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  • Answer the following questions

  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated

  • 3. Find synonyms to the following words

  • Grammar in Focus

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    Read the text and speak on the main types of engineering branches.

    To imagine a world without any form of advancement in any field, especially in the area of technology and innovation, will be equivalent to imagining a world without engineering. Society keeps changing, and so do the needs of the people within it. Engineering is such a domain that adapts itself to these changing trends and needs. Considering the perpetual growth in demand for engineers, there is a wide range of career paths and great opportunities for high-achieving engineering graduates to choose from.

    The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning «cleverness and ingeniare»,meaning «to contrive, devise».

    Engineering is a scientific discipline that basically involves the study of creating, designing, developing, or fixing with the application of science. It is a field that promotes thinking out of the box, coming up with unique and independent ideas, and putting forth inventive solutions to problems. Engineering undoubtedly benefits society by giving shape to new ideas that help, thereby transforming imagination into reality.

    Engineering is based principally on physics, chemistry, and mathematics and their extensions into materials science, solid and fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, transfer and rate processes, and systems analysis.

    The history of engineering is part and parcel of the history of human civilization. The Pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge, the Parthenon and the
    Eiffel Tower stand today as monuments to our heritage of engineering. Today’s engineers not only build huge structures, such as the International Space Station, but they are also building maps to the human genome and small computer chips.

    Engineering encompasses a large number of branches:

    Aerospace engineering

    This branch of engineering deals with the research, design, development, construction, testing, science and technology of aircraft. You could also study astronautical engineering, focusing on spacecraft and the deep conditions of space.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You are fascinated by the history and methodology behind flying machines, from the earliest conceptual sketches to the advancement of modern jets.

    You have a keen interest in the mechanics of flight travel.

    You are intrigued by computer simulations and in seeing how aircraft machinery performs under extreme conditions.

    Chemical engineering

    This type of engineering concerns the use of chemical and biological processes to produce useful materials or substances. It’s a multidisciplinary subject, combining natural and experimental sciences (such as chemistry and physics), along with life sciences (such as biology, microbiology and biochemistry), plus mathematics and economics.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You have an analytical mindset.

    You are also considering studying chemistry or another natural/life science.

    You are interested in the chemical processes behind producing everyday items.

    Civil engineering is the professional practice of designing and developing infrastructure projects. This can be on a huge scale, such as the development of nationwide transport systems or water supply networks, or on a smaller scale, such as the development of single roads or buildings.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You are interested in designing and building things.

    You are interested in mechanics, hydraulics, geotechnics (using knowledge of the Earth’s crust to solve construction problems), materials science and statistical analysis.

    Computer engineering concerns the design and prototyping of computing hardware and software. This subject merges electrical engineering with computer science, and you may prefer to study computer engineering alongside one of these similar subjects.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You are interested in an engineering career related to computers – for example as a software developer or computer engineer.

    You are interested in mathematics, science and computers, and want to learn more about how computers operate at a physical level.

    You want to produce new products and systems based on the technological advances of computer scientists.

    Electrical/electronic engineering both focus on applications of electrical power. The two fields differ in that electrical engineers chiefly focus on the large-scale production and supply of electrical power, while electronics engineers focus on much smaller electronic circuits, such as those used in computers.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You are interested in how electrical devices and systems work.

    You want to help power the next phase of technological developments.

    You naturally want to understand how any electrical system is set up and have ideas for how it could be improved.

    Mechanical engineering

    One of the oldest and broadest types of engineering, mechanical engineering is concerned with the design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems. You will study statics and dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, stress analysis, mechanical design and technical drawing.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You like fiddling with mechanical devices (you could also consider aeronautical engineering).

    You are interested in coming up with new and innovative designs in fields such as sustainable energy and artificial intelligence.

    You are interested in working as part of an interdisciplinary team to develop and improve mechanical technologies.

