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NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the verbs in the Simple Active. Give the negative forms. Make up general and special questions:

1. The first-year students have a lot of general engineering subjects in this semester.

2. His friend will be in the Internet-center tomorrow.

3. Her elder brother was a software engineer at the large company six years ago.

4. The Panama Canal is one of the greatest engineering achievements in the world.

5. Their dad works for a construction company.

6. His friends graduated from the Moscow State University in 2021.

7. He spent a lot of time in the sport club last week.

8. These students will move to a new hostel next semester.

9. WhatsApp identifies people through their phone numbers.

10. The corporation Apple launched a tracking device AirTag in April 2021.

11. His brother seldom comes in time to the university.

12.In 2020 self-isolation greatly affected the growth of traffic within applications.
2. Put the verb in brackets into the Present, Past Simple or Future Simple Active. Make up alternative and tag questions to the sentences if possible:

1. His brother always (drive) to work by car.

2. They (not spend) much time together last month.

3. The university psychologist always (train) students to handle with stress before exams.

4. Who (speak) German in your group well?

5. His cousin (to be) a civil engineer in five years.

6. Kate (meet) her school friends at the exhibition last week.

7.How long (take) it you to reach the university?

8. Now our former students (to be) the first-rate software engineers at the well-known IT-company overseas.

9. What (be) your major?

10. Our younger sister (not look) like the mother. She (look) like her father.

3. Fill in the gaps is/are/was/were/will be.Give the negative form.

1. There ….. a lot of text books on the table .

2. There … many students in the classroom yesterday.

3. There … a new language center in our street next year.

4. There … an old building of the university opposite the hospital three years ago. There … a new one now.

5. There … an old house, post office and a bus station next to the
supermarket last year.

6. There … some guests from England in this room an hour ago. There … nobody now.

7. There … a coffee shop and two chemist’s opposite the bank.

8. There … a new sport center in our town in two years.

9. There … a big window to the left of the door.

10. There … 15 sudents in our group last semester.

4. Make up the different types of questions to the sentences:

1. Our professor often takes part at the international scientific conferences (Who?).

2. This performance was boring, …? (tag question).

3. Good results gave him hope for the future (What?).

4. You can look for information on a timetable on the ground floor (Where?).

5. Her parents are both engineers (general question).

6. My brother will take a Master’s course at one of the Moscow universities. (Why?)

7. The students from province live in hostels (alternative question).

8. He doesn’t go to the elective classes, … (tag question) ?

9. Alex entered the university after the military service (general question).

10. Mike bought a new smartphone yesterday (alternative question).
5. Fill in the appropriate form of Passive Simple.
1. Why …his car fixed every year?

2. … this project done by your team last year?

3. Why … all my questions always ignored by you?

4. The game … won by our university team yesterday.

5. This place ... crowded on coming Sunday.

6. …these videos created with the special application?

7. The new laboratory room … tested by the commission in three days.

8. English language … spoken in many countries.

9. All exams … successfully done by the students of our group last week.

10. Sushi … eaten with sticks in China.

6. Put the sentences into the Simple Passive:

1. This factory produces the computer accessory every month.

2. They informed me about the coming master class in advance.

3. A lot of people speak Chinese in this country.

4. The employer gave the sophisticated task to the
young specialist.

5. Our teachers regularly develop the new online courses for the distance learning.

6. Why didn’t you download this mobile application yesterday?

7. The workers demolished some old buildings a week ago.

8. Dan will not fix my computer tomorrow.

9. Our team usually prepares the interesting projects for scientific events.

10. The technician installed this equipment two hours ago.

7. Correct the mistakes using Present, Past or Future Simple

1. This company established 50 years ago.

2. These apps use by the students twice a week.

3. The first VCR (Video Camera Recorder) made in 1956.

4. The word LEGO forms from the Danish word “Leg Godt” which means “play well” in English.

5. The new equipment will test tomorrow.

6. One hundred people employs by this company.

7. When will inform about this event?

8. These photos took with my new camera.

9. The car will fill with the petrol in an hour.

10. Invented the dynamite by A. Nobel?
Speaking Workshop

1.Here you can read some messages taken from the international website forum for the students. They write about their difficulties while studying.

      1. Max: The university is far from my home . So it is hard to get in time because of the traffic jams. I have to get up early, I always have no time for breakfast, I am often late for the lessons. The teachers are usually irritated with my coming late.

