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  • 3. Choose the right variant

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 2. Choose the correct translation of «one»

  • 3.Choose the correct translation of «that (those)»

  • Speaking Workshop

  • Aspects of higher education Russia Great Britain

  • 5*. Speak on the topic « Higher Education in the USA

  • Listening

  • 3. Choose the appropriate translation of

  • 4. Choose the appropriate translation of

  • 5. Choose the appropriate translation of

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    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. Does the system of higher education in the United States differ from that one in Europe? Prove your answer.

    2. What types of educational venues are there in the US system of higher education?

    3. The academic standards of American colleges and universities vary greatly, don’t they? Prove your answer.

    4. What degrees are American students awarded after graduation from the community college?

    5. Do the four-year liberal arts colleges offer the undergraduate degree to their alumni? Prove your answer.

    6. Why is the reputation of for-profit colleges doubtful?

    7. What is the difference between public and private universities in the USA?

    8. What programs do the universities offer to the students?

    9. How is admission process organized in the US higher schools?

    10. What are the types of graduate’s degrees in the USA?

    11. What does the flexibility of the educational process in US universities imply?

    12. What are peculiarities of academic credit systems in the US universities?

    13. Why should the students earn a certain number of credits?

    14. Do students receive any financial aid from government and educational venues? Prove your answer.

    15. What are the most prominent institutions of higher education
    in the USA?
    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated:

    1. The system of higher education in the United States is similar to the European on.

    2.There is no national system of higher education in the United States of America.

    3. Two-year community colleges are the most popular type of educational venues in the USA.

    4. The four-year liberal arts colleges lead students to earning the Bachelor’s degree .

    5. For-profit colleges offer the affordable tuition fees for the international students.

    6. The most prestigious US universities are private foundations and receive no federal or state funds.

    7. Some private institutions are financed by charity funds.

    8. Public universities are supported by states.

    9. US universities require entrance exams such as SAT/ ACT and GRE/GMAT.

    10. All students can change their majors a number of times.

    11. The interview is a significant requirements for admission to undergraduate programs in the United States.

    12. Graduate schools are part of the US universities.

    13. US higher education is based on the accumulation of course credits.

    14. Many Russian famous scientists graduated from Harvard University.

    15. Tuition fees for in-state residents and out of state residents don’t differ.

    3. Choose the right variant:

    1. The system of higher education in the United States differs from its … in Europe.

    a) copies

    b) counterparts

    c) clones

    2. A two-year college awards an … after two years’ study.

    a) master’s degree

    b) undergraduate degree

    c) associate degree

    3. Public universities are administered by the … .

    a) group of shareholders

    b) private business

    c) individual states

    4. The most famous US higher education institutions include the … universities.

    a) Ivy League

    b) Redbrick

    c) Russell Group

    5. After two years of general education courses, a student focuses on his … .

    a) minor

    b) major.

    c) master’s

    6. Master’s degree in the United States is the first step of higher education within … schools.

    a) graduate

    b) professional

    c) research

    7. U.S. higher education is based on … .

    a) grants

    b) credits

    c) majors

    8. Fees for private universities have… dramatically in recent years.

    a) increased

    b) decreased

    c) reduced

    9. A lot of students receive financial aid in the form of … or grants.

    a) scholarships

    b) tuition fees

    c) loans

    10. There are a lot of US universities notable … .

    a) alumni

    b) scientists

    c) politicians
    Grammar in Focus
    1. Choose the correct translation of«it»:

    A. именно

    B. личное местоимение

    C. формальное подлежащее

    D.формальное дополнение

    E. указательное местоимение

    1. It is rather expensive for out of state residents to study at UK and US universities.

    2. It is my friend who won the grant for getting MBA at California Institute of Technology.

    3. The study at summer school in Yale University made it possible to improve my English and meet new friends.

    4. This campus is rather big. It consists of 10 buildings.

    5. The system of higher education in the United States differs from its counterparts in Europe.
    2. Choose the correct translation of «one»from the list below:

    A. один

    B. заменитель существительного

    C. неопределенно-личное местоимение

    1. Tuition fee for study at US public universities are not so high as at private ones.

    2. One should confirm the language proficiency to be enrolled to the US university.

    3. Stanford University is one of the top-rated educational venues throughout the world.

    4. Except above mentioned universities there are another prestigious ones.

    5. One can call the Services for International Students to know detailed information about accommodation in the main campus of this college.

