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  • Comprehension Check

  • Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated

  • 3. Make up a sentence of two parts

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 2. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to Active and Passive Voice

  • 3. Analyze the use of modal verbs and their equivalents. Translate the following sentences

  • 4. Substitute the modal verbs for the possible equivalents

  • 5*. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to the Simple, Continuous and Perfect Tenses in Active and Passive Voice

  • Speaking Workshop

  • 2*. Make the 5–7 min presentations about the outstanding architects and their master pieces. LISTENING 1. Listen to the text Job Hunting on http://www.esl-lab.com

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    3. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below:

    1. felt disaffected; 2. almshouse; 3. famous architect; 4. failing health;
    5. grandeur; 6. implemented; 7. was rebuilt; 8. the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour; 9. contemporaries; 10. Authorities; 11. abandoned

    1. Konstantin Thon, a … was born in the family of a German jeweler.

    2. One of the greatest Thon’s projects is ... .

    3. The Russian Tsar Nicolas I … with the prevailing Neoclassicism of Russian architecture.

    4. Grand Kremlin Palace symbolized the … of the Russian state.

    5. Thon rehabilitated the … Izmaylovo Estate into an ... for the
    veterans of the Napoleonic Wars.

    6. In his design Thon … some of the newest construction technologies.

    7. Thon’s … prevented him from working on other projects.

    8. The Soviet … labeled Thon’s churches as ugly chests of drawers.

    9. During Thon’s lifetime, the more radical of his … dismissed the
    architecture of great master.

    10. The work of Thon’s life, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour ...
    after the fall of the Soviet rule.
    Read the text and speak on the biography and projects of Konstantin Thon.

    Konstantin Thon, a famous architect, was born 1794 in St. Petersburg in the family of a German jeweler. He studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts under the Empire Style architect Andrey Voronikhin, best remembered for his work on the Kazan Cathedral, situated right in the middle of the Nevsky Prospekt. He also studied Italian art in Rome from 1819 to 1828, and on his return home was admitted to the academy as its member and professor.

    Later K.Thon was appointed as a rector of the architectural division of the academy. Thon first attracted public attention with his sumptuous design for the interiors of the Academy building on the Neva embankment. Then he submitted to the tsar his project of St. Catherine church at the Obvodny Canal, the first ever design in the Russian Revival style. Nicolas I, who felt disaffected with the prevailing Neoclassicism of Russian architecture, remarked that Russians have their own great art traditions and don’t need to cringe before Rome. Thon’s project was to become a revered model for other churches in St. Petersburg and across Russia.

    In 1830 Thon completed his most ambitious design , the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. The Russian-Byzantine Revival style of his project, intended to underline similarity of the new church with old cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin, displeased many of his fellows, who wanted to see the cathedral built in the severe Neoclassical style. Nevertheless, the emperor personally approved his design. Thon and his disciples continued to work on the cathedral for the next 50 years, until the master’s death in 1881.

    In 1836 – 1842 Thon supervised the construction of another ponderous church with a spacious interior, that of presentation to the Temple for the Semenovsky regiment in St. Petersburg. He followed this with dozens of Neo-Russian-Byzantine designs for churches and cathedrals in provincial towns, including Sveaborg, Yelets, Tomsk, Rostov-on-Don, and
    Krasnoyarsk. Some of his revivalist projects were assembled in the Model Album for Church Designs.

    From 1838 to 1851 Thon was employed in construction of the
    Neo-Russian Grand Kremlin Palace and the Kremlin Armoury in Moscow. The grandiose palace, famed for opulent interiors of its 700 rooms and halls, was meant to symbolize the grandeur of the Russian state. It was
    a daring design which incorporated parts of earlier structures. The palace has served successively as an official residence for the Russian tsars,
    Soviet rulers, and the Presidents of the Russian Federation. At the
    same time, Thon rehabilitated the abandoned Izmaylovo Estate into
    an almshouse for the veterans of the Napoleonic Wars.

    Thon’s last important commissions were the Nikolaevsky railway
    stations in Moscow and Saint Petersburg (1849–1851). In his design for the stations the architect implemented some of the newest construction technologies. Despite large pieces of steelwork used in the construction, Venetian facades and medieval clock towers of the stations cleverly masked their modern function. Both structures, although extensively
    reconstructed, are still standing.

    After the death of his patron, the Emperor, Thon’s failing health prevented him from working on other projects apart from the great cathedral in Moscow. He died in 1881in St. Petersburg.