      2. Vlad: Devoting equal time to each subject is impossible for me. As, time passes burden of one subject goes on increasing as I haven’t touched that subject in a week or so.

      3. Mike: Drives me nuts the stiff competition in my group. Comparing yourself , your grades with others is not a positive thing. But some group mates do it. The competition makes my fellow students cheer when others get bad grades on exams. It is pretty evil. It is disgusting get involved in this competitive world where «numbers one» dominate!

      4. Alex: Several subjects are boring and superfluous. They have nothing to do with my future career!

      5. Kate: I am afraid to be infected by covid as there are a lot of people without masks on the lessons and no antiseptic in the WC!

      6. Victoria: Some teachers seem to be unadeqate. They have it in for me. I cann’t get along with them.

      7. Ann:The syllabus is huge. If I cannot complete it in time, God knows whats gonna happen! Sacrificing sleep seems to be a better option. Next day I am going to be all tired. I used to procrastinate a lot! I am afraid of failure at exams.

      8. Paul: I feeling myself like an outsider. I am surrounded by “others,” and my look, fashion, inability to communicate like my groupmates do, or my general presence is very obviously… different. Never before have I felt so out of place or disconnected.

      9. Mary: Sometimes I cannot concentrate. I open my textbook, try to understand what it is conveying and suddenly my concentration breaks. I just sit in my study table idle for some time and start browsing Instagram or Vkontakte.

      10. Chris: I have to combine my study and part-time job. The parents pay for my education. As the tuition fee is high they haven’t opportunity for additional financial support. It is rather hard to study and to work. I fear this results in lacking time for education and constantly feeling under pressure of failed exams.

2. Discuss with your fellow students what problems do you consider to be the most serious ones.
3. Read and dramatize the conversation:

You: Hey, man! Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you getting on?

Friend: Hi, old chap, nice to see you. I am so so. I have some problems with my studies.

You: My hat!You were a promising student. What’s happened?!

Friend: I don’t like my major and I want to change it.

You: But why?

Friend: My choice of the major proved a mistake.Construction is too boring and hard for me.

You: That’s a pity! And now you have to be transferred to other faculty! What specailty would you like to choose ?

Friend: Software Enineering.I am good at it and have my own developments in this field.

You: No kidding? But do you have enough scores at the Unified National Exam for this major?

Friend: Certainly not.I have to study for tuition fee.

You: I see. But as far as I know tuition fee is rather high. Are your parents going to support you financially?

Friend: Yes, they are. But I won’t sponge on the parents. Now I am searching for some remote job in the sphere of IT. You know IT professions are always in demand. I hope my skills are enough to find this job.

You: Great! What is done can’t be undone.I respect your choice.

Friend: Thanks for your support! I hope I will be able to combine the study and the job.

You: To each their own! May be you can help me if I have troubles with my computer.

Friend: If you need a help, call me.

You: Ok. Let’s change our telephone numbers.

Friend: I was really glad to see you. Sorry, now I must leave, I am hurrying for my first job interview. Bye.

You: See you later. Good luck!

4. Make up your own conversations using the models from the

task 3.

5*. Speak on the topic «Studying at University» using these clichés:

1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ...

2.According to the text …

3.As I understood from the text ...

4. As it is described in the text ...

5.As seen from the text …

6.As for me I learnt that …

7.It is pointed out that …

8. I didn't know that …

9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore.

10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ...
1. Listen to the text College Majors on http://www.esl-lab.com

2. Do the tasks given.

1.Watch the video on https://www.esl-lab.com

2.Do the tasks given.

Write an essay My Problem Zones while Studying.
Variant 1
1. State the part of speech:

1. to produce 2. appearance 3. quickly 4. to attend 5. development 6. local 7. subject 8. correctly 9. careless 10. electrician

a) существительное;

b) прилагательное;

c) глагол;

d) наречие.

2. Choose the English equivalent for the pronoun in brackets:

1. (Она) has a lot of work to do about the house and does all the
cooking for (нас).

2. (Мы) usually help (ей) on Sunday.

3. How do (ты) spend (свой) free time?

4. What can (они) say about (их) parents?

5. (Наш) father has an elder brother but he seldom visits (его).
3. Choose the appropriate verb:

1. What … your dad’s name?

2. … you the only child in the family?

