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  • 3.Find the synonyms to the following words

  • 1. Complete the sentences with Simple or Continuous Active

  • 3. Put the verb in the brackets into the necessary tense form

  • 5. Choose the appropriate form of the adjectives

  • Speaking Workshop

  • 2. What tips are the most useful for youGive your own tips. 3*.Using the information from the text Learning Skills

  • Listening


  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or not stated:

        1. Learning skills are habits that can be used throughout your life in the process of acquiring new knowledge.

        2. Students who exhibit low levels of motivation to learn don’t depend on the rewards to encourage them to participate in activities.

        3. "Pruning" is one of the techniques of the self-motivation.

        4. Another great way to become a more effective learner is to use relational learning.

    5.Multitasking can make learning more effective.

    6.It is impossible to avoid distracting yourself from the learning process.

    7.Another great strategy for improving your learning efficiency is to recognize your learning habits and styles.

    8.A lot of people underestimate the impact of our physical condition on our cognitive abilities.

    9.Developing the memory is a very debatable method of improving learning skills.

    10.Teachers should help students to master effective learning.

    11.There are a few theories about learning styles.

    12.Becoming a more effective learner can take time, and it always takes practice and determination to establish new habits.

    3.Find the synonyms to the following words:

    Skills, error, to multitask, cognitive, to master, preference, to solidify, debatable, advice, significantly.

    4. Find the antonyms to the following words:

    Lack, to improve, effective, less, to increase, healthy, to eliminate, multiple, to forget, verbally.
    Grammar in Focus
    1. Complete the sentences with Simple or Continuous Active:

    1. She usually … new texts very quickly.

    a) is translating b) translates c) was translating

    2. She … a new text now.

    a) is translating b) translates c) was translating

    3. She … the new text yesterday.

    a) was translating b) is translating c) translated

    4. She … the new text all the evening yesterday.

    a) was translating b) is translating c) translated

    5. She … the new text tomorrow.

    a) will translate b) will be translating c) is translating

    6. She … the new text from 5 to 7 o’clock tomorrow.

    a) will translate b) will be translating c) is translating

    7. We … a test while other students … a new text.

    a) were doing, were reading b) did, read c) do, read

    8. Tomorrow at this time we … across the English Channel.

    a) will sailb) are sailing c)will be sailing

    9. We … our things when he … .

    a) were packing, came b) packed, came c) pack, comes

    10. They … our proposal when we … .

    a) will discuss, will come b) are discussing, will come c) will be
    discussing, come.

    2. Сhange the Simple Tenses to the Continuous ones adding
    necessary adverbs or time attributives (now, from … till, the whole evening yesterday, when he comes etc):

    1. I often prepare for examinations in the library.

    2. He will install the new safety system in an hour.

    3. My sister works at her term paper every day.

    4. The students learn new words at the lesson every day.

    5. They will present a new mobile application next week.

    6. The engineer will test the new equipment on Monday.

    7. The workers built a new metro line last year.

    8. We discussed a very important issue two hours ago.

    9. The scientist spoke about his last experiment.

    10. They will listen to the lecture tomorrow.

    3. Put the verb in the brackets into the necessary tense form:

    1. What you (to do) from seven till nine yesterday? I (to read) a new article in the scientific journal.

    2. What (to learn) she now? She (to learn) new words in German. She (to learn) new words every day.

    3. Max (to draw) a complex scheme for his term paper when I saw him. He (to work) on it from 3 till 5 p.m.

    4. What students (to stand) at the window now? I (not, know) them.
    I guess they (to be) freshmen from the Institute of Architecture and Construction.

    5. The students of this group (to get) books from the library two
    days ago.

    6. What they (to discuss) at the moment? They (to discuss) a program for the students’ forum.

    7. It (to rain) when I left my house in the morning.

    8. Our team of students (to present) a project now? – No, they (to participate) in the conference.

    9. Our group (to work) in the reading room on the new project the whole morning tomorrow.

    10. Whom they (to speak) about when I (to enter) the room? They
    (to speak) about our new fellow student.

    11. My friend (to look) for his smartphone at the moment.

    12. My parents (to buy) me a new iPad next month.

    13. Helen (to chat) with her sister while I (to translate) this article.

    14. My friend (not, to attend) classes at the university every day. He (not, to be) hardworking.

    15. Classes at our university (to start) at 8.30. Sometimes I (to be) late because there (to be) traffic jam at this time.

    5. Match the columns:

    1. the narrowest

    1. выше

    2. higher

    2. более полезный

    3. more useful

    3. самый узкий

    4. the most powerful

    4. самый мощный

    5. busier

    5. более занятый

    6. more significant

    6. более значительный

    7. further

    7. хуже

    8. elder

    8. наименьший

    9. the least

    9. старше

    10. worse

    10. дальше

    5. Choose the appropriate form of the adjectives:

    1.This is (the safest/safer) password I could come up with.

    2.Of the seven cars, I like the silver one (more/the best).

    3.Kates’s laptop is (less powerful /the least powerful) than mine.

