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  • 3. Choose the appropriate translation of

  • 4. Choose the appropriate translation of

  • 5. Choose the appropriate translation of

  • UNIT 6.

  • 1. Find the appropriate equivalent

  • 2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below

  • 2. Fill in the blanks with the words: career, education, job, work, profession, trade, occupation, vocation

  • 3. Say if these are professions or trades

  • Make up sentences using the words above as in the example

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 2. Choose the necessary form of the verb (Present Perfect or Past Simple)

  • SPEAKING WORKSHOP 1. Complete the following sentences and put them in order of importance. Add anything else that is important for you

  • 2. Work in pairs. Discuss with your fellow students what should a good engineer/architect/civil engineer do Use the phrases

  • 3. Read the text. Prepare a more detailed report about the promising careers of tomorrow’s world. Promising professions for the coming years

  • TEXT 2.

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    1. Complete the gaps with the words below:

    a) less expensive

    b) more hardworking

    c) useful

    d) the farthest

    e) further

    f) the last

    g) the most cost-effective

    h) oldest

    i) more

    j) the most notable

    1. All my friends say that this educational website is so … .

    2. It was … online language course I’ve ever taken.

    3. Mr Harris was … to take part at this international program.

    4. These foreign students can’t continue their … study at Oxford because of lack of financial aid.

    5. Liverpool is one of the … student cities in the UK.

    6. The two … universities in England were founded in 12th and 13th centuries.

    7. The more he collects data the … he becomes in his investigation.

    8. It was … journey he has ever been able to do in his life.

    9. Isaac Newton, English mathematician and physicist is one of … of Cambridge University.

    10. This student doesn’t study very well but he is … .

    1. Fill in the gaps:

    1. The Scottish universities … to the Old universities.

    a) are belonged b) belong c) do belong d) were belonged

    2. Our scientists always … a great contribution to the development of world development science and technology.

    a) make b) are making c) are made d) were making

    3. Last semester he … in several exams.

    a) was failing b) fails c) failed d) was fail

    4. The International department … tests for the foreign new materials from 10 till 12 tomorrow.

    a) do conduct b) will be conducting c) will conduct d) will be conducted

    5. Why … they still … the dissertation of this postgraduate student?

    a) do discuss b) are discussing c) did discuss d) were discussing

    6. We … measurements and … the data when our scientific
    adviser came.

    a) made, recorded b) are making, are recording c) make, record d) were making, were recording

    7. The students’ term papers … by the teacher next week.

    a) won’t be corrected b) won’t correct c) aren’t corrected d) don’t correct

    8. Preparations for the final exam … for a whole day yesterday.

    a) are made b) were being made c) were made d) were making

    9. The students of the Master’s program … at this moment.

    a) are being examined b) are examined c) were being examined
    d) are examining

    10. Specialists who received degrees at UK higher educational institutions … on the world labour market.

    a) are highly rated b) is rating c) is being rated d) rated
    3. Choose the appropriate translation of «it» from the list below:

    A. именно

    B. личное местоимение

    C. формальное подлежащее

    D. формальное дополнение

    E. указательное местоимение
    1. I find it useful to revise the material studied last semester.

    2. Look at this new hostel. It was built last year.

    3. It is this intensive German language course that I am planning to register for.

    4. Scientists think it is a good idea to force yourself to do new things.

    5. It is common knowledge that Cambridge and Oxford practice a unique tutorial system.
    4. Choose the appropriate translation of «one» from the list below:

    A. числительное

    B. заменитель существительного

    C. неопределенно-личное местоимение
    1. One must get such education qualifications as A-levels and the International Baccalaureate to enroll the UK universities.

    2. Established in 1636, Harvard is the oldest university in the United States ranked as a leading one in not just the US but also the world.

    3. One US college on this website attracted my attention.

    4. Columbia University is one of the top private universities in New York City.

    5. One should mention that Boston University is famous for its interdisciplinary breadth and depth of excellence in cloud computing, cyber security, engineering biology and neuroscience.

    5. Choose the appropriate translation of «that (those)»from the list below:

    A. что

    B. который

    C. именно

    D. тот/этот/те/эти

    E. заменитель существительного

    F. то, что
    1. There is little doubt that the University of Pennsylvania deserves its Ivy League status and reputation.

    2. That most undergraduate home students are eligible for loans is known for us.

    3. It is Lancaster’s green campus that provides modern facilities and study spaces for all students.

    4. The education in the US two-year community colleges differs in some ways from that in four-year undergraduate institutions.

