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  • Give your name, age, country. Give information about the people in your family. Include information about your studying, hobbies or weekend activities. Unit 2.

  • VOCABULARY PRACTICE 1. Find the appropriate equivalent

  • Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below

  • Various academic problems.

  • Comprehension Check

  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or not stated

  • 3.Choose the rifgt variant

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    2.Introduce yourself to the group.

    3. Tell in a nutshell about members of your family (professions, features of character, hobbies).

    1. Listen to the text Nice to Meet Youon http://www.esl-lab.com

    2. Do the tasks given to this text.


    1.Watch the video Meeting People on https://www.esl-lab.com

    2.Do the tasks given to this video.

    Imagine you join an international website forum for students of English. Write a message to introduce yourself on the website.

    Give your name, age, country. Give information about the people in your family. Include information about your studying, hobbies or weekend activities.

    Unit 2. University Life: Learning Process and Problems Students Face While Studying
    The roots of education are bitter,

    but the fruit is sweet.

    Discuss with your partner how you had made choice about the higher educational institution where are you going to enter. Think about: specialties, place, ranking, tuition fee.
    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. highly acclaimed

    1. общетехнические предметы

    2. extracurricular life

    2. мешать, препятствовать;

    3. unique and dynamically developing higher school

    3. специализированный предмет

    4. further study

    4. студент младшего курса

    5. to impede

    5. внеаудиторная или общественная работа

    6. to spend money for the daily expenses

    6. быть склонным к беспокойству

    7. general engineering


    7. высоко оцененный

    8. junior

    8. продолжить обучение

    9. bachelor

    9. тратить деньги на ежедневные расходы

    10. major

    10. уникальный и динамично развивающийся вуз

    11. to be prone to anxiety

    11. зачет

    12. to pursue the study

    12. дальнейшее обучение

    13. to bring about poor progress at university

    13. стремиться

    14. credit test

    14. быть причиной неуспеваемости в университете

    15. to undertake an internship

    15. достигать

    16. to train

    16.проходить стажировку

    17. to strive

    17. бакалавр

    18. fascinating world

    18. способность преодоления

    19. to achieve

    19. обучать, тренировать

    20. coping capacities

    20. увлекательный мир

    2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1.trains; 2. highly acclaimed; 3. general engineering subjects; 4. unique and dynamically developing; 5. to undertake an internship; 6. extracurricular life; 7. to pursue; 8. am
    majoring; 9. brings about poor progress at the university; 10. bachelor.

    1. I have chosen this university because of its … computer engineering programs.

    2. Our university … students on three levels of the higher education.

    3. Our university is a … higher educational institution.

    4. The first level of the education is a …

    5. Usually the juniors study … at our university.

    6. My friend is going … at this company to get some valuable experience.

    7. As a rule the students’ … in the university is a fascinating world of activities that make education more interesting and memorable.

    8. A number of former school leavers travel to different cities … their studies.

    9. Sometimes combining study and job … and failure at exams.

    10. I’m a junior, and … in software engineering.
    Read the text and point out the information about the university, learning process,subjects and students’ extracurricular life.
    Choosing your future profession is usually a challenge for school leavers. You need to make sure that you study something you like, and you really want to make a career in this field.

    I study for Bachelor’s degree at the State Technical University. My major is Software Engineering. I chose this university because of its high ranking. Besides I took into consideration its highly acclaimed software engineering programs, which will provide me with the education that I need to be successful in my future career. After awarding Bachelor’s degree I am planning to apply for a Master’s degree which is 2 more years.

    Let’s speak in detail about my university. It is a unique and dynamically developing higher school which integrates qualitative education and progressive science. It is a huge complex with many buildings for training and laboratory works, computer centers, scientific and technical libraries, several hostels.

    Like other higher educational institutions in the Russian Federation my university trains students on three levels of the higher education: bachelors, specialists and masters.

    The academic year has two terms: the winter term and the summer term. Each term ends with credit tests and examinations, which take place in January and June. If the results of the exams are good,
    students get scholarship.

