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  • Listening

  • WRITING Write the essay Globalization in My Life: Benefits and Drawbacks.

  • 2. Choose the appropriate form of the Gerund

  • 3. Choose the right translation of the Gerund

  • 4. State the function of the Gerund in the sentence

  • 5. Find sentences with the gerundial construction and translate them into Russian

  • Variant 2


  • 2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below

  • Definition and Classification of International Organizations

  • There are two main types of the international organizations

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    2*. Discussion: imagine you are the participant of the international forum between supporters and opponents of globalization. Discuss the opportunities and challenges of globalization.

    3*. Speak on the topic «Globalization» using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ...

    2.According to the text …

    3.As I understood from the text ...

    4. As it is described in the text ...

    5.As seen from the text …

    6.As for me I learnt that …

    7.It is pointed out that

    8. I didn’t know that …

    9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore.

    10. In conclusion I would like to tell/To sum up/Finally/To conclude ... .

    1. Listen to the text Immigration and Customs on http://www.

    2. Do the tasks given.


    Watch the video Advantages and disadvantages of globalization on https://youtu.be/i-eHj6bVU8w

    2. Make the 5–7 min presentations about the problems mentioned in this video.
    Write the essay Globalization in My Life: Benefits and Drawbacks.

    TEST 6

    Variant 1
    1. State the part of speech of the word in italics

    а) participle b) gerund с) noun:

    1. Globalization is breaking barriers to allow free movement of capital.

    2. The spreading of a new coronavirus infection caused a parallel epidemic of fear and anxiety in the world.

    3. Focusing on the opportunities of globalization you should take into consideration its positive and negative aspects.

    4. Can you live a day without using the smartphone?

    5. The project was carefully checked before starting.

    6. It is useless arguing with other members of committee.

    7. Having been offered many other methods, they finally returned to the initial one.

    8. The delegate doesn’t remember having been asked such provocative questions at the last conference.

    9. The participating at the forum of anti-globalists impressed me greatly.

    10. Are you surprised at getting this unusual task?

    2. Choose the appropriate form of the Gerund:

    1. Many large companies have been accused of … child labour in their factories.

    a) being used b) using c) having used

    2. They were surprised at Mike’s … so slowly.

    a) having worked b) having been worked c) being worked

    3. We don’t understand his way of …

    a) being done b) having been done c) doing

    4. My colleagues denied their … at this event lately.

    a) being participated b) having participated c) participated

    5. We feel like … for this international human rights program.

    a) being applied b) applying c) having been applied

    3. Choose the right translation of the Gerund:

    1. They thanked us for being helpful in this situation.

    a) помогающий b) помощь c) помогать

    2. I don’t give up the idea of my publishing this article.

    a) публикации b) опубликовав c) опубликованный

    3. I avoid speaking to them about this matter.

    a) разговаривая b) при разговоре c) разговаривать

    4. Fred refused answering these questions.

    a) отвечая b) отвечать c) при ответе

    5. She denied having placed the results of our joints researches on the Internet.

    a) что выложила b) выложить c) выложит

    6. You cannot make such statements without approving of all team members.

    a) не одобряя b) одобрять c) без одобрения

    7. Would you mind presenting your project again in a week?

    a) представить b) представив c) представляющий

    8. The participants of the discussion can’t help offending each other.

    a) оскорбление b) не оскорблять c) оскорбленный

    9. After having done such hard work for a long time they decided to rest.

    a) после того как выполнили b) выполнить c) выполняя

    10. Forum moderators postponed discussing of this issue indefinitely.

    a) обсуждать b) обсуждение c) обсудив

    4. State the function of the Gerund in the sentence:

    1. After having published his article about problems of unemployment in the global world Mr Wilson was invited to take part in the international forum.

    2. You should prevent him from taking such a dangerous step.

    3. Solving difficult problems is a pleasure for a good scientist.

    4. Do you have any reason for accusing him of plagiarism?

    5. Our aim was to postpone making such complex decisions right now.

    6. We talked about participating in this new ecological program.

    7. Our work resulted in studying new phenomena.

    8. Instead of checking all controversial information using different sources people trust everything imposed by mass media.

    9. The idea of using the new substance belongs to my scientific

    10. The main issue of the discussion is applying the new methods.

    a) подлежащее;

    b) часть сказуемого;

    c) дополнение прямое/предложное;

    d) определение;

    e) обстоятельство.

