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  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available

  • 3. Choose the right variant


  • 2.Choose the appropriate variant. State the type of the infinitive construction.

  • 3*. Transform these sentences using the Complex Subject or Complex Object with the verb in the appropriate form.

  • 5. Complete the sentences using the

  • Speaking Workshop

  • 4.*Prepare a quiz about English-speaking countries. 5*. Speak on the topic English-Speaking Countries

  • LISTENING 1. Listen to the text New York Travel on https://www.esl-lab.com/intermediate/new-york-travel/ 2. Do the tasks given to this text. VIDEO

  • WRITING Write an essay What English-Speaking Country I would Like to Visit Some day Why

  • 2. Choose the appropriate form of the Infinitive

  • 3. Choose the English equivalent

  • 4. Find the sentences with Complex Object and Complex Subject. Translate them into Russian

  • 5. Choose the right translation of the Infinitive

  • 6. State the function of the Infinitive

  • Variant 2

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the Commonwealth of Nations?

    2. When was the current Commonwealth of Nations formally constituted?

    3. What English-speaking countries do belong to this political association?

    4.Who is the head of the Commonwealth of Nations?

    5. How many countries does the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of? What are these countries?

    6. Where is the UK situated?

    7. Why does England rank as one of the most influential centers of cultural development in the world?

    8. What are the three natural regions of Scotland?

    9. Where is Wales located?

    10.When did the British government split Ireland into two autonomous territories?

    11.What are the symbols of the four parts of the United Kingdom?

    12.When did the USA proclaim their independence from Great Britain?

    13.What languages are official spoken in Canada?

    14.What is Canada’s economy dominated by?

    15. What is the geographical peculiarity of Australia?

    16. Why is Australia called «he lucky country»?

    17. Where is New Zealand located?

    18. What language is still popular in New Zealand?

    19. What are the national symbols of the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand?

    20. Which of these English-speaking does attract you most of all? Why?

    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information
    is not available:

    1.The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of states and territories that have been or still are ruled by Britain.

    2.The head of the Commonwealth is currently Charles III.

    3.Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Cyprus, Barbados, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Singapore are members of the Commonwealth.

    4.The UK’s form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system.

    5. Wales is expected to be represented in the Union Flag by its patron saint, Saint David, in the nearest future.

    6.England was formed as a country during the 15th century and took its name from the Celts.

    7.The national symbols of Scotland are a daffodil and a hare.

    8.The most popular sport in Wales is golf.

    9. Northern Ireland shares a border to the south and west with the Republic of Ireland.

    10.The USA is a «melting pot» of cultures from around the world.

    11. The United States is a democratic republic that consists of 52 self-governing states.

    12. «In God We Trust» is the official national motto of Australia.

    13. Australia is famous for its outstanding writers.

    14. New Zealand is going to leave the Commonwealth.

    15. New Zealand’s national emblem is the flightless bird kiwi.

    3. Choose the right variant:

    1. The head of the Commonwealth is currently … .

    a) King

    b) Prime-Minister

    c) Queen

    2. The UK is situated between the … on the north and northwest and the North Sea on the east.

    a) Atlantic Ocean

    b) Pacific Ocean

    c) English Channel

    3. Prevailing economic activities of England are … .

    a) shipbuilding, textiles, and chemicals

    b) coal mining, oil and ore production

    c) wool-based industries

    4. The national symbols of Scotland are … .

    a) red rose and lion

    b) thistle and unicorn

    c) daffodil and red dragon

    5. The capital of Scotland is … .

    a) Glasgow

    b) Edinburgh

    c) Aberdeen

    6. Wales is located in a wide … in the western part of the island of Great Britain.

    a) island

    b) peninsula

    c) continent

    7. In 1921 the British government Ireland … into two autonomous territories.

    a) split

    b) united

    c) created

    8. The USA shares its land borders with … to the north and … to the south.

    a) Canada, Mexico

    b) Panama, Cuba

    c) El Salvador, Costa Rica

    9. In 1776 the USA proclaimed their independence from … .

    a) China

    b) Great Britain

    c) Spain

    10. Canada was under… until the country gained its independence in the 20th century.

    a) American rule

    b) French rule

    c) British rule

    11. The… of Australia began in the late 18th century.

    a) dominance

    b) conquering

    c) exploration

    12) New Zealand is a … .

    a) constitutional monarchy

    b) federal republic

    с) democratic republic


    1. Find the sentences with the Complex Object and
    Complex Subject. Translate them into Russian:

    1. We know him to be the first-rate specialist in the field of the electrical engineering.

    2. He considers this issue to be of great importance.

    3. Every nation and every country are certain to have its own customs and traditions.

    4. The USA is known to have signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

    5. Everybody believe the British to be proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.

    6. All mass events in honour of the Independence Day in the United States are expected to be canceled because of covid pandemic.