    5. Do you know the name of that student who is speaking with his scientific adviser now?

    6. Every degree has a mandatory number of credit hours that need to be completed.

    7. That plenty of US universities suspended all new international exchange and domestic visitors is a forced restriction due to pandemic.

    8. Everybody knows that Professor Smirnov is the head of the biggest
    language center in our city.

    9. One of the main advantage of Warwick University is that it has the own recruitment agency to help students find regular or temporary work

    10. That new campus of Swansea University is close to the city center and to the beach.

    UNIT 6. EDUCATION AND CAREER as essential factors IN EVERY person’s lifestyle

    Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

    John Dewey
    1. Have you ever had any job experience?

    2. What careers are the most attractive for you?

    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:


    1. призвание, склонность, лица определенной профессии

    2. vocation

    2. род занятий, род деятельности

    3.to render services

    3. подчеркнуть

    4.to endeavor

    4. размывать

    5. demarcation

    5. убеждение, понимание

    6. to blur

    6. прилагать усилия, стараться, пытаться

    7. acquisition of knowledge

    7. тогда как

    8. belief

    8. разграничение

    9. whereas

    9. приобретение знаний

    10. to inculcate

    10. предоставлять, оказывать услуги

    11. vibrant

    11. взаимосвязанные термины


    12.все же

    13. interrelated terms

    13. решающая роль

    14. crucial role

    14. яркий, полный жизни, сил

    15. to highlight

    15. внушать, прививать

    16. trade

    16.ремесло, профессия

    17.to abide by the regulations

    17. соблюдать правила

    18. intern

    18.стажёр, интерн, практикант

    19. master craftsman

    19.мастер, высококвалифицированный работник

    20. artisan

    20. ремесленный, кустарный

    2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1. render;2. endeavoured;3. whereas;4. profession;5. career;6.acquisition; 7. interrelated; crucial;8. inculcate;9. artisan; 10.blurred.
    1. … is an activity that requires specialized training, knowledge, qualification and skills.

    2. Dictionary defines the word … as a person’s «course or progress through life».

    3. The individuals who … personalized services are called professionals.

    4. Occupation is a kind of economic activity … by a person for earning money.

    5. The line of demarcation between occupation and profession is thin and … .

    6. Career and education are different yet highly … terms that play a … role in every person’s lifestyle.

    7. Education is the process of the … of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits.

    8. The education begins at a very young age,and lasts throughout the lifetime … the career starts when people grow up.

    9. The objective of education is to … values, ideals and beliefs in the person.

    10. A trade is a work activity that is generally linked to manual or … processes.
    TEXT 1. concepts «profession, occupation,vocation, job, work and trade»
    Read the text and define the terms «career, education, profession, occupation, vocation, job, work and trade».
    Career and education are different yet highly interrelated terms that play a crucial role in every person’s lifestyle.

    Education is the process of studying in order to obtain a deeper knowledge and understanding of a variety of subjects to be applied to daily life. means the acquisition of skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, discussion and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators and teachers; however learners can also educate themselves. Education is not limited to just knowledge from books, but can also be obtained through practical experiences outside of the classroom.

    Career is an individual’s metaphorical «journey» through learning, work and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to define career and the term is used in a variety of ways.

    In this regard, it is appropriate to consider concepts profession, occupation, vocation, job, work and trade.

    Profession is an activity that requires specialized training, knowledge, qualification and skills, getting a high degree of education and expertise in the concerned area. It is governed by a professional body or statute. The individuals who render personalized services are called professionals. Examples: doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, chartered accountants etc.

    Occupation refers to the kind of economic activity endeavored by a person for earning money. It does not necessarily require specialized schooling. Both physical and mental jobs are included in an occupation. Examples: drivers, shopkeepers, a government servants, clerks, etc.

    The line of demarcation between occupation and profession is thin and blurred.

    Vocation is an occupation for which a people are especially suited, trained, or qualified. It is our response to a call from beyond oneself to use our strengths and gifts to make the world better through service, creativity, and leadership. Here are examples to highlight what is vocation.

    Being sales manager is a job but sales is a vocation.

    Being a lawyer is a profession but law is a vocation.

    Being a surgeon is a job but medicine is a vocation.

    Career has another definition as well, though. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word «career» as a person’s «course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)». It is comprised of the different jobs you have held; titles you have earned and work you have accomplished over a long period of time. When viewed in this context, a career includes everything related to your career development, including your choice of profession and advancement. Your single career could include a variety of different paths.

    «Work» and «job» are two words that have similar yet different meanings. Although they are used interchangeably, their meanings may differ according to how they are used.