    3.Choose the correct translation of «that (those)»from the list below:

    A. что

    B. который

    C. именно

    D. тот/этот

    E. заменитель существительного

    F. то, что

    1. That new campus of our university has the vibrant environment .

    2. There is a certain number of credits that every student has to earn in order to receive a undergraduate degree.

    3. Those who have received a Bachelor’s after 4 years of studies are known as graduates.

    4. The peculiarity of higher education in the USA is that the government gives no direct financial aid to the higher schools.

    5. It was our fellow student who got the Fulbright scholarship to study for free at the Duke University next academic year.

    6. The types of higher education institutions in the UK differs from those in the USA.

    7. It is known that Harvard University has an excellent reputation in many fields.

    8. That UK university rankings and league tables are highly competitive is obviously.

    9. These IELTS tests are too difficult for me.

    10. Most cities in the USA have colleges that hold classes at night
    as well as in daytime.

    Speaking Workshop
    1. Read the conversation Sharing Opinions About Some Issues of Higher Education in Different countries. Pay attention to the words and phrases in bold. What other issues concerning higher education would you discuss. Make up your own conversation using these model:

    James: Hey, Petr! Glad to see you! So we met again at the international event.

    Petr: Hi, James. Nice to see you. Some students from our university in Russia are taking part at the forum held by this British university for international students. Now I am actually on my way to the library to meet Dany, my British friend I told you about. From what I heard he barely has any time to hang out, since he is preparing for the exams. Oh, there he is!

    Dany: Heya! I heard you talking about me and decided to join in. And he is right, I am working through everything that might possibly pop up in any of the tests. It is incredibly hard to go to university in Britain in a way that doesn’t require you to mortgage your house if you don’t have enough cash.

    James: Really? Is the US the only place where we have to do something similar or work for, like, years to get somewhere in terms of university?

    Dany: I mean, the scholarships are even more of a mess in the states, but it is theoretically possible to get them. If you are a genius that is. Otherwise, no free stuff for you.

    Petr: But you get dorms for the money you pay, don’t you? As for the dorms in Russia you can get it if you are a non resident student.

    Dany: It isn’t always the case. It is true that there can be something of this kind in universities, but there still are those that don’t bother with dorms.

    James: Petr, is it true that Russian teachers are so underpaid ? I wonder how they even get by with the lack of funding.

    Petr: Yeah, this is the case here too. It affects most higher schools outside the Moscow region of the country. So the education in the regions suffers because of it.

    Dany: I heard that you don’t separate elementary schools from middle and high schools in Russia too. Do you think that it would affect how applicants| enrol in the universities?

    Petr: Well, not every school does that, though most do. And it is true that it affects how we adapt to the new environment. At first people don’t form bonds nearly as quickly, though activities that are done in groups do help with that problem.

    James: Well, you still have some kind of attraction going on at the very least. In USA, because most people don’t know who is in their class since high school people are much more fragmented. Meaning that outside of groups that are formed right in the beginning of the first year of studying, either because of clubs or because of personal stuff, there aren’t many interactions between the groups unless they become unavoidable

    Dany: Really? That is kind of jarring. I heard that here in Britain it is kind of like a mix of both. People are still separated into groups, but they still do communicate with others.

    James: I didn’t say that we don’t talk at all! We just try to keep unnecessary socializing to a minimum.

    Petr: Alright, it’s been more than enough chit-chat for the day. We should discuss with Dany some of the challenges in my presentation.

    Dany: Sure!See you later, James

    James: Good luck!Bye!

    2*. Role-play the following situations:

    1. You are interested in studying at one of the US educational venues. Find the necessary information about the courses offered on the website https://www.studyusa.com. Prepare a presentation about the ranked
    US universities. Exchange opinions with your fellow students.

    2. You are a member of the Russian students’ delegation visiting the international students forum in the USA. Exchange opinions with other foreign students about your study. Touch upon information
    about the curriculum, courses, degrees, tuition fee, assessment accommodation etc.

    3.* Find on the Internet information about the system of higher education in other English - speaking countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand). Prepare a 5 min presentation for your group.

    4.* Project work. Compare the UK, US an RF system of higher education. Find out the differences and similarities in the educational systems of these countries. The following table will help you to present your research to the group:

    Use the following phrases while speaking:

    Let’s start with the types of higher education institutions.

    Talking about Russia there are the following types of higher schools ... .

    As for Great Britain/the USA there are … .

    The next aspect is qualification for admission to higher institutions (etc. according to the aspects mentioned in the table).

    To our point of view the educational systems of these countries have more/less differences than similarities.

