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  • 2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available

  • 3. Find synonyms for the following words

  • Grammar in Focus

  • 2. State the function functions of the verb to have

  • 3. Translate the following sentences and state the functions of the verbs to be

  • 4. Translate the following word combinations in different forms of Participle

  • 5. Put the word in brackets into the appropriate form of participle. State the function of the participle

  • 6. Complete the sentences

  • 7. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the absolute participles constructions

  • Speaking Workshop

  • 3. Here are the opinions and ideas about the ways to protect environment placed on Quora. What opinions do you appropriate mostly

  • 4.* Make the 5–7 min presentations about the environmental problems the global world is facing nowadays. 5*. Speak on the topic « Environmental Problems»

  • Listening

  • How Can We All Help Conserve Nature

  • 2. State the function of the verb «to have»

  • 3. Choose the appropriate form of the Participle

  • 4. Choose the appropriate translation of the words in italics

  • 5. State the function of the Participle

  • 6.Find the sentences with the absolute participial constructions and translate them into Russian

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    1. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the reason of man’s interference in nature?

    2. What factors cause the ecological problems?

    3. What environmental problems are described in the text?

    4. How does the greenhouse effect work?

    5. How can the global warming be mitigated?

    6. What are the main reasons of the air pollution?

    7. What efforts have been taken at the international level to copy with climate change and air pollution?

    8. What natural disasters will deforestation create?

    9. What are the three R’s rules of environment?

    10. What solutions mentioned in the text are offered to protect the environment?

    11. Why do people pollute the nature?

    12. What are your suggestions on saving the environment?

    2. Decide whether these statements are true, false or information is not available:

    1. With the development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to decrease.

    2. Most of the ecological problems come from the overexploitation of natural resources.

    3. Waste management is directly interlinked with the climate change.

    4. The plastic pollution is one of the serious problems in Russia.

    5. Toxic gases in the atmosphere in critical concentration could change the world’s climate.

    6. Deforestation will create five terrible natural disasters: flood, drought, heat, famine and diseases.

    7. Russia is one of the eco-friendly countries.

    8. Some governments have made efforts to mitigate the release of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere.

    9. A lot of people left the cities and moved to the countryside to help the environment.

    10. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable.

    3. Find synonyms for the following words:

    Environmental, problem, to result in, to reduce, to interlink, pollution, urban, to protect, renewable, disaster, waste, urgent, humanity, to change, interference.

    4. Find antonyms for the following words:

    Disappearance, to decrease, depletion, careless, security, present, improper, to avoid, efficiency, to rise, to develop, contemporary, to support, abusive, heat.

    Grammar in Focus

    1. State the function of the verb to be:

    1. Your report about environmental problems is rather impressive.

    2. There will be a lot of students in the room 212 tomorrow.

    3. We are to meet with the participants of the ecological forum at 12 o’clock.

    4. In today’s world our planet is continually facing various environmental problems.

    5. Poor waste management is a major problem that affects us all.

    6. Are these young specialists trained to handle any challenge?

    7. There are many new buildings in our street.

    8. They are to complete this project in two days.

    9. The wastewater treatment plant is being built now.

    10. My colleagues weren’t in New-York last week.

    a) смысловой глагол;

    b) вспомогательный глагол;

    c) глагол-связка;

    d) эквивалент модального глагола must;

    e) элемент конструкции there+be
    2. State the function functions of the verb to have:

    1. We have to give up the idea of visiting this concert because of pandemic.

    2. The new mobile application has just been downloaded by our group.

    3. Have you ever participated in the ecological events?

    4. He had a lot of boring work last month.

    5. How often do you have to use this program?

    a) смысловой глагол;

    b) вспомогательный глагол;

    c) эквивалент модального глагола must.

    3. Translate the following sentences and state the functions of the verbs to be and to have:

    1. The main area producing oxygen is in the Amazon region.

    2. Air and water pollution were being discussed by the experts from different countries at the online conference from Monday till Friday.

    3. Climate change has become a great problem recently.

    4. The ecological forum is to start at 12 o’clock.

    5. Is air pollution interlinked with the global warming?

    6. If the forests are destroyed, then there will be a shortage of water.

    7. The environment has degraded as a result of abusive consumption by human beings over the centuries.

    8. Mankind has to take measures to protect the nature.

    9. Due to deforestation the fertility of the land will be reduced and the yield of crops will be decreased.

    10. We have plenty of ideas to discuss problems facing ecologically poor regions.

    11. My friend was at the international ecological symposium held in Denmark last year.

    12. Are there volunteers from Germany in this room?

    13. Where are these delegates from?

    14. Global warming can be mitigated by lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

    15. I have to take speech on the water pollution of our city at the

    interregional forum.