    7. Have you ever heard him praise anybody’s work?

    8. The Russian delegation is reported to have left Wellington.

    9. I saw my fellow mates enter the room 412.

    10. He doesn’t seem to know this subject.

    11. We suppose this urgent problem to be discussing at the meeting now.

    12. Your colleague is unlikely to share your point of view.

    13. I don’t think my scientific advisor to change the topic of my term work.

    14. My parents want me to take a Master’s course in Great Britain after graduating from the university.

    15.Professor Smirnov is said to have defended his dissertation at Technological Institute in California.

    2.Choose the appropriate variant. State the type of the infinitive


    1. The delegation is reported (to leave for /to have left for) Canberra in three hours.

    2. He is said (to have graduated /to graduate) from Oxford University two years ago.

    3. I have never been to England but I am likely (to go/going) there.

    4. Mary didn’t expect them (to have asked/to be asking) such embarrassing questions at the recent conference.

    5. Los Angeles is sure (is/to be) the capital of the world movie production.

    6. Australia is known (to occupy/to have occupied) the whole continent.

    7. The interview with the young engineer turned out (being/to be) rather interesting.

    8. Our teacher would like us (to take part/to have taken part) at the international competition on English in two months.

    9.The Chinese students are assumed (have arrived/to arrive) to our university next week.

    10.Our newcomer happens (know/to know) Spanish and French very well

    11. Jane doesn’t want (to start/start) her internship in Boston in April.

    12. My new textbook is supposed (be publishing/to be published) next year.

    13.The examiner noticed me (to cheat/be cheating) from the smartphone.

    14.The students hope Professor Kruglov (to have been taught/to teach) Higher Mathematics next semester.

    15. This social networking appears (to be/be) very popular among the foreign students.

    3*. Transform these sentences using the Complex Subject or Complex Object with the verb in the appropriate form.
    Model: It is known that our colleague is a very good specialist. – Our colleague is known to be a very good specialist (Complex Subject).

    We didn’t expect that the delegation from England had arrived two days ago.- We didn’t expect the delegation from England to have arrived two days ago. (Complex Object).
    1. It is thought that this idea has no practical purpose.

    2. The students don’t know that New Zealand is located not far from Australia.

    3.The employees think that their CEO is doing his best to help them.

    4.It is supposed that necessary measures have been taken to prevent
    my friend from making this choice.

    5.We believe that pandemic will be over soon.

    6.It is known that a unicorn and a thistle are the symbols of Scotland.

    7.It is considered that the economy of the UK is one of the strongest in Europe.

    8.No one assumes that they have already moved to London.

    9.It is reported that the data of this scientific experiment have been posted on the website recently.

    10.Our team expects that the results of this project will be highly appreciated.

    4. Complete the sentences using the Complex Object:

    1. Nobody wanted the pandemic … .

    2. We expect our scientists … .

    3. What made you … .

    4. I didn’t notice my friend… .

    5. The teacher saw him … .

    6. The dean office doesn’t let students … .

    7. We know the sanctions … .

    8. Do you think the serious measures … .

    9. Have you ever seen your friend … .

    10. They don’t consider this project … .
    5. Complete the sentences using the Complex Subject:

    1. This company is known … .

    2. The ecological problems seem … .

    3. The consequences of this event are unlikely … .

    4. This issue is considered … .

    5. Our forum is supposed … .

    6. These data are found … .

    7. This method appears … .

    8. All these restrictions are expected … .

    9. An international language center is reported … .

    10. The USA is said … .
    Speaking Workshop
    1. Read and act out the dialogue with your fellow student. Make up your own dialogue on this model:

    Dan: Hello, Andrew! What a nice surprise! It’ s great to see you!

    Andrew: Hi, Dan! I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?

    Dan: I’ve just come back from London.

    Andrew: Gool! London is an amazing city indeed ! How did you like it there?

    Dan: I enjoyed it greatly. I can’t say I’ve seen a lot, but I liked the attractions I visited: Trafalgar Square, The Houses of Parliament, the Tower, the London Eye, Hide Park, St. James’s Park, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, British Museum, Madame Tussaud’s museum, the Tate Gallery and others.

    Andrew: Wow, so many sights! How long did you stay there?

    Dan: For 7 days. I wouldn’t mind staying there longer. You know, you need lots of time to see all attractions.

    Andrew: Sure. What impressed you most?