    «Job»is defined as «an activity that an individual performs in exchange for a specific fee or payment.» It is also referred to as an occupation, profession, career, or trade. It is a responsibility of an individual towards his employer that he must perform well because he is paid for it. When one is hired for a job, he has to get into a contract with his employer, and he has to abide by the regulations of the company. In a job, the goals and targets are more specific and well laid out for the employees to follow and achieve.

    The word «work» is used as a noun as well as a verb.

    It is something that an individual does in the performance of his job or of his responsibilities towards his employers or other people. «Work» is a general term that refers to all activities that one does while «job» is more specific.

    It can be something that one does in the performance of his responsibilities to his family such as cooking their food and cleaning the house. It can also be something that one does because he loves doing it like gardening or helping out in church. An individual does not always have to be paid for his work unlike a job in which he is paid for accomplishing.

    A trade is a work activity that is generally linked to manual or artisan processes that do not require formal studies while a profession is a work activity that requires specialized academic training.

    In some trades, when a high degree of expertise is achieved, the person is often called a master craftsman. Although it is not a formal title, it is an acknowledgment of the level of skill that the person has achieved throughout their career.

    Some examples of trades can be shoemaker, carpenter, baker, barista, pastry chef, seamstress, mechanic, jeweler, watch repairman, etc.

    Although, there are technical-level schools that teach trades and give them a degree of formality, they have long been learned in a practical and informal way.

    Similarly, there are people with a high degree of academic preparation who decide to practice a trade, either out of necessity or out of personal interest.

    The main difference between career and education depends on their source and the goal. Education is the first step towards the beginning of the career. It provides us with values, ideas, knowledge and introduces us to various aspects of life. Career gives us life challenge and we can put our education to practical use. The education begins at a very young age,and lasts throughout the lifetime whereas the career starts when people grow up.

    By being well-educated and holding a college degree, you increase your chances for better career opportunities and open up new doors for yourself. But not everyone has a successful career in spite of receiving the same education. Education is obtained from one or the other external source whereas career can be self-made.

    The goal of building a career is to gain money and respect from it whereas the objective of education is to inculcate values, ideals, beliefs in the person.

    To sum up, education and career are two very different definitions. Both of them are co-related and have an effect on each other. Yet both are various in their source, objective, time period, the role of interest, etc.

    Education brings the benefit of knowledge, teaches us with life skills while a career help put knowledge into practice. Both make our existence vibrant.
    comprehension check

    1. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

    1. We can learn a lot by reading about the careers of famous people.

    2. He has been out of work for a month but now he has found a very good job at big IT company.

    3. Would you like to go on in higher education after leaving the secondary school?

    4. She has no vocation for nursing.

    5. The career prospects for graduates remain some of the best at University of Oxford.

    6. Are all professions suitable to women?

    7. I could never do an ordinary office job.

    8. If everyone was provided with the same opportunities to education, then there would be less gaps between social classes.

    9. Teaching is a hard work and often low paid but for many people it is a vocation.

    10.Medicine has always been a male-dominated profession.
    2. Fill in the blanks with the words:career, education, job, work, profession, trade, occupation, vocation:

    1. Men in manual … are less prone to stress-related illnesses.

    2. At the age of 30 I realized I have no … for teaching and decided to change … .

    3. To get … at on of the Ivy League universities is my pipe dream.

    4. It’s desirable for everyone to find a … that offers good … prospects.

    5. Pastry chef is a useful … .

    6. The number of remote … has increased recently.

    7. It’s rather hard to find … on specialty in our town.

    8. Now there are more and more … opportunities for women.

    9. This college teaches many useful … .

    10. As a logopedist my elder sister feels she has finally found her … .

    11. I want to find out more about … in IT sphere.

    12. Please, fill in the details of your present … .

    13.Every citizen has the right to … which is guaranteed by the Constitution.

    14. Fewer young people are being hired on the legal … nowadays.

    15. Some of my classmates entered colleges where they would be taught various … .

    3. Say if these are professions or trades:

    Software engineer, librarian, fireman, stewardess, cook, psychologist, milling-machine operator, architect, hairdresser, policeman, seamstress, mechanic, accountant, sound producer, banker, builder, priest, artist, carpenter, kindergarten teacher, plumber, photographer, watch repairman, veterinarian, driver, interpreter, welder.

    Make up sentences using the words above as in the example: A teacher teaches children. A musician plays musical instruments.