    4. Translate the following word combinations in different forms of Participle:

    I was informed; the species being exterminated; is learning the foreign language now; having developed the new strategy; burnt forests; having been published in 1962; when speaking at the conference; having completed the experiment; scientists discussing acute problems; being a good architect; if recycled; unless cooled; as seen from the text; interlinked with global warming; unlimited natural resources; the government has made efforts; the planet facing various environmental problems.

    5. Put the word in brackets into the appropriate form of participle. State the function of the participle:

    1. (To take part) at the international program on environmental protection our scientists usually consult the experts from Denmark.

    2. Have you already (to read) the reports about air pollution of our region (to place) on the website?

    3. (To complete) the experiments, they put down the data.

    4. The method (to develop) by our scientists at present will be presented at the conference in Glasgow next month.

    5. Russia is (to cooperate) in the field of environmental protection with the US, Norway, Finland and Denmark nowadays.

    6. How do you find the system of ecological security (to create) by our foreign partners from Sweden?

    7.(To develop) the joint projects to protect the environmental systems of the Arctic and Subarctic regions, environmental scientists from European countries started to conduct their research and collect data.

    8. Global warming can be (to reduce) by lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

    9. It is (to report) that Greenpeace has (to conduct) an (to unauthorize) protest rally recently.

    10. The volunteer (to present) his project on water pollution protection now is from New Zealand.

    6. Complete the sentences:

    1. Having discussed the environmental pollution, the ecologists … .

    2. Speaking at the conference my friend … .

    3. Not wishing to discuss the problem they … .

    4. Having placed this information on YouTube, this agency… .

    5. While preparing a report on the plastic waste he … .

    6. Not having followed the experts’ advice our CEO … .

    7. The mobile application being developed by our team … .

    8. Not having been done by deadline, the project …

    9. As seen from the article this issue … .

    10. Being an honest person my colleague … .

    7. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the
    absolute participles constructions:

    A. 1. The project on protecting the water bodies from pollution having been developed, volunteers started to clean the local lake.

    2. The specialists having checked this equipment, we decided to start our experiments.

    3. The new sewage treatment plants have been installed in our city, all of them imported from Germany.

    4. Many countries over the world are eco-friendly, the most notable being Norway and Denmark.

    5. The article deals with the waste management, much attention being paid to lack of recycling.

    B. 1. The numerous measurements being over, the young specialist developed new methods of protecting water bodies from pollution.

    2. The agreement has been signed, the new equipment was delivered at once.

    3. The temperature rising in the oceans and on the Earth’s surface, the climate is changing.

    4. The harmful substances in the river having been detected, the release of chemicals into the water was immediately stopped.

    5. The young scientist having criticized the deforestation in his region, other scientists confirmed it.

    С. 1. With the new water purification filters having been produced by our enterprise, other regions launched them at their plants and factories.

    2. The environmental engineer is presenting his new project, with the colleagues listening to him attentively.

    3. With American environmentalists paying much attention to the greenhouse effect, the problem will be discussed on the eco-forum next week.

    4. The Arctic ice is melting, with sea levels rising.

    5. The government has an increased focus to the protection of national parks in Great Britain, with great care taking of three regional parks and forty national scenic areas in Scotland.

    Speaking Workshop

    1. Read the interview given by the environmentalist from Green Cross to the reporter of the journal Save the Environment and formulate the main matters were discussed.

    Reporter: OK, it might seem like an obvious thing for someone who works for an environmental protection organization to ask. What can people do to protect our environment?

    Environmentalist: Well, they could just be sensible in terms of waste disposal. Not littering is a good start by buying biodegradable and sustainable products, recycling. Small changes like that. I think that would go a long way to fixing a lot of problems.

    R: Do you think we’ve done enough to protect the planet?

    E: I don’t even know how to begin to measure that. As for me I don’t travel much. And when I do, it is by mass transit or public transport. So I think my impact on the environment is pretty minimal in comparison to some people. I could probably do more in terms of saving paper and recycling, though, if I really wanted to.

    R: What can people do together to protect the local environment?