    Dan: I liked everything I saw there. But I was short in time. In my opinion, if you want to see all of London, you need to stay here at least for a month.

    Andrew: Please, tell more detailed about some places of interests. For example, about the London Eye.

    Dan: Well, it is considered to be one of the biggest Ferris wheels in the world. Its structure is 135 meters. All in all it has 32 capsules, each holding up to 25 people. It was opened to public in March of 2000.

    Andrew: Sounds interesting. And, who was the architect of this gigantic construction?

    Dan: There were several architects who designed the London Eye, among them Frank Anatole and Nic Bailey.

    Andrew: All right. Can you tell me a bit more about the Tower?

    Dan: It’s a historical castle, which has played a prominent role in English history. It has served as a royal palace, prison and place of execution, fortress, arsenal, jewel house and even a zoo for exotic animals. This is where Anne Boleyn was beheaded.

    Andrew:How interesting! And what do you know about the Tate Gallery?

    Dan: It was founded in 1897 and contains the largest collection of British art. Besides, it has a large collection of international contemporary art. Until 1932 it was known as the National Gallery of British Art. Then the gallery was renamed after Henry Tate who was a sugar magnate and one of the people who laid the foundations for the collection. Today people call it Tate Britain.

    Andrew: Did you visit the official London residence of modern English monarchs - Buckingham Palace? Did it impress you?

    Dan:Awesome! I’ve always wanted to see Changing of the Guard ceremony at the Buckingham Palace. And I saw it! This ceremony usually takes place at 11.30 am and continues till 12 pm. It was rainy and I was afraid the ceremony will be cancelled. But , the rain stopped and I could admire it.

    Andrew: Great! And is Hyde Park worth visiting?

    Dan: Of course! My hotel isn’t far away from this place, it took me 10 minutes to walk there.

    Andrew: Oh, I’ve read about it. As far as I know, everybody can make a speech there.

    Dan:Yes, you are right. Only you can’t speak about the King and Queen. I was lucky, I heard an Englishman making a speech there.

    Andrew: Wow, and what he was talking about?

    Dan: Hm, as far as I understood, something against migrants from Syria and Iraq.

    Andrew: Cool! Thanks a lot. It’s a fantastic city. Well, Dan, I’m afraid you are tired from my questions

    Dan: Nothing of the kind!But to tell you the truth, I’m hungry. I wouldn’t mind having a snack. Would you like join me?

    Andrew: Okey. It’s a café not far away from here.

    Dan:Fine. Let’s go there.

    2.*Online Investigation: Imagine that you are going on vacation to New York City for a week. What places of interest would you visit? Where would you stay (in a hotel, a youth hostel, a discount motel)? Where would you eat? Use the Internet to plan your trip. Give a 5 -minute talk.

    3.*Project work

    Use the Internet to search for information about the English- speaking countries. Give a presentation in your group. Topics to be presented:

    1.History. 2. Geographical position, climate and nature. Population. 3. Political system. Head of state. The main political parties.4. Industry. 5. National symbols. Flags. Official languages. 6. Traditions and customs.7. National holidays. 8. Places of interest. Capital. The most important cities. 9. Art (Literature, music, cinema).10. Sport.

    4.*Prepare a quiz about English-speaking countries.
    5*. Speak on the topic English-Speaking Countries using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ...

    2.According to the text …

    3.As I understood from the text ...

    4. As it is described in the text ...

    5.As seen from the text …

    6.As for me I learnt that …

    7.It is pointed out that

    8. I didn’t know that …

    9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore.

    10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ...

    1. Listen to the text New York Travel on https://www.esl-lab.com/intermediate/new-york-travel/

    2. Do the tasks given to this text.


    1. Watch the video Travel Accommodations on https://www.esl-lab.com

    2. Do the tasks given.


    Write an essay What English-Speaking Country I would Like to Visit Some day? Why?

    TEST 4

    Variant 1
    1. Put «to» if necessary:

    1. Numerous tests have been written by the students … check knowledge of the disciplines studied.

    2. The commission let me … apply for a scientific scholarship.

    3. The article had …be divided into two parts.

    4. We had better … speak to him.

    5. I would like you … accept his invitation.

    6. Why are you going … start language school in England?

    7. I am afraid he won’t be able … return in time.

    8. I felt my friend … be honest with me.

    9. Content-based classes are known … focus on a particular subject.

    10. We would rather … travel to Scotland next summer.

    2. Choose the appropriate form of the Infinitive:

    1. They noticed their friend … the office.

    a) to leave b) leave c) leaves

    2. I was surprised … of this accident at our enterprise.

    a) not to have been informed b) not to be informing c) not to be informed

    3. It is necessary … this issue now.

    a) to be discussing b) to discuss c) to have discussed

    4. Kate told me … the Tate Gallery and British Museum several times.

    a) to be visit b) to have visited c) to be visiting

    5. My friend is glad … a patent for his invention last week.

    a) to have been granted b) to have granted c) to be granted

    6. These students are going to demonstrate the interdisciplinary projects at the forum … next year.

    a) to have held b) to be held c) to have been held

    7. It is of great interest for me … in this competition now.

    a) to have taken part b) to be taking part c) to take part.

