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  • 2. State the function of the verb «to have»

  • 3. Choose the appropriate form of the Participle

  • 4. Choose the appropriate translation of the words in italics

  • 5. State the function of the Participle

  • 6. Find


  • 1. Find the appropriate equivalent

  • 2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below

  • NEW Учебник_ Английский 2022 (3)-1. University Life Learning Process and Challenges Students Face while Studying

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    1. State the function of the verb «to be»:

    1. What are the most serious environmental problems?

    2. There were hundred participants at the international environmental
    conference yesterday.

    3. Vast forests are cut and burnt in fire.

    4. The more civilization is developing, the greater ecological problems are becoming.

    5. He is to start the work tomorrow.

    6. Sweden and Norway are countries with the highly developed system of environmental security.

    7. There are many ways to prevent the ecological crisis.

    8. Why weren’t you at the ecological event held by Greenpeace?

    9. What is the climate in the USA like?

    10. The online conference on protection of polluted water bodies is to hold at11 am.

    a) смысловой глагол;

    b) вспомогательный глагол;

    c) глагол-связка;

    d) эквивалент модального глагола must;

    e) элемент конструкции «there+be».

    2. State the function of the verb «to have»:

    1. The experts from environmental protection agencies have already discussed problems facing ecologically poor regions.

    2. The laboratory has the most up-to-date equipment.

    3. The environmentalists from various countries had to develop an international program to study the data on land, forest, atmospheric and oceanic resources.

    4. Public attention to the problems of pollution has become a part of our lives.

    5. It is thought that this idea has no practical purpose.

    a) смысловой глагол;

    b) вспомогательный глагол;

    c) эквивалент модального глагола must.

    3. Choose the appropriate form of the Participle:

    1. … all our preparations, we started a new series of experiments.

    a) completed b) having completed c) completing

    2. Deforestation is one of the main factors … air pollution.

    a) causing b) being caused c) having caused

    3. Humanity cannot live in a world of … air and water, empty seas and vanishing wildlife.

    a) being polluted b) polluted c) polluting

    4. Campaigns … by Greenpeace help protect nature.

    1. being organized b) organizing c) having organized

    1. … properly, the environmental seminar was a success.

    1. having been prepared b) having prepared c) preparing

    4. Choose the appropriate translation of the words in italics:

    1. The specialists were repairing the water-filtration system when the inspection commission arrived.

    2. When repairing the water-filtration system the technicians found the serious defect.

    3. The water-filtration system being repaired by the technicians was manufactured in Germany.

    4. The inspection commission tested the water-filtration system repaired.

    5. Having repaired the water-filtration system the specialists started checking it.

    6. The technicians repairing the water-filtration system are skilled specialists.

    7. The specialists repaired the water-filtration system yesterday.

    8. Having been repaired at this chemical plant, the new water-filtration system started working continuously.

    9. Repairing the new water-filtration system the technicians used the special equipment.

    10. The new water-filtration system was being repaired by the technicians when the inspection commission arrived.

    a) отремонтировав;

    b) отремонтированная;

    c) ремонтировали;

    d) ремонтирующие;

    e) отремонтировали;

    f) после того как отремонтировали;

    g) которую ремонтируют;

    h) при ремонте;

    i) ремонтировалась;

    j) ремонтируя.

    5. State the function of the Participle:

    1. Recycling paper, cans and bottles you can save the nature.

    2. Having completed all our preparations, we started a new series of experiments.

    3. Many environmental conferences being held by these organizations touch the climate change issues.

    4. Global warming can be reduced by lowering and removing them from the atmosphere.

    5. Badly polluted air does not let the warmth out into space.

    a) обстоятельство;

    b) часть сказуемого;

    c) определение.

    6. Find the sentences with the absolute participial constructions and translate them into Russian:

    1. The climate on the planet is known to have changed greatly.

    2. All the preparations having been completed, the environmental engineer started to develop a new equipment for the water and sewer services.

    3. If done properly our research will give good results.

    4. There are a lot of polluted countries, the worst situation being in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

    5. The students were presenting their projects on the environmental protection, with the jury listening to them very attentively.


    It has been said that arguing

    against globalization

    is like arguing against the laws of gravity.

    Kofi Annan

    1. How do you understand the term «globalization»?

    2. Do you like to live in the global world? Why?
    1. Find the appropriate equivalent:

    1. multinational corporation

    1. справляться с любой проблемой

    2. bulk shipping

    2. эксплуатация

    3. deep-seated problems

    3. транснациональная корпорация

    4. in-depth knowledge

    4. содействовать, способствовать

    5. to tackle any problem

    5. глубокие проблемы

    6. to facilitate

    6. глубокие знания

    7. to outsource

    7. перевозка крупных грузов

    8. prosperity

    8. низкая заработная плата

    9. exploitation

    9. осуществлять аутсорсинг, привлекать сторонние ресурсы

    10. low wages

    10. процветание

    11. precaution

    11. выйти на передний план

    12. on the verge of becoming extinct

    12. стремиться

    13. cultural homogeneity

    13. культурное наследие

    14. to come to the forefront

    14. предосторожность

    15. to aspire

    15. на грани исчезновения

    16. tension

    16. ограничение

    17. «Brain drain»

    17. позитивный аспект

    18. cultural background

    18. культурная однородность

    19. restriction

    19. выезд квалифицированных специалистов из страны, «утечка мозгов»

    20. upside

    20. напряжение

    2. Complete the gaps with the words and phrases below:

    1. low wages; 2. outsourced; 3. in-depth knowledge; 4. come to the forefront; 5. backgrounds; 6. multinational corporations; 7. becoming extinct; 8. upsides; 9. facilitates; 10. precautions.
    1. The large … deal with issues that do not pay attention to borders.