    E: I don’t think there’s a limit in this sense. Sharing resources might be a good place to start and helping remind each other of different agreed ways to reduce our impacts, although not being complete mad about the picking up the litter wherever they see it.

    R: What’s the importance of environmental education?

    E: Well, we could frame it in terms of financial importance, people save more by being less wasteful. Or you could think about it in relation to general education, which is like learning new ways of doing things hopefully more effectively and efficiently. There’s a lot to be said for it from these perspectives already, actually.

    R: Is there enough education about environmental protection at school?

    E: In the mean, yes, though, I imagine there are ways of integrating more of it in a sort of more holistic way, rather than treating it as a separate subject.

    R: Is it important to teach students how to protect the environment?

    E: Well, insofar as it can give them a practical way to apply what they learn, I would say so, yes, I mean, we could talk about ways to save money using environmentally friendly energy saving methods in a math class. That’s useful and helpful in equal measure.

    R: What do you personally do to protect the environment?

    E: I save electricity and water, I reuse many things (clothes, for example), I recycle paper, cans and bottles. At the same time I feed birds t in winter. And I gave up smoking.

    R: Great. Thank you for interview.
    3. Here are the opinions and ideas about the ways to protect environment placed on Quora. What opinions do you appropriate mostly?

    Steve: Reduce, reuse and recycle. Volunteer for cleanups in your community. Educate. Conserve water. Choose sustainably. Shop wisely. Use long-lasting light bulbs. Plant a tree. Change your car driving habits. Notice how you use water. Reduce the amount of paper in your life. Use a refillable water bottle and reusable lunch containers. Be mindful of what you throw in the trash

    David: Many ways have been suggested and scientists are warning that there is no time to lose. Unfortunately,the leaders of the world live in denial because short term profit is all that matters to them.

    Patricia: As a student, what can I do to save the environment?

    Many people think that to protect the environment you need to do something big. Even tiny individual steps on a small scale can really help to save our environment. You just need to bring little changes in your habits and lifestyle. Here are some ways you can be of service to the environment:

    Always remember the 3R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Think of all the waste you can reduce if you simply follow them.

    Make sure to switch off the lights and fans before leaving the classroom.

    Try eco-friendly and sustainable fashion. Instead of buying artificial fibers clothing, use natural fibers such as cotton, bamboo, linen, hemp, etc s they degrade easily.

    Sofia: Always carry a waste bag with you. I have seen many students throwing their litter on playground, roads, parks, etc.

    Take public transport as much as possible. You can also walk or ride a bicycle if your college is nearby. If many people start doing this, there will be a reduction in air pollution and traffic congestion on roads.

    Do not waste water on long hours of bathing, washing, and cleaning. Use a bucket for bathing to reduce your water consumption.

    Max: You can start an initiative or campaign with like-minded people for any cause you feel like. For instance, you can clean the garbage on roads nearby your school and segregate it, you can collect old copies, pens and send them for recycling, planting trees, cleaning nearby beaches.

    Events in colleges create lots of waste, especially disposable plastic waste from the food stalls. You can create awareness or convince your head of the institution to go for eco-friendly products such as edible cutlery, bamboo cups.

    Instead of using party bombs and plastic decorations on your friend’s birthday, you can always go for more environmentally friendly alternatives.

    Believe it, you don’t need to be all grown up to bring a change. Remember Greta Thunberg, a mere teenage girl who protested against the inactions and irresponsive attitude of the government to the threat of climate change. Any effort you put into protecting the environment will not go to waste!

    Mark: What are the tricks for saving the environment for an individual?

    Refuse - if you don’t want some material refuse to use it. Reduce the usage of materials that might cause pollution. Reuse the materials or give to someone who could use it - ex: older cellphones, laptops and electronic goods. Recycle any materials that can be recycled. Recover usable materials from the recycled products. Properly use power - energy efficient bulbs and electronic goods, turn of your computers overnight. Use paper, water and other resources wisely and environmental friendly. Plant trees whenever you can. Create this awareness to people you know. These are some of the steps every individual can take for saving the environment.
    4.* Make the 5–7 min presentations about the environmental problems the global world is facing nowadays.

    5*. Speak on the topic «Environmental Problems» using these clichés:

    1. I would like to tell you about /This text is about ...

    2.According to the text …

    3.As I understood from the text ...

    4. As it is described in the text ...

    5.As seen from the text …

    6.As for me I learnt that …

    7.It is pointed out that …

    8. I didn’t know that …

    9.Connecting words: moreover, you know, besides, nevertheless, however, therefore etc.