    Engineering management has grown in recent years, with universities responding to industry demand for management-focused engineers by developing dedicated engineering management programs. These courses combine industrial engineering skills and business expertise, often developed jointly by the engineering and business faculties. You could also study one of the above branches of engineering with management.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You are interested in understanding how engineering is applied within different types of business, and the challenges involved in both technical and organizational terms.

    You want to quickly take on a managerial role, while also applying your technical knowledge.

    You want to oversee the development, manufacture, marketing and distribution of products.

    Environmental engineering is a very useful field of engineering as it prevents and remediates pollution as well as maintains or improves the natural environment. This includes water, land, and air resources. Related disciplines are industrial hygiene and environmental engineering law.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You are interested in design projects leading to environmental protection, such as water reclamation facilities, air pollution control systems, and operations that convert waste to energy.

    You want to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, and control of water and air pollution.

    You want to inspect industrial and municipal facilities and programs to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

    Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of science that integrates the principals of mechanical engineering, electronics, computer engineering, telecommunications engineering, systems engineering and control engineering into a unified discipline while keeping the core mechanical engineering education. Robotics, avionics, and instrumentation engineering are considered to be types of mechatronics.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You are interested in developing solutions to industrial problems by using mechanical/electronic/computer technology.

    You want to introduce automation to factory production lines to improve existing processes.

    You want to apply control systems which are typically computer-driven.

    You want to carry out modelling and analysis of mechanical, electronic or other systems using computers.

    Biomedical Engineering is an interdisciplinary specialty that applies engineering principles to medical and biological problems and systems. This discipline commonly deals with medical therapies, monitoring devices, and diagnostic tools.

    This type of engineering is for you if:

    You are interested in research the engineering aspects within the biological systems of humans and animals.

    You want to evaluate the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of biomedical equipment.

    You want to install, adjust, maintain, repair, or provide technical support for biomedical equipment.

    You want to train healthcare staff and other personnel on the proper use of equipment.

    PART 2. The profession of an engineer

    Read the text and speak on the duties, professional qualities of engineers, pluses and minuses of the engineering careers

    The engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost.

    The professional duties of an engineer are as follows:

    Performing various tasks in the field of scientific and technical activities, construction with the help of various means of computer technology.

    Development of normative and methodical documents, technical documentation.

    Participation in the research and development of projects, programs, and equipment.

    Drawing up schedules for orders, maps, schemes.

    Organization of the work of the scientific and technical team.

    Providing both methodological and practical assistance in the implementation of plans, contracts, projects and programs.

    Examination of all documentation, supervision and control of equipment and much more.

    As for engineering professions they are the following: software engineer, mechatronics engineer, environmental engineer, chemical engineer, nuclear engineer, aerospace engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, power engineer, and many others. Some of the highest-paid careers are big data engineer, petroleum engineer, and software engineer. You cannot completely neglect salary sizes, but making them the main criterion when choosing a direction is unwise. As a rule, such motivation won’t be enough to go through difficult studies at a university, and then do it all your life for your own pleasure.

    Most engineers specialize in one or more engineering disciplines. For this reason, they need to have a general understanding of several
    areas of engineering besides their specialty. For example, a civil engineer needs to understand concepts of structural engineering, an aerospace
    engineer needs to apply principles of mechanical engineering, and nuclear
    engineers need a working knowledge of electrical engineering.

    This profession is not suitable for everyone as an engineer is first and foremost a responsible person who must be able to make decisions and anticipate absolutely all of their consequences.

    The career of an engineer requires the following qualities:

    Purposefulness. Without this important character trait, it will be very difficult to succeed in the engineering field.

    Spatial imagination. It cannot be said that it is strictly necessary, but this quality makes work of a specialist much easier and more productive.

    Inventiveness. Without it an engineer is like without hands.

    Creative approach in the technical sphere.

    Mathematical abilities, otherwise training and work will not be fun.

    High sense of responsibility for the result of their work.

    Basic understanding of the context in which engineering is practiced (economy, history, environment, customer and social needs).

