few hours after they leave the blood stream. They are incapable of movement and thus cannot pursue bacteria and have little cytoplasm so that phagocytosis is practically out of the question, bacteria trapped in lymph node$ provoke the form^ti^n of them^j Unfortunately if the infection is overw^elmi!^ the lymbfiV nodes themselves become infected. Thus in guinea pigs it has been possible to trace the route of tubercle bacilli from the intestines to the lungs, as the route is marked by successively infected lymph nodes. Notes 1. lifespanпродолжительность жизни i Упражнение 10. 1) Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзац 3 переведите письменно. 2) НайдитевтекстеАответынаследующиевопросы. 1. What is the difference between neutrophils* basophils and eosinophils? 2. When does the percentage of eosinophils increase? 3. The process of chemotaxis means «cell-eating», doesn't it? 4. What stimulates the formation of lymphocytes? 5. When do the lymph nodes become infected2 6. What kind of experiment is performed to prove this statement? Упражнение11.Подберитепарысинонимов. I ordinarily, primarily, to consist of, all over, about, chiefly, throughout, usually, approximately, to comprise Упражнение12.Подберитепарыантонимов. regular, to arrive, usually, fortunately, to leave, irregular, unfortunately, unusually Упражнение 13. Переведите следующие предложения с причастиями I и И. д^л 1. One of the most important functions served by blood cells is the ingestion of foreign particles. 2. The blood is not the only fluid transporting material to different parts of the body. 3. The blood plasma contains among other things a soluble protein known as fibrinogen. Blood and lymph are composed of cells dispended and carried within a watery fluid. 5. Leucocytes are divided into two major types: granulocytes, containing large granules in their cytoplasm and granulocytes lacking granules in their cytoplasm. Упражнение 14. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите, в каких предложениях используются правила согласования времен. 1 _гtralen thought that the heart was the source of the body's heat and that the blood was the oil which fed the flame. 2. It was established that the exact form of the corpuscle was dependent upon the osmotic pressure of the fluid in which it is immersed for examination. 3. Fry considered that the blood platelets in man arose from the erythrocytes. 4. It has been commonly stated that the hemoglobin served as the carrier of oxygen. 5. It was demonstrated that rhythmic contractions would not continue long when sodium chloride was absent. Упражнение 15. Переведите следующие предложения, определите функции слов after, before. 1. Anaemia is a medical condition which occurs after the reduction in the number of erythrocytes or amount of hemoglobin in the circulating blood. 2. Reticulocytes contain hemoglobin and after they are stained with a dye, their cytoplasm reveals a dense network of granules. 3. The granules in the eosinophils turn red, or a rosy colour, after the addition of an acid dye. 4. Neutrophils increase in number after pyrogenic (fe- ver-producing) infections and in certain forms of leukemia. It is known that the heart is beating in the embryo before it is supplied with nerves and it will continue to beat in experimental animals even if the nerve supply is cut. 6. In fish embryos the heart begins its rhythmic movement, presumably, before any connection of nervous elements of the heart musculature has been established. 106 ❖ Learning to Understand a Medical Text Упражнение16.Переведите на английский язык. 1. Лейкоциты составляют около 65% всех белых клеток. 2. Около 45% лейкоцитов имеют ядра, состоящие из трех долек. 3. Лимфоциты составляют около 35% белых клеток. 4. Они вырабатываются в лимфатических узлах, разбросанных по всему телу. Упражнение 18. Опишите форменные элементы крови, используя рис. 7. Часть II Слюа к части II beat [bi:tl v бить; пудар;beating fbi:tir)] пбиениеrelax [ri'laeks] v расслаблятьсяrelaxation [,ri:laek'seijn] n расслабление property ['propsti] n свойствоrespond [ris'pond] v реагировать, отвечать response [ris'pons] n ответ, откликresponsive [ris'ponsiv] аответныйstimulus ['stimjulas] (pi. stimuli ['stimjulai]) n стимулforce [fo:s] v заставлять, принуждатьmaintain [mein'tein] v поддерживать, сохранятьalthough[э:Гдои]conjхотя, несмотряvolume [voljum] n объемadd [aed] v добавлятьaddition [s'dijn] n добавлениеadditional [d'dijnl] адобавочный, дополнительный amount [a'maunt] nколичество, сумма output ['autput] nвыброс reason[ ri:zn] nпричина, основание consider [kan'sids] vсчитать, полагать consideration [k9n,sidd'reijn] nсоображение, рассмотрение considerable [k9n'siddrdbl] а значительный entire [m'tais] а целый, весь, полныйstroke [strouk] nудар Упражнения Упражнение 1. Подберите пары синонимов. soon, which, readily, heart, quickly, that, easily, cardiac Упражнение 2. Расшифруйте следующие сокращения. e.g., i.e., etc., mm, cm Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие пары слов. till - until, some - same, to effect - to affect, because — because of, few a few, to expand — to expend The heart rate is normally controlled by a balance between impulses reaching it over the vagus and over the sympathetics. Thus, inhibition of the vagus centre speeds up the heart. And inhibition of the sympathetic centre slows down the heart. It seems that in the human most of the effect is achieved by inhibition of the vagal centre of the sympathetic region. The second factor affecting cardiac output is the stroke volume, that is, the amount of blood which the left ventricle ejects per beat. The stroke volume depends upon the «venous return». The normal heart is capable of a considerable degree of enlargement; after the venous return is increased - as it is in exercise — the chambers of the heart are able to supply the additional blood. The walls Of right atrium and the great veins are thin and stretch readily; therefore the heart rate is increased. to squeeze out просачиваться to be sucked всасываться 110^ Learning to Understand a Medical Text LESSON EIGHT RESPIRATION Причастия I—IIв функции обстоятельства (§§ 20, 21) Независимый причастный оборот (§ 22) Функции и перевод слов both, both... and( § 40) Часть I Слова к части I participate [pa:'tisipeit] vпринимать участие influence ['influsns] nвлияние; vвлиять descend [di'send] vспускаться, сходить size ['saiz] nразмер certain ['ssitn] а определенный, некий simultaneous[ simal'teinjas] а одновременный follow ['folou] vследовать за decrease [di:'kri:s] vуменьшаться, убывать; ['di:kri:s] nуменьшение, упадок risevподниматься, возвышаться exertion[ig'z3:Jn] nнапряжение accompany[э'клтрэш] vсопровождать fast [fa:st] а быстрый accelerate [aek'sebreit] vускорять(ся) induce [in'dju:s] vпобуждать, вызывать accessory [aek'sesari] а добавочный, вспомогательный, побочный assist [a'sist] vпомогать Упражнения Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения с причастиямиI—II. Определитефункциипричастий. 1. Examining coagulating blood upon a slide by means of the ultrami- croscope, it is possible to see small masses of coagulum. 2. Lymphocytes fight disease producing antibodies and thus destroying foreign material. 3. Methoxamine and phenylephrine are vasopressors that, when given intravenously, elevate systemic vascular resistance. 4. The contraction and relaxation processes in vascular smooth muscle display more differences than similarities when compared with those in skeletal and cardiac muscle. 5. The patient examined complained of severe headache. Упражнение 2.Заменитеследующиепридаточныепредложенияпричастнымиоборотами, оставивсоюзныесловаwhen, while, if.Переведитеэтипредложения. Образец 1:When the ward doctor examines his patients,he usually checks up their blood pressure. The experiment having been finished, we were ready to discuss it. Diastole is the relaxation phase of the heartbeat, the atria and ventricles filling with blood. Both the diaphragm and the ribs move rhythmically and regularly during respiration. |