    Even during his lifetime, the more radical of his contemporaries,
    such as Alexander Herzen, dismissed his architecture as «reactionary manifestation of the tyrant’s rule». The Soviet authorities, labeling Thon’s churches ugly chests of drawers, systematically destroyed as many of them as possible, including all his churches in St. Petersburg and vicinity and the work of his life, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. The fall of the
    Soviet rule in 1991 brought about a renewed interest in the work of the
    Neo-Russian-Byzantine master.

    St. Nicolas church built in 1896 after the project taken from Thon’s Model Album for Church Designs is situated in the Orel region (Maloarkhangelsk district). The church was greatly destroyed during the Soviet times. Nowadays it is being rebuilt.
    Comprehension Check

      1. Answer the questions:

    1. When and where was Konstantin Thon born?

    2. Where did he study?

    3. Where did this architect study Italian art?

    4. What post was he appointed at the academy?

    5. What were Thon’s early architectural projects?

    6. What was his most famous project?

    7. How long did Thon work on it?

    8. Was the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour built in Neoclassical style?

    9. Who approved the design of this cathedral?

    10. What others Thon’s projects are mentioned in the text?

    11. What characteristic was given to the architecture of K. Thon by
    A. Herzen?

    12. When was the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour reconstructed?

      1. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated:

    1. Konstantin Thon was born in the family of a German jeweler.

    2. The Kazan Cathedral is one of the famous Thon’s projects.

    3. Konstantin Thon and his friend Andrey Voronikhin studied Italian art in Rome from 1819 to 1828.

    4. In 1854 Thon was appointed as a head architect of the architectural division of the academy.

    5. Tsar Nicolas I helped K. Thon to get this post.

    6. In 1830 Thon completed his most ambitious design - St. Basil’s
    Cathedral in Moscow.

    7. Thon was employed in construction of the Neo-Russian Grand Kremlin Palace and the Kremlin Armoury in Moscow.

    8. The palace has served as an official residence for the Russian tsars, Soviet rulers, and the Presidents of the Russian Federation.

    9. Thon’s last important projects were the State Historical Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery.

    10. Alexander Herzen admired Thon’s architecture.

    11. The Soviet authorities destroyed the Cathedral of Christ the
    Saviour in 1920s.

    12. The fall of the Soviet rule brought about a great interest to the works of Konstantin Thon.

    3. Make up a sentence of two parts:

    1. Konstantin, born in

    St. Petersburg

    1. for the interiors of the Academy building on the Neva embankment.

    2. He studied Italian art in Rome

    from 1819 to 1828

    2. the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow.

    3. Thon first attracted public attention
    with his sumptuous design

    3. and on his return home was

    admitted to the academy as its

    member and professor.

    4. In 1830 Thon completed his

    most ambitious design

    4. including Sveaborg, Yelets,

    Tomsk, Rostov-on-Don

    and Krasnoyarsk.

    5. He followed this with dozens

    of Neo-Russian-Byzantine

    designs for churches and

    cathedrals in provincial towns

    5. a renewed interest in the work

    of the Neo-Russian-Byzantine


    6. The fall of the Soviet rule

    in 1991 brought about

    6. from working on other projects

    apart from the great cathedral

    in Moscow.

    7. After the death of his patron,

    the Emperor, Thon's failing

    health prevented him

    7. is situated in the Orel region (Maloarkhangelsk district).

    8. St. Nicolas church built

    in 1896 after the project taken

    from Thon’s Model Album

    for Church Designs

    8. in the family of a German


    Grammar in Focus
    1.Compare the translation of the sentences. Pay attention to the different forms of the Passive Voice:

    1. From 1838 to 1851 Thon was employed in construction of the Neo-Russian Grand Kremlin Palace and the Kremlin Armoury in Moscow.

    2. The chief’s plans had been changed by the beginning of the

    3. The explanation of this failure hasn’t been given yet.

    4. New date will have been obtained by our team before the
    project starts.

    5. The documents are signed by Chief Executing Officer three times a week.

    6. New drawings for this project are being created by the specialist now.

    7. Konstantin Thon was appointed as a rector of the architectural division of the academy.

    8. The necessary material specifications will be requested tomorrow.

    9. Many significant innovations had been done by this scientist before he got the Noble Prize.

    10. This tender documentation has been just posted on the state procurements website.

    2. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to Active and Passive Voice:

    1.A new house … by the workers by 2022.