    Usually there are three or four lessons a day. The students attend lectures, seminars and practical classes. The lessons at my university begin as a rule at a half past eight in the morning and are over at ten minutes past three p.m.

    The juniors study general engineering subjects such as Technology of Materials, Computer Graphics, Descriptive Geometry, Strength of Materials, Theoretical Mechanics, Introduction into the Specialty, some special subjects as well as Higher Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Philosophy, a foreign language. From the beginning of their course the students are involved in major (specialized) subjects.

    The period of study at the university lasts four - six years. At the end of the training course all graduates prepare their diploma projects. Those graduates who have keen interest in research are recommended for further study at the post-graduate courses.

    High level of the education in our university is achieving through the special knowledge and orientation of educational process to practice. The graduates are strictly oriented on the modern market demands and have
    a wide range of demanding professional competences. During your education, it is a good idea to undertake different internships to get some valuable experience.

    The students’ extracurricular life in the university is a fascinating world of activities that make education more interesting and memorable.

    Students have many opportunitiesto learn about themselves, to develop and use their skills and knowledge in different contexts. Universities and students’ unions typically host various clubs and societies that you can join: sports teams, clubs for culture and aesthetic education, volunteering, clubs organized around the scientific interests.

    University students usually participate in different festivals, contests, competitions, conferences held in their higher schools as well as in others local and foreign ones.

    Studying at the university is so much fun because you meet a lot of unique people and make new friends.

    No doubt there are plenty of problems students face everyday that affects their studies, especially juniors as they don’t know yet how to organize their work and time.
    Part 2. CHALLENGES students face while studying
    Read the text and speak on the problems students face while studying.
    When students start the university life most of them face a lot of challenges. Sometimes it is easy for students to adapt things around them, but sometimes not.

    Homesickness. One difficulty faced by many university students is being away from home. A number of former school leavers travel to different cities to pursue their studies. They spend time away from their homes and their families and feel homesick very often. We are very fortunate to live in the 21st century because we can counter the distance with all the technology we have in our hands today. Thanks to the modern means of communication, most students can stay connected with their parents, family members and friends over the internet.

    Finding new friends. University students also face problems with making new friends. It is normal for people to feel shy in the beginning, especially when they don’t know anyone around them. It often seems that people are just waiting for someone to approach them because they are too shy to make the first move. Students should learn to step out of their comfort zones and put themselves out there when trying to make new friends.

    Financial problems. University students feel the stress when it comes to monetary issues. You have to spend a lot for daily expenses if you come from the province and have not any relatives in the city who support you financially. Some students need to pay for studying and the tuition fee is rather high. As a result students work part-time to support their living. But it often brings about poor progress at the university and failure at exams. Not all students are able to combine the job and study successfully. It is rather challenging to give advice how to avoid financial problems. One can recommend to weigh all options before choosing your future place of study.

    Transportation also poses to be a popular problem that students face, especially those who live far from the higher school. It is difficult to go to the university in time because of a lack of public transportation and traffic jams. Moreover, it isn’t just about the time, but also about the colossal waste of energy. By the time students reach the class, they are already worn down .

    Time Management. Many students also suffer from the poor time management. Due to their busy lifestyles, it is hard to find a good balance between their studies, social life and working lives. Students should strive to have a planned schedule for their day so that they can try to maximize their productivity. They have home tasks, projects and deadlines that appear almost daily after each class. A lot of them spend their time doing all thе work during the hours that they are supposed to be asleep. Some of them claim that they work better at night, but it is a very unhealthy habit. It would be good if students could learn to finish up their work in the day time and leave the night-time to sleeping as that is the time where your body is regenerating, mending, and creating new cells. The students should have the internal discipline that helps to plan their schedule properly.

    Housing Problems. You may get a place in the hostel or rent an apartment, but it is really difficult to find accommodation that is right for you. You have to consider factors such as distance, rent rates, facilities, roommates etc. One can recommend to find the proper dwelling before you leave home.