    10.In conclusion I would like to tell /To sum up/Finally/To conclude … .
    1. Listen to the text Water Conservation on http://www.esl-lab.com

    2. Do the tasks given.

    1. Watch the video Air Pollution https://www.esl-lab.com

    2. Do the tasks given.
    Write an essay How Can We All Help Conserve Nature?

    TEST 5

    1. State the function of the verb «to be»:

    1. Why is water pollution so dangerous?

    2. There are a lot of public societies, whose aim is to attract public’s attention to the most important environmental problems.

    3. We will be taking part at the eco-symposium the whole week.

    4. We are to start our environmental project in January.

    5. How many protected buildings and conservation areas were there in Great Britain two years ago?

    6. Illegal logging is being carried out in many regions of the country nowadays.

    7. Will you be at the conference tomorrow?

    8. The new international programs are developed by the experts every year.

    9. There are many reasons to be troubled by the water pollution.

    10. Poaching is a worldwide problem.
    a) смысловой глагол;

    b) вспомогательный глагол;

    c) глагол-связка;

    d) эквивалент модального глагола must;

    e) элемент конструкции «there+be».

    2. State the function of the verb «to have»:

    1. The government has to take measures to protect their regions from smog.

    2. Winter temperatures in many places have become higher recently.

    3. Serious measures have been taken to create a system of ecological security.

    4. The ecologically poor countries have to create eco-economy to avoid the ecological crisis.

    5. Large cities have thousands of smoky industrial enterprises all over the world today.

    a) смысловой глагол;

    b) вспомогательный глагол;

    c) эквивалент модального глагола must.

    3. Choose the appropriate form of the Participle:

    1. The innovative method of water purifying … at some
    chemical plants is very effective.

    a) using b) having used c) being used

    2. While … the data in several regions experts found out the rising of the temperature by at least three degrees.

    a) analyzed b) being analyzed c) analyzing

    3. ... enough information the use of renewable energy, he began working on an article to publish it in a scientific journal.

    a) having collected b) having been collected c) collected

    4. The Prime Minister will visit the areas … by the floods.

    a) affected b) affecting c) being affected

    5.The population has drastically… in this country lately.

    a) decreased b) decreasing c) being decreased

    4. Choose the appropriate translation of the words in italics:

    1. The technicians were installing the new ventilation and air conditioning system when the inspection commission arrived.

    2. When installing the new ventilation and air conditioning system the technicians usually find some malfunctions.

    3. The new ventilation and air conditioning system being installed by the technicians was delivered from China.

    4. The inspection commission checked the new ventilation and air conditioning systems installed.

    5. Having installed the new ventilation and air conditioning system, the technicians started testing it.

    6. The technicians installing the new ventilation and air conditioning system are the first-rate specialists.

    7. The technicians installed the new ventilation and air conditioning system two hours ago.

    8. Unless installed the new ventilation and air conditioning system must not be put into operation.

    9. Installing the new ventilation and air conditioning system the technicians used the special equipment.

    10. The new ventilation and air conditioning systems were being installed by the technicians when the inspection commission arrived.

    a) установив;

    b) установленные;

    c) устанавливали;

    d) устанавливающие;

    e) установили;

    f) если не установят/пока не установят;

    g) которые устанавливают;

    h) при установке;

    i) устанавливались;

    j) устанавливая.

    5. State the function of the Participle:

    1. While carrying this experiment he obtained the striking results.

    2. The volunteers are going to help regions damaged by the earthquake.

    3. Being a skilled environmental engineer he managed to develop the innovative purification system of drinking water from harmful substances in a short time.

    4. The scientists have already compared the facts and are ready to make some conclusions.

    5. The conference taking place at the University is devoted to
    problems of global warming.

    a) обстоятельство;

    b) часть сказуемого;

    c) определение.

    6.Find the sentences with the absolute participial constructions and translate them into Russian:

    1. Having placed his report about the ecological problems in his native city on the international environmental website my friend was invited to take part at the eco-forum in Copenhagen.

    2. Ships let trash into water bodies, with oil flowing from broken ships.

    3. While measuring greenhouse gas emissions they should use the most up-to-date equipment.

    4. The data having been obtained, the environmentalists launched the new project on saving the forests.

    5. The experiment was over, with the participants presenting the results at the webinar.
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