    1. built b) was built c) has been built d) had been built

    2. In 1830 Thon … the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow

    a) designed b) was designed c) has been designed d) design

    3. The technicians … the new equipment now.

    a) have installed b) install c) are installing d) will install

    4. New diagrams … by our team.

    a) have already drawn b) had been already drawn c) were
    already drawn d) have been already drawn

    5. Who … this new project?

    a) just completed b) has just completed c) did just complete d) had just completed

    6. The engineer … the strength calculations before the crash test starts.

    a) will have done b) will do c) have done d) had done

    1. Prototype test program … by the end of the next week.

    a) will have agreed b) will have been agreed c) have been agreed d) will agree

    8. Konstantin Thon first … public attention with his sumptuous design for the interiors of the Academy building on the Neva embankment.

    a) attracted b) had attracted c) has been attracted d) was attracted

    9. The commission certification tests of the equipment … the whole month.

    a) will carry b) will be carrying c) is carrying d) has

    10. The new sanctions on the delivery of the foreign-made automotive parts … by the end of March.

    a) had been imposed b) imposed c) have imposed d) were imposed.
    3. Analyze the use of modal verbs and their equivalents. Translate the following sentences:

    1. An engineering degree can take you into all the realms of the professional world.

    2. Nobody could find the information about the next terms of the new equipment.

    3. The engineer ought to control the production process.

    4. The head of design bureau is to prepare the technical documentation at 11 am.

    5. The young automotive engineers were permitted to conduct testing of the new automobiles.

    6. The chief engineer asked the employee to update price information, but he wouldn’t.

    7. The contractor should deliver the project on time.

    8. Last year we would often work remotely.

    9. He will be able to meet his business partner in a month.

    10. Thon’s project was to become a revered model for other churches in St. Petersburg and across Russia.

    11. May my friend help you resolve the crash in the browser? He is a good IT-specialist.

    12. Error and unfair approach to work may affect the life of thousands of people.

    13. He should be more attentive while calculations.

    14. During their careers, engineers have to tackle various projects regardless of their area of expertise or education.

    15. You needn’t place this documentation on the website of our company.

    4. Substitute the modal verbs for the possible equivalents:

    1. The technical team must develop the normative documents during the week.

    2. Can engineers work in many different fields?

    3. One must earn a college degree for becoming an engineer.

    4. They can’t prepare the technical documentation by deadline.

    5. We may work from home if necessary.

    6. In big corporations, you must get continuous training as an engineer.

    7. The trainee may control the production process.

    8. The employees may work part-time at this enterprise.

    9. When the Chief Executing Officer came to London he could communicate with British colleagues without interpreter.

    10. May they launch a new website of our enterprise ?

    5*. Complete the sentence with correct option paying attention to the Simple, Continuous and Perfect Tenses in Active and Passive Voice:

    1. Engineering degrees highly (to respect) and engineers (to need) all over the world (Present Simple Passive).

    2. Graduates who (to earn) just their Bachelor’s or Master’s can expect a nice future (Present Perfect Active).

    3. The Chief Executing Officer (to conduct) negotiations from 11 till 12 yesterday (Past Continuous Active).

    4. In 1836 – 1842 Konstantin Thon (to supervise) the construction of the Temple for the Semenovsky regiment in St. Petersburg. (Past Simple Active).

    5. During the last years of the nineteenth century, Benz (to be) the largest automobile company in the world (Past Simple Active).

    6. The Chief Technology Officer (to sign) the documents by the end of the next week (Past Perfect Passive).

    7. An engineer (to be) a person with a high level of education and training, who (to be) ready to perform any organizational or even creative work to solve the task (Present Simple Active).

    8. Many new innovations (to do) by this engineer lately (Present Perfect Passive).

    9. Why (not record) the specialists the new data next week? (Future Simple Active)

    10. A new contract (to check) by the experts now (Present Continuous Passive).

    11. When (to complete) Konstantin Thon the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour? (Past Simple Passive).

    12. The engineer (to prepare) all technical documentation from 5 till 7 pm. Tomorrow (Future Continuous Active).

    13. The normative materials on this equipment (to develop) by our engineering team in three days (Future Simple Passive).

    14. They (to test) developed devices before the commission (to arrive). (Past Perfect Passive, Past Simple Active).

    15. You ever (to hear) about the projects of this innovator? (Present Perfect Active).
    Speaking Workshop

    1*. Speak on the topic «Konstantin Thon and His Projects» using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ...

    2.According to the text …

    3.As I understood from the text ...

    4. As it is described in the text ...

    5.As seen from the text …

    6.As for me I learnt that …

    7.It is pointed out that

    8. I didn’t know that …

    9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however,therefore.

    10. In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude ...

    2*. Make the 5–7 min presentations about the outstanding architects and their master pieces.
    1. Listen to the text Job Hunting on http://www.esl-lab.com

    2. Do the tasks given.
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