    4. This is (more amazing/the most amazing) smartpnone I have ever had.

    5. Max is (worse/the worst) player in the team.

    6. Do you feel (better/the best) today than yesterday?

    7. I think I continue my (far/ further) study abroad.

    8. Steve Jobs is (more famous/famouser) than Stephen Wozniak.

    9. This week the weather is (hotter/more hot) than last week.

    10. Our new house is (more expensive/expensiver) than the old one.

    11. Higher Mathematics was (harder/the hardest) subject for my sister while your studying at the university.

    12. The London underground is (the oldest/old) in the world.

    13. There is a (greater/the greatest) number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia.

    14. Which is (larger/large): the United States or Canada?

    15. What is the name of (bigger/the biggest) port in the United States?

    6. Open the brackets:

    1. St. Petersburg is one of (beautiful) cities in the world.

    2. Jack is (clever) of the three brothers.

    3. Which of these two performances did you enjoy (much) of all?

    4. Your new idea is (interesting) than the last one.

    5. I got up (early) than he did.

    6. It’s a (bad) mistake I have ever made.

    7. It is interesting but (difficult) to study at our university.

    8. He drives a car (well) than you do.

    9. If you need any (far) information, please contact our head office.

    10. Alex is (little intelligent) person than his brother.

    11. Asia boasts some of (splendid) architecture in the world.

    12. The fire was put out (quickly) than we expected.

    13. The teacher told us about the (late) elections in this country.

    14. Computers are one of (remarkable) discoveries of the 20th century.

    15. The deposits of oil in Russia are (rich) in the world.
    Speaking Workshop

    1. Here are some tips university students give each other for more effective studying, for self-organization and for planning their work and time:

    Ivan: You should recognize that the main factor in efficiency of learning is a healthy and consistent sleep schedule. Without it the mind wouldn’t be able to adapt quickly, and so, learning would take more time, hurting the efficiency of the work done.

    Helen: Self-education will be useful habits for effective learning, this will allow you to remove gaps in knowledge and learn something new. Also, it will be useful to have the habit of repeating previously studied material so as not to forget it.To properly organize your time, you need to plan your day. If you alternate between work and rest, you will effectively cope with the tasks. You can use an assistant application that can help you plan your day.

    Andrew:As for me, I believe that studying online is more effective than attending regular class. First of all, it allows you to choose the time when to take a lesson. For example, many people do not like to keep early hours, and it would be better for them to learn something in the afternoon or in the evening. Online education gives them such an opportunity. What is more, you can choose the place where to study. Whether it is a cosy room of yours or your grandparents’ country house, nothing can prevent you from learning.

    Tanya: In my opinion the factor that is much contributing to the effective studying is eating habits. A balanced diet is a key to a long and fulfilling life as well as to maximum productivity in learning as well.

    Kira:There is no one learning strategy that works for all students at the same time. What works well for one group of students cannot work well with another. Teachers should adapt to each group and use multiple instructional strategies to maximize their effectiveness. Teachers should keep in mind that using the same strategies will bore student very quickly.When they change activities, vary them students stay engaged ,which ultimately helps them study more effective.

    Dasha: For more effective learning it is useful to follow advice below for planning your time and work:

    1.Don’t waste your time.

    2.Get 7-9 hours of sleep every night

    3.Make self-care your priority

    4.Don’t multitask. Focus 100% on each task before moving to the next

    5.Practice a new skill
    2. What tips are the most useful for you?Give your own tips.

    3*.Using the information from the text Learning Skills and tips of the students, develop the individual strategy for the more effective studying. Present your ideas to the fellow students.
    4*. Speak on the topic «Learning Skills» using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ... .

    2.According to the text … .

    3.As I understood from the text ... .

    4. As it is described in the text ... .

    5.As seen from the text … .

    6.As for me I learnt that … .

    7.It is pointed out that … .

    8. I didn't know that … .

    9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore.

    10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ... .
    1. Listen to the text College Students on http://www.esl-lab.com

    2. Do the tasks given to this text.
    1.Watch the video on https://www.esl-lab.com

    2.Do the tasks given.

    Write an essay How to Become a More Effective Learner?


    One’s work may be finished someday,

    but one’s education never.

    Alexandre Dumas

    What are the advantages of higher education in Russia?
    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. general secondary education

    1. аккредитованные высшие учебные заведения школы

    2. accredited higher education institutions

    2. общее среднее образование

    3. to enact a law

    3. быть зачисленным в вуз

    4. to replace the traditional five-year model of education

    4. сдать Единый государственный экзамен

    5. to be enrolled in the higher school

    5. принять закон

    6. in-depth specialisation

    6. специалитет

    7. to pass the Unified State Examination (USE )

    7. заменить традиционную 5-летнюю модельобразования

    8. hands-on experience

    8. бюджетные места

    9. Specialist’s program/degree

    9. углубленная специализация

    10. Master’s course /program/degree

    10. практический опыт

    11. to award with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree

    11. аспирантура

    12. postgraduate study

    12. магистратура

    13. state-funded places

    13. присудить степень бакалавра или магистра

    14. to defend a course /term/diploma paper

    14. защищать курсовую/дипломную работу

    15. bias

    15. многоообразие, расширение

    16. to perform assignment

    16. конкурентоспособные специалисты

    17. diversification

    17. отдание предпочтения, уклон

    18. vocational secondary education

    18. подвергаться изменению

    19. to undergo a change

    19. среднее профессиональное образование

    20. veritable «boom» of higher education

    20. обесценивание дипломов

    21. to study for a fee

    21. пресекать коррупцию

    22. the devaluation of diplomas

    22. настоящий «бум» высшего образования

    23. deterioration of the quality of higher education

    23. изменение учебной программы

    24. reshaping their curriculum

    24. ухудшение качества высшего образования

    25. to suppress corruption

    25. выполнить задание

    26. up - grading

    26. давать право на работу

    27. extortion

    27. скрытая безработица

    28. competitive specialists

    28. учиться на коммерческой основе

    29. hidden unemployment

    29. вымогательство

    30. to grant the right to work

    30. повышение квалификации

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