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  • Comprehension Check

  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not stated

  • 3. Choose the right variant

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 2. State the part of speech of the word in italics а ) participle b) gerund с ) noun

  • 3. Choose the appropriate form of the Gerund

  • 4. Complete the sentences using Indefinite Gerund

  • 5. Complete the sentences using Perfect Gerund

  • 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the forms of the gerundial constructions

  • Speaking Workshop

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    Cons of Globalization

    While globalization has obvious advantages there are also disadvantages that need to be considered when thinking about this process. The list below will outline some of the cons of globalization:

    Growing Inequality

    Globalization increases the gap between the poor and the rich. 86% of the world’s resources are said to be consumed by the richest 20% of the world population. This means that the poorer 80% only gets to consume 14% of the world’s resources. This is a direct result of globalization according to some activists who believe that globalization only serves the rich whereas the poor have to face its disadvantages.

    Danger of Spreading Diseases and Health Risks

    With people traveling and migrating from one place to the other, they introduce, or are introduced to varied forms of viruses. Thus, there is a great risk that there could be a spread of diseases. The immunity that people develop against the diseases in their own country could be put at risk when introduced to the virus of other diseases and vice versa.

    The current example of today’s world is the Covid-19 spreading. It is known that a new virus can spread in less than 14 days all over the world.

    When food items are transported from one country to the other, there needs to be proper precautions taken to preserve them. On the one hand, usage of pesticides and conservants becomes necessary. On the other hand,these chemicals are harmful for health.

    Employment Loss

    Capital investments and jobs in advanced economies move on to developing nations as companies and businesses move their productions to regions with a lower cost of production and lower units labour costs. This leads to higher levels of structural unemployment.

    Environmental Destruction

    The increase in production causes increases in the usage of natural resources which are depleting and are on the verge of becoming extinct. Developed trade leads to an increase in transportation which makes use of fossil fuels. Therefore, globalization results in the pollution of the environment leading to climate change, damage to the ecosystem, deforestation, land degradation, fear of a permanent shortage of water and occurrence of natural calamities.

    Cultural Homogeneity

    Globalization can contribute to increasing cultural homogeneity. The term refers to the reduction in cultural diversity through the popularization and diffusion of different cultural symbols - not only physical objects but customs, ideas and values. As the world becomes more unified, diverse cultures are being ignored. Some critics of globalization worry that it gives rise to cultural conflicts.

    Increase in Migration

    The globalization of modern world stimulated marked increases in the migration. Sometimes people have a choice about whether they move, but sometimes they are forced to move. Through the availability of the Internet, people see pretty pictures of rich countries and often aspire to similar lifestyles. However, there are a number of obstacles that the migrant may need to overcome: unemployment in new country, racism and cultural differences, language barriers, lack of opportunities. The main disadvantage for the country losing people is «Brain drain» if many skilled workers leave.


    It is a significant problem in most developed countries. Due to worldwide integration, people travel a lot. Some of them move abroad for studying, business, visiting relatives, work and access hospitals services. Lots of terrorists came to a foreign country with a worker visa having a hidden goal to perform a terrorist attack. It’s a problem that has posed fear among citizens who can’t trust their neighbours. Unfortunately, terrorists recruit young people, residents of the country and make them believe they are doing the right things. That’s why there are fear, mistrust, and tension in society.

    Whether globalization is good or bad cannot be answered in black or white. There are several grays in between. It has plenty of upsides as well as serious downsides. It depends on each country and its government to be able to strike a balance between the good and bad, such that it allows their nation to enjoy the advantages of this phenomenon, while also drawing up policies so that the ill-effects of globalization do not affect them. How many nations are able to do so? Now that is the real question.

    Comprehension Check
    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is globalization?

    2. What are the key characteristics of globalization?

    3. Do multinational corporations play the significant role in today's world? Prove your answer.

    4. Why is the spreading of knowledge so important in the global world?

    5.What are the pros of globalization?

      1. What are the cons of globalization?

      2. Which of above mentioned advantages and disadvantages of globalization are the most important for you?

    8. What does the term «cultural homogeneity» mean?

    9. How can you explain the employment loss in the global world?

    10. What is your position towards the globalization (pro, contra, neutral)?

    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information
    is not stated:

    1. Globalization is a process by which the people of the world are unified into a single society and function together.

    2. Nowadays people across the globe did not have enough possibility to communicate and could not interact without difficulty.