    8. They are glad … to the conference by their colleagues next month.

    a) to invite b) to have invited c) to be invited

    9. I was the last … the news.

    a) to know b) to be known c) to have been known

    10. The boy is clever enough… his own decision.

    a) make b) to be made c) to make

    3. Choose the English equivalent:

    1. Canada (считается) to be the second largest country in the world.

    2. New cars (оказались) to be very comfortable.

    3. They (несомненно) to come to an understanding.

    4. The new methods (установили) to have many disadvantages.

    5. Travel restrictions (маловероятно) to stop a new coronavirus strain.

    a) appears

    b) is likely

    c) are certain

    d) is sure

    e) were found

    f) proved

    g) is considered

    h) seems

    i) is reported

    j) are unlikely

    4. Find the sentences with Complex Object and Complex Subject. Translate them into Russian:

    1. Are you going to join our team?

    2. The discussion seems to be coming to the end.

    3. I consider him to be one of the most outstanding inventors nowadays.

    4. The article is too complicated to be translated into German at once.

    5. Your enthusiasm makes me begin to learn new languages more effectively.

    6. To develop the new online course on Spanish requires much time.

    7. The teacher doesn’t let students use smartphones at the lessons.

    8. Nobody heard our teacher talk rough with students.

    9. Our professor happens to speak five languages.

    10.The foreign colleagues suppose these educational programs to be of great value.

    5. Choose the right translation of the Infinitive:

    1. This new language center is expected to be opened in our university next semester.

    a) открылся b) откроется c) открывается

    2. Does this language certificate give people opportunity to work overseas?

    a) работал b) работать c) будет работать

    3. The unicorn is considered to have been adopted as the national symbol of Scotland by King Robert in 1300.

    a) принял b) примут c) принят

    4. To improve English you should communicate with native speakers.

    a) улучшил b) чтобы улучшить c) улучшать

    5. I wrote him on Telegram to remind of our meeting.

    a) напомнив b) чтобы напомнить c) напоминая

    6. In order to visit the USA I had to work without days off .

    a) ездит b) съездил c) чтобы поехать

    7. We didn’t expect him to return so soon.

    a) что он вернется b) возвращается c) не вернется

    8. They seem to know all necessary information about scientific internships in the UK.

    a) узнает b) узнал c) знают

    9. The event is sure to be much spoken about.

    a) говорили b) будут говорить c) говорят

    10. I see my sister chat English on Zoom with her friend from Italy.

    a) общаться b) будет общаться c) общается

    6. State the function of the Infinitive:

    1. There are a lot of restrictions to be introduced to stop pandemic.

    2. To complete the term paper by deadline we had to work harder.

    3. The chairman asked the participants of the international conference to keep to the subject.

    4. The main problem is to change the original plan.

    5. To start learning Chinese we should fill in application form online.

    6. To put it mildly, I don’t like to live in this country.

    7. He returned to his native city to leave it never again.

    8. The students of our group hope to win the English course at summer language school in Australia.

    9. Our team was the best to have prepared the presentation about the traditions and customs of the UK.

    10. To speak foreign languages fluently is my aim to be pursued.

    a) подлежащее;

    b) часть сказуемого (составное именное/составное глагольное);

    c) дополнение;

    d) определение;

    e) обстоятельство цели.

    f) вводная конструкция
    Variant 2

    1. Put «to» if necessary:

    1. The teacher made me ... repeat my speech on the conference several times.

    2. These people are said …have arrived in Moscow from Asia.

    3. Do you prefer ... watch British or American movies?

    4. They heard our monitor ... speak with the deputy dean about the students festival.

    5. I would rather ... stay in London for ten days.

    6. He cannot ... teach his course on Physics at Harvard his year because of touchy international situation.

    7. My younger brother hopes ... travel all over the world in some years.

    8. You look tired. You had better... stop working on your book late hours .

    9. Let me ... help you with the translation of this technical text.

    10. I am planning ... celebrate Easter with my Irish friends in Belfast.
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