    Taking everything in account /To sum up we would like to say … .

    As for me I would prefer to get higher education in … .
    Comparison of the higher educational systems in different countries

    Aspects of higher education


    Great Britain

    The USA

    Types of higher education institutions

    Qualifications for admission


    Duration of study

    Duration of semester

    Choosing of the subjects (compulsory, majors, elective)

    Credit system


    Scholarships, grants

    Tuition Fee

    Quality of Education


    5*. Speak on the topic «Higher Education in the USA» using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ... .

    2.According to the text … .

    3.As I understood from the text ... .

    4. As it is described in the text ... .

    5.As seen from the text … .

    6.As for me I learnt that … .

    7.It is pointed out that … .

    8. I didn’t know that … .

    9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however,therefore.

    10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ... .

    1. Listen to the text College Scholarships on http://www.esl-lab.com.

    2. Do the tasks given.

        1. Watch the video College Success on http://www.esl-lab.com.

    2.Do the tasks given.

    TEST 2


    1. Match the equivalents:

    1. less

    2. the most perspective

    3. busier

    4. more experienced

    5. narrow

    6. worse

    7. the cheapest

    8. later

    9. the most complicated

    10. the brightest
    a) более занятый b) узкий c) хуже d) более поздний e) самый сложный f) самый яркий g) более опытный h) самый перспективный i) меньше j) самый дешевый
    2.Fill in the gaps:

    1. The professor … a complicated experiments last week.

    a) make b) was making c) was made d) made

    2. English universities …greatly from each other.

    a) differs b) differ c) are differing d) were differing

    3. Tomorrow at 9 o’clock they …an exam in Higher Mathematics.

    a) will be taking b) will take c) make d) will be taken

    4. New language courses … by our teachers these days.

    a) are developing b) were developed c) are being developed d) are developed

    5. What educational websites … when we came back?

    a) browsed they b) are they browsed c) were they browsing d) were they being browsed

    6. My friends … the reasons of changing the major with their
    academic adviser the whole morning.

    a) discussed b) was being discussing c) was discussed d) were

    7. The Open University … in 1969.

    a) was founding b) founded c) was founded d) is founded

    8. On graduation from the community colleges American students … an associate degree.

    a) are awarded b) are being awarded c) were awarded d) are

    9. They … on their project in a week.

    a) work b) will work c) will be working d) will be worked

    10. All overseas universities … to monitor the COVID-19 situation nowadays.

    a) were continuing b) continued c) are continuing d) continuous

    3. Choose the appropriate translation of «it»from the list below:

    A. именно

    B. личное местоимение

    C. формальное подлежащее

    D. формальное дополнение

    E. указательное местоимение
    1. This student from Croatia speaks five foreign languages.

    2. It is necessary to have minimum language proficiency confirmed by TOEFL in order to study at the British universities.

    3. The student from India finds it reasonable to change his major.

    4. This is a new textbook. Take it, please.

    5. It is the University of Bristol that I want to apply for an internship.

    4. Choose the appropriate translation of «one» from the list below:

    A. числительное

    B. заменитель существительного

    C. неопределенно-личное местоимение

    1. One should earn a certain number of credits to obtain a degree at the end of four years of college in Great Britain.

    2. Cardiff University is also a member of the prestigious Russell Group, one of 24 elite research universities in the UK.

    3. The chance is too good a one to be lost.

    4. One can have a good knowledge of many subjects to become
    a good specialist.

    1. Last year I took part at various Russian conferences, but my brother took part in several international ones.

    5. Choose the appropriate translation of «that (those)»from the
    list below:

    A. что

    B. который

    C. именно

    D. тот/этот/те/эти

    E. заменитель существительного

    F. то, что

    1. Do you know those foreign students from New Zealand?

    2. One of the most surprising and unique aspects of the US education system is that many of the most prestigious universities are private foundations.

    3. For-profit colleges also known as proprietary educational venues that are owned and operated by a private business or corporation.

    4. The course of training for bachelors differs from that of the masters.

    5. It is our professor who made a report at the Princeton University last month.

    6. It is obvious that the good knowledge of English language is the main factor for overseas students to master other subjects at the UK universities.

    7. All these research projects are mostly designed for those who plan to enroll in PhD programs in the future.

    8. That Cardiff University is recognized as one of Britain’s leading teaching and research universities is a well-known fact.

    9. There are many scholarships on the university’s website, choose those suitable for your specialty.

    10. The webinar that the International Development department organized for the applicants last week was rather informative.
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