    4. Which qualities best describe people who want to succeed
    in work or study? Describe yourself.

    dependable ambitious creative

    fair minded accurate responsible

    independent decent purposeful

    patient broad-minded reserved

    indifferent enthusiastic conscientious

    generous reliable diligent

    stress proof persistent tolerant

    strong-willed careful/careless quick-minded

    intro/extroverted self-centered punctual
    Grammar in Focus
    1. Translate the sentences with the Present, Past Perfect and Future Perfect Active. Give the negative and question forms:

    1. Alex has already decided to choose cybersecurity as his major.

    2. The changes at our corporation have affected not only the structure of the organization, but also the employees.

    3. The seniors had developed this mobile application for IT English by the beginning of semester.

    4. Will robots completely have replaced a person by the 22th century?

    5. He hasn’t found a job on specialty yet.

    6. They had quitted the previous job by the end of the month.

    7. He has lost his job recently.

    8. We will have completed Bachelor’s course at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by the upcoming July.

    9. The American startup Knightscope has released the first model of robot policeman lately.

    10. US universities had canceled all admissions tours for international students when the pandemic began.
    2. Choose the necessary form of the verb (Present Perfect or Past Simple):

    1. We (have travelled/travelled) to Great Britain last year. My
    grandfather knows so much, because he (has travelled/travelled) a lot.

    2. (were/ have been) you ever to the Silicon Valley?

    3. My colleague (has met/met) the delegation from Pakistan two hours ago. I just (have met/met) the co-workers from China.

    4. The students (have decided/decided) already what subject to choose as «majors». Yesterday they (have decided/decided) to take part at the
    Singapore Biotechnology Forum.

    5. Helen speaks Italian fluently as she (has worked/ worked) in Italy as an interpreter recently. She (has been/was) there three years ago.

    6. The mobile application developer (hasn’t completed/didn’t complete) his new project yet. The mobile application developer (hasn’t completed/didn’t complete) his new project last week.

    7. French (has been/was) the dominant language of the Western world since the 17th century. English (became/has become) the prevailing language of the Western world in the 20th century.

    8. (Have seen/Did see) they our chief architect at the office today? (Have seen/ Did see) they our chief architect at the office yesterday?

    9. The scientist (has completed/ completed) the experiment lately.The scientist (has completed/ completed) the experiment a week ago.

    10. Who (launched/has launched) this new international project on remote jobs opportunities for disabled people last week?Who (launched/has launched) just this new international project on remote jobs opportunities for disabled people?
    1. Complete the following sentences and put them in order
    of importance. Add anything else that is important for you:

    I would be happy in a job where I could ... .

    It is not important for me if I couldn’t … in my future profession.

    1. learn something new

    2. deal with people

    3. do the same things all the time

    4. enjoy being challenged by new tasks

    5. work at the plant

    6. work shifts

    7. have good chance for promotion

    8. work with machines or use instruments

    9. work on my own

    10. work as a part of a team

    11. work outside

    12. work in an office

    13. have good salary

    14. have good social status

    15. have comfortable working conditions

    16. have company car

    17. help other people

    18. have friendly colleagues

    19. wok remotely

    20. have health insurance

    2. Work in pairs. Discuss with your fellow students what should a good engineer/architect/civil engineer do? Use the phrases: I think; I believe; It is no doubt; I suppose; As far as I know; To my mind; Consider the points below.

    To have inventive mind, to be engaged in computer software development, to have problem-solving skills, to have an
    aptitude for drawing and working with figures, to design and supervise large construction projects, to be computer literate, to be critically-minded, to have personal freedom, to be responsible, to have good logical reasoning, to think creatively, to be technically competent, to be trained to handle any challenges, to work as part of the team, to have a talent for technique.
    3. Read the text. Prepare a more detailed report about the promising careers of tomorrow’s world.
    Promising professions for the coming years

    You need to analyze the labor market in order to understand the prospects for career growth. Here are the most promising professions for the coming years and in the future:

    Bioengineer. A specialist in changing the properties of living organisms using the principles of biology and medicine. They can solve acute medical problems and carry out health care tasks. This can also include biopharmacology, which is the development of the latest drugs and dietary supplements for therapeutic purposes based on biological organisms. It also includes bioinformatics, which is the development of programs for collecting and analyzing data in biology.

    Designer of a «smart environment». IT-developers of technologies that transfer information between devices and ensure their stable operation. For example, «smart houses» that can independently turn unused appliances or devices on and off, open doors, etc.

    Robotics specialist. This is the most in demand profession of the future that is on everyone’s minds at the moment. It includes the development of robots (including industrial ones) and the automation of technical systems.

    Cybersecurity specialist. The emergence of new digital technologies has created a lot of threats to information security. This is why an IT cybersecurity specialist is worth their weight in gold today. They create and configure the defense of the information environment from data theft and hacking, as well as investigate cybercrimes.