3. My grandmother … a teacher at the secondary school 20 years ago.

4. They … … engineers in 5 years.

5. I … not good at English.

6. I hope I … … an interesting and well-paid job.

7. His friend … a small family.

8. The students … a lot of exams last semester.

9. … you at the university the day before yesterday?

10. As for me I … an average family.

1) am 2) is 3) are 4) was 5) were 6) will be 7) have 8) has
9) had 10) will have

4. Put the verb in the brackets into the Present, Past or Future
Simple Active

1. Their uncle (work) for a big construction company last year.

2. The laboratories (have) up-to-date equipment in two years.

3. Last summer my friends (pass) the final exams successfully.

4. In the evening he usually (go) to the park near his house.

5. At present there (be) 10 faculties at the university.

6. These young men (graduate) from the State Agrarian University in 2020.

7. You (get) all the necessary information next month.

8. My elder sister (look) like our mother just as I (look) like our father.

9. My uncle (teach) Higher Mathematics at our university five years ago.

10. Who (send) you a lot of messages every day?
5. Correct mistakes using Present, Past or Future Simple Passive:

1. The telephone invented in the 19th century.

2. The scientific project will do by the students in time.

3. Many comfortable houses built by the workers every year.

4. The lections of this professor usually listen to with huge interest.

5. We invited to the party by our good friends last week.
6. Make up questions to the following sentences:

1. My friend usually gets along with his relatives (общий).

2. Sometimes his fellow mates exchange opinions about books and movies (разделительный).

3. She works at a hospital as a doctor (Кто?).

4. Her younger brother enrolled in the State Technical University in 2021 (Когда?).

5. Their grandfather worked as an engineer in-chief at the big plant 30 years ago (Где?).

1. State the part of speech:

1. to optimize 2. significant 3. collaboration 4. approximately 5. complicated 6. proposal 7. to apply 8. selfish 9. advertisement 10. to hear

a) существительное;

b) прилагательное;

c) глагол;

d) наречие.

2. Choose the English equivalent for the pronoun in brackets:

1. (Мы) like (наш) town and want to show (его) places of interest.

2. (Он) found (свой) key and put (его) into (свою) bag.

3. (Они) are always poking (свой) nose into (наш) business.

4. Helen gave (мне) (свой) smartphone and I gave (ей) (свой) laptop.

5. Can (вы) give (нам) some pieces of advice of being fit?
3. Choose the appropriate verb:

1. … there any other opinions to the subject?

2. Who … absent next class?

3. Alex and Max … good friends 10 years ago.

4. They …many mistakes in a previous test.

5. Our coach … very intellegent and patient.

6. The boss … a good reputation among workers.

7. The Browns don’t …any enemies.

8. I … a room in a new hostel next semester.

9. Who …at the cinema last week end?

10. I … fond of Physics and Chemistry.

1) am 2) is 3) are 4) was 5) were 6) will be 7) have 8) has
9) had 10) will have
4. Put the verb in the brackets into the Present, Past or Future
Simple Active:

1. Yesterday I (to take) an exam but it (not to be) so easy.

2. Usually they (not to be late) for classes last year.

3. We (to correct) our mistakes next class.

4. Some days ago John (to break) his leg and (to miss) the meeting.

5. Every day the students of our group (to attend) tutorials.

6. How long (to take) him to speak English fluently. I guess it (to take) him one – two years.

7. We have to revise some grammar rules because on Monday we (to write) a test.

8. Where he (to choose) such fashionable things every time?

9. How much money you (to spend) last week?

10. Sometimes they (to translate) complicated technical articles.

5. Correct mistakes using Present, Past or Future Simple Passive:

1. The delegation from Germany meet by our colleagues from the university in an hour.

2. We informed by the dean office about the meeting two days ago.

3. All the books return to the library next Friday.

4. English language speak by people throughout the world.

5. Christmas celebrates on the 25th of December in many western countries.

6. Make up questions to the following sentences:

1. My parents often attend various cultural events such as concerts, exibitions and theatrical performances (разделительный).

2. His elder brother graduated from Stanford University ten years ago (альтернативный).

3. Our grandparents will move to the village next summer (Когда?).

4. Some people prefer calm way of spending their free time (Почему?).

5. Ann’s mother is a landscape designer. (Кто по профессии?).
Unit 3. Learning Skills and methods to improve them
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