    2. Earlier, it would not have been possible to have an ... about other countries and their cultures.

    3. Production was … to low-cost countries.

    4. Globalization also… information flows.

    5. The welcoming of traditions and customs from different cultural … has helped to create new cultures, therefore, aiding in societal growth.

    6. Some companies in developing countries pay … the employees.

    7. When food items are transported from one country to the other, there needs to be proper … taken to preserve them.

    8. Natural resources are depleting and are on the verge of … .

    9. As dominant cultures … , the ethical, moral and cultural identity of other countries is lost and misunderstood.

    10. Globalization has plenty of … as well as serious downsides.
    Part 1. GLOBALIZATION AND ITS key characteristics
    Read the text and state the main characteristics of globalization.
    Globalization can be described as a trend by which the countries are unified into a single society and function together worldwide.

    This process is the free mobilization of products, services and people across the world in a coordinated and seamless manner. This can be as a result of investment and international trade which is also aided by information communication technology. Technology is the major drive to globalization, with the advancing technology globalization is increasing rapidly.

    Globalization can have an effect on culture, on the political system, on human well-being, on economic development and the environment in societies around the world. Whether these effects are negative or positive, is determined by individuals and societies.

    The idea of globalization may be simplified by identifying several key characteristics:

    Improved Communications

    The development of communication technologies such as the Internet, e-mail and mobile phones have been vital to the growth of globalization because they help multinational corporations (MNCs) to operate throughout the world. The development of satellite TV channels such as BBC and CNN have also provided worldwide marketing avenues for the concept and products of globalization.

    Improved Transport

    The development of refrigerated and container transport, bulk shipping and improved air transport have allowed the easy mass movement of goods throughout the world.

    The Growth of Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

    The large multinational corporations deal with issues that do not pay attention to borders. The investment of MNCs in farms, mines and factories across the world is a major part of globalization. Globalization allows MNCs to produce goods and services and to sell products on a massive scale throughout the world.

    Examples of the world’s largest corporations include Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Johnson and Johnson, General Electric, China Mobile and many others.

    Free Trade Agreements

    MNCs and developed countries have always promoted global free trade as a way of increasing their own wealth and influence.International organizations such as the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) also promote free trade.

    Global Banking

    Modern communication technologies allow vast amounts of capital to flow freely and instantly throughout the world.The equivalent of up to $US1.3 trillion is traded each day through international stock exchanges in cities such as New York, London and Tokyo.

    Spreading of Knowledge

    Earlier, it would not have been possible to have an in-depth knowledge about other countries and their cultures. But due to important tools of globalization, like the Internet, it becomes possible to know everything that is happening around the world. It is possible to know about the different cultures of the world, varied food habits, the kind of education systems that exist, world news and other current events. The world shares entertainment, books, recipes and much more.

    Globalization is a complicated issue. It is necessary to evaluate the pros and cons before drawing any conclusions. Let us take a look at some of them.


    Read the text and speak on the most essential pros and cons of globalization.

    Pros of Globalization

    Supporters of globalization state that it has the potential to make this world a better place to live in and solve some of the deep-seated problems like unemployment and poverty.

    Advantage in Cooperation of Advanced Economies

    Globalization provides an opportunity for the most significant economies and countries in the world today to work together to accomplish big goals. Whether nations are building space stations that orbit our planet, sending missions to the moon, or developing ways to counter hunger that every family can afford, this process frequently tries to make the world become a better place. As a rule it is a challenge for one country to manage the difficulties by itself.Through the spirit of cooperation humanity can use its strength to tackle any problem.

    Increase in Free Trade

    Freedom of trade between countries has allowed people to access items that were previously unavailable to them before. This also leads to competitive pricing. An increase in free trade has opened doors for investors in developed countries to invest their money in developing countries.

    Increase in Educational Opportunities

    With the increase in globalization people have greater access to skills training and educational opportunities. This has resulted in an integration of cultures. People from underdeveloped and developing countries often move to developed countries to get better education.

    Market Competition

    Globalization brings competition to the market and competition leads to the production of high-quality goods and services. Companies are forced to rise to the demands of the consumers’ satisfaction level and standard in order to fight off competition from foreign businesses. As a result, consumers can easily get affordable goods, better services, technology improved products and many more due to the globalization. It helps to choose from diverse products and find what you want and need exactly.

    Faster Flow of Information

    The global mass media, in other words, the Internet facilitates the free flow of communication, therefore, tying the world together. The Internet allows vital information to be easily shared between individuals, societies and companies from any part of the world.

    Increase in Employment Opportunities

    The global processes lead to higher employment since developed countries outsource jobs to underdeveloped countries. You can apply anywhere according to your education and skills. The Internet further facilitates the application process for you since it is basically free to apply for international work through their employment platforms. Therefore, millions of people around the world have much better employment opportunities due to globalization.

    Legal Effects

    This indeed is one of the positive effects of globalization since it increases the awareness of Human Rights in nations of the world. The global mass media coverage the violation of Human Rights and it receives attention around the world. Globalization makes it easier for world leaders to address inequalities since it promotes information and openness. This also results in democracy and prosperity.

    Culture Exchange

    As there is no single civilization with all good cultural practices, one of the major positive effects of globalization is that it has helped to bring together various cultures making the world a better place. Also, the welcoming of others traditions and customs from different cultural backgrounds has helped to create new cultures, therefore, aiding in societal growth. Globalization makes countries of the world adopt the cultures which are beneficial in the long run.
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