    Specialist in alternative energy. The day is coming when oil and gas will either be 100% used up or will lose its relevance as a fuel. More and more countries are giving preference to renewable energy sources - which is why solar and wind energy specialists are among the top professions of the future.

    Neuromarketologist. A specialist in the study of customer behavior and how it is impacted. This profession is a mix between cognitive psychology, classical marketing and neurophysiology.

    GMO (genetically modified organisms) agronomist and city farmer. GMO agronomists are engaged in the creation of genetically modified plants which allows them to combine different types of plants and adapt them to any environment. City farmers, on the other hand, operate agro-industrial farms on rooftops and in large urbanized cities, making agriculture and its products widely available.

    3D printing engineer. Three-dimensional design is used today in completely different fields - from architecture to medicine and the production of engineering parts.

    Product manager. He leads a development team and is responsible for the successful launch of a new product to the market. He tracks the product at different stages of its life cycle, collects user feedback, and manages the development plan.

    Marketing analyst. Today the market is experiencing economic shocks almost every week. Competition is constantly growing. In order to stay afloat, companies must adjust their marketing strategies and optimize them in a timely manner. This also requires marketers, which no company can do without - neither a startup nor a large corporation.

    There are actually much more new and promising professions for the future - these are only the most highly paid and interesting of them. Also, according to forecasts of some labor market experts, social workers may enter the top professions of the future. After all, teachers, medical staff, and educators will always be needed by society - and in the future too.Also, the profession of a translator will not lose its position, despite the fact that most translations of simple texts are carried out today with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). However, even an advanced AI is not able to carry out a literary translation of a work of art.
    TEXT 2. Engineering as a career option

    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. engineering

    1. непрерывный

    2 . perpetual

    2. инженерное дело, инжиниринг

    3. mechanical engineering

    3. нестандартное мышление

    4. Pyramids of Giza

    4. восстановить, устранять последствия

    5. the Parthenon

    5. Парфенон (древнегреческий храм, расположенный на афинском

    Акрополе, главный храм в древних

    Афинах, посвящённый

    покровительнице этого города

    и всей Аттики богине Афине)

    6. remediate

    6. Пирамиды Гизы (находятся на берегу реки Нил, одно из восьми чудес света)

    7. sketch

    7. машиностроение

    8. design

    8.компьютерное моделирование

    9. thinking out of the box

    9. эскиз

    10. to adjust equipment

    10. инженер-нефтяник

    11. computer simulation

    11.проектирование, инженерно-технический проект, конструирование

    12. petroleum engineer

    12.настраивать,устанавливать оборудование

    13. electrical engineering

    13. авиа- и ракетостроение

    14. civil engineering

    14. медицинский персонал

    15. aerospace engineering

    15. электротехника

    16. healthcare staff

    16. манипуляции

    17. fiddling

    17. гражданское строительство

    18. avionics

    18.управление технологическим процессом

    19. biomedical engineering

    19. универсальный, разнообразный

    20. big data engineer

    20. инженер по обработке больших данных

    21. versatile

    21. биоинженерия

    22. career path

    22. в первую очередь, прежде всего

    23. engineering management

    23. авиационное электронное оборудование

    24. stigma

    24. предубеждение, негативное отношение

    25. purposefulness

    25. карьерный рост

    26. first and foremost

    26. целеустремлённость

    27. spatial imagination

    27. изобретательность

    28. inventiveness

    28. пространственное воображение

    29. power engineer

    29. перспективный

    30. promising

    30. инженер-энергетик

    2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1. big data engineer; petroleum engineer; 2. avionics; 3. inventiveness; 4. out of the box; 5. spatial imagination;6. stigma;7. adjust; 8. Engineering management; 9. Civil engineering; 10. fiddling.

    1. Engineering is a field that promotes thinking … , coming up with unique and independent ideas.

    2. Mechanical engineering is for you if you like … with mechanical devices.

    3. Biomedical engineers install and … biomedical equipment.

    4. Some of the highest-paid careers are … , … , and software engineer.

    5. Such quality as … isn’t strictly necessary but it makes work of an engineer much easier and more productive.

    6. Certain … for female engineers is one of the disadvantages of this profession.

    7. Without … an engineer is like without hands.

    8. … has grown in recent years, with universities responding to industry demand for management-focused engineers.

    9. … is the professional practice of designing and developing infrastructure projects.

    10. Robotics, … and instrumentation engineering are considered to be types of mechatronics.

    1   ...   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   ...   41

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