    5. Find sentences with the gerundial construction and translate them into Russian:

    1. The chief suggests my joining the experiment as soon as possible.

    2. He persisted in experts’ trying to solve that difficult problem.

    3. Everybody look forward to their being invited to this symposium.

    4. He felt like doing some reports at the different conferences next year.

    5. Students keep on discussing the global problems of youth.
    Variant 2
    1. State the part of speech of the word in italics
    а) participle b) gerund с) noun:

    1. It isn’t worth arguing with these colleagues.

    2.Our chief usually takes part in the sittings of the boards of directors.

    3.It is useless speaking to some people; they would not believe the obvious facts.

    4. The man was making a speech not paying attention to the attempts to interrupt him.

    5. It is quite unexpected finding you there.

    1. Do you mind being examined the first?

    7. The reading of scientific journals made him to start working on the new experiment.

    8. Entering the room, I saw my friends presenting our project.

    9. Having prepared all the necessary equipment, they started its installation.

    10.He prefers being asked all questions after speaking at the conference.

    2. Choose the appropriate form of the Gerund:

    1. He was proud of his … as chairman of the meeting.

    a) having elected b) electing c) having been elected

    2. These scientists were surprised at your … in their experiments.

    a) having invested b) being invested c) invested

    3. Не doesn’t object to … by his opponents to take part in the debates.

    a) being invited b) inviting c) having invited

    4. His draft of the antiglobal program needs … .

    a) having completed b) completing c) being completed

    5. He feels like … some reports for the international forum.

    a) having been prepared b) preparing c) being prepared

    3. Choose the right translation of the Gerund:

    1. Before starting the new project, they consulted the analytics from the various agencies.

    a) до начала b) начав c) начиная

    2. I remembered of having read his brave post on the social networkings two days ago.

    a) что прочел b) читать c) прочту

    3. Everything depends on your being ready to join our team.

    a) присоединился b) готов ли присоединиться c) после присоединения

    4. The importance of his being present at this event is obvious.

    a) присутствия b) присутствовать c) присутствуя

    5. He went away without having told us the necessary information.

    a) не сообщая b) сообщив c) не сообщив

    6. We managed to put off his leaving abroad.

    a) отъезд b) уезжать c) уезжая

    7. Our group likes the idea of taking part in the competition between Russian and British students.

    a) приняв b) принять c) принимая

    8. They are surprised at your having missed so many seminars this term.

    a) пропустив b) пропускаете c) пропустили

    9. The speakers dislike being interrupted permanently while demonstarting their projects.

    a) когда перебивают b) перебили c) перебить

    10. We insist on informing of their arrival to our university as soon as possible.

    a) сообщить b) чтобы нам сообщили c) о сообщении

    4. State the function of the Gerund in the sentence:

    1. Acquiring knowledge is a long and hard process.

    2. It is no use going into every detail.

    3. Who is responsible for launching of the international language program?

    4. I found them engaged in arguing about the benefits and drawbacks of migration for nations.

    5. Their idea is worth thinking about.

    6. We have just begun carrying out our research.

    7. There are various techniques for writing a scientific article.

    8. There is no possibility of сompleting the development.

    9. After coming to the office he started preparing for the video conference with the business partners in Amsterdam.

    10. You can improve language skills by communicating with native speakers.

    a) подлежащее;

    b) часть сказуемого;

    c) дополнение прямое/предложное;

    d) определение;

    e) обстоятельство.

    5. Find sentences with the gerundial construction and translate
    them into Russian:

    1. After coming home he decided to work on the new project.

    2. We heard of Prof. Ivanov’s having posted new data on the social networking a week ago.

    3. The delegate left the conference without getting a certificate.

    4. Ann’s participating in this international exchange program is an obviuous fact.

    5. You may rely on my supporting at the coming meeting.

    1. What international organizations do you know?

    2. What is their role in the global world?


    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. notable event

    1. насущные потребности

    2. main feature

    2. распространение

    3. proliferation

    3. главная особенность

    4. to respond

    4. действовать как устав

    5. pressing demands

    5. сфера действий, масштабы, возможности

    6. to establish

    6. выходить за пределы

    7. scope

    7. заметное событие

    8. lawful representatives

    8. законные представители

    9. to transcend

    9. учреждать, создавать

    10. to act as a charter

    10.соответствовать,отвечать (требованиям, нуждам)

    11. to go through a ratification process

    11. пройти процесс ратификации (утверждения, одобрения)

    12. legal personality

    12. выполнять квазигосударственные (полугосударственные) функции

    13.nongovernmental organizations

    13.неправительственные организации

    14. not affiliated with any government

    14. юридическое лицо,корпорация

    15. to fulfil quasi-governmental functions

    15. правосубъектность

    16.legal entity

    16. не иметь своего государства

    17.to lack a state

    17. не аффилированный (не связанный) ни с одним правительством

    18. cooperative behavior

    18. способствовать

    19. bargaining

    19. переговоры, сделка

    20. to foster

    20. политика сотрудничества

    2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1. established;2. proliferation;3. through a ratification process;4. legal entities;5. delivering;6. quasi-governmental;7. to foster;8. not affiliated;9. bargaining; 10. transcend.
    1. The main feature of international scene today is the … of international organizations of all types.