    Advantages of working as an engineer:

    High salaries;

    Dynamic promotion options;

    A wide range of specializations;

    Engineers can work for many different companies;

    Working from home may be possible;

    Engineers learn many important hard skills;

    Easy to switch industries for engineers;

    Interesting and diverse work.

    Disadvantages of working as an engineer:

    Getting a degree in a higher educational institution is not easy;

    Long process of learning the craft;

    Hard to start your own company in the engineering industry;

    Working as an engineer can be mentally demanding;

    High level of responsibility;

    It will take quite long until you see the results of your labour;

    Certain stigmafor female engineers;

    Adverse health effects.

    A career in engineering is promising, versatile, and rewarding, giving great scope to collaborate with eminent scholars and experts from around the globe and outside the field. The skills learned and obtained through the study of engineering are transferable from one industry to another.

    1.Watch the video on https://youtube/AnU7moUsaXk Is it still worth becoming an Engineer? - Pros and Cons of Engineering.

    2.Discuss the ideas presented in video.
    Comprehension Сheck

      1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What does the term «engineering» mean?

    2. What are the specialty areas of engineering?

    3. What does aerospace engineering deal with?

    4. Whom is the civil engineering suitable for?

    5. What does computer engineering focus on?

    6. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of science, isn’t it? Prove your answer.

    7. Whom is the engineering management suitable for?

    8.Why is the environmental engineering a very useful field of engineering?

    9. How one can define the term «engineer»?

    10. What are the professional duties of the engineer?

    11. Why should engineers have a general understanding of several areas of engineering?

    12. What are the main requirements to this profession?

    13. What are the main benefits of the engineering career?

    14. What are the disadvantages of this profession?

    15. Why have you chosen engineering as your future career?

    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated:

    1. Engineering and science are not connected.

    2. The term engineering is derived from the Latin language.

    3. The field of engineering is divided into a large number of specialty areas.

    4. Aerospace engineering is the most essential field of engineering.

    5. Chemical engineering isn’t suitable for people with analytical mindset.

    6. Civil engineering is the most popular branch of engineering

    7. The engineers are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials.

    8. All engineering careers are well-paid.

    9. Most engineers specialize in one engineering discipline.

    10. Certain stigma for female engineers doesn’t influence the choice of the future careers among girls.

    11. Dynamic promotion options and wide range of specializations are the benefits of the engineering professions.

    12. The profession of an engineer requires inventiveness, creative approach, mathematical abilities.

    13. The engineers don’t need to have a general understanding of several areas of engineering besides their specialty.

    14. A career in engineering is in demand in the Russian

    15. The engineering careers are suitable for everyone.

    3. Find synonyms to the following words:

    Career, to involve, to deal with, sketch, keen, mindset, professional, to merge, alongside, sustainable, to dedicate, to oversee, duty, salary, criterion.

    4. Find antonyms to the following words:

    To remediate, disposal, to ensure, support, limitation, to neglect, pleasure, suitable, purposefulness, wide, versatile, to understand, advances, to combine, opportunity.

    Grammar in Focus

    1. Correct the mistakes if necessary. Mind using Simple and Perfect Tenses:

    1. The concept of engineering has existed since ancient times as humans thought up fundamental inventions such as a wheel.

    2.The technicians hasn’t installed the new apparatus by yesterday evening.

    3. They will make necessary calculations before the experiment

    4. We never heard about the inventions of Thomas Savery in the field of mechanical engineering.

    5. Engineers usually have used their knowledge of science, mathematics, and appropriate experience to find suitable solutions to a problem.

    6. The team of the young specialists just completed the development of this project.

    7. Why didn’t you design this tool by the fixed-time?

    8. Ancient Greek developed machines in both in the civilian and military domains.

    9. Got ever your friend patents for his inventions in the field of electrical engineering?

    10. In the 20th century, engineering quite literally electrified the nation.
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