    Choosing a major is not an easy task. Some young people think their major will determine the future career and how much money they will make, which means that making the right decision now feels hugely important (and stressful). If you are unsure about your major, choose something broad and versatile, such as communications. Many students who get their Bachelor’s degrees in one field progress to get a Master’s degree in a different area. Worrying too much about your major is simply not worth it. Focus instead on gaining knowledge and life skills.

    Various academic problems. In today’s highly competitive world, students face various academic problems including exam stress, disinterest in attending classes and the inability to understand a subject. It is extremely important to understand that the mental constitution or coping capacities vary from one person to another. Therefore, people with lesser coping capacities become more prone to anxiety, depression and fear of academic failure and this indeed shows us that each individual should not be subjected to the same learning arrangement. One good way to deal with stress is to exercise. Exercising helps release endorphins which is a hormone that helps our body relax and feel good. Students who exercise seem to be able to handle stress a lot better than those who do not exercise.

    These are just some of the more general problems that university students appear to face. Of course, with every individual, there will be their own personal forms of problems which may differ from another person.

    Comprehension Check

    1. Answer the following questions:

    1.Where does the narrator study?

    2. How does the narrator characterize his university?

    3. Why does the narrator choose this higher school?

    4. What levels of the higher education are offered at the university?

    5. How long does the period of education last?

    6. When do the lessons begin at the university?

    7. What subjects do the first and second year students study?

    8. What is «major»?

    9. Who is recommended for further study at the post-graduate courses?

    10. What kind of opportunities do students have to develop and use their skills and knowledge?

    11. What are the challenges students face while studying?

      1. What difficulties while studying do you consider to be severe personally for you?

    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or not stated:
    1. My university is a unique and dynamically developing higher school which integrates qualitative education and progressive science.

    2. The narrator chose this university for his studying because of its convenient location.

    3. The university trains students on three levels of the higher education: Bachelors, Specialists and Masters.

    4. The academic year begins as a rule at the beginning of October and ends in July.

    5. Classes at our University begin at a quarter to eight in the morning and are over at ten minutes past two p.m.

    6. The narrator is going to apply for various internships at foreign universities.

    7. The narrator considers studying at the university to be boring.

    8. Those graduates who have keen interest in research are recommended for further study abroad.

    9. The students have many opportunities to self-development.

    10. Whatever are the results of exams, the students of the university get scholarship.

    11. When students started the university life, most of them faced a lot of challenges.

    12. The major challenge while studying is finding new friends.

    13. All students are able to combine the job and study successfully.

    14. It is not easy to choose a right major.

    15. People with lesser coping capacities become more prone to anxiety, depression and fear of academic failure
    3.Choose the rifgt variant:

    1. The narrator studie … at the State Technical University.

    a) for Masters’s degree;

    b) for doctoral degree;

    c) for Bachelor’s degree.

    2. From the beginning of the course the students are involved in … subjects.

    a) major;

    b) elective;

    c) different.

    3. The graduates who have keen interest in research are recommended for further study … .

    a) at foreign universities;

    b) at the Master’s course;

    c) at the post-graduate courses.

    4. The students’ … life in the university is a fascinating world of activities.

    a) extracurricular;

    b) scientific;

    c) academic.

    5. Being away from home the students feel … very often.

    a) angry;

    b) homesick;

    c) free.

    6. Not all students are able to combine … successfully.

    a) the job and study;

    b) the study and private life;

    c) the study and extracurricular life.

    7. Many students also suffer from the poor … .

    a) finance;

    b) time management;

    c) living facilities.

    8. Some students think their … will determine the future career.

    a) academic progress;

    b) social life;

    c) major.

    9. Pople with lesser coping capacities become more prone to … .

    a) illness;

    b) anxiety;

    c) waste of energy.

    10. One good way to deal with stress is to … .

    a) exercise;

    b) sleep;

    c) make new friends.
    Grammar in Focus
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