    2. International organization has international character and scope, its functions … national boundaries.

    3. The term «international organization» is usually used to describe an organization … by agreement between two or more states.

    4. The lawful representatives of several states go … , providing the intergovernmental organizations with an international legal personality.

    5. Nongovernmental organizations are considered to be a voluntary group of individuals or organizations, usually … with any government.

    6.Non-profit organizations are … organized and operated for a collective, public or social benefit.

    7.Some nongovernmental organizations fulfill … functions for ethnic groups.

    8. The international organizations serve many diverse functions, inclu-ding monitoring trends, … services and aid.

    9. European Union provides forums for … .

    10. International organizations can help … cooperative behavior.


    TEXT 1
    Read the text, point out the various types of the international organizations and give its definition.

    The formation of the international organizations has been a notable event of the international relations since 1945. Perhaps the main feature of international scene today, in comparison with a century ago, is the proliferation of international organizations of all types. This growth has
    responded in part to the need for maintaining international peace and security, and in a greater part to the pressing demands of nations for cooperation in the economic, social and technical fields.

    Definition and Classification of International Organizations:

    The term «international organization» is usually used to describe an organization established by agreement between two or more states. It has international character and scope, its functions transcend national boundaries, and it is a subject of International Law.

    There are two main types of the international organizations:

    1.Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), known as public international organizations, are composed primarily of sovereign states (referred to as member states), or of other intergovernmental organizations. They are known to be an important aspect of public international law. IGOs are established by treaty that acts as a charter creating the group. Treaties are formed when lawful representatives (governments) of several states go through a ratification process, providing the IGO with an international legal personality.

    The main purposes of IGOs are to create a mechanism for the world’s inhabitants to work more successfully together in the areas of peace and security, and also to deal with economic and social questions. In this current era of increasing globalization and interdependence of nations, IGOs play a very significant role in international political systems and global governance. IGOs cover multiple issues and involve governments from every region of the world, including offices in the US.

    Among the well-known IGOs are European Union (EU), Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD), United Nations Organization (UNO), World Trade Organization (WTO), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), African Development Bank (ADB), the International Criminal Court (ICC), etc.

    Since the creation of the UNO and NATO, IGOs have become essential actors in the international community. Additionally, as many IGOs, such as the UN and the EU, have the ability to make rules and exercise power within their member countries, their global impact continues to increase.

    2.Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are considered to be a voluntary group of individuals or organizations, usually not affiliated with any government, that is formed to provide services or to advocate a public policy.

    The issues addressed by NGOs run the human rights, environmental protection, disaster relief, and development assistance, and the scope of their activities may be local, national, or international. Some NGOs fulfill quasi-governmental functions for ethnic groups that lack a state of their own. NGOs may be financed by private donations, international organizations, governments or a combination of these.

    NGOs are divided into two types:

    a) non-profit organizations are legal entities organized and operated for a collective, public or social benefit, in contrast with an entity that operates as a business aiming to generate a profit for its owners. These organizations are established to provide aid to society, such as developing charity, commerce and religion. The main source of earning for such organizations are “Donations” and “ Government Grants”.

    Among the well-known non-profit organizations are United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Olympic Committee (IOC), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Greenpeace, Red Cross, World Economic Forum (WEF), Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) etc.

    b) multinational corporations (MNC) are known to be large corporations which both produce and sell goods or services in various countries. The examples include Apple Inc., Microsoft Corporation, Google Inc., Toyota Motors Corporation, Adidas AG, Nike Inc., Samsung Group and many others.

    The international organizations serve many diverse functions, inclu-ding collecting information and monitoring trends (United Nations Environment Program), delivering services and aid (World Health Organization), and providing forums for bargaining (European Union) and settling disputes (World Trade Organization). By providing political institutions through which states can work together to achieve common objectives, international organizations can help to foster cooperative behavior.
    Comprehension Check
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