    3. One of the key characteristics of globalization is the spreading of knowledge.

    4. A very critical advantage of globalization is the spread of education.

    5. Freedom of trade between countries leads to competitive pricing.

    6. Human diseases can spread more quickly through globalization.

    7. Globalization doesn’t contribute to increasing cultural homogeneity.

    8. Globalization reduced the poverty.

    9. Developed trade leads to an increase in transportation which makes use of fossil fuels.

    10. Environmental protection is one of the main tasks of globalization.

    11. There are a number of obstacles that the migrant may need to overcome.

    12. Globalization causes unemployment in the Russian Federation.

    13. The main disadvantage of migration for the host country is «Brain drain».

    14. Terrorists recruit young people, residents of the country and make them believe they are doing the right things.

    15. Many governments in the global world take measures to support people and countries which may be harmed from globalization.

    3. Choose the right variant:

    1. Globalization is a trend by which the countries are … into a single society.

    a) joined

    b) split

    c) unified

    2. The development of … technologies have been vital to the growth of globalization.

    a) multinational

    b) communication

    c) international

    3. Globalization provides an opportunity for the most significant economies and countries to … big goals.

    a) fail

    b) allocate

    c) accomplish

    4. Globalization also … information flows.

    a) facilitates

    b) eliminates

    c) distributes

    5. Globalization increases the … between the poor and the rich.

    a) communication

    b) cooperation

    c) gap

    6. As the world becomes more unified, diverse cultures are being … .

    a) ignored

    b) greeted

    c) increased

    7. Globalization can contribute to increasing cultural … .

    a) shock

    b) difference

    c) homogeneity

    8. Due to rapid globalization, producers have to price their products competitively in order to … in the market.

    a) involve

    b) remain

    c) leave

    9. Developed countries … jobs to underdeveloped countries.

    a) outsource

    b) move

    c) remove

    10. The main disadvantage of the migration for the country losing people is … .

    a) language barrier

    b) «Brain drain»

    c) taxation
    Grammar in Focus
    1. Translate the sentences, state the form and function of the

    1. Decreasing in prices of goods and services is one of the disadvantage of globalization.

    2. The main point of our meeting is developing the new website.

    3. He apologized for not having supported me at the meeting.

    4. The delegates of the international forum were tired of having been interviewed by plenty of journalists from different countries.

    5. Before coming to any conclusion you should thoroughly analyze all positive and negative aspects of globalization.

    6. The representative of the corporation talked about the opportunities of getting the job in Google.

    7.This international forum devoted to the problems of global migration is worth participating.

    8. I can’t help thinking about coming conference in Beijing.

    9. We don’t feel like working on the report today.

    10. This student can’t bear being asked additional questions at the exams.

    11. Does anyone object to launching this international project?

    12. I was very surpised at having met this inventor after reading his publication in the British scientific journal.

    13. All colleagues look forward to increasing in employment opportunities due to the international collaboration between the enterprises.

    14. In discussing the routine matters they also touched upon issues related to student exchange between Russian and British universities.

    15. The students of these groups were proud of having created the mobile application for learning IT English.

    2. State the part of speech of the word in italics

    а) participle b) gerund с) noun:
    1. The differences in the standard of living that exist between the developing and developed world leads to inequality.

    2. It is said that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer in the global world.

    3. He took part in the sittings of the committee.

    4. The spreading of knowledge in the modern world is possible due to important tools of globalization, like the Internet.

    5. Having been detected in China, the virus has spread like wildfire throughout the globe in no time.

    6. The successful speaking at the local anti-globalism forum allowed my friend to participate in an international symposium.

    7. We were informed of the new equipment having been delivered to our plant.

    8. The idea of globalization may be simplified by identifying several key characteristics.

    9. It is no use continuing to discuss this complicated issue.

    10. Natural resources are depleting and are on the verge of becoming extinct.

    11. My scientific advisor insisted on my taking part at the international students conference in Prague.

    12. He couldn’t help thinking about disparity in the development of the economies when preparing his report.

    13. She received an invitation letter informing her about the location and time of coming event.

    14. Do you feel yourself always comfortable by living in the global world?

    15. The arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.

    3. Choose the appropriate form of the Gerund:

    1. They are not interested in … their money into our business.

    a) investing b) being invested c) having invested

    2. I am annoyed at … every moment while speaking on webinar.

    a) being interrupted b) having interrupted c) having been

    3. I could not help … my opinion on the growth of migration in our country.

    a) expressing b) having been expressed c) having expressed

    4. He was proud of … to this international conference on previous weekend.

    a) having invited b) having been invited c) inviting

    5. We had some difficulties in … the right candidate for this job.

    a) finding b) having found c) being found

    6. He is looking forward to … to this company as a spokeperson .

    a) being sent b) having been sent c) having sent

    7.The coordinator of the project complained of your … so many events on problems of unemployment last year.

    a) having been missed b) being missed c) having missed

    8. The participants of the round table wonder if there is any use … this matter again.

    a) discussing b) being discussed c) having discussed

    9. Instead of … after translating such a comlicated article from German into Russian, he continued to work on the development of a new mobile application.

    a) having been rested b) resting c) having rested

    10. The young journalist likes … famous people at the international gatherings.

    a) being interviewed b) having interviewed c) interviewing

    4. Complete the sentences using Indefinite Gerund:

    1. My friend succeeded in … .

    2. My colleagues are interested in … .

    3. Are you making progress in … .

    4. Are you fond of … .

    5. Do you always apologize for … .

    6. My mother objects to … .

    7. I am looking forward to … .

    8. I don’t feel like … .

    9. She couldn’t help … .

    10. In spite of ... he … .

    5. Complete the sentences using Perfect Gerund:

    1. Does your friend regret … ?

    2. My colleagues denied … .

    3. Our managers complained of … .

    4. This company is accused of … .

    5. We congratulated them on … .

    6. Why did you forgive … ?

    7. I couldn’t imagine … .

    8. They didn’t remember … .

    9. We forgot … .

    10. We are tired of … .

    6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the forms of the
    gerundial constructions:

    1. His having written this article proves that he is interested in the problems of outsourcing.

    2. We heard of Mr Orlov’s having been sent as a representative of our company to this forum.

    3. The news of his having been given such a high award - Nobel Peace Prize - was a great surprise to everyone.

    4. We regret our not having supported him at the conference.

    5. In spite of my being tired I completed my project, and I was ready to demonstrate it to my chief.

    6.We heard of our chief engineer having been appointed as a chairman of the inspection commission.

    7. Your having written me the message is really no excuse for your not coming on the day fixed.

    8.We felt so disappointed at your having missed nearly half the program.

    9.The story of his having worked in Asia was very
    informative for the audience.

    10. Do you mind my asking you this controversial question?
    Speaking Workshop
    1. Here are the opinions and ideas about the globalization in the modern world placed on Quora. What opinion do you agree with?
    Ragnar: Globalization means the loss of individual, community, and country. We have given the government control of our privacy and GPS coordinates. So, the government knows about what and where you talk and to whom and when and what about. Globalization does nothing for the individual as a matter of fact it takes away all of your freedoms. Globalization can only be instituted with a republic of Nations each autonomous and self-governing. With individual liberties and justice for all. And also with globalization comes extremely rich overlords that will enforce their will on you. Don’t ever believe when you give up your freedom that you’re safe.I don’t want to live in that kind of environment.

    Steve: The world has always been global. People have always made efforts to move around - travel, trade, but also to claim territory. Nationalization is often seen as the opposite of globalization. Nationalization is a relatively new concept. It is nationalization that suddenly separated parts of the globe from others. Hence, one can say that the world is not becoming more but gradually less global. Of course, some exceptions confirm the rule.

    Jonatan: Such paranoia here! Americans seem to be drowning in fake conspiracy theories that had some truth in some areas in the 1950s and 1960s, but certainly not after that. A good example of this is the answer by James Adams. Globalization has been around for thousands of years in certain areas around the globe, and became much more organized in the generations of imperialism by Europe until imperialism was mostly replaced by Free Trade at the end of World War II.

    No, it’s not some stupid conspiracy, it’s not about any one ideology, it’s not about some evil and imaginary force wanting to control the world, or any other such nonsense.

    Robert: Globalization is the next threat to the destruction of cultures right after colonization. If the current trend continues, you’ll see even more immigrants moving into the more developed countries, making the host countries more ethnically and culturally diverse over time. And just as similarly, you’ll also see the emergence of second or third languages (such as English or Spanish) in countries where they’ve never been commonly spoken (or at worst, the extinction of other languages).

    Mary: If you are reading this on a mobile phone or a PC in the comfort of your home, while sipping a hot cup of tea on the side, it is because of globalization. For a major part of Human history we were an inefficient species when it came of innovation and discovery. Scientists, mathematicians and philosophers worked in isolation, with their ideas, theories and inventions known only to a select few of their peers around them. Time and resources were wasted re-inventing technologies that had already been in use for hundreds of years by civilizations a few thousand miles away.

    John: Globalization is the best thing since bread and butter. It is the main reason the World has become a really peaceful place (sorry Syria and Yemen and Congo, I hope find peace, too), more people die today of obesity than war and hunger. Global production and trade are lifting whole nations from extreme poverty and balance the wealth. It also helps correct undeserved profits of wealthy nations who have forgotten to produce and live in a myth that debt and public spending will somehow produce welfare for all (looking at you, Europe and USA).

    Unobstructed global cooperation and trade is going to assure peace and prosperity of all people. The loss of some old national costumes for H&M global clothes is a small price to pay.
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